fix build issue

This commit is contained in:
Ian Kent 2017-04-16 23:41:32 +01:00
parent e36957a0db
commit 5c4899c652
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: CE5AC689AF520A48
112 changed files with 7060 additions and 7621 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Copyright (c) 2013, Space Monkey, Inc.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
Goroutine local storage
It is my duty to point you to, which is how
Google solves all of the problems you'd perhaps consider using this package
for at scale.
One downside to Google's approach is that *all* of your functions must have
a new first argument, but after clearing that hurdle everything else is much
If you aren't interested in this warning, read on.
### Huhwaht? Why? ###
Every so often, a thread shows up on the
[golang-nuts]( asking for some
form of goroutine-local-storage, or some kind of goroutine id, or some kind of
context. There are a few valid use cases for goroutine-local-storage, one of
the most prominent being log line context. One poster was interested in being
able to log an HTTP request context id in every log line in the same goroutine
as the incoming HTTP request, without having to change every library and
function call he was interested in logging.
This would be pretty useful. Provided that you could get some kind of
goroutine-local-storage, you could call
[log.SetOutput]( with your own logging
writer that checks goroutine-local-storage for some context information and
adds that context to your log lines.
But alas, Andrew Gerrand's typically diplomatic answer to the question of
goroutine-local variables was:
> We wouldn't even be having this discussion if thread local storage wasn't
> useful. But every feature comes at a cost, and in my opinion the cost of
> threadlocals far outweighs their benefits. They're just not a good fit for
> Go.
So, yeah, that makes sense. That's a pretty good reason for why the language
won't support a specific and (relatively) unuseful feature that requires some
runtime changes, just for the sake of a little bit of log improvement.
But does Go require runtime changes?
### How it works ###
Go has pretty fantastic introspective and reflective features, but one thing Go
doesn't give you is any kind of access to the stack pointer, or frame pointer,
or goroutine id, or anything contextual about your current stack. It gives you
access to your list of callers, but only along with program counters, which are
fixed at compile time.
But it does give you the stack.
So, we define 16 special functions and embed base-16 tags into the stack using
the call order of those 16 functions. Then, we can read our tags back out of
the stack looking at the callers list.
We then use these tags as an index into a traditional map for implementing
this library.
### What are people saying? ###
"Wow, that's horrifying."
"This is the most terrible thing I have seen in a very long time."
"Where is it getting a context from? Is this serializing all the requests?
What the heck is the client being bound to? What are these tags? Why does he
need callers? Oh god no. No no no."
### Docs ###
Please see the docs at
### Related ###
If you're okay relying on the string format of the current runtime stacktrace
including a unique goroutine id (not guaranteed by the spec or anything, but
very unlikely to change within a Go release), you might be able to squeeze
out a bit more performance by using this similar library, inspired by some
code Brad Fitzpatrick wrote for debugging his HTTP/2 library: (in contrast, jtolds/gls doesn't require
any knowledge of the string format of the runtime stacktrace, which
probably adds unnecessary overhead).

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@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
// Package gls implements goroutine-local storage.
package gls
import (
var (
mgrRegistry = make(map[*ContextManager]bool)
mgrRegistryMtx sync.RWMutex
// Values is simply a map of key types to value types. Used by SetValues to
// set multiple values at once.
type Values map[interface{}]interface{}
// ContextManager is the main entrypoint for interacting with
// Goroutine-local-storage. You can have multiple independent ContextManagers
// at any given time. ContextManagers are usually declared globally for a given
// class of context variables. You should use NewContextManager for
// construction.
type ContextManager struct {
mtx sync.Mutex
values map[uint]Values
// NewContextManager returns a brand new ContextManager. It also registers the
// new ContextManager in the ContextManager registry which is used by the Go
// method. ContextManagers are typically defined globally at package scope.
func NewContextManager() *ContextManager {
mgr := &ContextManager{values: make(map[uint]Values)}
defer mgrRegistryMtx.Unlock()
mgrRegistry[mgr] = true
return mgr
// Unregister removes a ContextManager from the global registry, used by the
// Go method. Only intended for use when you're completely done with a
// ContextManager. Use of Unregister at all is rare.
func (m *ContextManager) Unregister() {
defer mgrRegistryMtx.Unlock()
delete(mgrRegistry, m)
// SetValues takes a collection of values and a function to call for those
// values to be set in. Anything further down the stack will have the set
// values available through GetValue. SetValues will add new values or replace
// existing values of the same key and will not mutate or change values for
// previous stack frames.
// SetValues is slow (makes a copy of all current and new values for the new
// gls-context) in order to reduce the amount of lookups GetValue requires.
func (m *ContextManager) SetValues(new_values Values, context_call func()) {
if len(new_values) == 0 {
mutated_keys := make([]interface{}, 0, len(new_values))
mutated_vals := make(Values, len(new_values))
EnsureGoroutineId(func(gid uint) {
state, found := m.values[gid]
if !found {
state = make(Values, len(new_values))
m.values[gid] = state
for key, new_val := range new_values {
mutated_keys = append(mutated_keys, key)
if old_val, ok := state[key]; ok {
mutated_vals[key] = old_val
state[key] = new_val
defer func() {
if !found {
delete(m.values, gid)
for _, key := range mutated_keys {
if val, ok := mutated_vals[key]; ok {
state[key] = val
} else {
delete(state, key)
// GetValue will return a previously set value, provided that the value was set
// by SetValues somewhere higher up the stack. If the value is not found, ok
// will be false.
func (m *ContextManager) GetValue(key interface{}) (
value interface{}, ok bool) {
gid, ok := GetGoroutineId()
if !ok {
return nil, false
state, found := m.values[gid]
if !found {
return nil, false
value, ok = state[key]
return value, ok
func (m *ContextManager) getValues() Values {
gid, ok := GetGoroutineId()
if !ok {
return nil
state, _ := m.values[gid]
return state
// Go preserves ContextManager values and Goroutine-local-storage across new
// goroutine invocations. The Go method makes a copy of all existing values on
// all registered context managers and makes sure they are still set after
// kicking off the provided function in a new goroutine. If you don't use this
// Go method instead of the standard 'go' keyword, you will lose values in
// ContextManagers, as goroutines have brand new stacks.
func Go(cb func()) {
defer mgrRegistryMtx.RUnlock()
for mgr := range mgrRegistry {
values := mgr.getValues()
if len(values) > 0 {
cb = func(mgr *ContextManager, cb func()) func() {
return func() { mgr.SetValues(values, cb) }
}(mgr, cb)
go cb()

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package gls
import (
var (
keyMtx sync.Mutex
keyCounter uint64
// ContextKey is a throwaway value you can use as a key to a ContextManager
type ContextKey struct{ id uint64 }
// GenSym will return a brand new, never-before-used ContextKey
func GenSym() ContextKey {
defer keyMtx.Unlock()
keyCounter += 1
return ContextKey{id: keyCounter}

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package gls
var (
stackTagPool = &idPool{}
// Will return this goroutine's identifier if set. If you always need a
// goroutine identifier, you should use EnsureGoroutineId which will make one
// if there isn't one already.
func GetGoroutineId() (gid uint, ok bool) {
return readStackTag()
// Will call cb with the current goroutine identifier. If one hasn't already
// been generated, one will be created and set first. The goroutine identifier
// might be invalid after cb returns.
func EnsureGoroutineId(cb func(gid uint)) {
if gid, ok := readStackTag(); ok {
gid := stackTagPool.Acquire()
defer stackTagPool.Release(gid)
addStackTag(gid, func() { cb(gid) })

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package gls
// though this could probably be better at keeping ids smaller, the goal of
// this class is to keep a registry of the smallest unique integer ids
// per-process possible
import (
type idPool struct {
mtx sync.Mutex
released []uint
max_id uint
func (p *idPool) Acquire() (id uint) {
defer p.mtx.Unlock()
if len(p.released) > 0 {
id = p.released[len(p.released)-1]
p.released = p.released[:len(p.released)-1]
return id
id = p.max_id
return id
func (p *idPool) Release(id uint) {
defer p.mtx.Unlock()
p.released = append(p.released, id)

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@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
package gls
// so, basically, we're going to encode integer tags in base-16 on the stack
const (
bitWidth = 4
stackBatchSize = 16
var (
pc_lookup = make(map[uintptr]int8, 17)
mark_lookup [16]func(uint, func())
func init() {
setEntries := func(f func(uint, func()), v int8) {
var ptr uintptr
f(0, func() {
ptr = findPtr()
pc_lookup[ptr] = v
if v >= 0 {
mark_lookup[v] = f
setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_markS, -0x1)
setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_mark0, 0x0)
setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_mark1, 0x1)
setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_mark2, 0x2)
setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_mark3, 0x3)
setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_mark4, 0x4)
setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_mark5, 0x5)
setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_mark6, 0x6)
setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_mark7, 0x7)
setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_mark8, 0x8)
setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_mark9, 0x9)
setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_markA, 0xa)
setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_markB, 0xb)
setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_markC, 0xc)
setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_markD, 0xd)
setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_markE, 0xe)
setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_markF, 0xf)
func addStackTag(tag uint, context_call func()) {
if context_call == nil {
github_com_jtolds_gls_markS(tag, context_call)
// these private methods are named this horrendous name so gopherjs support
// is easier. it shouldn't add any runtime cost in non-js builds.
func github_com_jtolds_gls_markS(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
func github_com_jtolds_gls_mark0(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
func github_com_jtolds_gls_mark1(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
func github_com_jtolds_gls_mark2(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
func github_com_jtolds_gls_mark3(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
func github_com_jtolds_gls_mark4(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
func github_com_jtolds_gls_mark5(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
func github_com_jtolds_gls_mark6(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
func github_com_jtolds_gls_mark7(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
func github_com_jtolds_gls_mark8(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
func github_com_jtolds_gls_mark9(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
func github_com_jtolds_gls_markA(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
func github_com_jtolds_gls_markB(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
func github_com_jtolds_gls_markC(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
func github_com_jtolds_gls_markD(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
func github_com_jtolds_gls_markE(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
func github_com_jtolds_gls_markF(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
func _m(tag_remainder uint, cb func()) {
if tag_remainder == 0 {
} else {
mark_lookup[tag_remainder&0xf](tag_remainder>>bitWidth, cb)
func readStackTag() (tag uint, ok bool) {
var current_tag uint
offset := 0
for {
// the expectation with getStack is that it will either:
// * return everything when offset is 0 and ignore stackBatchSize,
// otherwise returning nothing when offset is not 0 (the gopherjs case)
// * or it will return at most stackBatchSize, respect offset, and
// shouldn't be called when it returns less than stackBatchSize
// (the runtime.Callers case).
batch := getStack(offset, stackBatchSize)
for _, pc := range batch {
val, ok := pc_lookup[pc]
if !ok {
if val < 0 {
return current_tag, true
current_tag <<= bitWidth
current_tag += uint(val)
if len(batch) < stackBatchSize {
offset += len(batch)
return 0, false

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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
// +build js
package gls
// This file is used for GopherJS builds, which don't have normal runtime
// stack trace support
import (
const (
jsFuncNamePrefix = "github_com_jtolds_gls_mark"
func jsMarkStack() (f []uintptr) {
lines := strings.Split(
js.Global.Get("Error").New().Get("stack").String(), "\n")
f = make([]uintptr, 0, len(lines))
for i, line := range lines {
line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
if line == "" {
if i == 0 {
if line != "Error" {
panic("didn't understand js stack trace")
fields := strings.Fields(line)
if len(fields) < 2 || fields[0] != "at" {
panic("didn't understand js stack trace")
pos := strings.Index(fields[1], jsFuncNamePrefix)
if pos < 0 {
pos += len(jsFuncNamePrefix)
if pos >= len(fields[1]) {
panic("didn't understand js stack trace")
char := string(fields[1][pos])
switch char {
case "S":
f = append(f, uintptr(0))
val, err := strconv.ParseUint(char, 16, 8)
if err != nil {
panic("didn't understand js stack trace")
f = append(f, uintptr(val)+1)
return f
func findPtr() uintptr {
funcs := jsMarkStack()
if len(funcs) == 0 {
panic("failed to find function pointer")
return funcs[0]
func getStack(offset, amount int) []uintptr {
if offset != 0 {
return nil
return jsMarkStack()

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
// +build !js
package gls
// This file is used for standard Go builds, which have the expected runtime
// support
import (
func getStack(offset, amount int) []uintptr {
stack := make([]uintptr, amount)
return stack[:runtime.Callers(offset, stack)]
func findPtr() uintptr {
pc, _, _, ok := runtime.Caller(3)
if !ok {
panic("failed to find function pointer")
return pc

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
package api
import (
gohttp "net/http"
func CreateAPI(conf *config.Config, r gohttp.Handler) {
apiv1 := createAPIv1(conf, r.(*pat.Router))
apiv2 := createAPIv2(conf, r.(*pat.Router))
go func() {
for {
select {
case msg := <-conf.MessageChan:
apiv1.messageChan <- msg
apiv2.messageChan <- msg

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@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
package api
import (
// APIv1 implements version 1 of the MailHog API
// The specification has been frozen and will eventually be deprecated.
// Only bug fixes and non-breaking changes will be applied here.
// Any changes/additions should be added in APIv2.
type APIv1 struct {
config *config.Config
messageChan chan *data.Message
// FIXME should probably move this into APIv1 struct
var stream *goose.EventStream
// ReleaseConfig is an alias to preserve go package API
type ReleaseConfig config.OutgoingSMTP
func createAPIv1(conf *config.Config, r *pat.Router) *APIv1 {
log.Println("Creating API v1 with WebPath: " + conf.WebPath)
apiv1 := &APIv1{
config: conf,
messageChan: make(chan *data.Message),
stream = goose.NewEventStream()
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v1/messages").Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(apiv1.messages)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v1/messages").Methods("DELETE").HandlerFunc(apiv1.delete_all)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v1/messages").Methods("OPTIONS").HandlerFunc(apiv1.defaultOptions)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v1/messages/{id}").Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(apiv1.message)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v1/messages/{id}").Methods("DELETE").HandlerFunc(apiv1.delete_one)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v1/messages/{id}").Methods("OPTIONS").HandlerFunc(apiv1.defaultOptions)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v1/messages/{id}/download").Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v1/messages/{id}/download").Methods("OPTIONS").HandlerFunc(apiv1.defaultOptions)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v1/messages/{id}/mime/part/{part}/download").Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(apiv1.download_part)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v1/messages/{id}/mime/part/{part}/download").Methods("OPTIONS").HandlerFunc(apiv1.defaultOptions)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v1/messages/{id}/release").Methods("POST").HandlerFunc(apiv1.release_one)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v1/messages/{id}/release").Methods("OPTIONS").HandlerFunc(apiv1.defaultOptions)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v1/events").Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(apiv1.eventstream)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v1/events").Methods("OPTIONS").HandlerFunc(apiv1.defaultOptions)
go func() {
keepaliveTicker := time.Tick(time.Minute)
for {
select {
case msg := <-apiv1.messageChan:
log.Println("Got message in APIv1 event stream")
bytes, _ := json.MarshalIndent(msg, "", " ")
json := string(bytes)
log.Printf("Sending content: %s\n", json)
case <-keepaliveTicker:
return apiv1
func (apiv1 *APIv1) defaultOptions(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
if len(apiv1.config.CORSOrigin) > 0 {
w.Header().Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", apiv1.config.CORSOrigin)
w.Header().Add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "OPTIONS,GET,POST,DELETE")
w.Header().Add("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type")
func (apiv1 *APIv1) broadcast(json string) {
log.Println("[APIv1] BROADCAST /api/v1/events")
b := []byte(json)
stream.Notify("data", b)
// keepalive sends an empty keep alive message.
// This not only can keep connections alive, but also will detect broken
// connections. Without this it is possible for the server to become
// unresponsive due to too many open files.
func (apiv1 *APIv1) keepalive() {
log.Println("[APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events")
stream.Notify("keepalive", []byte{})
func (apiv1 *APIv1) eventstream(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
log.Println("[APIv1] GET /api/v1/events")
if len(apiv1.config.CORSOrigin) > 0 {
w.Header().Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", apiv1.config.CORSOrigin)
w.Header().Add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "OPTIONS,GET,POST,DELETE")
func (apiv1 *APIv1) messages(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
log.Println("[APIv1] GET /api/v1/messages")
apiv1.defaultOptions(w, req)
// TODO start, limit
switch apiv1.config.Storage.(type) {
case *storage.MongoDB:
messages, _ := apiv1.config.Storage.(*storage.MongoDB).List(0, 1000)
bytes, _ := json.Marshal(messages)
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "text/json")
case *storage.InMemory:
messages, _ := apiv1.config.Storage.(*storage.InMemory).List(0, 1000)
bytes, _ := json.Marshal(messages)
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "text/json")
func (apiv1 *APIv1) message(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
id := req.URL.Query().Get(":id")
log.Printf("[APIv1] GET /api/v1/messages/%s\n", id)
apiv1.defaultOptions(w, req)
message, err := apiv1.config.Storage.Load(id)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("- Error: %s", err)
bytes, err := json.Marshal(message)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("- Error: %s", err)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/json")
func (apiv1 *APIv1) download(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
id := req.URL.Query().Get(":id")
log.Printf("[APIv1] GET /api/v1/messages/%s\n", id)
apiv1.defaultOptions(w, req)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "message/rfc822")
w.Header().Set("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\""+id+".eml\"")
switch apiv1.config.Storage.(type) {
case *storage.MongoDB:
message, _ := apiv1.config.Storage.(*storage.MongoDB).Load(id)
for h, l := range message.Content.Headers {
for _, v := range l {
w.Write([]byte(h + ": " + v + "\r\n"))
w.Write([]byte("\r\n" + message.Content.Body))
case *storage.InMemory:
message, _ := apiv1.config.Storage.(*storage.InMemory).Load(id)
for h, l := range message.Content.Headers {
for _, v := range l {
w.Write([]byte(h + ": " + v + "\r\n"))
w.Write([]byte("\r\n" + message.Content.Body))
func (apiv1 *APIv1) download_part(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
id := req.URL.Query().Get(":id")
part := req.URL.Query().Get(":part")
log.Printf("[APIv1] GET /api/v1/messages/%s/mime/part/%s/download\n", id, part)
// TODO extension from content-type?
apiv1.defaultOptions(w, req)
w.Header().Set("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\""+id+"-part-"+part+"\"")
message, _ := apiv1.config.Storage.Load(id)
contentTransferEncoding := ""
pid, _ := strconv.Atoi(part)
for h, l := range message.MIME.Parts[pid].Headers {
for _, v := range l {
switch strings.ToLower(h) {
case "content-disposition":
// Prevent duplicate "content-disposition"
w.Header().Set(h, v)
case "content-transfer-encoding":
if contentTransferEncoding == "" {
contentTransferEncoding = v
w.Header().Add(h, v)
body := []byte(message.MIME.Parts[pid].Body)
if strings.ToLower(contentTransferEncoding) == "base64" {
var e error
body, e = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(message.MIME.Parts[pid].Body)
if e != nil {
log.Printf("[APIv1] Decoding base64 encoded body failed: %s", e)
func (apiv1 *APIv1) delete_all(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
log.Println("[APIv1] POST /api/v1/messages")
apiv1.defaultOptions(w, req)
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "text/json")
err := apiv1.config.Storage.DeleteAll()
if err != nil {
func (apiv1 *APIv1) release_one(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
id := req.URL.Query().Get(":id")
log.Printf("[APIv1] POST /api/v1/messages/%s/release\n", id)
apiv1.defaultOptions(w, req)
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "text/json")
msg, _ := apiv1.config.Storage.Load(id)
decoder := json.NewDecoder(req.Body)
var cfg ReleaseConfig
err := decoder.Decode(&cfg)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error decoding request body: %s", err)
w.Write([]byte("Error decoding request body"))
log.Printf("%+v", cfg)
log.Printf("Got message: %s", msg.ID)
if cfg.Save {
if _, ok := apiv1.config.OutgoingSMTP[cfg.Name]; ok {
log.Printf("Server already exists named %s", cfg.Name)
cf := config.OutgoingSMTP(cfg)
apiv1.config.OutgoingSMTP[cfg.Name] = &cf
log.Printf("Saved server with name %s", cfg.Name)
if len(cfg.Name) > 0 {
if c, ok := apiv1.config.OutgoingSMTP[cfg.Name]; ok {
log.Printf("Using server with name: %s", cfg.Name)
cfg.Name = c.Name
if len(cfg.Email) == 0 {
cfg.Email = c.Email
cfg.Host = c.Host
cfg.Port = c.Port
cfg.Username = c.Username
cfg.Password = c.Password
cfg.Mechanism = c.Mechanism
} else {
log.Printf("Server not found: %s", cfg.Name)
log.Printf("Releasing to %s (via %s:%s)", cfg.Email, cfg.Host, cfg.Port)
bytes := make([]byte, 0)
for h, l := range msg.Content.Headers {
for _, v := range l {
bytes = append(bytes, []byte(h+": "+v+"\r\n")...)
bytes = append(bytes, []byte("\r\n"+msg.Content.Body)...)
var auth smtp.Auth
if len(cfg.Username) > 0 || len(cfg.Password) > 0 {
log.Printf("Found username/password, using auth mechanism: [%s]", cfg.Mechanism)
switch cfg.Mechanism {
case "CRAMMD5":
auth = smtp.CRAMMD5Auth(cfg.Username, cfg.Password)
case "PLAIN":
auth = smtp.PlainAuth("", cfg.Username, cfg.Password, cfg.Host)
log.Printf("Error - invalid authentication mechanism")
err = smtp.SendMail(cfg.Host+":"+cfg.Port, auth, "nobody@"+apiv1.config.Hostname, []string{cfg.Email}, bytes)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to release message: %s", err)
log.Printf("Message released successfully")
func (apiv1 *APIv1) delete_one(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
id := req.URL.Query().Get(":id")
log.Printf("[APIv1] POST /api/v1/messages/%s/delete\n", id)
apiv1.defaultOptions(w, req)
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "text/json")
err := apiv1.config.Storage.DeleteOne(id)
if err != nil {

