# < 👋 Hello World >
Hi everyone and welcome to my profile, I'm Richard Harvey (or you can call me Ric). I'm a developer advocate in my day job connecting with over 10,000 engineers internally to deliver technical demo's, workshops and tutorials to the organisation. As a lot of my work is around Open Source Technology I also work hard to be able to release the tutorials to the wider public.
I’m well versed in AWS and have worked with the API’s since the early days of SOAP to the modern-day REST API. I’ve built large-scale systems managed by a host of tooling including Forgejo, GitLab, Jenkins, Circle CI, and Travis. I mainly write code in python but have recently taken to rust. When it comes to IaC I’m a Terraform convert, however, I can also use Cloudformation when required. I’ve been responsible for building out geographically remote teams and was responsible for teams in the UK, Germany and France in a previous role.
I enjoy building and supporting online technical communities, be that public groups such as the aws mastodon instance or internal developer communities to help organisations bring about cultural change and engineering transformation.
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