View file

@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
package api
import (
// APIv2 implements version 2 of the MailHog API
// It is currently experimental and may change in future releases.
// Use APIv1 for guaranteed compatibility.
type APIv2 struct {
config *config.Config
messageChan chan *data.Message
wsHub *websockets.Hub
func createAPIv2(conf *config.Config, r *pat.Router) *APIv2 {
log.Println("Creating API v2 with WebPath: " + conf.WebPath)
apiv2 := &APIv2{
config: conf,
messageChan: make(chan *data.Message),
wsHub: websockets.NewHub(),
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v2/messages").Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(apiv2.messages)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v2/messages").Methods("OPTIONS").HandlerFunc(apiv2.defaultOptions)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v2/search").Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v2/search").Methods("OPTIONS").HandlerFunc(apiv2.defaultOptions)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v2/jim").Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(apiv2.jim)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v2/jim").Methods("POST").HandlerFunc(apiv2.createJim)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v2/jim").Methods("PUT").HandlerFunc(apiv2.updateJim)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v2/jim").Methods("DELETE").HandlerFunc(apiv2.deleteJim)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v2/jim").Methods("OPTIONS").HandlerFunc(apiv2.defaultOptions)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v2/outgoing-smtp").Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(apiv2.listOutgoingSMTP)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v2/outgoing-smtp").Methods("OPTIONS").HandlerFunc(apiv2.defaultOptions)
r.Path(conf.WebPath + "/api/v2/websocket").Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(apiv2.websocket)
go func() {
for {
select {
case msg := <-apiv2.messageChan:
log.Println("Got message in APIv2 websocket channel")
return apiv2
func (apiv2 *APIv2) defaultOptions(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
if len(apiv2.config.CORSOrigin) > 0 {
w.Header().Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", apiv2.config.CORSOrigin)
w.Header().Add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "OPTIONS,GET,PUT,POST,DELETE")
w.Header().Add("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type")
type messagesResult struct {
Total int `json:"total"`
Count int `json:"count"`
Start int `json:"start"`
Items []data.Message `json:"items"`
func (apiv2 *APIv2) getStartLimit(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (start, limit int) {
start = 0
limit = 50
s := req.URL.Query().Get("start")
if n, e := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 64); e == nil && n > 0 {
start = int(n)
l := req.URL.Query().Get("limit")
if n, e := strconv.ParseInt(l, 10, 64); e == nil && n > 0 {
if n > 250 {
n = 250
limit = int(n)
func (apiv2 *APIv2) messages(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
log.Println("[APIv2] GET /api/v2/messages")
apiv2.defaultOptions(w, req)
start, limit := apiv2.getStartLimit(w, req)
var res messagesResult
messages, err := apiv2.config.Storage.List(start, limit)
if err != nil {
res.Count = len([]data.Message(*messages))
res.Start = start
res.Items = []data.Message(*messages)
res.Total = apiv2.config.Storage.Count()
bytes, _ := json.Marshal(res)
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "text/json")
func (apiv2 *APIv2) search(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
log.Println("[APIv2] GET /api/v2/search")
apiv2.defaultOptions(w, req)
start, limit := apiv2.getStartLimit(w, req)
kind := req.URL.Query().Get("kind")
if kind != "from" && kind != "to" && kind != "containing" {
query := req.URL.Query().Get("query")
if len(query) == 0 {
var res messagesResult
messages, total, _ := apiv2.config.Storage.Search(kind, query, start, limit)
res.Count = len([]data.Message(*messages))
res.Start = start
res.Items = []data.Message(*messages)
res.Total = total
b, _ := json.Marshal(res)
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
func (apiv2 *APIv2) jim(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
log.Println("[APIv2] GET /api/v2/jim")
apiv2.defaultOptions(w, req)
if apiv2.config.Monkey == nil {
b, _ := json.Marshal(apiv2.config.Monkey)
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
func (apiv2 *APIv2) deleteJim(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
log.Println("[APIv2] DELETE /api/v2/jim")
apiv2.defaultOptions(w, req)
if apiv2.config.Monkey == nil {
apiv2.config.Monkey = nil
func (apiv2 *APIv2) createJim(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
log.Println("[APIv2] POST /api/v2/jim")
apiv2.defaultOptions(w, req)
if apiv2.config.Monkey != nil {
apiv2.config.Monkey = config.Jim
// Try, but ignore errors
// Could be better (e.g., ok if no json, error if badly formed json)
// but this works for now
apiv2.newJimFromBody(w, req)
func (apiv2 *APIv2) newJimFromBody(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {
var jim monkey.Jim
dec := json.NewDecoder(req.Body)
err := dec.Decode(&jim)
if err != nil {
return err
config.Jim = &jim
apiv2.config.Monkey = &jim
return nil
func (apiv2 *APIv2) updateJim(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
log.Println("[APIv2] PUT /api/v2/jim")
apiv2.defaultOptions(w, req)
if apiv2.config.Monkey == nil {
err := apiv2.newJimFromBody(w, req)
if err != nil {
func (apiv2 *APIv2) listOutgoingSMTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
log.Println("[APIv2] GET /api/v2/outgoing-smtp")
apiv2.defaultOptions(w, req)
b, _ := json.Marshal(apiv2.config.OutgoingSMTP)
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
func (apiv2 *APIv2) websocket(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
log.Println("[APIv2] GET /api/v2/websocket")
apiv2.wsHub.Serve(w, req)
func (apiv2 *APIv2) broadcast(msg *data.Message) {
log.Println("[APIv2] BROADCAST /api/v2/websocket")

View file

@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
package config
import (
// DefaultConfig is the default config
func DefaultConfig() *Config {
return &Config{
SMTPBindAddr: "",
APIBindAddr: "",
Hostname: "mailhog.example",
MongoURI: "",
MongoDb: "mailhog",
MongoColl: "messages",
MaildirPath: "",
StorageType: "memory",
CORSOrigin: "",
WebPath: "",
MessageChan: make(chan *data.Message),
OutgoingSMTP: make(map[string]*OutgoingSMTP),
// Config is the config, kind of
type Config struct {
SMTPBindAddr string
APIBindAddr string
Hostname string
MongoURI string
MongoDb string
MongoColl string
StorageType string
CORSOrigin string
MaildirPath string
InviteJim bool
Storage storage.Storage
MessageChan chan *data.Message
Assets func(asset string) ([]byte, error)
Monkey monkey.ChaosMonkey
OutgoingSMTPFile string
OutgoingSMTP map[string]*OutgoingSMTP
WebPath string
// OutgoingSMTP is an outgoing SMTP server config
type OutgoingSMTP struct {
Name string
Save bool
Email string
Host string
Port string
Username string
Password string
Mechanism string
var cfg = DefaultConfig()
// Jim is a monkey
var Jim = &monkey.Jim{}
// Configure configures stuff
func Configure() *Config {
switch cfg.StorageType {
case "memory":
log.Println("Using in-memory storage")
cfg.Storage = storage.CreateInMemory()
case "mongodb":
log.Println("Using MongoDB message storage")
s := storage.CreateMongoDB(cfg.MongoURI, cfg.MongoDb, cfg.MongoColl)
if s == nil {
log.Println("MongoDB storage unavailable, reverting to in-memory storage")
cfg.Storage = storage.CreateInMemory()
} else {
log.Println("Connected to MongoDB")
cfg.Storage = s
case "maildir":
log.Println("Using maildir message storage")
s := storage.CreateMaildir(cfg.MaildirPath)
cfg.Storage = s
log.Fatalf("Invalid storage type %s", cfg.StorageType)
Jim.Configure(func(message string, args ...interface{}) {
log.Printf(message, args...)
if cfg.InviteJim {
cfg.Monkey = Jim
if len(cfg.OutgoingSMTPFile) > 0 {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(cfg.OutgoingSMTPFile)
if err != nil {
var o map[string]*OutgoingSMTP
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &o)
if err != nil {
cfg.OutgoingSMTP = o
return cfg
// RegisterFlags registers flags
func RegisterFlags() {
flag.StringVar(&cfg.SMTPBindAddr, "smtp-bind-addr", envconf.FromEnvP("MH_SMTP_BIND_ADDR", "").(string), "SMTP bind interface and port, e.g. or just :1025")
flag.StringVar(&cfg.APIBindAddr, "api-bind-addr", envconf.FromEnvP("MH_API_BIND_ADDR", "").(string), "HTTP bind interface and port for API, e.g. or just :8025")
flag.StringVar(&cfg.Hostname, "hostname", envconf.FromEnvP("MH_HOSTNAME", "mailhog.example").(string), "Hostname for EHLO/HELO response, e.g. mailhog.example")
flag.StringVar(&cfg.StorageType, "storage", envconf.FromEnvP("MH_STORAGE", "memory").(string), "Message storage: 'memory' (default), 'mongodb' or 'maildir'")
flag.StringVar(&cfg.MongoURI, "mongo-uri", envconf.FromEnvP("MH_MONGO_URI", "").(string), "MongoDB URI, e.g.")
flag.StringVar(&cfg.MongoDb, "mongo-db", envconf.FromEnvP("MH_MONGO_DB", "mailhog").(string), "MongoDB database, e.g. mailhog")
flag.StringVar(&cfg.MongoColl, "mongo-coll", envconf.FromEnvP("MH_MONGO_COLLECTION", "messages").(string), "MongoDB collection, e.g. messages")
flag.StringVar(&cfg.CORSOrigin, "cors-origin", envconf.FromEnvP("MH_CORS_ORIGIN", "").(string), "CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin header for API endpoints")
flag.StringVar(&cfg.MaildirPath, "maildir-path", envconf.FromEnvP("MH_MAILDIR_PATH", "").(string), "Maildir path (if storage type is 'maildir')")
flag.BoolVar(&cfg.InviteJim, "invite-jim", envconf.FromEnvP("MH_INVITE_JIM", false).(bool), "Decide whether to invite Jim (beware, he causes trouble)")
flag.StringVar(&cfg.OutgoingSMTPFile, "outgoing-smtp", envconf.FromEnvP("MH_OUTGOING_SMTP", "").(string), "JSON file containing outgoing SMTP servers")

View file

@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
package monkey
import (
// Jim is a chaos monkey
type Jim struct {
DisconnectChance float64
AcceptChance float64
LinkSpeedAffect float64
LinkSpeedMin float64
LinkSpeedMax float64
RejectSenderChance float64
RejectRecipientChance float64
RejectAuthChance float64
logf func(message string, args ...interface{})
// RegisterFlags implements ChaosMonkey.RegisterFlags
func (j *Jim) RegisterFlags() {
flag.Float64Var(&j.DisconnectChance, "jim-disconnect", 0.005, "Chance of disconnect")
flag.Float64Var(&j.AcceptChance, "jim-accept", 0.99, "Chance of accept")
flag.Float64Var(&j.LinkSpeedAffect, "jim-linkspeed-affect", 0.1, "Chance of affecting link speed")
flag.Float64Var(&j.LinkSpeedMin, "jim-linkspeed-min", 1024, "Minimum link speed (in bytes per second)")
flag.Float64Var(&j.LinkSpeedMax, "jim-linkspeed-max", 10240, "Maximum link speed (in bytes per second)")
flag.Float64Var(&j.RejectSenderChance, "jim-reject-sender", 0.05, "Chance of rejecting a sender (MAIL FROM)")
flag.Float64Var(&j.RejectRecipientChance, "jim-reject-recipient", 0.05, "Chance of rejecting a recipient (RCPT TO)")
flag.Float64Var(&j.RejectAuthChance, "jim-reject-auth", 0.05, "Chance of rejecting authentication (AUTH)")
// Configure implements ChaosMonkey.Configure
func (j *Jim) Configure(logf func(string, ...interface{})) {
j.logf = logf
// ConfigureFrom lets us configure a new Jim from an old one without
// having to expose logf (and any other future private vars)
func (j *Jim) ConfigureFrom(j2 *Jim) {
// Accept implements ChaosMonkey.Accept
func (j *Jim) Accept(conn net.Conn) bool {
if rand.Float64() > j.AcceptChance {
j.logf("Jim: Rejecting connection\n")
return false
j.logf("Jim: Allowing connection\n")
return true
// LinkSpeed implements ChaosMonkey.LinkSpeed
func (j *Jim) LinkSpeed() *linkio.Throughput {
if rand.Float64() < j.LinkSpeedAffect {
lsDiff := j.LinkSpeedMax - j.LinkSpeedMin
lsAffect := j.LinkSpeedMin + (lsDiff * rand.Float64())
f := linkio.Throughput(lsAffect) * linkio.BytePerSecond
j.logf("Jim: Restricting throughput to %s\n", f)
return &f
j.logf("Jim: Allowing unrestricted throughput")
return nil
// ValidRCPT implements ChaosMonkey.ValidRCPT
func (j *Jim) ValidRCPT(rcpt string) bool {
if rand.Float64() < j.RejectRecipientChance {
j.logf("Jim: Rejecting recipient %s\n", rcpt)
return false
j.logf("Jim: Allowing recipient%s\n", rcpt)
return true
// ValidMAIL implements ChaosMonkey.ValidMAIL
func (j *Jim) ValidMAIL(mail string) bool {
if rand.Float64() < j.RejectSenderChance {
j.logf("Jim: Rejecting sender %s\n", mail)
return false
j.logf("Jim: Allowing sender %s\n", mail)
return true
// ValidAUTH implements ChaosMonkey.ValidAUTH
func (j *Jim) ValidAUTH(mechanism string, args ...string) bool {
if rand.Float64() < j.RejectAuthChance {
j.logf("Jim: Rejecting authentication %s: %s\n", mechanism, args)
return false
j.logf("Jim: Allowing authentication %s: %s\n", mechanism, args)
return true
// Disconnect implements ChaosMonkey.Disconnect
func (j *Jim) Disconnect() bool {
if rand.Float64() < j.DisconnectChance {
j.logf("Jim: Being nasty, kicking them off\n")
return true
j.logf("Jim: Being nice, letting them stay\n")
return false

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
package monkey
import (
// ChaosMonkey should be implemented by chaos monkeys!
type ChaosMonkey interface {
Configure(func(string, ...interface{}))
// Accept is called for each incoming connection. Returning false closes the connection.
Accept(conn net.Conn) bool
// LinkSpeed sets the maximum connection throughput (in one direction)
LinkSpeed() *linkio.Throughput
// ValidRCPT is called for the RCPT command. Returning false signals an invalid recipient.
ValidRCPT(rcpt string) bool
// ValidMAIL is called for the MAIL command. Returning false signals an invalid sender.
ValidMAIL(mail string) bool
// ValidAUTH is called after authentication. Returning false signals invalid authentication.
ValidAUTH(mechanism string, args ...string) bool
// Disconnect is called after every read. Returning true will close the connection.
Disconnect() bool

View file

@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
package smtp
import (
// Session represents a SMTP session using net.TCPConn
type Session struct {
conn io.ReadWriteCloser
proto *smtp.Protocol
storage storage.Storage
messageChan chan *data.Message
remoteAddress string
isTLS bool
line string
link *linkio.Link
reader io.Reader
writer io.Writer
monkey monkey.ChaosMonkey
// Accept starts a new SMTP session using io.ReadWriteCloser
func Accept(remoteAddress string, conn io.ReadWriteCloser, storage storage.Storage, messageChan chan *data.Message, hostname string, monkey monkey.ChaosMonkey) {
defer conn.Close()
proto := smtp.NewProtocol()
proto.Hostname = hostname
var link *linkio.Link
reader := io.Reader(conn)
writer := io.Writer(conn)
if monkey != nil {
linkSpeed := monkey.LinkSpeed()
if linkSpeed != nil {
link = linkio.NewLink(*linkSpeed * linkio.BytePerSecond)
reader = link.NewLinkReader(io.Reader(conn))
writer = link.NewLinkWriter(io.Writer(conn))
session := &Session{conn, proto, storage, messageChan, remoteAddress, false, "", link, reader, writer, monkey}
proto.LogHandler = session.logf
proto.MessageReceivedHandler = session.acceptMessage
proto.ValidateSenderHandler = session.validateSender
proto.ValidateRecipientHandler = session.validateRecipient
proto.ValidateAuthenticationHandler = session.validateAuthentication
proto.GetAuthenticationMechanismsHandler = func() []string { return []string{"PLAIN"} }
session.logf("Starting session")
for session.Read() == true {
if monkey != nil && monkey.Disconnect != nil && monkey.Disconnect() {
session.logf("Session ended")
func (c *Session) validateAuthentication(mechanism string, args ...string) (errorReply *smtp.Reply, ok bool) {
if c.monkey != nil {
ok := c.monkey.ValidAUTH(mechanism, args...)
if !ok {
// FIXME better error?
return smtp.ReplyUnrecognisedCommand(), false
return nil, true
func (c *Session) validateRecipient(to string) bool {
if c.monkey != nil {
ok := c.monkey.ValidRCPT(to)
if !ok {
return false
return true
func (c *Session) validateSender(from string) bool {
if c.monkey != nil {
ok := c.monkey.ValidMAIL(from)
if !ok {
return false
return true
func (c *Session) acceptMessage(msg *data.SMTPMessage) (id string, err error) {
m := msg.Parse(c.proto.Hostname)
c.logf("Storing message %s", m.ID)
id, err =
c.messageChan <- m
func (c *Session) logf(message string, args ...interface{}) {
message = strings.Join([]string{"[SMTP %s]", message}, " ")
args = append([]interface{}{c.remoteAddress}, args...)
log.Printf(message, args...)
// Read reads from the underlying net.TCPConn
func (c *Session) Read() bool {
buf := make([]byte, 1024)
n, err := c.reader.Read(buf)
if n == 0 {
c.logf("Connection closed by remote host\n")
io.Closer(c.conn).Close() // not sure this is necessary?
return false
if err != nil {
c.logf("Error reading from socket: %s\n", err)
return false
text := string(buf[0:n])
logText := strings.Replace(text, "\n", "\\n", -1)
logText = strings.Replace(logText, "\r", "\\r", -1)
c.logf("Received %d bytes: '%s'\n", n, logText)
c.line += text
for strings.Contains(c.line, "\r\n") {
line, reply := c.proto.Parse(c.line)
c.line = line
if reply != nil {
if reply.Status == 221 {
return false
return true
// Write writes a reply to the underlying net.TCPConn
func (c *Session) Write(reply *smtp.Reply) {
lines := reply.Lines()
for _, l := range lines {
logText := strings.Replace(l, "\n", "\\n", -1)
logText = strings.Replace(logText, "\r", "\\r", -1)
c.logf("Sent %d bytes: '%s'", len(l), logText)

View file

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
package smtp
import (
func Listen(cfg *config.Config, exitCh chan int) *net.TCPListener {
log.Printf("[SMTP] Binding to address: %s\n", cfg.SMTPBindAddr)
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", cfg.SMTPBindAddr)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("[SMTP] Error listening on socket: %s\n", err)
defer ln.Close()
for {
conn, err := ln.Accept()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[SMTP] Error accepting connection: %s\n", err)
if cfg.Monkey != nil {
ok := cfg.Monkey.Accept(conn)
if !ok {
go Accept(

View file

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
package websockets
import (
const (
// Time allowed to write a message to the peer.
writeWait = 10 * time.Second
// Time allowed to read the next pong message from the peer.
pongWait = 60 * time.Second
// Send pings to peer with this period. Must be less than pongWait.
pingPeriod = (pongWait * 9) / 10
// Maximum message size allowed from peer. Set to minimum allowed value as we don't expect the client to send non-control messages.
maxMessageSize = 1
type connection struct {
hub *Hub
ws *websocket.Conn
send chan interface{}
func (c *connection) readLoop() {
defer func() {
c.hub.unregisterChan <- c
}() error {; return nil })
for {
if _, _, err :=; err != nil {
func (c *connection) writeLoop() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(pingPeriod)
defer func() {
for {
select {
case message, ok := <-c.send:
if !ok {
if err := c.writeJSON(message); err != nil {
case <-ticker.C:
if err := c.writeControl(websocket.PingMessage); err != nil {
func (c *connection) writeJSON(message interface{}) error {
func (c *connection) writeControl(messageType int) error {
return, []byte{})

View file

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
package websockets
import (
type Hub struct {
upgrader websocket.Upgrader
connections map[*connection]bool
messages chan interface{}
registerChan chan *connection
unregisterChan chan *connection
func NewHub() *Hub {
hub := &Hub{
upgrader: websocket.Upgrader{
ReadBufferSize: 256,
WriteBufferSize: 4096,
CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool {
return true
connections: make(map[*connection]bool),
messages: make(chan interface{}),
registerChan: make(chan *connection),
unregisterChan: make(chan *connection),
return hub
func (h *Hub) run() {
for {
select {
case c := <-h.registerChan:
h.connections[c] = true
case c := <-h.unregisterChan:
case m := <-h.messages:
for c := range h.connections {
select {
case c.send <- m:
func (h *Hub) unregister(c *connection) {
if _, ok := h.connections[c]; ok {
delete(h.connections, c)
func (h *Hub) Serve(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ws, err := h.upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil)
if err != nil {
c := &connection{hub: h, ws: ws, send: make(chan interface{}, 256)}
h.registerChan <- c
go c.writeLoop()
go c.readLoop()
func (h *Hub) Broadcast(data interface{}) {
h.messages <- data

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
package config
import (
func DefaultConfig() *Config {
return &Config{
APIHost: "",
UIBindAddr: "",
WebPath: "",
type Config struct {
APIHost string
UIBindAddr string
WebPath string
var cfg = DefaultConfig()
func Configure() *Config {
return cfg
func RegisterFlags() {
flag.StringVar(&cfg.APIHost, "api-host", envconf.FromEnvP("MH_API_HOST", "").(string), "API URL for MailHog UI to connect to, e.g.")
flag.StringVar(&cfg.UIBindAddr, "ui-bind-addr", envconf.FromEnvP("MH_UI_BIND_ADDR", "").(string), "HTTP bind interface and port for UI, e.g. or just :8025")

View file

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
package web
import (
var APIHost string
var WebPath string
type Web struct {
config *config.Config
asset func(string) ([]byte, error)
func CreateWeb(cfg *config.Config, pat *pat.Router, asset func(string) ([]byte, error)) *Web {
web := &Web{
config: cfg,
asset: asset,
WebPath = cfg.WebPath
log.Printf("Serving under http://%s%s/", cfg.UIBindAddr, WebPath)
pat.Path(WebPath + "/images/{file:.*}").Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(web.Static("assets/images/{{file}}"))
pat.Path(WebPath + "/css/{file:.*}").Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(web.Static("assets/css/{{file}}"))
pat.Path(WebPath + "/js/{file:.*}").Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(web.Static("assets/js/{{file}}"))
pat.Path(WebPath + "/fonts/{file:.*}").Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(web.Static("assets/fonts/{{file}}"))
pat.StrictSlash(true).Path(WebPath + "/").Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(web.Index())
return web
func (web Web) Static(pattern string) func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
fp := strings.TrimSuffix(pattern, "{{file}}") + req.URL.Query().Get(":file")
if b, err := web.asset(fp); err == nil {
ext := filepath.Ext(fp)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", mime.TypeByExtension(ext))
log.Printf("[UI] File not found: %s", fp)
func (web Web) Index() func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) {
tmpl := template.New("index.html")
tmpl.Delims("[:", ":]")
asset, err := web.asset("assets/templates/index.html")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("[UI] Error loading index.html: %s", err)
tmpl, err = tmpl.Parse(string(asset))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("[UI] Error parsing index.html: %s", err)
layout := template.New("layout.html")
layout.Delims("[:", ":]")
asset, err = web.asset("assets/templates/layout.html")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("[UI] Error loading layout.html: %s", err)
layout, err = layout.Parse(string(asset))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("[UI] Error parsing layout.html: %s", err)
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
data := map[string]interface{}{
"config": web.config,
"Page": "Browse",
"APIHost": APIHost,
b := new(bytes.Buffer)
err := tmpl.Execute(b, data)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[UI] Error executing template: %s", err)
data["Content"] = template.HTML(b.String())
b = new(bytes.Buffer)
err = layout.Execute(b, data)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[UI] Error executing template: %s", err)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
package storage
import (
// Maildir is a maildir storage backend
type Maildir struct {
Path string
// CreateMaildir creates a new maildir storage backend
func CreateMaildir(path string) *Maildir {
if len(path) == 0 {
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "mailhog")
if err != nil {
path = dir
if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
err := os.MkdirAll(path, 0770)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Maildir path is", path)
return &Maildir{
Path: path,
// Store stores a message and returns its storage ID
func (maildir *Maildir) Store(m *data.Message) (string, error) {
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(m.Raw.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return "", err
err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(maildir.Path, string(m.ID)), b, 0660)
return string(m.ID), err
// Count returns the number of stored messages
func (maildir *Maildir) Count() int {
// FIXME may be wrong, ../. ?
// and handle error?
dir, err := os.Open(maildir.Path)
if err != nil {
defer dir.Close()
n, _ := dir.Readdirnames(0)
return len(n)
// Search finds messages matching the query
func (maildir *Maildir) Search(kind, query string, start, limit int) (*data.Messages, int, error) {
query = strings.ToLower(query)
var filteredMessages = make([]data.Message, 0)
var matched int
err := filepath.Walk(maildir.Path, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if limit > 0 && len(filteredMessages) >= limit {
return errors.New("reached limit")
if info.IsDir() {
return nil
msg, err := maildir.Load(info.Name())
if err != nil {
return nil
switch kind {
case "to":
for _, t := range msg.To {
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(t.Mailbox+"@"+t.Domain), query) {
if start > matched {
filteredMessages = append(filteredMessages, *msg)
case "from":
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(msg.From.Mailbox+"@"+msg.From.Domain), query) {
if start > matched {
filteredMessages = append(filteredMessages, *msg)
case "containing":
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(msg.Raw.Data), query) {
if start > matched {
filteredMessages = append(filteredMessages, *msg)
return nil
if err != nil {
msgs := data.Messages(filteredMessages)
return &msgs, len(filteredMessages), nil
// List lists stored messages by index
func (maildir *Maildir) List(start, limit int) (*data.Messages, error) {
log.Println("Listing messages in", maildir.Path)
messages := make([]data.Message, 0)
dir, err := os.Open(maildir.Path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer dir.Close()
n, err := dir.Readdir(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, fileinfo := range n {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(maildir.Path, fileinfo.Name()))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
msg := data.FromBytes(b)
// FIXME domain
m := *msg.Parse("mailhog.example")
m.ID = data.MessageID(fileinfo.Name())
m.Created = fileinfo.ModTime()
messages = append(messages, m)
log.Printf("Found %d messages", len(messages))
msgs := data.Messages(messages)
return &msgs, nil
// DeleteOne deletes an individual message by storage ID
func (maildir *Maildir) DeleteOne(id string) error {
return os.Remove(filepath.Join(maildir.Path, id))
// DeleteAll deletes all in memory messages
func (maildir *Maildir) DeleteAll() error {
err := os.RemoveAll(maildir.Path)
if err != nil {
return err
return os.Mkdir(maildir.Path, 0770)
// Load returns an individual message by storage ID
func (maildir *Maildir) Load(id string) (*data.Message, error) {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(maildir.Path, id))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// FIXME domain
m := data.FromBytes(b).Parse("mailhog.example")
m.ID = data.MessageID(id)
return m, nil

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
package storage
import (
// InMemory is an in memory storage backend
type InMemory struct {
MessageIDIndex map[string]int
Messages []*data.Message
mu sync.Mutex
// CreateInMemory creates a new in memory storage backend
func CreateInMemory() *InMemory {
return &InMemory{
MessageIDIndex: make(map[string]int),
Messages: make([]*data.Message, 0),
// Store stores a message and returns its storage ID
func (memory *InMemory) Store(m *data.Message) (string, error) {
memory.Messages = append(memory.Messages, m)
memory.MessageIDIndex[string(m.ID)] = len(memory.Messages) - 1
return string(m.ID), nil
// Count returns the number of stored messages
func (memory *InMemory) Count() int {
return len(memory.Messages)
// Search finds messages matching the query
func (memory *InMemory) Search(kind, query string, start, limit int) (*data.Messages, int, error) {
// FIXME needs optimising, or replacing with a proper db!
query = strings.ToLower(query)
var filteredMessages = make([]*data.Message, 0)
for _, m := range memory.Messages {
doAppend := false
switch kind {
case "to":
for _, to := range m.To {
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(to.Mailbox+"@"+to.Domain), query) {
doAppend = true
if !doAppend {
if hdr, ok := m.Content.Headers["To"]; ok {
for _, to := range hdr {
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(to), query) {
doAppend = true
case "from":
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(m.From.Mailbox+"@"+m.From.Domain), query) {
doAppend = true
if !doAppend {
if hdr, ok := m.Content.Headers["From"]; ok {
for _, from := range hdr {
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(from), query) {
doAppend = true
case "containing":
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(m.Content.Body), query) {
doAppend = true
if !doAppend {
for _, hdr := range m.Content.Headers {
for _, v := range hdr {
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(v), query) {
doAppend = true
if doAppend {
filteredMessages = append(filteredMessages, m)
var messages = make([]data.Message, 0)
if len(filteredMessages) == 0 || start > len(filteredMessages) {
msgs := data.Messages(messages)
return &msgs, 0, nil
if start+limit > len(filteredMessages) {
limit = len(filteredMessages) - start
start = len(filteredMessages) - start - 1
end := start - limit
if start < 0 {
start = 0
if end < -1 {
end = -1
for i := start; i > end; i-- {
//for _, m := range memory.MessageIndex[start:end] {
messages = append(messages, *filteredMessages[i])
msgs := data.Messages(messages)
return &msgs, len(filteredMessages), nil
// List lists stored messages by index
func (memory *InMemory) List(start int, limit int) (*data.Messages, error) {
var messages = make([]data.Message, 0)
if len(memory.Messages) == 0 || start > len(memory.Messages) {
msgs := data.Messages(messages)
return &msgs, nil
if start+limit > len(memory.Messages) {
limit = len(memory.Messages) - start
start = len(memory.Messages) - start - 1
end := start - limit
if start < 0 {
start = 0
if end < -1 {
end = -1
for i := start; i > end; i-- {
//for _, m := range memory.MessageIndex[start:end] {
messages = append(messages, *memory.Messages[i])
msgs := data.Messages(messages)
return &msgs, nil
// DeleteOne deletes an individual message by storage ID
func (memory *InMemory) DeleteOne(id string) error {
var index int
var ok bool
if index, ok = memory.MessageIDIndex[id]; !ok && true {
return errors.New("message not found")
delete(memory.MessageIDIndex, id)
for k, v := range memory.MessageIDIndex {
if v > index {
memory.MessageIDIndex[k] = v - 1
memory.Messages = append(memory.Messages[:index], memory.Messages[index+1:]...)
return nil
// DeleteAll deletes all in memory messages
func (memory *InMemory) DeleteAll() error {
memory.Messages = make([]*data.Message, 0)
memory.MessageIDIndex = make(map[string]int)
return nil
// Load returns an individual message by storage ID
func (memory *InMemory) Load(id string) (*data.Message, error) {
if idx, ok := memory.MessageIDIndex[id]; ok {
return memory.Messages[idx], nil
return nil, nil

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
package storage
import (
// MongoDB represents MongoDB backed storage backend
type MongoDB struct {
Session *mgo.Session
Collection *mgo.Collection
// CreateMongoDB creates a MongoDB backed storage backend
func CreateMongoDB(uri, db, coll string) *MongoDB {
log.Printf("Connecting to MongoDB: %s\n", uri)
session, err := mgo.Dial(uri)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error connecting to MongoDB: %s", err)
return nil
err = session.DB(db).C(coll).EnsureIndexKey("created")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed creating index: %s", err)
return nil
return &MongoDB{
Session: session,
Collection: session.DB(db).C(coll),
// Store stores a message in MongoDB and returns its storage ID
func (mongo *MongoDB) Store(m *data.Message) (string, error) {
err := mongo.Collection.Insert(m)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error inserting message: %s", err)
return "", err
return string(m.ID), nil
// Count returns the number of stored messages
func (mongo *MongoDB) Count() int {
c, _ := mongo.Collection.Count()
return c
// Search finds messages matching the query
func (mongo *MongoDB) Search(kind, query string, start, limit int) (*data.Messages, int, error) {
messages := &data.Messages{}
var count = 0
var field = ""
switch kind {
case "to":
field = ""
case "from":
field = "raw.from"
err := mongo.Collection.Find(bson.M{field: bson.RegEx{Pattern: query, Options: "i"}}).Skip(start).Limit(limit).Sort("-created").Select(bson.M{
"id": 1,
"_id": 1,
"from": 1,
"to": 1,
"content.headers": 1,
"content.size": 1,
"created": 1,
"raw": 1,
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error loading messages: %s", err)
return nil, 0, err
count, _ = mongo.Collection.Find(bson.M{field: bson.RegEx{Pattern: query, Options: "i"}}).Count()
return messages, count, nil
// List returns a list of messages by index
func (mongo *MongoDB) List(start int, limit int) (*data.Messages, error) {
messages := &data.Messages{}
err := mongo.Collection.Find(bson.M{}).Skip(start).Limit(limit).Sort("-created").Select(bson.M{
"id": 1,
"_id": 1,
"from": 1,
"to": 1,
"content.headers": 1,
"content.size": 1,
"created": 1,
"raw": 1,
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error loading messages: %s", err)
return nil, err
return messages, nil
// DeleteOne deletes an individual message by storage ID
func (mongo *MongoDB) DeleteOne(id string) error {
_, err := mongo.Collection.RemoveAll(bson.M{"id": id})
return err
// DeleteAll deletes all messages stored in MongoDB
func (mongo *MongoDB) DeleteAll() error {
_, err := mongo.Collection.RemoveAll(bson.M{})
return err
// Load loads an individual message by storage ID
func (mongo *MongoDB) Load(id string) (*data.Message, error) {
result := &data.Message{}
err := mongo.Collection.Find(bson.M{"id": id}).One(&result)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error loading message: %s", err)
return nil, err
return result, nil

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package storage
import ""
// Storage represents a storage backend
type Storage interface {
Store(m *data.Message) (string, error)
List(start, limit int) (*data.Messages, error)
Search(kind, query string, start, limit int) (*data.Messages, int, error)
Count() int
DeleteOne(id string) error
DeleteAll() error
Load(id string) (*data.Message, error)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Contributing
In general, the code posted to the [SmartyStreets github organization]( is created to solve specific problems at SmartyStreets that are ancillary to our core products in the address verification industry and may or may not be useful to other organizations or developers. Our reason for posting said code isn't necessarily to solicit feedback or contributions from the community but more as a showcase of some of the approaches to solving problems we have adopted.
Having stated that, we do consider issues raised by other githubbers as well as contributions submitted via pull requests. When submitting such a pull request, please follow these guidelines:
- _Look before you leap:_ If the changes you plan to make are significant, it's in everyone's best interest for you to discuss them with a SmartyStreets team member prior to opening a pull request.
- _License and ownership:_ If modifying the `` file, limit your changes to fixing typographical mistakes. Do NOT modify the actual terms in the license or the copyright by **SmartyStreets, LLC**. Code submitted to SmartyStreets projects becomes property of SmartyStreets and must be compatible with the associated license.
- _Testing:_ If the code you are submitting resides in packages/modules covered by automated tests, be sure to add passing tests that cover your changes and assert expected behavior and state. Submit the additional test cases as part of your change set.
- _Style:_ Match your approach to **naming** and **formatting** with the surrounding code. Basically, the code you submit shouldn't stand out.
- "Naming" refers to such constructs as variables, methods, functions, classes, structs, interfaces, packages, modules, directories, files, etc...
- "Formatting" refers to such constructs as whitespace, horizontal line length, vertical function length, vertical file length, indentation, curly braces, etc...

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@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2016 SmartyStreets, LLC
Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Ian Kent
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
NOTE: Various optional and subordinate components carry their own licensing
requirements and restrictions. Use of those components is subject to the terms
and conditions outlined the respective license of each component.

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
# assertions
import ""
Package assertions contains the implementations for all assertions which are
referenced in goconvey's `convey` package
( and gunit
( for use with the So(...) method. They can also
be used in traditional Go test functions and even in applications.
Many of the assertions lean heavily on work done by Aaron Jacobs in his
excellent oglematchers library. ( The
ShouldResemble assertion leans heavily on work done by Daniel Jacques in his
very helpful go-render library. (
## Usage
#### func GoConveyMode
func GoConveyMode(yes bool)
GoConveyMode provides control over JSON serialization of failures. When using
the assertions in this package from the convey package JSON results are very
helpful and can be rendered in a DIFF view. In that case, this function will be
called with a true value to enable the JSON serialization. By default, the
assertions in this package will not serializer a JSON result, making standalone
ussage more convenient.
#### func ShouldAlmostEqual
func ShouldAlmostEqual(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldAlmostEqual makes sure that two parameters are close enough to being
equal. The acceptable delta may be specified with a third argument, or a very
small default delta will be used.
#### func ShouldBeBetween
func ShouldBeBetween(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldBeBetween receives exactly three parameters: an actual value, a lower
bound, and an upper bound. It ensures that the actual value is between both
bounds (but not equal to either of them).
#### func ShouldBeBetweenOrEqual
func ShouldBeBetweenOrEqual(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldBeBetweenOrEqual receives exactly three parameters: an actual value, a
lower bound, and an upper bound. It ensures that the actual value is between
both bounds or equal to one of them.
#### func ShouldBeBlank
func ShouldBeBlank(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldBeBlank receives exactly 1 string parameter and ensures that it is equal
to "".
#### func ShouldBeChronological
func ShouldBeChronological(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldBeChronological receives a []time.Time slice and asserts that the are in
chronological order starting with the first time.Time as the earliest.
#### func ShouldBeEmpty
func ShouldBeEmpty(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldBeEmpty receives a single parameter (actual) and determines whether or not
calling len(actual) would return `0`. It obeys the rules specified by the len
function for determining length:
#### func ShouldBeFalse
func ShouldBeFalse(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldBeFalse receives a single parameter and ensures that it is false.
#### func ShouldBeGreaterThan
func ShouldBeGreaterThan(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldBeGreaterThan receives exactly two parameters and ensures that the first
is greater than the second.
#### func ShouldBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo
func ShouldBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo receives exactly two parameters and ensures that
the first is greater than or equal to the second.
#### func ShouldBeIn
func ShouldBeIn(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldBeIn receives at least 2 parameters. The first is a proposed member of the
collection that is passed in either as the second parameter, or of the
collection that is comprised of all the remaining parameters. This assertion
ensures that the proposed member is in the collection (using ShouldEqual).
#### func ShouldBeLessThan
func ShouldBeLessThan(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldBeLessThan receives exactly two parameters and ensures that the first is
less than the second.
#### func ShouldBeLessThanOrEqualTo
func ShouldBeLessThanOrEqualTo(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldBeLessThan receives exactly two parameters and ensures that the first is
less than or equal to the second.
#### func ShouldBeNil
func ShouldBeNil(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldBeNil receives a single parameter and ensures that it is nil.
#### func ShouldBeTrue
func ShouldBeTrue(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldBeTrue receives a single parameter and ensures that it is true.
#### func ShouldBeZeroValue
func ShouldBeZeroValue(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldBeZeroValue receives a single parameter and ensures that it is the Go
equivalent of the default value, or "zero" value.
#### func ShouldContain
func ShouldContain(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldContain receives exactly two parameters. The first is a slice and the
second is a proposed member. Membership is determined using ShouldEqual.
#### func ShouldContainKey
func ShouldContainKey(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldContainKey receives exactly two parameters. The first is a map and the
second is a proposed key. Keys are compared with a simple '=='.
#### func ShouldContainSubstring
func ShouldContainSubstring(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldContainSubstring receives exactly 2 string parameters and ensures that the
first contains the second as a substring.
#### func ShouldEndWith
func ShouldEndWith(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldEndWith receives exactly 2 string parameters and ensures that the first
ends with the second.
#### func ShouldEqual
func ShouldEqual(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldEqual receives exactly two parameters and does an equality check.
#### func ShouldEqualTrimSpace
func ShouldEqualTrimSpace(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldEqualTrimSpace receives exactly 2 string parameters and ensures that the
first is equal to the second after removing all leading and trailing whitespace
using strings.TrimSpace(first).
#### func ShouldEqualWithout
func ShouldEqualWithout(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldEqualWithout receives exactly 3 string parameters and ensures that the
first is equal to the second after removing all instances of the third from the
first using strings.Replace(first, third, "", -1).
#### func ShouldHappenAfter
func ShouldHappenAfter(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldHappenAfter receives exactly 2 time.Time arguments and asserts that the
first happens after the second.
#### func ShouldHappenBefore
func ShouldHappenBefore(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldHappenBefore receives exactly 2 time.Time arguments and asserts that the
first happens before the second.
#### func ShouldHappenBetween
func ShouldHappenBetween(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldHappenBetween receives exactly 3 time.Time arguments and asserts that the
first happens between (not on) the second and third.
#### func ShouldHappenOnOrAfter
func ShouldHappenOnOrAfter(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldHappenOnOrAfter receives exactly 2 time.Time arguments and asserts that
the first happens on or after the second.
#### func ShouldHappenOnOrBefore
func ShouldHappenOnOrBefore(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldHappenOnOrBefore receives exactly 2 time.Time arguments and asserts that
the first happens on or before the second.
#### func ShouldHappenOnOrBetween
func ShouldHappenOnOrBetween(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldHappenOnOrBetween receives exactly 3 time.Time arguments and asserts that
the first happens between or on the second and third.
#### func ShouldHappenWithin
func ShouldHappenWithin(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldHappenWithin receives a time.Time, a time.Duration, and a time.Time (3
arguments) and asserts that the first time.Time happens within or on the
duration specified relative to the other time.Time.
#### func ShouldHaveLength
func ShouldHaveLength(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldHaveLength receives 2 parameters. The first is a collection to check the
length of, the second being the expected length. It obeys the rules specified by
the len function for determining length:
#### func ShouldHaveSameTypeAs
func ShouldHaveSameTypeAs(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldHaveSameTypeAs receives exactly two parameters and compares their
underlying types for equality.
#### func ShouldImplement
func ShouldImplement(actual interface{}, expectedList ...interface{}) string
ShouldImplement receives exactly two parameters and ensures that the first
implements the interface type of the second.
#### func ShouldNotAlmostEqual
func ShouldNotAlmostEqual(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldNotAlmostEqual is the inverse of ShouldAlmostEqual
#### func ShouldNotBeBetween
func ShouldNotBeBetween(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldNotBeBetween receives exactly three parameters: an actual value, a lower
bound, and an upper bound. It ensures that the actual value is NOT between both
#### func ShouldNotBeBetweenOrEqual
func ShouldNotBeBetweenOrEqual(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldNotBeBetweenOrEqual receives exactly three parameters: an actual value, a
lower bound, and an upper bound. It ensures that the actual value is nopt
between the bounds nor equal to either of them.
#### func ShouldNotBeBlank
func ShouldNotBeBlank(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldNotBeBlank receives exactly 1 string parameter and ensures that it is
equal to "".
#### func ShouldNotBeEmpty
func ShouldNotBeEmpty(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldNotBeEmpty receives a single parameter (actual) and determines whether or
not calling len(actual) would return a value greater than zero. It obeys the
rules specified by the `len` function for determining length:
#### func ShouldNotBeIn
func ShouldNotBeIn(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldNotBeIn receives at least 2 parameters. The first is a proposed member of
the collection that is passed in either as the second parameter, or of the
collection that is comprised of all the remaining parameters. This assertion
ensures that the proposed member is NOT in the collection (using ShouldEqual).
#### func ShouldNotBeNil
func ShouldNotBeNil(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldNotBeNil receives a single parameter and ensures that it is not nil.
#### func ShouldNotContain
func ShouldNotContain(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldNotContain receives exactly two parameters. The first is a slice and the
second is a proposed member. Membership is determinied using ShouldEqual.
#### func ShouldNotContainKey
func ShouldNotContainKey(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldNotContainKey receives exactly two parameters. The first is a map and the
second is a proposed absent key. Keys are compared with a simple '=='.
#### func ShouldNotContainSubstring
func ShouldNotContainSubstring(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldNotContainSubstring receives exactly 2 string parameters and ensures that
the first does NOT contain the second as a substring.
#### func ShouldNotEndWith
func ShouldNotEndWith(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldEndWith receives exactly 2 string parameters and ensures that the first
does not end with the second.
#### func ShouldNotEqual
func ShouldNotEqual(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldNotEqual receives exactly two parameters and does an inequality check.
#### func ShouldNotHappenOnOrBetween
func ShouldNotHappenOnOrBetween(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldNotHappenOnOrBetween receives exactly 3 time.Time arguments and asserts
that the first does NOT happen between or on the second or third.
#### func ShouldNotHappenWithin
func ShouldNotHappenWithin(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldNotHappenWithin receives a time.Time, a time.Duration, and a time.Time (3
arguments) and asserts that the first time.Time does NOT happen within or on the
duration specified relative to the other time.Time.
#### func ShouldNotHaveSameTypeAs
func ShouldNotHaveSameTypeAs(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldNotHaveSameTypeAs receives exactly two parameters and compares their
underlying types for inequality.
#### func ShouldNotImplement
func ShouldNotImplement(actual interface{}, expectedList ...interface{}) string
ShouldNotImplement receives exactly two parameters and ensures that the first
does NOT implement the interface type of the second.
#### func ShouldNotPanic
func ShouldNotPanic(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) (message string)
ShouldNotPanic receives a void, niladic function and expects to execute the
function without any panic.
#### func ShouldNotPanicWith
func ShouldNotPanicWith(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) (message string)
ShouldNotPanicWith receives a void, niladic function and expects to recover a
panic whose content differs from the second argument.
#### func ShouldNotPointTo
func ShouldNotPointTo(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldNotPointTo receives exactly two parameters and checks to see that they
point to different addresess.
#### func ShouldNotResemble
func ShouldNotResemble(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldNotResemble receives exactly two parameters and does an inverse deep equal
check (see reflect.DeepEqual)
#### func ShouldNotStartWith
func ShouldNotStartWith(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldNotStartWith receives exactly 2 string parameters and ensures that the
first does not start with the second.
#### func ShouldPanic
func ShouldPanic(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) (message string)
ShouldPanic receives a void, niladic function and expects to recover a panic.
#### func ShouldPanicWith
func ShouldPanicWith(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) (message string)
ShouldPanicWith receives a void, niladic function and expects to recover a panic
with the second argument as the content.
#### func ShouldPointTo
func ShouldPointTo(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldPointTo receives exactly two parameters and checks to see that they point
to the same address.
#### func ShouldResemble
func ShouldResemble(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldResemble receives exactly two parameters and does a deep equal check (see
#### func ShouldStartWith
func ShouldStartWith(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
ShouldStartWith receives exactly 2 string parameters and ensures that the first
starts with the second.
#### func So
func So(actual interface{}, assert assertion, expected ...interface{}) (bool, string)
So is a convenience function (as opposed to an inconvenience function?) for
running assertions on arbitrary arguments in any context, be it for testing or
even application logging. It allows you to perform assertion-like behavior (and
get nicely formatted messages detailing discrepancies) but without the program
blowing up or panicking. All that is required is to import this package and call
`So` with one of the assertions exported by this package as the second
parameter. The first return parameter is a boolean indicating if the assertion
was true. The second return parameter is the well-formatted message showing why
an assertion was incorrect, or blank if the assertion was correct.
if ok, message := So(x, ShouldBeGreaterThan, y); !ok {
#### type Assertion
type Assertion struct {
#### func New
func New(t testingT) *Assertion
New swallows the *testing.T struct and prints failed assertions using t.Error.
Example: assertions.New(t).So(1, should.Equal, 1)
#### func (*Assertion) Failed
func (this *Assertion) Failed() bool
Failed reports whether any calls to So (on this Assertion instance) have failed.
#### func (*Assertion) So
func (this *Assertion) So(actual interface{}, assert assertion, expected ...interface{}) bool
So calls the standalone So function and additionally, calls t.Error in failure
#### type FailureView
type FailureView struct {
Message string `json:"Message"`
Expected string `json:"Expected"`
Actual string `json:"Actual"`
This struct is also declared in The json struct tags should
be equal in both declarations.
#### type Serializer
type Serializer interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods

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@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
package assertions
import (
// ShouldContain receives exactly two parameters. The first is a slice and the
// second is a proposed member. Membership is determined using ShouldEqual.
func ShouldContain(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
if matchError := oglematchers.Contains(expected[0]).Matches(actual); matchError != nil {
typeName := reflect.TypeOf(actual)
if fmt.Sprintf("%v", matchError) == "which is not a slice or array" {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenAValidCollection, typeName)
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveContained, typeName, expected[0])
return success
// ShouldNotContain receives exactly two parameters. The first is a slice and the
// second is a proposed member. Membership is determinied using ShouldEqual.
func ShouldNotContain(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
typeName := reflect.TypeOf(actual)
if matchError := oglematchers.Contains(expected[0]).Matches(actual); matchError != nil {
if fmt.Sprintf("%v", matchError) == "which is not a slice or array" {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenAValidCollection, typeName)
return success
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldNotHaveContained, typeName, expected[0])
// ShouldContainKey receives exactly two parameters. The first is a map and the
// second is a proposed key. Keys are compared with a simple '=='.
func ShouldContainKey(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
keys, isMap := mapKeys(actual)
if !isMap {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenAValidMap, reflect.TypeOf(actual))
if !keyFound(keys, expected[0]) {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveContainedKey, reflect.TypeOf(actual), expected)
return ""
// ShouldNotContainKey receives exactly two parameters. The first is a map and the
// second is a proposed absent key. Keys are compared with a simple '=='.
func ShouldNotContainKey(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
keys, isMap := mapKeys(actual)
if !isMap {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenAValidMap, reflect.TypeOf(actual))
if keyFound(keys, expected[0]) {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldNotHaveContainedKey, reflect.TypeOf(actual), expected)
return ""
func mapKeys(m interface{}) ([]reflect.Value, bool) {
value := reflect.ValueOf(m)
if value.Kind() != reflect.Map {
return nil, false
return value.MapKeys(), true
func keyFound(keys []reflect.Value, expectedKey interface{}) bool {
found := false
for _, key := range keys {
if key.Interface() == expectedKey {
found = true
return found
// ShouldBeIn receives at least 2 parameters. The first is a proposed member of the collection
// that is passed in either as the second parameter, or of the collection that is comprised
// of all the remaining parameters. This assertion ensures that the proposed member is in
// the collection (using ShouldEqual).
func ShouldBeIn(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := atLeast(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
if len(expected) == 1 {
return shouldBeIn(actual, expected[0])
return shouldBeIn(actual, expected)
func shouldBeIn(actual interface{}, expected interface{}) string {
if matchError := oglematchers.Contains(actual).Matches(expected); matchError != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenIn, actual, reflect.TypeOf(expected))
return success
// ShouldNotBeIn receives at least 2 parameters. The first is a proposed member of the collection
// that is passed in either as the second parameter, or of the collection that is comprised
// of all the remaining parameters. This assertion ensures that the proposed member is NOT in
// the collection (using ShouldEqual).
func ShouldNotBeIn(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := atLeast(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
if len(expected) == 1 {
return shouldNotBeIn(actual, expected[0])
return shouldNotBeIn(actual, expected)
func shouldNotBeIn(actual interface{}, expected interface{}) string {
if matchError := oglematchers.Contains(actual).Matches(expected); matchError == nil {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldNotHaveBeenIn, actual, reflect.TypeOf(expected))
return success
// ShouldBeEmpty receives a single parameter (actual) and determines whether or not
// calling len(actual) would return `0`. It obeys the rules specified by the len
// function for determining length:
func ShouldBeEmpty(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(0, expected); fail != success {
return fail
if actual == nil {
return success
value := reflect.ValueOf(actual)
switch value.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice:
if value.Len() == 0 {
return success
case reflect.Chan:
if value.Len() == 0 {
return success
case reflect.Map:
if value.Len() == 0 {
return success
case reflect.String:
if value.Len() == 0 {
return success
case reflect.Ptr:
elem := value.Elem()
kind := elem.Kind()
if (kind == reflect.Slice || kind == reflect.Array) && elem.Len() == 0 {
return success
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenEmpty, actual)
// ShouldNotBeEmpty receives a single parameter (actual) and determines whether or not
// calling len(actual) would return a value greater than zero. It obeys the rules
// specified by the `len` function for determining length:
func ShouldNotBeEmpty(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(0, expected); fail != success {
return fail
if empty := ShouldBeEmpty(actual, expected...); empty != success {
return success
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldNotHaveBeenEmpty, actual)
// ShouldHaveLength receives 2 parameters. The first is a collection to check
// the length of, the second being the expected length. It obeys the rules
// specified by the len function for determining length:
func ShouldHaveLength(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
var expectedLen int64
lenValue := reflect.ValueOf(expected[0])
switch lenValue.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
expectedLen = lenValue.Int()
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
expectedLen = int64(lenValue.Uint())
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenAValidInteger, reflect.TypeOf(expected[0]))
if expectedLen < 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenAValidLength, expected[0])
value := reflect.ValueOf(actual)
switch value.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice,
if int64(value.Len()) == expectedLen {
return success
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveHadLength, actual, value.Len(), expectedLen)
case reflect.Ptr:
elem := value.Elem()
kind := elem.Kind()
if kind == reflect.Slice || kind == reflect.Array {
if int64(elem.Len()) == expectedLen {
return success
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveHadLength, actual, elem.Len(), expectedLen)
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenAValidCollection, reflect.TypeOf(actual))

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@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
// Package assertions contains the implementations for all assertions which
// are referenced in goconvey's `convey` package
// ( and gunit (
// for use with the So(...) method.
// They can also be used in traditional Go test functions and even in
// applications.
// Many of the assertions lean heavily on work done by Aaron Jacobs in his excellent oglematchers library.
// (
// The ShouldResemble assertion leans heavily on work done by Daniel Jacques in his very helpful go-render library.
// (
package assertions
import (
// By default we use a no-op serializer. The actual Serializer provides a JSON
// representation of failure results on selected assertions so the goconvey
// web UI can display a convenient diff.
var serializer Serializer = new(noopSerializer)
// GoConveyMode provides control over JSON serialization of failures. When
// using the assertions in this package from the convey package JSON results
// are very helpful and can be rendered in a DIFF view. In that case, this function
// will be called with a true value to enable the JSON serialization. By default,
// the assertions in this package will not serializer a JSON result, making
// standalone usage more convenient.
func GoConveyMode(yes bool) {
if yes {
serializer = newSerializer()
} else {
serializer = new(noopSerializer)
type testingT interface {
Error(args ...interface{})
type Assertion struct {
t testingT
failed bool
// New swallows the *testing.T struct and prints failed assertions using t.Error.
// Example: assertions.New(t).So(1, should.Equal, 1)
func New(t testingT) *Assertion {
return &Assertion{t: t}
// Failed reports whether any calls to So (on this Assertion instance) have failed.
func (this *Assertion) Failed() bool {
return this.failed
// So calls the standalone So function and additionally, calls t.Error in failure scenarios.
func (this *Assertion) So(actual interface{}, assert assertion, expected ...interface{}) bool {
ok, result := So(actual, assert, expected...)
if !ok {
this.failed = true
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
this.t.Error(fmt.Sprintf("\n%s:%d\n%s", file, line, result))
return ok
// So is a convenience function (as opposed to an inconvenience function?)
// for running assertions on arbitrary arguments in any context, be it for testing or even
// application logging. It allows you to perform assertion-like behavior (and get nicely
// formatted messages detailing discrepancies) but without the program blowing up or panicking.
// All that is required is to import this package and call `So` with one of the assertions
// exported by this package as the second parameter.
// The first return parameter is a boolean indicating if the assertion was true. The second
// return parameter is the well-formatted message showing why an assertion was incorrect, or
// blank if the assertion was correct.
// Example:
// if ok, message := So(x, ShouldBeGreaterThan, y); !ok {
// log.Println(message)
// }
func So(actual interface{}, assert assertion, expected ...interface{}) (bool, string) {
if result := so(actual, assert, expected...); len(result) == 0 {
return true, result
} else {
return false, result
// so is like So, except that it only returns the string message, which is blank if the
// assertion passed. Used to facilitate testing.
func so(actual interface{}, assert func(interface{}, ...interface{}) string, expected ...interface{}) string {
return assert(actual, expected...)
// assertion is an alias for a function with a signature that the So()
// function can handle. Any future or custom assertions should conform to this
// method signature. The return value should be an empty string if the assertion
// passes and a well-formed failure message if not.
type assertion func(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string

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@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
package assertions
import (
// default acceptable delta for ShouldAlmostEqual
const defaultDelta = 0.0000000001
// ShouldEqual receives exactly two parameters and does an equality check.
func ShouldEqual(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if message := need(1, expected); message != success {
return message
return shouldEqual(actual, expected[0])
func shouldEqual(actual, expected interface{}) (message string) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
message = serializer.serialize(expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenEqual, expected, actual))
if matchError := oglematchers.Equals(expected).Matches(actual); matchError != nil {
expectedSyntax := fmt.Sprintf("%v", expected)
actualSyntax := fmt.Sprintf("%v", actual)
if expectedSyntax == actualSyntax && reflect.TypeOf(expected) != reflect.TypeOf(actual) {
message = fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenEqualTypeMismatch, expected, expected, actual, actual)
} else {
message = fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenEqual, expected, actual)
message = serializer.serialize(expected, actual, message)
return success
// ShouldNotEqual receives exactly two parameters and does an inequality check.
func ShouldNotEqual(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
} else if ShouldEqual(actual, expected[0]) == success {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldNotHaveBeenEqual, actual, expected[0])
return success
// ShouldAlmostEqual makes sure that two parameters are close enough to being equal.
// The acceptable delta may be specified with a third argument,
// or a very small default delta will be used.
func ShouldAlmostEqual(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
actualFloat, expectedFloat, deltaFloat, err := cleanAlmostEqualInput(actual, expected...)
if err != "" {
return err
if math.Abs(actualFloat-expectedFloat) <= deltaFloat {
return success
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenAlmostEqual, actualFloat, expectedFloat)
// ShouldNotAlmostEqual is the inverse of ShouldAlmostEqual
func ShouldNotAlmostEqual(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
actualFloat, expectedFloat, deltaFloat, err := cleanAlmostEqualInput(actual, expected...)
if err != "" {
return err
if math.Abs(actualFloat-expectedFloat) > deltaFloat {
return success
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveNotBeenAlmostEqual, actualFloat, expectedFloat)
func cleanAlmostEqualInput(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) (float64, float64, float64, string) {
deltaFloat := 0.0000000001
if len(expected) == 0 {
return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "This assertion requires exactly one comparison value and an optional delta (you provided neither)"
} else if len(expected) == 2 {
delta, err := getFloat(expected[1])
if err != nil {
return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "delta must be a numerical type"
deltaFloat = delta
} else if len(expected) > 2 {
return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "This assertion requires exactly one comparison value and an optional delta (you provided more values)"
actualFloat, err := getFloat(actual)
if err != nil {
return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, err.Error()
expectedFloat, err := getFloat(expected[0])
if err != nil {
return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, err.Error()
return actualFloat, expectedFloat, deltaFloat, ""
// returns the float value of any real number, or error if it is not a numerical type
func getFloat(num interface{}) (float64, error) {
numValue := reflect.ValueOf(num)
numKind := numValue.Kind()
if numKind == reflect.Int ||
numKind == reflect.Int8 ||
numKind == reflect.Int16 ||
numKind == reflect.Int32 ||
numKind == reflect.Int64 {
return float64(numValue.Int()), nil
} else if numKind == reflect.Uint ||
numKind == reflect.Uint8 ||
numKind == reflect.Uint16 ||
numKind == reflect.Uint32 ||
numKind == reflect.Uint64 {
return float64(numValue.Uint()), nil
} else if numKind == reflect.Float32 ||
numKind == reflect.Float64 {
return numValue.Float(), nil
} else {
return 0.0, errors.New("must be a numerical type, but was " + numKind.String())
// ShouldResemble receives exactly two parameters and does a deep equal check (see reflect.DeepEqual)
func ShouldResemble(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if message := need(1, expected); message != success {
return message
if matchError := oglematchers.DeepEquals(expected[0]).Matches(actual); matchError != nil {
return serializer.serializeDetailed(expected[0], actual,
fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveResembled, render.Render(expected[0]), render.Render(actual)))
return success
// ShouldNotResemble receives exactly two parameters and does an inverse deep equal check (see reflect.DeepEqual)
func ShouldNotResemble(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if message := need(1, expected); message != success {
return message
} else if ShouldResemble(actual, expected[0]) == success {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldNotHaveResembled, render.Render(actual), render.Render(expected[0]))
return success
// ShouldPointTo receives exactly two parameters and checks to see that they point to the same address.
func ShouldPointTo(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if message := need(1, expected); message != success {
return message
return shouldPointTo(actual, expected[0])
func shouldPointTo(actual, expected interface{}) string {
actualValue := reflect.ValueOf(actual)
expectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(expected)
if ShouldNotBeNil(actual) != success {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenNonNilPointer, "first", "nil")
} else if ShouldNotBeNil(expected) != success {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenNonNilPointer, "second", "nil")
} else if actualValue.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenNonNilPointer, "first", "not")
} else if expectedValue.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenNonNilPointer, "second", "not")
} else if ShouldEqual(actualValue.Pointer(), expectedValue.Pointer()) != success {
actualAddress := reflect.ValueOf(actual).Pointer()
expectedAddress := reflect.ValueOf(expected).Pointer()
return serializer.serialize(expectedAddress, actualAddress, fmt.Sprintf(shouldHavePointedTo,
actual, actualAddress,
expected, expectedAddress))
return success
// ShouldNotPointTo receives exactly two parameters and checks to see that they point to different addresess.
func ShouldNotPointTo(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if message := need(1, expected); message != success {
return message
compare := ShouldPointTo(actual, expected[0])
if strings.HasPrefix(compare, shouldBePointers) {
return compare
} else if compare == success {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldNotHavePointedTo, actual, expected[0], reflect.ValueOf(actual).Pointer())
return success
// ShouldBeNil receives a single parameter and ensures that it is nil.
func ShouldBeNil(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(0, expected); fail != success {
return fail
} else if actual == nil {
return success
} else if interfaceHasNilValue(actual) {
return success
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenNil, actual)
func interfaceHasNilValue(actual interface{}) bool {
value := reflect.ValueOf(actual)
kind := value.Kind()
nilable := kind == reflect.Slice ||
kind == reflect.Chan ||
kind == reflect.Func ||
kind == reflect.Ptr ||
kind == reflect.Map
// Careful: reflect.Value.IsNil() will panic unless it's an interface, chan, map, func, slice, or ptr
// Reference:
return nilable && value.IsNil()
// ShouldNotBeNil receives a single parameter and ensures that it is not nil.
func ShouldNotBeNil(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(0, expected); fail != success {
return fail
} else if ShouldBeNil(actual) == success {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldNotHaveBeenNil, actual)
return success
// ShouldBeTrue receives a single parameter and ensures that it is true.
func ShouldBeTrue(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(0, expected); fail != success {
return fail
} else if actual != true {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenTrue, actual)
return success
// ShouldBeFalse receives a single parameter and ensures that it is false.
func ShouldBeFalse(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(0, expected); fail != success {
return fail
} else if actual != false {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenFalse, actual)
return success
// ShouldBeZeroValue receives a single parameter and ensures that it is
// the Go equivalent of the default value, or "zero" value.
func ShouldBeZeroValue(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(0, expected); fail != success {
return fail
zeroVal := reflect.Zero(reflect.TypeOf(actual)).Interface()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(zeroVal, actual) {
return serializer.serialize(zeroVal, actual, fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenZeroValue, actual))
return success

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package assertions
import "fmt"
const (
success = ""
needExactValues = "This assertion requires exactly %d comparison values (you provided %d)."
needNonEmptyCollection = "This assertion requires at least 1 comparison value (you provided 0)."
func need(needed int, expected []interface{}) string {
if len(expected) != needed {
return fmt.Sprintf(needExactValues, needed, len(expected))
return success
func atLeast(minimum int, expected []interface{}) string {
if len(expected) < 1 {
return needNonEmptyCollection
return success

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.

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@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package render
import (
var builtinTypeMap = map[reflect.Kind]string{
reflect.Bool: "bool",
reflect.Complex128: "complex128",
reflect.Complex64: "complex64",
reflect.Float32: "float32",
reflect.Float64: "float64",
reflect.Int16: "int16",
reflect.Int32: "int32",
reflect.Int64: "int64",
reflect.Int8: "int8",
reflect.Int: "int",
reflect.String: "string",
reflect.Uint16: "uint16",
reflect.Uint32: "uint32",
reflect.Uint64: "uint64",
reflect.Uint8: "uint8",
reflect.Uint: "uint",
reflect.Uintptr: "uintptr",
var builtinTypeSet = map[string]struct{}{}
func init() {
for _, v := range builtinTypeMap {
builtinTypeSet[v] = struct{}{}
var typeOfString = reflect.TypeOf("")
var typeOfInt = reflect.TypeOf(int(1))
var typeOfUint = reflect.TypeOf(uint(1))
var typeOfFloat = reflect.TypeOf(10.1)
// Render converts a structure to a string representation. Unline the "%#v"
// format string, this resolves pointer types' contents in structs, maps, and
// slices/arrays and prints their field values.
func Render(v interface{}) string {
buf := bytes.Buffer{}
s := (*traverseState)(nil)
s.render(&buf, 0, reflect.ValueOf(v), false)
return buf.String()
// renderPointer is called to render a pointer value.
// This is overridable so that the test suite can have deterministic pointer
// values in its expectations.
var renderPointer = func(buf *bytes.Buffer, p uintptr) {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "0x%016x", p)
// traverseState is used to note and avoid recursion as struct members are being
// traversed.
// traverseState is allowed to be nil. Specifically, the root state is nil.
type traverseState struct {
parent *traverseState
ptr uintptr
func (s *traverseState) forkFor(ptr uintptr) *traverseState {
for cur := s; cur != nil; cur = cur.parent {
if ptr == cur.ptr {
return nil
fs := &traverseState{
parent: s,
ptr: ptr,
return fs
func (s *traverseState) render(buf *bytes.Buffer, ptrs int, v reflect.Value, implicit bool) {
if v.Kind() == reflect.Invalid {
vt := v.Type()
// If the type being rendered is a potentially recursive type (a type that
// can contain itself as a member), we need to avoid recursion.
// If we've already seen this type before, mark that this is the case and
// write a recursion placeholder instead of actually rendering it.
// If we haven't seen it before, fork our `seen` tracking so any higher-up
// renderers will also render it at least once, then mark that we've seen it
// to avoid recursing on lower layers.
pe := uintptr(0)
vk := vt.Kind()
switch vk {
case reflect.Ptr:
// Since structs and arrays aren't pointers, they can't directly be
// recursed, but they can contain pointers to themselves. Record their
// pointer to avoid this.
switch v.Elem().Kind() {
case reflect.Struct, reflect.Array:
pe = v.Pointer()
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Map:
pe = v.Pointer()
if pe != 0 {
s = s.forkFor(pe)
if s == nil {
if !implicit {
writeType(buf, ptrs, vt)
isAnon := func(t reflect.Type) bool {
if t.Name() != "" {
if _, ok := builtinTypeSet[t.Name()]; !ok {
return false
return t.Kind() != reflect.Interface
switch vk {
case reflect.Struct:
if !implicit {
writeType(buf, ptrs, vt)
structAnon := vt.Name() == ""
for i := 0; i < vt.NumField(); i++ {
if i > 0 {
buf.WriteString(", ")
anon := structAnon && isAnon(vt.Field(i).Type)
if !anon {
s.render(buf, 0, v.Field(i), anon)
case reflect.Slice:
if v.IsNil() {
if !implicit {
writeType(buf, ptrs, vt)
} else {
case reflect.Array:
if !implicit {
writeType(buf, ptrs, vt)
anon := vt.Name() == "" && isAnon(vt.Elem())
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
if i > 0 {
buf.WriteString(", ")
s.render(buf, 0, v.Index(i), anon)
case reflect.Map:
if !implicit {
writeType(buf, ptrs, vt)
if v.IsNil() {
} else {
mkeys := v.MapKeys()
tryAndSortMapKeys(vt, mkeys)
kt := vt.Key()
keyAnon := typeOfString.ConvertibleTo(kt) || typeOfInt.ConvertibleTo(kt) || typeOfUint.ConvertibleTo(kt) || typeOfFloat.ConvertibleTo(kt)
valAnon := vt.Name() == "" && isAnon(vt.Elem())
for i, mk := range mkeys {
if i > 0 {
buf.WriteString(", ")
s.render(buf, 0, mk, keyAnon)
s.render(buf, 0, v.MapIndex(mk), valAnon)
case reflect.Ptr:
case reflect.Interface:
if v.IsNil() {
writeType(buf, ptrs, v.Type())
} else {
s.render(buf, ptrs, v.Elem(), false)
case reflect.Chan, reflect.Func, reflect.UnsafePointer:
writeType(buf, ptrs, vt)
renderPointer(buf, v.Pointer())
tstr := vt.String()
implicit = implicit || (ptrs == 0 && builtinTypeMap[vk] == tstr)
if !implicit {
writeType(buf, ptrs, vt)
switch vk {
case reflect.String:
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%q", v.String())
case reflect.Bool:
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%v", v.Bool())
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%d", v.Int())
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%d", v.Uint())
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%g", v.Float())
case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%g", v.Complex())
if !implicit {
func writeType(buf *bytes.Buffer, ptrs int, t reflect.Type) {
parens := ptrs > 0
switch t.Kind() {
case reflect.Chan, reflect.Func, reflect.UnsafePointer:
parens = true
if parens {
for i := 0; i < ptrs; i++ {
switch t.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr:
if ptrs == 0 {
// This pointer was referenced from within writeType (e.g., as part of
// rendering a list), and so hasn't had its pointer asterisk accounted
// for.
writeType(buf, 0, t.Elem())
case reflect.Interface:
if n := t.Name(); n != "" {
} else {
case reflect.Array:
buf.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(int64(t.Len()), 10))
writeType(buf, 0, t.Elem())
case reflect.Slice:
if t == reflect.SliceOf(t.Elem()) {
writeType(buf, 0, t.Elem())
} else {
// Custom slice type, use type name.
case reflect.Map:
if t == reflect.MapOf(t.Key(), t.Elem()) {
writeType(buf, 0, t.Key())
writeType(buf, 0, t.Elem())
} else {
// Custom map type, use type name.
if parens {
type cmpFn func(a, b reflect.Value) int
type sortableValueSlice struct {
cmp cmpFn
elements []reflect.Value
func (s sortableValueSlice) Len() int {
return len(s.elements)
func (s sortableValueSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
return s.cmp(s.elements[i], s.elements[j]) < 0
func (s sortableValueSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
s.elements[i], s.elements[j] = s.elements[j], s.elements[i]
// cmpForType returns a cmpFn which sorts the data for some type t in the same
// order that a go-native map key is compared for equality.
func cmpForType(t reflect.Type) cmpFn {
switch t.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
return func(av, bv reflect.Value) int {
a, b := av.String(), bv.String()
if a < b {
return -1
} else if a > b {
return 1
return 0
case reflect.Bool:
return func(av, bv reflect.Value) int {
a, b := av.Bool(), bv.Bool()
if !a && b {
return -1
} else if a && !b {
return 1
return 0
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
return func(av, bv reflect.Value) int {
a, b := av.Int(), bv.Int()
if a < b {
return -1
} else if a > b {
return 1
return 0
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32,
reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr, reflect.UnsafePointer:
return func(av, bv reflect.Value) int {
a, b := av.Uint(), bv.Uint()
if a < b {
return -1
} else if a > b {
return 1
return 0
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return func(av, bv reflect.Value) int {
a, b := av.Float(), bv.Float()
if a < b {
return -1
} else if a > b {
return 1
return 0
case reflect.Interface:
return func(av, bv reflect.Value) int {
a, b := av.InterfaceData(), bv.InterfaceData()
if a[0] < b[0] {
return -1
} else if a[0] > b[0] {
return 1
if a[1] < b[1] {
return -1
} else if a[1] > b[1] {
return 1
return 0
case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
return func(av, bv reflect.Value) int {
a, b := av.Complex(), bv.Complex()
if real(a) < real(b) {
return -1
} else if real(a) > real(b) {
return 1
if imag(a) < imag(b) {
return -1
} else if imag(a) > imag(b) {
return 1
return 0
case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Chan:
return func(av, bv reflect.Value) int {
a, b := av.Pointer(), bv.Pointer()
if a < b {
return -1
} else if a > b {
return 1
return 0
case reflect.Struct:
cmpLst := make([]cmpFn, t.NumField())
for i := range cmpLst {
cmpLst[i] = cmpForType(t.Field(i).Type)
return func(a, b reflect.Value) int {
for i, cmp := range cmpLst {
if rslt := cmp(a.Field(i), b.Field(i)); rslt != 0 {
return rslt
return 0
return nil
func tryAndSortMapKeys(mt reflect.Type, k []reflect.Value) {
if cmp := cmpForType(mt.Key()); cmp != nil {
sort.Sort(sortableValueSlice{cmp, k})

View file

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
`oglematchers` is a package for the Go programming language containing a set of
matchers, useful in a testing or mocking framework, inspired by and mostly
compatible with [Google Test][googletest] for C++ and
[Google JS Test][google-js-test]. The package is used by the
[ogletest][ogletest] testing framework and [oglemock][oglemock] mocking
framework, which may be more directly useful to you, but can be generically used
elsewhere as well.
A "matcher" is simply an object with a `Matches` method defining a set of golang
values matched by the matcher, and a `Description` method describing that set.
For example, here are some matchers:
// Numbers
// Strings
// Combining matchers
AnyOf(LessThan(17), GreaterThan(19))
There are lots more; see [here][reference] for a reference. You can also add
your own simply by implementing the `oglematchers.Matcher` interface.
First, make sure you have installed Go 1.0.2 or newer. See
[here][golang-install] for instructions.
Use the following command to install `oglematchers` and keep it up to date:
go get -u
See [here][reference] for documentation. Alternatively, you can install the
package and then use `godoc`:

View file

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
// Copyright 2011 Aaron Jacobs. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: (Aaron Jacobs)
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package oglematchers
import (
// AnyOf accepts a set of values S and returns a matcher that follows the
// algorithm below when considering a candidate c:
// 1. If there exists a value m in S such that m implements the Matcher
// interface and m matches c, return true.
// 2. Otherwise, if there exists a value v in S such that v does not implement
// the Matcher interface and the matcher Equals(v) matches c, return true.
// 3. Otherwise, if there is a value m in S such that m implements the Matcher
// interface and m returns a fatal error for c, return that fatal error.
// 4. Otherwise, return false.
// This is akin to a logical OR operation for matchers, with non-matchers x
// being treated as Equals(x).
func AnyOf(vals ...interface{}) Matcher {
// Get ahold of a type variable for the Matcher interface.
var dummy *Matcher
matcherType := reflect.TypeOf(dummy).Elem()
// Create a matcher for each value, or use the value itself if it's already a
// matcher.
wrapped := make([]Matcher, len(vals))
for i, v := range vals {
t := reflect.TypeOf(v)
if t != nil && t.Implements(matcherType) {
wrapped[i] = v.(Matcher)
} else {
wrapped[i] = Equals(v)
return &anyOfMatcher{wrapped}
type anyOfMatcher struct {
wrapped []Matcher
func (m *anyOfMatcher) Description() string {
wrappedDescs := make([]string, len(m.wrapped))
for i, matcher := range m.wrapped {
wrappedDescs[i] = matcher.Description()
return fmt.Sprintf("or(%s)", strings.Join(wrappedDescs, ", "))
func (m *anyOfMatcher) Matches(c interface{}) (err error) {
err = errors.New("")
// Try each matcher in turn.
for _, matcher := range m.wrapped {
wrappedErr := matcher.Matches(c)
// Return immediately if there's a match.
if wrappedErr == nil {
err = nil
// Note the fatal error, if any.
if _, isFatal := wrappedErr.(*FatalError); isFatal {
err = wrappedErr

View file

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
// Copyright 2012 Aaron Jacobs. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: (Aaron Jacobs)
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package oglematchers
import (
// Return a matcher that matches arrays slices with at least one element that
// matches the supplied argument. If the argument x is not itself a Matcher,
// this is equivalent to Contains(Equals(x)).
func Contains(x interface{}) Matcher {
var result containsMatcher
var ok bool
if result.elementMatcher, ok = x.(Matcher); !ok {
result.elementMatcher = DeepEquals(x)
return &result
type containsMatcher struct {
elementMatcher Matcher
func (m *containsMatcher) Description() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("contains: %s", m.elementMatcher.Description())
func (m *containsMatcher) Matches(candidate interface{}) error {
// The candidate must be a slice or an array.
v := reflect.ValueOf(candidate)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Slice && v.Kind() != reflect.Array {
return NewFatalError("which is not a slice or array")
// Check each element.
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
elem := v.Index(i)
if matchErr := m.elementMatcher.Matches(elem.Interface()); matchErr == nil {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("")

View file

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
// Copyright 2012 Aaron Jacobs. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: (Aaron Jacobs)
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package oglematchers
import (
var byteSliceType reflect.Type = reflect.TypeOf([]byte{})
// DeepEquals returns a matcher that matches based on 'deep equality', as
// defined by the reflect package. This matcher requires that values have
// identical types to x.
func DeepEquals(x interface{}) Matcher {
return &deepEqualsMatcher{x}
type deepEqualsMatcher struct {
x interface{}
func (m *deepEqualsMatcher) Description() string {
xDesc := fmt.Sprintf("%v", m.x)
xValue := reflect.ValueOf(m.x)
// Special case: fmt.Sprintf presents nil slices as "[]", but
// reflect.DeepEqual makes a distinction between nil and empty slices. Make
// this less confusing.
if xValue.Kind() == reflect.Slice && xValue.IsNil() {
xDesc = "<nil slice>"
return fmt.Sprintf("deep equals: %s", xDesc)
func (m *deepEqualsMatcher) Matches(c interface{}) error {
// Make sure the types match.
ct := reflect.TypeOf(c)
xt := reflect.TypeOf(m.x)
if ct != xt {
return NewFatalError(fmt.Sprintf("which is of type %v", ct))
// Special case: handle byte slices more efficiently.
cValue := reflect.ValueOf(c)
xValue := reflect.ValueOf(m.x)
if ct == byteSliceType && !cValue.IsNil() && !xValue.IsNil() {
xBytes := m.x.([]byte)
cBytes := c.([]byte)
if bytes.Equal(cBytes, xBytes) {
return nil
return errors.New("")
// Defer to the reflect package.
if reflect.DeepEqual(m.x, c) {
return nil
// Special case: if the comparison failed because c is the nil slice, given
// an indication of this (since its value is printed as "[]").
if cValue.Kind() == reflect.Slice && cValue.IsNil() {
return errors.New("which is nil")
return errors.New("")

View file

@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
// Copyright 2011 Aaron Jacobs. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: (Aaron Jacobs)
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package oglematchers
import (
// Equals(x) returns a matcher that matches values v such that v and x are
// equivalent. This includes the case when the comparison v == x using Go's
// built-in comparison operator is legal (except for structs, which this
// matcher does not support), but for convenience the following rules also
// apply:
// * Type checking is done based on underlying types rather than actual
// types, so that e.g. two aliases for string can be compared:
// type stringAlias1 string
// type stringAlias2 string
// a := "taco"
// b := stringAlias1("taco")
// c := stringAlias2("taco")
// ExpectTrue(a == b) // Legal, passes
// ExpectTrue(b == c) // Illegal, doesn't compile
// ExpectThat(a, Equals(b)) // Passes
// ExpectThat(b, Equals(c)) // Passes
// * Values of numeric type are treated as if they were abstract numbers, and
// compared accordingly. Therefore Equals(17) will match int(17),
// int16(17), uint(17), float32(17), complex64(17), and so on.
// If you want a stricter matcher that contains no such cleverness, see
// IdenticalTo instead.
// Arrays are supported by this matcher, but do not participate in the
// exceptions above. Two arrays compared with this matcher must have identical
// types, and their element type must itself be comparable according to Go's ==
// operator.
func Equals(x interface{}) Matcher {
v := reflect.ValueOf(x)
// This matcher doesn't support structs.
if v.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("oglematchers.Equals: unsupported kind %v", v.Kind()))
// The == operator is not defined for non-nil slices.
if v.Kind() == reflect.Slice && v.Pointer() != uintptr(0) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("oglematchers.Equals: non-nil slice"))
return &equalsMatcher{v}
type equalsMatcher struct {
expectedValue reflect.Value
// Numeric types
func isSignedInteger(v reflect.Value) bool {
k := v.Kind()
return k >= reflect.Int && k <= reflect.Int64
func isUnsignedInteger(v reflect.Value) bool {
k := v.Kind()
return k >= reflect.Uint && k <= reflect.Uintptr
func isInteger(v reflect.Value) bool {
return isSignedInteger(v) || isUnsignedInteger(v)
func isFloat(v reflect.Value) bool {
k := v.Kind()
return k == reflect.Float32 || k == reflect.Float64
func isComplex(v reflect.Value) bool {
k := v.Kind()
return k == reflect.Complex64 || k == reflect.Complex128
func checkAgainstInt64(e int64, c reflect.Value) (err error) {
err = errors.New("")
switch {
case isSignedInteger(c):
if c.Int() == e {
err = nil
case isUnsignedInteger(c):
u := c.Uint()
if u <= math.MaxInt64 && int64(u) == e {
err = nil
// Turn around the various floating point types so that the checkAgainst*
// functions for them can deal with precision issues.
case isFloat(c), isComplex(c):
return Equals(c.Interface()).Matches(e)
err = NewFatalError("which is not numeric")
func checkAgainstUint64(e uint64, c reflect.Value) (err error) {
err = errors.New("")
switch {
case isSignedInteger(c):
i := c.Int()
if i >= 0 && uint64(i) == e {
err = nil
case isUnsignedInteger(c):
if c.Uint() == e {
err = nil
// Turn around the various floating point types so that the checkAgainst*
// functions for them can deal with precision issues.
case isFloat(c), isComplex(c):
return Equals(c.Interface()).Matches(e)
err = NewFatalError("which is not numeric")
func checkAgainstFloat32(e float32, c reflect.Value) (err error) {
err = errors.New("")
switch {
case isSignedInteger(c):
if float32(c.Int()) == e {
err = nil
case isUnsignedInteger(c):
if float32(c.Uint()) == e {
err = nil
case isFloat(c):
// Compare using float32 to avoid a false sense of precision; otherwise
// e.g. Equals(float32(0.1)) won't match float32(0.1).
if float32(c.Float()) == e {
err = nil
case isComplex(c):
comp := c.Complex()
rl := real(comp)
im := imag(comp)
// Compare using float32 to avoid a false sense of precision; otherwise
// e.g. Equals(float32(0.1)) won't match (0.1 + 0i).
if im == 0 && float32(rl) == e {
err = nil
err = NewFatalError("which is not numeric")
func checkAgainstFloat64(e float64, c reflect.Value) (err error) {
err = errors.New("")
ck := c.Kind()
switch {
case isSignedInteger(c):
if float64(c.Int()) == e {
err = nil
case isUnsignedInteger(c):
if float64(c.Uint()) == e {
err = nil
// If the actual value is lower precision, turn the comparison around so we
// apply the low-precision rules. Otherwise, e.g. Equals(0.1) may not match
// float32(0.1).
case ck == reflect.Float32 || ck == reflect.Complex64:
return Equals(c.Interface()).Matches(e)
// Otherwise, compare with double precision.
case isFloat(c):
if c.Float() == e {
err = nil
case isComplex(c):
comp := c.Complex()
rl := real(comp)
im := imag(comp)
if im == 0 && rl == e {
err = nil
err = NewFatalError("which is not numeric")
func checkAgainstComplex64(e complex64, c reflect.Value) (err error) {
err = errors.New("")
realPart := real(e)
imaginaryPart := imag(e)
switch {
case isInteger(c) || isFloat(c):
// If we have no imaginary part, then we should just compare against the
// real part. Otherwise, we can't be equal.
if imaginaryPart != 0 {
return checkAgainstFloat32(realPart, c)
case isComplex(c):
// Compare using complex64 to avoid a false sense of precision; otherwise
// e.g. Equals(0.1 + 0i) won't match float32(0.1).
if complex64(c.Complex()) == e {
err = nil
err = NewFatalError("which is not numeric")
func checkAgainstComplex128(e complex128, c reflect.Value) (err error) {
err = errors.New("")
realPart := real(e)
imaginaryPart := imag(e)
switch {
case isInteger(c) || isFloat(c):
// If we have no imaginary part, then we should just compare against the
// real part. Otherwise, we can't be equal.
if imaginaryPart != 0 {
return checkAgainstFloat64(realPart, c)
case isComplex(c):
if c.Complex() == e {
err = nil
err = NewFatalError("which is not numeric")
// Other types
func checkAgainstBool(e bool, c reflect.Value) (err error) {
if c.Kind() != reflect.Bool {
err = NewFatalError("which is not a bool")
err = errors.New("")
if c.Bool() == e {
err = nil
func checkAgainstChan(e reflect.Value, c reflect.Value) (err error) {
// Create a description of e's type, e.g. "chan int".
typeStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", e.Type().ChanDir(), e.Type().Elem())
// Make sure c is a chan of the correct type.
if c.Kind() != reflect.Chan ||
c.Type().ChanDir() != e.Type().ChanDir() ||
c.Type().Elem() != e.Type().Elem() {
err = NewFatalError(fmt.Sprintf("which is not a %s", typeStr))
err = errors.New("")
if c.Pointer() == e.Pointer() {
err = nil
func checkAgainstFunc(e reflect.Value, c reflect.Value) (err error) {
// Make sure c is a function.
if c.Kind() != reflect.Func {
err = NewFatalError("which is not a function")
err = errors.New("")
if c.Pointer() == e.Pointer() {
err = nil
func checkAgainstMap(e reflect.Value, c reflect.Value) (err error) {
// Make sure c is a map.
if c.Kind() != reflect.Map {
err = NewFatalError("which is not a map")
err = errors.New("")
if c.Pointer() == e.Pointer() {
err = nil
func checkAgainstPtr(e reflect.Value, c reflect.Value) (err error) {
// Create a description of e's type, e.g. "*int".
typeStr := fmt.Sprintf("*%v", e.Type().Elem())
// Make sure c is a pointer of the correct type.
if c.Kind() != reflect.Ptr ||
c.Type().Elem() != e.Type().Elem() {
err = NewFatalError(fmt.Sprintf("which is not a %s", typeStr))
err = errors.New("")
if c.Pointer() == e.Pointer() {
err = nil
func checkAgainstSlice(e reflect.Value, c reflect.Value) (err error) {
// Create a description of e's type, e.g. "[]int".
typeStr := fmt.Sprintf("[]%v", e.Type().Elem())
// Make sure c is a slice of the correct type.
if c.Kind() != reflect.Slice ||
c.Type().Elem() != e.Type().Elem() {
err = NewFatalError(fmt.Sprintf("which is not a %s", typeStr))
err = errors.New("")
if c.Pointer() == e.Pointer() {
err = nil
func checkAgainstString(e reflect.Value, c reflect.Value) (err error) {
// Make sure c is a string.
if c.Kind() != reflect.String {
err = NewFatalError("which is not a string")
err = errors.New("")
if c.String() == e.String() {
err = nil
func checkAgainstArray(e reflect.Value, c reflect.Value) (err error) {
// Create a description of e's type, e.g. "[2]int".
typeStr := fmt.Sprintf("%v", e.Type())
// Make sure c is the correct type.
if c.Type() != e.Type() {
err = NewFatalError(fmt.Sprintf("which is not %s", typeStr))
// Check for equality.
if e.Interface() != c.Interface() {
err = errors.New("")
func checkAgainstUnsafePointer(e reflect.Value, c reflect.Value) (err error) {
// Make sure c is a pointer.
if c.Kind() != reflect.UnsafePointer {
err = NewFatalError("which is not a unsafe.Pointer")
err = errors.New("")
if c.Pointer() == e.Pointer() {
err = nil
func checkForNil(c reflect.Value) (err error) {
err = errors.New("")
// Make sure it is legal to call IsNil.
switch c.Kind() {
case reflect.Invalid:
case reflect.Chan:
case reflect.Func:
case reflect.Interface:
case reflect.Map:
case reflect.Ptr:
case reflect.Slice:
err = NewFatalError("which cannot be compared to nil")
// Ask whether the value is nil. Handle a nil literal (kind Invalid)
// specially, since it's not legal to call IsNil there.
if c.Kind() == reflect.Invalid || c.IsNil() {
err = nil
// Public implementation
func (m *equalsMatcher) Matches(candidate interface{}) error {
e := m.expectedValue
c := reflect.ValueOf(candidate)
ek := e.Kind()
switch {
case ek == reflect.Bool:
return checkAgainstBool(e.Bool(), c)
case isSignedInteger(e):
return checkAgainstInt64(e.Int(), c)
case isUnsignedInteger(e):
return checkAgainstUint64(e.Uint(), c)
case ek == reflect.Float32:
return checkAgainstFloat32(float32(e.Float()), c)
case ek == reflect.Float64:
return checkAgainstFloat64(e.Float(), c)
case ek == reflect.Complex64:
return checkAgainstComplex64(complex64(e.Complex()), c)
case ek == reflect.Complex128:
return checkAgainstComplex128(complex128(e.Complex()), c)
case ek == reflect.Chan:
return checkAgainstChan(e, c)
case ek == reflect.Func:
return checkAgainstFunc(e, c)
case ek == reflect.Map:
return checkAgainstMap(e, c)
case ek == reflect.Ptr:
return checkAgainstPtr(e, c)
case ek == reflect.Slice:
return checkAgainstSlice(e, c)
case ek == reflect.String:
return checkAgainstString(e, c)
case ek == reflect.Array:
return checkAgainstArray(e, c)
case ek == reflect.UnsafePointer:
return checkAgainstUnsafePointer(e, c)
case ek == reflect.Invalid:
return checkForNil(c)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("equalsMatcher.Matches: unexpected kind: %v", ek))
func (m *equalsMatcher) Description() string {
// Special case: handle nil.
if !m.expectedValue.IsValid() {
return "is nil"
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", m.expectedValue.Interface())

View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Copyright 2011 Aaron Jacobs. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: (Aaron Jacobs)
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package oglematchers
import (
// GreaterOrEqual returns a matcher that matches integer, floating point, or
// strings values v such that v >= x. Comparison is not defined between numeric
// and string types, but is defined between all integer and floating point
// types.
// x must itself be an integer, floating point, or string type; otherwise,
// GreaterOrEqual will panic.
func GreaterOrEqual(x interface{}) Matcher {
desc := fmt.Sprintf("greater than or equal to %v", x)
// Special case: make it clear that strings are strings.
if reflect.TypeOf(x).Kind() == reflect.String {
desc = fmt.Sprintf("greater than or equal to \"%s\"", x)
return transformDescription(Not(LessThan(x)), desc)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Copyright 2011 Aaron Jacobs. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: (Aaron Jacobs)
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package oglematchers
import (
// GreaterThan returns a matcher that matches integer, floating point, or
// strings values v such that v > x. Comparison is not defined between numeric
// and string types, but is defined between all integer and floating point
// types.
// x must itself be an integer, floating point, or string type; otherwise,
// GreaterThan will panic.
func GreaterThan(x interface{}) Matcher {
desc := fmt.Sprintf("greater than %v", x)
// Special case: make it clear that strings are strings.
if reflect.TypeOf(x).Kind() == reflect.String {
desc = fmt.Sprintf("greater than \"%s\"", x)
return transformDescription(Not(LessOrEqual(x)), desc)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// Copyright 2011 Aaron Jacobs. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: (Aaron Jacobs)
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package oglematchers
import (
// LessOrEqual returns a matcher that matches integer, floating point, or
// strings values v such that v <= x. Comparison is not defined between numeric
// and string types, but is defined between all integer and floating point
// types.
// x must itself be an integer, floating point, or string type; otherwise,
// LessOrEqual will panic.
func LessOrEqual(x interface{}) Matcher {
desc := fmt.Sprintf("less than or equal to %v", x)
// Special case: make it clear that strings are strings.
if reflect.TypeOf(x).Kind() == reflect.String {
desc = fmt.Sprintf("less than or equal to \"%s\"", x)
// Put LessThan last so that its error messages will be used in the event of
// failure.
return transformDescription(AnyOf(Equals(x), LessThan(x)), desc)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
// Copyright 2011 Aaron Jacobs. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: (Aaron Jacobs)
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package oglematchers
import (
// LessThan returns a matcher that matches integer, floating point, or strings
// values v such that v < x. Comparison is not defined between numeric and
// string types, but is defined between all integer and floating point types.
// x must itself be an integer, floating point, or string type; otherwise,
// LessThan will panic.
func LessThan(x interface{}) Matcher {
v := reflect.ValueOf(x)
kind := v.Kind()
switch {
case isInteger(v):
case isFloat(v):
case kind == reflect.String:
panic(fmt.Sprintf("LessThan: unexpected kind %v", kind))
return &lessThanMatcher{v}
type lessThanMatcher struct {
limit reflect.Value
func (m *lessThanMatcher) Description() string {
// Special case: make it clear that strings are strings.
if m.limit.Kind() == reflect.String {
return fmt.Sprintf("less than \"%s\"", m.limit.String())
return fmt.Sprintf("less than %v", m.limit.Interface())
func compareIntegers(v1, v2 reflect.Value) (err error) {
err = errors.New("")
switch {
case isSignedInteger(v1) && isSignedInteger(v2):
if v1.Int() < v2.Int() {
err = nil
case isSignedInteger(v1) && isUnsignedInteger(v2):
if v1.Int() < 0 || uint64(v1.Int()) < v2.Uint() {
err = nil
case isUnsignedInteger(v1) && isSignedInteger(v2):
if v1.Uint() <= math.MaxInt64 && int64(v1.Uint()) < v2.Int() {
err = nil
case isUnsignedInteger(v1) && isUnsignedInteger(v2):
if v1.Uint() < v2.Uint() {
err = nil
panic(fmt.Sprintf("compareIntegers: %v %v", v1, v2))
func getFloat(v reflect.Value) float64 {
switch {
case isSignedInteger(v):
return float64(v.Int())
case isUnsignedInteger(v):
return float64(v.Uint())
case isFloat(v):
return v.Float()
panic(fmt.Sprintf("getFloat: %v", v))
func (m *lessThanMatcher) Matches(c interface{}) (err error) {
v1 := reflect.ValueOf(c)
v2 := m.limit
err = errors.New("")
// Handle strings as a special case.
if v1.Kind() == reflect.String && v2.Kind() == reflect.String {
if v1.String() < v2.String() {
err = nil
// If we get here, we require that we are dealing with integers or floats.
v1Legal := isInteger(v1) || isFloat(v1)
v2Legal := isInteger(v2) || isFloat(v2)
if !v1Legal || !v2Legal {
err = NewFatalError("which is not comparable")
// Handle the various comparison cases.
switch {
// Both integers
case isInteger(v1) && isInteger(v2):
return compareIntegers(v1, v2)
// At least one float32
case v1.Kind() == reflect.Float32 || v2.Kind() == reflect.Float32:
if float32(getFloat(v1)) < float32(getFloat(v2)) {
err = nil
// At least one float64
case v1.Kind() == reflect.Float64 || v2.Kind() == reflect.Float64:
if getFloat(v1) < getFloat(v2) {
err = nil
// We shouldn't get here.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("lessThanMatcher.Matches: Shouldn't get here: %v %v", v1, v2))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
// Copyright 2011 Aaron Jacobs. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: (Aaron Jacobs)
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package oglematchers provides a set of matchers useful in a testing or
// mocking framework. These matchers are inspired by and mostly compatible with
// Google Test for C++ and Google JS Test.
// This package is used by and
//, which may be more directly useful if you're not
// writing your own testing package or defining your own matchers.
package oglematchers
// A Matcher is some predicate implicitly defining a set of values that it
// matches. For example, GreaterThan(17) matches all numeric values greater
// than 17, and HasSubstr("taco") matches all strings with the substring
// "taco".
// Matchers are typically exposed to tests via constructor functions like
// HasSubstr. In order to implement such a function you can either define your
// own matcher type or use NewMatcher.
type Matcher interface {
// Check whether the supplied value belongs to the the set defined by the
// matcher. Return a non-nil error if and only if it does not.
// The error describes why the value doesn't match. The error text is a
// relative clause that is suitable for being placed after the value. For
// example, a predicate that matches strings with a particular substring may,
// when presented with a numerical value, return the following error text:
// "which is not a string"
// Then the failure message may look like:
// Expected: has substring "taco"
// Actual: 17, which is not a string
// If the error is self-apparent based on the description of the matcher, the
// error text may be empty (but the error still non-nil). For example:
// Expected: 17
// Actual: 19
// If you are implementing a new matcher, see also the documentation on
// FatalError.
Matches(candidate interface{}) error
// Description returns a string describing the property that values matching
// this matcher have, as a verb phrase where the subject is the value. For
// example, "is greather than 17" or "has substring "taco"".
Description() string
// FatalError is an implementation of the error interface that may be returned
// from matchers, indicating the error should be propagated. Returning a
// *FatalError indicates that the matcher doesn't process values of the
// supplied type, or otherwise doesn't know how to handle the value.
// For example, if GreaterThan(17) returned false for the value "taco" without
// a fatal error, then Not(GreaterThan(17)) would return true. This is
// technically correct, but is surprising and may mask failures where the wrong
// sort of matcher is accidentally used. Instead, GreaterThan(17) can return a
// fatal error, which will be propagated by Not().
type FatalError struct {
errorText string
// NewFatalError creates a FatalError struct with the supplied error text.
func NewFatalError(s string) *FatalError {
return &FatalError{s}
func (e *FatalError) Error() string {
return e.errorText

View file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// Copyright 2011 Aaron Jacobs. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: (Aaron Jacobs)
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package oglematchers
import (
// Not returns a matcher that inverts the set of values matched by the wrapped
// matcher. It does not transform the result for values for which the wrapped
// matcher returns a fatal error.
func Not(m Matcher) Matcher {
return &notMatcher{m}
type notMatcher struct {
wrapped Matcher
func (m *notMatcher) Matches(c interface{}) (err error) {
err = m.wrapped.Matches(c)
// Did the wrapped matcher say yes?
if err == nil {
return errors.New("")
// Did the wrapped matcher return a fatal error?
if _, isFatal := err.(*FatalError); isFatal {
return err
// The wrapped matcher returned a non-fatal error.
return nil
func (m *notMatcher) Description() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("not(%s)", m.wrapped.Description())

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// Copyright 2011 Aaron Jacobs. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: (Aaron Jacobs)
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package oglematchers
// transformDescription returns a matcher that is equivalent to the supplied
// one, except that it has the supplied description instead of the one attached
// to the existing matcher.
func transformDescription(m Matcher, newDesc string) Matcher {
return &transformDescriptionMatcher{newDesc, m}
type transformDescriptionMatcher struct {
desc string
wrappedMatcher Matcher
func (m *transformDescriptionMatcher) Description() string {
return m.desc
func (m *transformDescriptionMatcher) Matches(c interface{}) error {
return m.wrappedMatcher.Matches(c)

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
package assertions
const ( // equality
shouldHaveBeenEqual = "Expected: '%v'\nActual: '%v'\n(Should be equal)"
shouldNotHaveBeenEqual = "Expected '%v'\nto NOT equal '%v'\n(but it did)!"
shouldHaveBeenEqualTypeMismatch = "Expected: '%v' (%T)\nActual: '%v' (%T)\n(Should be equal, type mismatch)"
shouldHaveBeenAlmostEqual = "Expected '%v' to almost equal '%v' (but it didn't)!"
shouldHaveNotBeenAlmostEqual = "Expected '%v' to NOT almost equal '%v' (but it did)!"
shouldHaveResembled = "Expected: '%s'\nActual: '%s'\n(Should resemble)!"
shouldNotHaveResembled = "Expected '%#v'\nto NOT resemble '%#v'\n(but it did)!"
shouldBePointers = "Both arguments should be pointers "
shouldHaveBeenNonNilPointer = shouldBePointers + "(the %s was %s)!"
shouldHavePointedTo = "Expected '%+v' (address: '%v') and '%+v' (address: '%v') to be the same address (but their weren't)!"
shouldNotHavePointedTo = "Expected '%+v' and '%+v' to be different references (but they matched: '%v')!"
shouldHaveBeenNil = "Expected: nil\nActual: '%v'"
shouldNotHaveBeenNil = "Expected '%+v' to NOT be nil (but it was)!"
shouldHaveBeenTrue = "Expected: true\nActual: %v"
shouldHaveBeenFalse = "Expected: false\nActual: %v"
shouldHaveBeenZeroValue = "'%+v' should have been the zero value" //"Expected: (zero value)\nActual: %v"
const ( // quantity comparisons
shouldHaveBeenGreater = "Expected '%v' to be greater than '%v' (but it wasn't)!"
shouldHaveBeenGreaterOrEqual = "Expected '%v' to be greater than or equal to '%v' (but it wasn't)!"
shouldHaveBeenLess = "Expected '%v' to be less than '%v' (but it wasn't)!"
shouldHaveBeenLessOrEqual = "Expected '%v' to be less than or equal to '%v' (but it wasn't)!"
shouldHaveBeenBetween = "Expected '%v' to be between '%v' and '%v' (but it wasn't)!"
shouldNotHaveBeenBetween = "Expected '%v' NOT to be between '%v' and '%v' (but it was)!"
shouldHaveDifferentUpperAndLower = "The lower and upper bounds must be different values (they were both '%v')."
shouldHaveBeenBetweenOrEqual = "Expected '%v' to be between '%v' and '%v' or equal to one of them (but it wasn't)!"
shouldNotHaveBeenBetweenOrEqual = "Expected '%v' NOT to be between '%v' and '%v' or equal to one of them (but it was)!"
const ( // collections
shouldHaveContained = "Expected the container (%v) to contain: '%v' (but it didn't)!"
shouldNotHaveContained = "Expected the container (%v) NOT to contain: '%v' (but it did)!"
shouldHaveContainedKey = "Expected the %v to contain the key: %v (but it didn't)!"
shouldNotHaveContainedKey = "Expected the %v NOT to contain the key: %v (but it did)!"
shouldHaveBeenIn = "Expected '%v' to be in the container (%v), but it wasn't!"
shouldNotHaveBeenIn = "Expected '%v' NOT to be in the container (%v), but it was!"
shouldHaveBeenAValidCollection = "You must provide a valid container (was %v)!"
shouldHaveBeenAValidMap = "You must provide a valid map type (was %v)!"
shouldHaveBeenEmpty = "Expected %+v to be empty (but it wasn't)!"
shouldNotHaveBeenEmpty = "Expected %+v to NOT be empty (but it was)!"
shouldHaveBeenAValidInteger = "You must provide a valid integer (was %v)!"
shouldHaveBeenAValidLength = "You must provide a valid positive integer (was %v)!"
shouldHaveHadLength = "Expected %+v (length: %v) to have length equal to '%v', but it wasn't!"
const ( // strings
shouldHaveStartedWith = "Expected '%v'\nto start with '%v'\n(but it didn't)!"
shouldNotHaveStartedWith = "Expected '%v'\nNOT to start with '%v'\n(but it did)!"
shouldHaveEndedWith = "Expected '%v'\nto end with '%v'\n(but it didn't)!"
shouldNotHaveEndedWith = "Expected '%v'\nNOT to end with '%v'\n(but it did)!"
shouldAllBeStrings = "All arguments to this assertion must be strings (you provided: %v)."
shouldBothBeStrings = "Both arguments to this assertion must be strings (you provided %v and %v)."
shouldBeString = "The argument to this assertion must be a string (you provided %v)."
shouldHaveContainedSubstring = "Expected '%s' to contain substring '%s' (but it didn't)!"
shouldNotHaveContainedSubstring = "Expected '%s' NOT to contain substring '%s' (but it did)!"
shouldHaveBeenBlank = "Expected '%s' to be blank (but it wasn't)!"
shouldNotHaveBeenBlank = "Expected value to NOT be blank (but it was)!"
const ( // panics
shouldUseVoidNiladicFunction = "You must provide a void, niladic function as the first argument!"
shouldHavePanickedWith = "Expected func() to panic with '%v' (but it panicked with '%v')!"
shouldHavePanicked = "Expected func() to panic (but it didn't)!"
shouldNotHavePanicked = "Expected func() NOT to panic (error: '%+v')!"
shouldNotHavePanickedWith = "Expected func() NOT to panic with '%v' (but it did)!"
const ( // type checking
shouldHaveBeenA = "Expected '%v' to be: '%v' (but was: '%v')!"
shouldNotHaveBeenA = "Expected '%v' to NOT be: '%v' (but it was)!"
shouldHaveImplemented = "Expected: '%v interface support'\nActual: '%v' does not implement the interface!"
shouldNotHaveImplemented = "Expected '%v'\nto NOT implement '%v'\n(but it did)!"
shouldCompareWithInterfacePointer = "The expected value must be a pointer to an interface type (eg. *fmt.Stringer)"
shouldNotBeNilActual = "The actual value was 'nil' and should be a value or a pointer to a value!"
const ( // time comparisons
shouldUseTimes = "You must provide time instances as arguments to this assertion."
shouldUseTimeSlice = "You must provide a slice of time instances as the first argument to this assertion."
shouldUseDurationAndTime = "You must provide a duration and a time as arguments to this assertion."
shouldHaveHappenedBefore = "Expected '%v' to happen before '%v' (it happened '%v' after)!"
shouldHaveHappenedAfter = "Expected '%v' to happen after '%v' (it happened '%v' before)!"
shouldHaveHappenedBetween = "Expected '%v' to happen between '%v' and '%v' (it happened '%v' outside threshold)!"
shouldNotHaveHappenedOnOrBetween = "Expected '%v' to NOT happen on or between '%v' and '%v' (but it did)!"
// format params: incorrect-index, previous-index, previous-time, incorrect-index, incorrect-time
shouldHaveBeenChronological = "The 'Time' at index [%d] should have happened after the previous one (but it didn't!):\n [%d]: %s\n [%d]: %s (see, it happened before!)"

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
package assertions
import "fmt"
// ShouldPanic receives a void, niladic function and expects to recover a panic.
func ShouldPanic(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) (message string) {
if fail := need(0, expected); fail != success {
return fail
action, _ := actual.(func())
if action == nil {
message = shouldUseVoidNiladicFunction
defer func() {
recovered := recover()
if recovered == nil {
message = shouldHavePanicked
} else {
message = success
// ShouldNotPanic receives a void, niladic function and expects to execute the function without any panic.
func ShouldNotPanic(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) (message string) {
if fail := need(0, expected); fail != success {
return fail
action, _ := actual.(func())
if action == nil {
message = shouldUseVoidNiladicFunction
defer func() {
recovered := recover()
if recovered != nil {
message = fmt.Sprintf(shouldNotHavePanicked, recovered)
} else {
message = success
// ShouldPanicWith receives a void, niladic function and expects to recover a panic with the second argument as the content.
func ShouldPanicWith(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) (message string) {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
action, _ := actual.(func())
if action == nil {
message = shouldUseVoidNiladicFunction
defer func() {
recovered := recover()
if recovered == nil {
message = shouldHavePanicked
} else {
if equal := ShouldEqual(recovered, expected[0]); equal != success {
message = serializer.serialize(expected[0], recovered, fmt.Sprintf(shouldHavePanickedWith, expected[0], recovered))
} else {
message = success
// ShouldNotPanicWith receives a void, niladic function and expects to recover a panic whose content differs from the second argument.
func ShouldNotPanicWith(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) (message string) {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
action, _ := actual.(func())
if action == nil {
message = shouldUseVoidNiladicFunction
defer func() {
recovered := recover()
if recovered == nil {
message = success
} else {
if equal := ShouldEqual(recovered, expected[0]); equal == success {
message = fmt.Sprintf(shouldNotHavePanickedWith, expected[0])
} else {
message = success

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
package assertions
import (
// ShouldBeGreaterThan receives exactly two parameters and ensures that the first is greater than the second.
func ShouldBeGreaterThan(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
if matchError := oglematchers.GreaterThan(expected[0]).Matches(actual); matchError != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenGreater, actual, expected[0])
return success
// ShouldBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo receives exactly two parameters and ensures that the first is greater than or equal to the second.
func ShouldBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
} else if matchError := oglematchers.GreaterOrEqual(expected[0]).Matches(actual); matchError != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenGreaterOrEqual, actual, expected[0])
return success
// ShouldBeLessThan receives exactly two parameters and ensures that the first is less than the second.
func ShouldBeLessThan(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
} else if matchError := oglematchers.LessThan(expected[0]).Matches(actual); matchError != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenLess, actual, expected[0])
return success
// ShouldBeLessThan receives exactly two parameters and ensures that the first is less than or equal to the second.
func ShouldBeLessThanOrEqualTo(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
} else if matchError := oglematchers.LessOrEqual(expected[0]).Matches(actual); matchError != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenLessOrEqual, actual, expected[0])
return success
// ShouldBeBetween receives exactly three parameters: an actual value, a lower bound, and an upper bound.
// It ensures that the actual value is between both bounds (but not equal to either of them).
func ShouldBeBetween(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(2, expected); fail != success {
return fail
lower, upper, fail := deriveBounds(expected)
if fail != success {
return fail
} else if !isBetween(actual, lower, upper) {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenBetween, actual, lower, upper)
return success
// ShouldNotBeBetween receives exactly three parameters: an actual value, a lower bound, and an upper bound.
// It ensures that the actual value is NOT between both bounds.
func ShouldNotBeBetween(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(2, expected); fail != success {
return fail
lower, upper, fail := deriveBounds(expected)
if fail != success {
return fail
} else if isBetween(actual, lower, upper) {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldNotHaveBeenBetween, actual, lower, upper)
return success
func deriveBounds(values []interface{}) (lower interface{}, upper interface{}, fail string) {
lower = values[0]
upper = values[1]
if ShouldNotEqual(lower, upper) != success {
return nil, nil, fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveDifferentUpperAndLower, lower)
} else if ShouldBeLessThan(lower, upper) != success {
lower, upper = upper, lower
return lower, upper, success
func isBetween(value, lower, upper interface{}) bool {
if ShouldBeGreaterThan(value, lower) != success {
return false
} else if ShouldBeLessThan(value, upper) != success {
return false
return true
// ShouldBeBetweenOrEqual receives exactly three parameters: an actual value, a lower bound, and an upper bound.
// It ensures that the actual value is between both bounds or equal to one of them.
func ShouldBeBetweenOrEqual(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(2, expected); fail != success {
return fail
lower, upper, fail := deriveBounds(expected)
if fail != success {
return fail
} else if !isBetweenOrEqual(actual, lower, upper) {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenBetweenOrEqual, actual, lower, upper)
return success
// ShouldNotBeBetweenOrEqual receives exactly three parameters: an actual value, a lower bound, and an upper bound.
// It ensures that the actual value is nopt between the bounds nor equal to either of them.
func ShouldNotBeBetweenOrEqual(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(2, expected); fail != success {
return fail
lower, upper, fail := deriveBounds(expected)
if fail != success {
return fail
} else if isBetweenOrEqual(actual, lower, upper) {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldNotHaveBeenBetweenOrEqual, actual, lower, upper)
return success
func isBetweenOrEqual(value, lower, upper interface{}) bool {
if ShouldBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(value, lower) != success {
return false
} else if ShouldBeLessThanOrEqualTo(value, upper) != success {
return false
return true

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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
package assertions
import (
type Serializer interface {
serialize(expected, actual interface{}, message string) string
serializeDetailed(expected, actual interface{}, message string) string
type failureSerializer struct{}
func (self *failureSerializer) serializeDetailed(expected, actual interface{}, message string) string {
view := FailureView{
Message: message,
Expected: render.Render(expected),
Actual: render.Render(actual),
serialized, err := json.Marshal(view)
if err != nil {
return message
return string(serialized)
func (self *failureSerializer) serialize(expected, actual interface{}, message string) string {
view := FailureView{
Message: message,
Expected: fmt.Sprintf("%+v", expected),
Actual: fmt.Sprintf("%+v", actual),
serialized, err := json.Marshal(view)
if err != nil {
return message
return string(serialized)
func newSerializer() *failureSerializer {
return &failureSerializer{}
// This struct is also declared in
// The json struct tags should be equal in both declarations.
type FailureView struct {
Message string `json:"Message"`
Expected string `json:"Expected"`
Actual string `json:"Actual"`
// noopSerializer just gives back the original message. This is useful when we are using
// the assertions from a context other than the GoConvey Web UI, that requires the JSON
// structure provided by the failureSerializer.
type noopSerializer struct{}
func (self *noopSerializer) serialize(expected, actual interface{}, message string) string {
return message
func (self *noopSerializer) serializeDetailed(expected, actual interface{}, message string) string {
return message

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@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
package assertions
import (
// ShouldStartWith receives exactly 2 string parameters and ensures that the first starts with the second.
func ShouldStartWith(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
value, valueIsString := actual.(string)
prefix, prefixIsString := expected[0].(string)
if !valueIsString || !prefixIsString {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldBothBeStrings, reflect.TypeOf(actual), reflect.TypeOf(expected[0]))
return shouldStartWith(value, prefix)
func shouldStartWith(value, prefix string) string {
if !strings.HasPrefix(value, prefix) {
shortval := value
if len(shortval) > len(prefix) {
shortval = shortval[:len(prefix)] + "..."
return serializer.serialize(prefix, shortval, fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveStartedWith, value, prefix))
return success
// ShouldNotStartWith receives exactly 2 string parameters and ensures that the first does not start with the second.
func ShouldNotStartWith(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
value, valueIsString := actual.(string)
prefix, prefixIsString := expected[0].(string)
if !valueIsString || !prefixIsString {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldBothBeStrings, reflect.TypeOf(actual), reflect.TypeOf(expected[0]))
return shouldNotStartWith(value, prefix)
func shouldNotStartWith(value, prefix string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(value, prefix) {
if value == "" {
value = "<empty>"
if prefix == "" {
prefix = "<empty>"
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldNotHaveStartedWith, value, prefix)
return success
// ShouldEndWith receives exactly 2 string parameters and ensures that the first ends with the second.
func ShouldEndWith(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
value, valueIsString := actual.(string)
suffix, suffixIsString := expected[0].(string)
if !valueIsString || !suffixIsString {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldBothBeStrings, reflect.TypeOf(actual), reflect.TypeOf(expected[0]))
return shouldEndWith(value, suffix)
func shouldEndWith(value, suffix string) string {
if !strings.HasSuffix(value, suffix) {
shortval := value
if len(shortval) > len(suffix) {
shortval = "..." + shortval[len(shortval)-len(suffix):]
return serializer.serialize(suffix, shortval, fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveEndedWith, value, suffix))
return success
// ShouldEndWith receives exactly 2 string parameters and ensures that the first does not end with the second.
func ShouldNotEndWith(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
value, valueIsString := actual.(string)
suffix, suffixIsString := expected[0].(string)
if !valueIsString || !suffixIsString {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldBothBeStrings, reflect.TypeOf(actual), reflect.TypeOf(expected[0]))
return shouldNotEndWith(value, suffix)
func shouldNotEndWith(value, suffix string) string {
if strings.HasSuffix(value, suffix) {
if value == "" {
value = "<empty>"
if suffix == "" {
suffix = "<empty>"
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldNotHaveEndedWith, value, suffix)
return success
// ShouldContainSubstring receives exactly 2 string parameters and ensures that the first contains the second as a substring.
func ShouldContainSubstring(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
long, longOk := actual.(string)
short, shortOk := expected[0].(string)
if !longOk || !shortOk {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldBothBeStrings, reflect.TypeOf(actual), reflect.TypeOf(expected[0]))
if !strings.Contains(long, short) {
return serializer.serialize(expected[0], actual, fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveContainedSubstring, long, short))
return success
// ShouldNotContainSubstring receives exactly 2 string parameters and ensures that the first does NOT contain the second as a substring.
func ShouldNotContainSubstring(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
long, longOk := actual.(string)
short, shortOk := expected[0].(string)
if !longOk || !shortOk {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldBothBeStrings, reflect.TypeOf(actual), reflect.TypeOf(expected[0]))
if strings.Contains(long, short) {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldNotHaveContainedSubstring, long, short)
return success
// ShouldBeBlank receives exactly 1 string parameter and ensures that it is equal to "".
func ShouldBeBlank(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(0, expected); fail != success {
return fail
value, ok := actual.(string)
if !ok {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldBeString, reflect.TypeOf(actual))
if value != "" {
return serializer.serialize("", value, fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenBlank, value))
return success
// ShouldNotBeBlank receives exactly 1 string parameter and ensures that it is equal to "".
func ShouldNotBeBlank(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(0, expected); fail != success {
return fail
value, ok := actual.(string)
if !ok {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldBeString, reflect.TypeOf(actual))
if value == "" {
return shouldNotHaveBeenBlank
return success
// ShouldEqualWithout receives exactly 3 string parameters and ensures that the first is equal to the second
// after removing all instances of the third from the first using strings.Replace(first, third, "", -1).
func ShouldEqualWithout(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(2, expected); fail != success {
return fail
actualString, ok1 := actual.(string)
expectedString, ok2 := expected[0].(string)
replace, ok3 := expected[1].(string)
if !ok1 || !ok2 || !ok3 {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldAllBeStrings, []reflect.Type{
replaced := strings.Replace(actualString, replace, "", -1)
if replaced == expectedString {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("Expected '%s' to equal '%s' but without any '%s' (but it didn't).", actualString, expectedString, replace)
// ShouldEqualTrimSpace receives exactly 2 string parameters and ensures that the first is equal to the second
// after removing all leading and trailing whitespace using strings.TrimSpace(first).
func ShouldEqualTrimSpace(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
actualString, valueIsString := actual.(string)
_, value2IsString := expected[0].(string)
if !valueIsString || !value2IsString {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldBothBeStrings, reflect.TypeOf(actual), reflect.TypeOf(expected[0]))
actualString = strings.TrimSpace(actualString)
return ShouldEqual(actualString, expected[0])

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@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
package assertions
import (
// ShouldHappenBefore receives exactly 2 time.Time arguments and asserts that the first happens before the second.
func ShouldHappenBefore(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
actualTime, firstOk := actual.(time.Time)
expectedTime, secondOk := expected[0].(time.Time)
if !firstOk || !secondOk {
return shouldUseTimes
if !actualTime.Before(expectedTime) {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveHappenedBefore, actualTime, expectedTime, actualTime.Sub(expectedTime))
return success
// ShouldHappenOnOrBefore receives exactly 2 time.Time arguments and asserts that the first happens on or before the second.
func ShouldHappenOnOrBefore(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
actualTime, firstOk := actual.(time.Time)
expectedTime, secondOk := expected[0].(time.Time)
if !firstOk || !secondOk {
return shouldUseTimes
if actualTime.Equal(expectedTime) {
return success
return ShouldHappenBefore(actualTime, expectedTime)
// ShouldHappenAfter receives exactly 2 time.Time arguments and asserts that the first happens after the second.
func ShouldHappenAfter(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
actualTime, firstOk := actual.(time.Time)
expectedTime, secondOk := expected[0].(time.Time)
if !firstOk || !secondOk {
return shouldUseTimes
if !actualTime.After(expectedTime) {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveHappenedAfter, actualTime, expectedTime, expectedTime.Sub(actualTime))
return success
// ShouldHappenOnOrAfter receives exactly 2 time.Time arguments and asserts that the first happens on or after the second.
func ShouldHappenOnOrAfter(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
actualTime, firstOk := actual.(time.Time)
expectedTime, secondOk := expected[0].(time.Time)
if !firstOk || !secondOk {
return shouldUseTimes
if actualTime.Equal(expectedTime) {
return success
return ShouldHappenAfter(actualTime, expectedTime)
// ShouldHappenBetween receives exactly 3 time.Time arguments and asserts that the first happens between (not on) the second and third.
func ShouldHappenBetween(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(2, expected); fail != success {
return fail
actualTime, firstOk := actual.(time.Time)
min, secondOk := expected[0].(time.Time)
max, thirdOk := expected[1].(time.Time)
if !firstOk || !secondOk || !thirdOk {
return shouldUseTimes
if !actualTime.After(min) {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveHappenedBetween, actualTime, min, max, min.Sub(actualTime))
if !actualTime.Before(max) {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveHappenedBetween, actualTime, min, max, actualTime.Sub(max))
return success
// ShouldHappenOnOrBetween receives exactly 3 time.Time arguments and asserts that the first happens between or on the second and third.
func ShouldHappenOnOrBetween(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(2, expected); fail != success {
return fail
actualTime, firstOk := actual.(time.Time)
min, secondOk := expected[0].(time.Time)
max, thirdOk := expected[1].(time.Time)
if !firstOk || !secondOk || !thirdOk {
return shouldUseTimes
if actualTime.Equal(min) || actualTime.Equal(max) {
return success
return ShouldHappenBetween(actualTime, min, max)
// ShouldNotHappenOnOrBetween receives exactly 3 time.Time arguments and asserts that the first
// does NOT happen between or on the second or third.
func ShouldNotHappenOnOrBetween(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(2, expected); fail != success {
return fail
actualTime, firstOk := actual.(time.Time)
min, secondOk := expected[0].(time.Time)
max, thirdOk := expected[1].(time.Time)
if !firstOk || !secondOk || !thirdOk {
return shouldUseTimes
if actualTime.Equal(min) || actualTime.Equal(max) {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldNotHaveHappenedOnOrBetween, actualTime, min, max)
if actualTime.After(min) && actualTime.Before(max) {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldNotHaveHappenedOnOrBetween, actualTime, min, max)
return success
// ShouldHappenWithin receives a time.Time, a time.Duration, and a time.Time (3 arguments)
// and asserts that the first time.Time happens within or on the duration specified relative to
// the other time.Time.
func ShouldHappenWithin(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(2, expected); fail != success {
return fail
actualTime, firstOk := actual.(time.Time)
tolerance, secondOk := expected[0].(time.Duration)
threshold, thirdOk := expected[1].(time.Time)
if !firstOk || !secondOk || !thirdOk {
return shouldUseDurationAndTime
min := threshold.Add(-tolerance)
max := threshold.Add(tolerance)
return ShouldHappenOnOrBetween(actualTime, min, max)
// ShouldNotHappenWithin receives a time.Time, a time.Duration, and a time.Time (3 arguments)
// and asserts that the first time.Time does NOT happen within or on the duration specified relative to
// the other time.Time.
func ShouldNotHappenWithin(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(2, expected); fail != success {
return fail
actualTime, firstOk := actual.(time.Time)
tolerance, secondOk := expected[0].(time.Duration)
threshold, thirdOk := expected[1].(time.Time)
if !firstOk || !secondOk || !thirdOk {
return shouldUseDurationAndTime
min := threshold.Add(-tolerance)
max := threshold.Add(tolerance)
return ShouldNotHappenOnOrBetween(actualTime, min, max)
// ShouldBeChronological receives a []time.Time slice and asserts that the are
// in chronological order starting with the first time.Time as the earliest.
func ShouldBeChronological(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(0, expected); fail != success {
return fail
times, ok := actual.([]time.Time)
if !ok {
return shouldUseTimeSlice
var previous time.Time
for i, current := range times {
if i > 0 && current.Before(previous) {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenChronological,
i, i-1, previous.String(), i, current.String())
previous = current
return ""

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
package assertions
import (
// ShouldHaveSameTypeAs receives exactly two parameters and compares their underlying types for equality.
func ShouldHaveSameTypeAs(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
first := reflect.TypeOf(actual)
second := reflect.TypeOf(expected[0])
if equal := ShouldEqual(first, second); equal != success {
return serializer.serialize(second, first, fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenA, actual, second, first))
return success
// ShouldNotHaveSameTypeAs receives exactly two parameters and compares their underlying types for inequality.
func ShouldNotHaveSameTypeAs(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
first := reflect.TypeOf(actual)
second := reflect.TypeOf(expected[0])
if equal := ShouldEqual(first, second); equal == success {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldNotHaveBeenA, actual, second)
return success
// ShouldImplement receives exactly two parameters and ensures
// that the first implements the interface type of the second.
func ShouldImplement(actual interface{}, expectedList ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expectedList); fail != success {
return fail
expected := expectedList[0]
if fail := ShouldBeNil(expected); fail != success {
return shouldCompareWithInterfacePointer
if fail := ShouldNotBeNil(actual); fail != success {
return shouldNotBeNilActual
var actualType reflect.Type
if reflect.TypeOf(actual).Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
actualType = reflect.PtrTo(reflect.TypeOf(actual))
} else {
actualType = reflect.TypeOf(actual)
expectedType := reflect.TypeOf(expected)
if fail := ShouldNotBeNil(expectedType); fail != success {
return shouldCompareWithInterfacePointer
expectedInterface := expectedType.Elem()
if actualType == nil {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveImplemented, expectedInterface, actual)
if !actualType.Implements(expectedInterface) {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveImplemented, expectedInterface, actualType)
return success
// ShouldNotImplement receives exactly two parameters and ensures
// that the first does NOT implement the interface type of the second.
func ShouldNotImplement(actual interface{}, expectedList ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expectedList); fail != success {
return fail
expected := expectedList[0]
if fail := ShouldBeNil(expected); fail != success {
return shouldCompareWithInterfacePointer
if fail := ShouldNotBeNil(actual); fail != success {
return shouldNotBeNilActual
var actualType reflect.Type
if reflect.TypeOf(actual).Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
actualType = reflect.PtrTo(reflect.TypeOf(actual))
} else {
actualType = reflect.TypeOf(actual)
expectedType := reflect.TypeOf(expected)
if fail := ShouldNotBeNil(expectedType); fail != success {
return shouldCompareWithInterfacePointer
expectedInterface := expectedType.Elem()
if actualType.Implements(expectedInterface) {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldNotHaveImplemented, actualType, expectedInterface)
return success

View file

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2016 SmartyStreets, LLC
Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Ian Kent
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
NOTE: Various optional and subordinate components carry their own licensing
requirements and restrictions. Use of those components is subject to the terms
and conditions outlined the respective license of each component.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
package convey
import ""
var (
ShouldEqual = assertions.ShouldEqual
ShouldNotEqual = assertions.ShouldNotEqual
ShouldAlmostEqual = assertions.ShouldAlmostEqual
ShouldNotAlmostEqual = assertions.ShouldNotAlmostEqual
ShouldResemble = assertions.ShouldResemble
ShouldNotResemble = assertions.ShouldNotResemble
ShouldPointTo = assertions.ShouldPointTo
ShouldNotPointTo = assertions.ShouldNotPointTo
ShouldBeNil = assertions.ShouldBeNil
ShouldNotBeNil = assertions.ShouldNotBeNil
ShouldBeTrue = assertions.ShouldBeTrue
ShouldBeFalse = assertions.ShouldBeFalse
ShouldBeZeroValue = assertions.ShouldBeZeroValue
ShouldBeGreaterThan = assertions.ShouldBeGreaterThan
ShouldBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo = assertions.ShouldBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo
ShouldBeLessThan = assertions.ShouldBeLessThan
ShouldBeLessThanOrEqualTo = assertions.ShouldBeLessThanOrEqualTo
ShouldBeBetween = assertions.ShouldBeBetween
ShouldNotBeBetween = assertions.ShouldNotBeBetween
ShouldBeBetweenOrEqual = assertions.ShouldBeBetweenOrEqual
ShouldNotBeBetweenOrEqual = assertions.ShouldNotBeBetweenOrEqual
ShouldContain = assertions.ShouldContain
ShouldNotContain = assertions.ShouldNotContain
ShouldContainKey = assertions.ShouldContainKey
ShouldNotContainKey = assertions.ShouldNotContainKey
ShouldBeIn = assertions.ShouldBeIn
ShouldNotBeIn = assertions.ShouldNotBeIn
ShouldBeEmpty = assertions.ShouldBeEmpty
ShouldNotBeEmpty = assertions.ShouldNotBeEmpty
ShouldHaveLength = assertions.ShouldHaveLength
ShouldStartWith = assertions.ShouldStartWith
ShouldNotStartWith = assertions.ShouldNotStartWith
ShouldEndWith = assertions.ShouldEndWith
ShouldNotEndWith = assertions.ShouldNotEndWith
ShouldBeBlank = assertions.ShouldBeBlank
ShouldNotBeBlank = assertions.ShouldNotBeBlank
ShouldContainSubstring = assertions.ShouldContainSubstring
ShouldNotContainSubstring = assertions.ShouldNotContainSubstring
ShouldPanic = assertions.ShouldPanic
ShouldNotPanic = assertions.ShouldNotPanic
ShouldPanicWith = assertions.ShouldPanicWith
ShouldNotPanicWith = assertions.ShouldNotPanicWith
ShouldHaveSameTypeAs = assertions.ShouldHaveSameTypeAs
ShouldNotHaveSameTypeAs = assertions.ShouldNotHaveSameTypeAs
ShouldImplement = assertions.ShouldImplement
ShouldNotImplement = assertions.ShouldNotImplement
ShouldHappenBefore = assertions.ShouldHappenBefore
ShouldHappenOnOrBefore = assertions.ShouldHappenOnOrBefore
ShouldHappenAfter = assertions.ShouldHappenAfter
ShouldHappenOnOrAfter = assertions.ShouldHappenOnOrAfter
ShouldHappenBetween = assertions.ShouldHappenBetween
ShouldHappenOnOrBetween = assertions.ShouldHappenOnOrBetween
ShouldNotHappenOnOrBetween = assertions.ShouldNotHappenOnOrBetween
ShouldHappenWithin = assertions.ShouldHappenWithin
ShouldNotHappenWithin = assertions.ShouldNotHappenWithin
ShouldBeChronological = assertions.ShouldBeChronological

View file

@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
package convey
import (
type conveyErr struct {
fmt string
params []interface{}
func (e *conveyErr) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(e.fmt, e.params...)
func conveyPanic(fmt string, params ...interface{}) {
panic(&conveyErr{fmt, params})
const (
missingGoTest = `Top-level calls to Convey(...) need a reference to the *testing.T.
Hint: Convey("description here", t, func() { /* notice that the second argument was the *testing.T (t)! */ }) `
extraGoTest = `Only the top-level call to Convey(...) needs a reference to the *testing.T.`
noStackContext = "Convey operation made without context on goroutine stack.\n" +
"Hint: Perhaps you meant to use `Convey(..., func(c C){...})` ?"
differentConveySituations = "Different set of Convey statements on subsequent pass!\nDid not expect %#v."
multipleIdenticalConvey = "Multiple convey suites with identical names: %#v"
const (
failureHalt = "___FAILURE_HALT___"
nodeKey = "node"
///////////////////////////////// Stack Context /////////////////////////////////
func getCurrentContext() *context {
ctx, ok := ctxMgr.GetValue(nodeKey)
if ok {
return ctx.(*context)
return nil
func mustGetCurrentContext() *context {
ctx := getCurrentContext()
if ctx == nil {
return ctx
//////////////////////////////////// Context ////////////////////////////////////
// context magically handles all coordination of Convey's and So assertions.
// It is tracked on the stack as goroutine-local-storage with the gls package,
// or explicitly if the user decides to call convey like:
// Convey(..., func(c C) {
// c.So(...)
// })
// This implements the `C` interface.
type context struct {
reporter reporting.Reporter
children map[string]*context
resets []func()
executedOnce bool
expectChildRun *bool
complete bool
focus bool
failureMode FailureMode
// rootConvey is the main entry point to a test suite. This is called when
// there's no context in the stack already, and items must contain a `t` object,
// or this panics.
func rootConvey(items ...interface{}) {
entry := discover(items)
if entry.Test == nil {
expectChildRun := true
ctx := &context{
reporter: buildReporter(),
children: make(map[string]*context),
expectChildRun: &expectChildRun,
focus: entry.Focus,
failureMode: defaultFailureMode.combine(entry.FailMode),
ctxMgr.SetValues(gls.Values{nodeKey: ctx}, func() {
defer ctx.reporter.EndStory()
for ctx.shouldVisit() {
ctx.conveyInner(entry.Situation, entry.Func)
expectChildRun = true
//////////////////////////////////// Methods ////////////////////////////////////
func (ctx *context) SkipConvey(items ...interface{}) {
ctx.Convey(items, skipConvey)
func (ctx *context) FocusConvey(items ...interface{}) {
ctx.Convey(items, focusConvey)
func (ctx *context) Convey(items ...interface{}) {
entry := discover(items)
// we're a branch, or leaf (on the wind)
if entry.Test != nil {
if ctx.focus && !entry.Focus {
var inner_ctx *context
if ctx.executedOnce {
var ok bool
inner_ctx, ok = ctx.children[entry.Situation]
if !ok {
conveyPanic(differentConveySituations, entry.Situation)
} else {
if _, ok := ctx.children[entry.Situation]; ok {
conveyPanic(multipleIdenticalConvey, entry.Situation)
inner_ctx = &context{
reporter: ctx.reporter,
children: make(map[string]*context),
expectChildRun: ctx.expectChildRun,
focus: entry.Focus,
failureMode: ctx.failureMode.combine(entry.FailMode),
ctx.children[entry.Situation] = inner_ctx
if inner_ctx.shouldVisit() {
ctxMgr.SetValues(gls.Values{nodeKey: inner_ctx}, func() {
inner_ctx.conveyInner(entry.Situation, entry.Func)
func (ctx *context) SkipSo(stuff ...interface{}) {
func (ctx *context) So(actual interface{}, assert assertion, expected ...interface{}) {
if result := assert(actual, expected...); result == assertionSuccess {
} else {
func (ctx *context) Reset(action func()) {
/* TODO: Failure mode configuration */
ctx.resets = append(ctx.resets, action)
func (ctx *context) Print(items ...interface{}) (int, error) {
fmt.Fprint(ctx.reporter, items...)
return fmt.Print(items...)
func (ctx *context) Println(items ...interface{}) (int, error) {
fmt.Fprintln(ctx.reporter, items...)
return fmt.Println(items...)
func (ctx *context) Printf(format string, items ...interface{}) (int, error) {
fmt.Fprintf(ctx.reporter, format, items...)
return fmt.Printf(format, items...)
//////////////////////////////////// Private ////////////////////////////////////
// shouldVisit returns true iff we should traverse down into a Convey. Note
// that just because we don't traverse a Convey this time, doesn't mean that
// we may not traverse it on a subsequent pass.
func (c *context) shouldVisit() bool {
return !c.complete && *c.expectChildRun
// conveyInner is the function which actually executes the user's anonymous test
// function body. At this point, Convey or RootConvey has decided that this
// function should actually run.
func (ctx *context) conveyInner(situation string, f func(C)) {
// Record/Reset state for next time.
defer func() {
ctx.executedOnce = true
// This is only needed at the leaves, but there's no harm in also setting it
// when returning from branch Convey's
*ctx.expectChildRun = false
// Set up+tear down our scope for the reporter
defer ctx.reporter.Exit()
// Recover from any panics in f, and assign the `complete` status for this
// node of the tree.
defer func() {
ctx.complete = true
if problem := recover(); problem != nil {
if problem, ok := problem.(*conveyErr); ok {
if problem != failureHalt {
} else {
for _, child := range ctx.children {
if !child.complete {
ctx.complete = false
// Resets are registered as the `f` function executes, so nil them here.
// All resets are run in registration order (FIFO).
ctx.resets = []func(){}
defer func() {
for _, r := range ctx.resets {
// panics handled by the previous defer
if f == nil {
// if f is nil, this was either a Convey(..., nil), or a SkipConvey
} else {
// assertionReport is a helper for So and SkipSo which makes the report and
// then possibly panics, depending on the current context's failureMode.
func (ctx *context) assertionReport(r *reporting.AssertionResult) {
if r.Failure != "" && ctx.failureMode == FailureHalts {

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
package convey
type actionSpecifier uint8
const (
noSpecifier actionSpecifier = iota
type suite struct {
Situation string
Test t
Focus bool
Func func(C) // nil means skipped
FailMode FailureMode
func newSuite(situation string, failureMode FailureMode, f func(C), test t, specifier actionSpecifier) *suite {
ret := &suite{
Situation: situation,
Test: test,
Func: f,
FailMode: failureMode,
switch specifier {
case skipConvey:
ret.Func = nil
case focusConvey:
ret.Focus = true
return ret
func discover(items []interface{}) *suite {
name, items := parseName(items)
test, items := parseGoTest(items)
failure, items := parseFailureMode(items)
action, items := parseAction(items)
specifier, items := parseSpecifier(items)
if len(items) != 0 {
return newSuite(name, failure, action, test, specifier)
func item(items []interface{}) interface{} {
if len(items) == 0 {
return items[0]
func parseName(items []interface{}) (string, []interface{}) {
if name, parsed := item(items).(string); parsed {
return name, items[1:]
panic("never get here")
func parseGoTest(items []interface{}) (t, []interface{}) {
if test, parsed := item(items).(t); parsed {
return test, items[1:]
return nil, items
func parseFailureMode(items []interface{}) (FailureMode, []interface{}) {
if mode, parsed := item(items).(FailureMode); parsed {
return mode, items[1:]
return FailureInherits, items
func parseAction(items []interface{}) (func(C), []interface{}) {
switch x := item(items).(type) {
case nil:
return nil, items[1:]
case func(C):
return x, items[1:]
case func():
return func(C) { x() }, items[1:]
panic("never get here")
func parseSpecifier(items []interface{}) (actionSpecifier, []interface{}) {
if len(items) == 0 {
return noSpecifier, items
if spec, ok := items[0].(actionSpecifier); ok {
return spec, items[1:]
panic("never get here")
// This interface allows us to pass the *testing.T struct
// throughout the internals of this package without ever
// having to import the "testing" package.
type t interface {
const parseError = "You must provide a name (string), then a *testing.T (if in outermost scope), an optional FailureMode, and then an action (func())."

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
// Package convey contains all of the public-facing entry points to this project.
// This means that it should never be required of the user to import any other
// packages from this project as they serve internal purposes.
package convey
import ""
////////////////////////////////// suite //////////////////////////////////
// C is the Convey context which you can optionally obtain in your action
// by calling Convey like:
// Convey(..., func(c C) {
// ...
// })
// See the documentation on Convey for more details.
// All methods in this context behave identically to the global functions of the
// same name in this package.
type C interface {
Convey(items ...interface{})
SkipConvey(items ...interface{})
FocusConvey(items ...interface{})
So(actual interface{}, assert assertion, expected ...interface{})
SkipSo(stuff ...interface{})
Reset(action func())
Println(items ...interface{}) (int, error)
Print(items ...interface{}) (int, error)
Printf(format string, items ...interface{}) (int, error)
// Convey is the method intended for use when declaring the scopes of
// a specification. Each scope has a description and a func() which may contain
// other calls to Convey(), Reset() or Should-style assertions. Convey calls can
// be nested as far as you see fit.
// IMPORTANT NOTE: The top-level Convey() within a Test method
// must conform to the following signature:
// Convey(description string, t *testing.T, action func())
// All other calls should look like this (no need to pass in *testing.T):
// Convey(description string, action func())
// Don't worry, goconvey will panic if you get it wrong so you can fix it.
// Additionally, you may explicitly obtain access to the Convey context by doing:
// Convey(description string, action func(c C))
// You may need to do this if you want to pass the context through to a
// goroutine, or to close over the context in a handler to a library which
// calls your handler in a goroutine (httptest comes to mind).
// All Convey()-blocks also accept an optional parameter of FailureMode which sets
// how goconvey should treat failures for So()-assertions in the block and
// nested blocks. See the constants in this file for the available options.
// By default it will inherit from its parent block and the top-level blocks
// default to the FailureHalts setting.
// This parameter is inserted before the block itself:
// Convey(description string, t *testing.T, mode FailureMode, action func())
// Convey(description string, mode FailureMode, action func())
// See the examples package for, well, examples.
func Convey(items ...interface{}) {
if ctx := getCurrentContext(); ctx == nil {
} else {
// SkipConvey is analagous to Convey except that the scope is not executed
// (which means that child scopes defined within this scope are not run either).
// The reporter will be notified that this step was skipped.
func SkipConvey(items ...interface{}) {
Convey(append(items, skipConvey)...)
// FocusConvey is has the inverse effect of SkipConvey. If the top-level
// Convey is changed to `FocusConvey`, only nested scopes that are defined
// with FocusConvey will be run. The rest will be ignored completely. This
// is handy when debugging a large suite that runs a misbehaving function
// repeatedly as you can disable all but one of that function
// without swaths of `SkipConvey` calls, just a targeted chain of calls
// to FocusConvey.
func FocusConvey(items ...interface{}) {
Convey(append(items, focusConvey)...)
// Reset registers a cleanup function to be run after each Convey()
// in the same scope. See the examples package for a simple use case.
func Reset(action func()) {
/////////////////////////////////// Assertions ///////////////////////////////////
// assertion is an alias for a function with a signature that the convey.So()
// method can handle. Any future or custom assertions should conform to this
// method signature. The return value should be an empty string if the assertion
// passes and a well-formed failure message if not.
type assertion func(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string
const assertionSuccess = ""
// So is the means by which assertions are made against the system under test.
// The majority of exported names in the assertions package begin with the word
// 'Should' and describe how the first argument (actual) should compare with any
// of the final (expected) arguments. How many final arguments are accepted
// depends on the particular assertion that is passed in as the assert argument.
// See the examples package for use cases and the assertions package for
// documentation on specific assertion methods. A failing assertion will
// cause t.Fail() to be invoked--you should never call this method (or other
// failure-inducing methods) in your test code. Leave that to GoConvey.
func So(actual interface{}, assert assertion, expected ...interface{}) {
mustGetCurrentContext().So(actual, assert, expected...)
// SkipSo is analagous to So except that the assertion that would have been passed
// to So is not executed and the reporter is notified that the assertion was skipped.
func SkipSo(stuff ...interface{}) {
// FailureMode is a type which determines how the So() blocks should fail
// if their assertion fails. See constants further down for acceptable values
type FailureMode string
const (
// FailureContinues is a failure mode which prevents failing
// So()-assertions from halting Convey-block execution, instead
// allowing the test to continue past failing So()-assertions.
FailureContinues FailureMode = "continue"
// FailureHalts is the default setting for a top-level Convey()-block
// and will cause all failing So()-assertions to halt further execution
// in that test-arm and continue on to the next arm.
FailureHalts FailureMode = "halt"
// FailureInherits is the default setting for failure-mode, it will
// default to the failure-mode of the parent block. You should never
// need to specify this mode in your tests..
FailureInherits FailureMode = "inherits"
func (f FailureMode) combine(other FailureMode) FailureMode {
if other == FailureInherits {
return f
return other
var defaultFailureMode FailureMode = FailureHalts
// SetDefaultFailureMode allows you to specify the default failure mode
// for all Convey blocks. It is meant to be used in an init function to
// allow the default mode to be changdd across all tests for an entire packgae
// but it can be used anywhere.
func SetDefaultFailureMode(mode FailureMode) {
if mode == FailureContinues || mode == FailureHalts {
defaultFailureMode = mode
} else {
panic("You may only use the constants named 'FailureContinues' and 'FailureHalts' as default failure modes.")
//////////////////////////////////// Print functions ////////////////////////////////////
// Print is analogous to fmt.Print (and it even calls fmt.Print). It ensures that
// output is aligned with the corresponding scopes in the web UI.
func Print(items ...interface{}) (written int, err error) {
return mustGetCurrentContext().Print(items...)
// Print is analogous to fmt.Println (and it even calls fmt.Println). It ensures that
// output is aligned with the corresponding scopes in the web UI.
func Println(items ...interface{}) (written int, err error) {
return mustGetCurrentContext().Println(items...)
// Print is analogous to fmt.Printf (and it even calls fmt.Printf). It ensures that
// output is aligned with the corresponding scopes in the web UI.
func Printf(format string, items ...interface{}) (written int, err error) {
return mustGetCurrentContext().Printf(format, items...)
// SuppressConsoleStatistics prevents automatic printing of console statistics.
// Calling PrintConsoleStatistics explicitly will force printing of statistics.
func SuppressConsoleStatistics() {
// ConsoleStatistics may be called at any time to print assertion statistics.
// Generally, the best place to do this would be in a TestMain function,
// after all tests have been run. Something like this:
// func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
// convey.SuppressConsoleStatistics()
// result := m.Run()
// convey.PrintConsoleStatistics()
// os.Exit(result)
// }
func PrintConsoleStatistics() {

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
// Package gotest contains internal functionality. Although this package
// contains one or more exported names it is not intended for public
// consumption. See the examples package for how to use this project.
package gotest
import (
func ResolveExternalCaller() (file string, line int, name string) {
var caller_id uintptr
callers := runtime.Callers(0, callStack)
for x := 0; x < callers; x++ {
caller_id, file, line, _ = runtime.Caller(x)
if strings.HasSuffix(file, "_test.go") || strings.HasSuffix(file, "_tests.go") {
name = runtime.FuncForPC(caller_id).Name()
file, line, name = "<unkown file>", -1, "<unknown name>"
return // panic?
const maxStackDepth = 100 // This had better be enough...
var callStack []uintptr = make([]uintptr, maxStackDepth, maxStackDepth)

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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
package convey
import (
func init() {
ctxMgr = gls.NewContextManager()
func declareFlags() {
flag.BoolVar(&json, "convey-json", false, "When true, emits results in JSON blocks. Default: 'false'")
flag.BoolVar(&silent, "convey-silent", false, "When true, all output from GoConvey is suppressed.")
flag.BoolVar(&story, "convey-story", false, "When true, emits story output, otherwise emits dot output. When not provided, this flag mirros the value of the '-test.v' flag")
if noStoryFlagProvided() {
story = verboseEnabled
// FYI: flag.Parse() is called from the testing package.
func noStoryFlagProvided() bool {
return !story && !storyDisabled
func buildReporter() reporting.Reporter {
selectReporter := os.Getenv("GOCONVEY_REPORTER")
switch {
case testReporter != nil:
return testReporter
case json || selectReporter == "json":
return reporting.BuildJsonReporter()
case silent || selectReporter == "silent":
return reporting.BuildSilentReporter()
case selectReporter == "dot":
// Story is turned on when verbose is set, so we need to check for dot reporter first.
return reporting.BuildDotReporter()
case story || selectReporter == "story":
return reporting.BuildStoryReporter()
return reporting.BuildDotReporter()
var (
ctxMgr *gls.ContextManager
// only set by internal tests
testReporter reporting.Reporter
var (
json bool
silent bool
story bool
verboseEnabled = flagFound("-test.v=true")
storyDisabled = flagFound("-story=false")
// flagFound parses the command line args manually for flags defined in other
// packages. Like the '-v' flag from the "testing" package, for instance.
func flagFound(flagValue string) bool {
for _, arg := range os.Args {
if arg == flagValue {
return true
return false

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package convey
import (
type nilReporter struct{}
func (self *nilReporter) BeginStory(story *reporting.StoryReport) {}
func (self *nilReporter) Enter(scope *reporting.ScopeReport) {}
func (self *nilReporter) Report(report *reporting.AssertionResult) {}
func (self *nilReporter) Exit() {}
func (self *nilReporter) EndStory() {}
func (self *nilReporter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { return len(p), nil }
func newNilReporter() *nilReporter { return &nilReporter{} }

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package reporting
import (
type console struct{}
func (self *console) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
return fmt.Print(string(p))
func NewConsole() io.Writer {
return new(console)

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
// Package reporting contains internal functionality related
// to console reporting and output. Although this package has
// exported names is not intended for public consumption. See the
// examples package for how to use this project.
package reporting

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
package reporting
import "fmt"
type dot struct{ out *Printer }
func (self *dot) BeginStory(story *StoryReport) {}
func (self *dot) Enter(scope *ScopeReport) {}
func (self *dot) Report(report *AssertionResult) {
if report.Error != nil {
} else if report.Failure != "" {
} else if report.Skipped {
} else {
func (self *dot) Exit() {}
func (self *dot) EndStory() {}
func (self *dot) Write(content []byte) (written int, err error) {
return len(content), nil // no-op
func NewDotReporter(out *Printer) *dot {
self := new(dot)
self.out = out
return self

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
package reporting
type gotestReporter struct{ test T }
func (self *gotestReporter) BeginStory(story *StoryReport) {
self.test = story.Test
func (self *gotestReporter) Enter(scope *ScopeReport) {}
func (self *gotestReporter) Report(r *AssertionResult) {
if !passed(r) {
func (self *gotestReporter) Exit() {}
func (self *gotestReporter) EndStory() {
self.test = nil
func (self *gotestReporter) Write(content []byte) (written int, err error) {
return len(content), nil // no-op
func NewGoTestReporter() *gotestReporter {
return new(gotestReporter)
func passed(r *AssertionResult) bool {
return r.Error == nil && r.Failure == ""

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@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
package reporting
import (
func init() {
if !isColorableTerminal() {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
success, failure, error_ = dotSuccess, dotFailure, dotError
func BuildJsonReporter() Reporter {
out := NewPrinter(NewConsole())
return NewReporters(
func BuildDotReporter() Reporter {
out := NewPrinter(NewConsole())
return NewReporters(
func BuildStoryReporter() Reporter {
out := NewPrinter(NewConsole())
return NewReporters(
func BuildSilentReporter() Reporter {
out := NewPrinter(NewConsole())
return NewReporters(
var (
newline = "\n"
success = "✔"
failure = "✘"
error_ = "🔥"
skip = "⚠"
dotSuccess = "."
dotFailure = "x"
dotError = "E"
dotSkip = "S"
errorTemplate = "* %s \nLine %d: - %v \n%s\n"
failureTemplate = "* %s \nLine %d:\n%s\n"
var (
greenColor = "\033[32m"
yellowColor = "\033[33m"
redColor = "\033[31m"
resetColor = "\033[0m"
var consoleStatistics = NewStatisticsReporter(NewPrinter(NewConsole()))
func SuppressConsoleStatistics() { consoleStatistics.Suppress() }
func PrintConsoleStatistics() { consoleStatistics.PrintSummary() }
// QuiteMode disables all console output symbols. This is only meant to be used
// for tests that are internal to goconvey where the output is distracting or
// otherwise not needed in the test output.
func QuietMode() {
success, failure, error_, skip, dotSuccess, dotFailure, dotError, dotSkip = "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
func monochrome() {
greenColor, yellowColor, redColor, resetColor = "", "", "", ""
func isColorableTerminal() bool {
return strings.Contains(os.Getenv("TERM"), "color")
// This interface allows us to pass the *testing.T struct
// throughout the internals of this tool without ever
// having to import the "testing" package.
type T interface {

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
// TODO: under unit test
package reporting
import (
type JsonReporter struct {
out *Printer
currentKey []string
current *ScopeResult
index map[string]*ScopeResult
scopes []*ScopeResult
func (self *JsonReporter) depth() int { return len(self.currentKey) }
func (self *JsonReporter) BeginStory(story *StoryReport) {}
func (self *JsonReporter) Enter(scope *ScopeReport) {
self.currentKey = append(self.currentKey, scope.Title)
ID := strings.Join(self.currentKey, "|")
if _, found := self.index[ID]; !found {
next := newScopeResult(scope.Title, self.depth(), scope.File, scope.Line)
self.scopes = append(self.scopes, next)
self.index[ID] = next
self.current = self.index[ID]
func (self *JsonReporter) Report(report *AssertionResult) {
self.current.Assertions = append(self.current.Assertions, report)
func (self *JsonReporter) Exit() {
self.currentKey = self.currentKey[:len(self.currentKey)-1]
func (self *JsonReporter) EndStory() {
func (self *JsonReporter) report() {
scopes := []string{}
for _, scope := range self.scopes {
serialized, err := json.Marshal(scope)
if err != nil {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
json.Indent(&buffer, serialized, "", " ")
scopes = append(scopes, buffer.String())
self.out.Print(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s,\n%s\n", OpenJson, strings.Join(scopes, ","), CloseJson))
func (self *JsonReporter) reset() {
self.scopes = []*ScopeResult{}
self.index = map[string]*ScopeResult{}
self.currentKey = nil
func (self *JsonReporter) Write(content []byte) (written int, err error) {
self.current.Output += string(content)
return len(content), nil
func NewJsonReporter(out *Printer) *JsonReporter {
self := new(JsonReporter)
self.out = out
return self
const OpenJson = ">->->OPEN-JSON->->->" // "⌦"
const CloseJson = "<-<-<-CLOSE-JSON<-<-<" // "⌫"
const jsonMarshalFailure = `
GOCONVEY_JSON_MARSHALL_FAILURE: There was an error when attempting to convert test results to JSON.
Please file a bug report and reference the code that caused this failure if possible.
Here's the panic:

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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
package reporting
import (
type Printer struct {
out io.Writer
prefix string
func (self *Printer) Println(message string, values ...interface{}) {
formatted := self.format(message, values...) + newline
func (self *Printer) Print(message string, values ...interface{}) {
formatted := self.format(message, values...)
func (self *Printer) Insert(text string) {
func (self *Printer) format(message string, values ...interface{}) string {
var formatted string
if len(values) == 0 {
formatted = self.prefix + message
} else {
formatted = self.prefix + fmt.Sprintf(message, values...)
indented := strings.Replace(formatted, newline, newline+self.prefix, -1)
return strings.TrimRight(indented, space)
func (self *Printer) Indent() {
self.prefix += pad
func (self *Printer) Dedent() {
if len(self.prefix) >= padLength {
self.prefix = self.prefix[:len(self.prefix)-padLength]
func NewPrinter(out io.Writer) *Printer {
self := new(Printer)
self.out = out
return self
const space = " "
const pad = space + space
const padLength = len(pad)

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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
package reporting
import "fmt"
type problem struct {
silent bool
out *Printer
errors []*AssertionResult
failures []*AssertionResult
func (self *problem) BeginStory(story *StoryReport) {}
func (self *problem) Enter(scope *ScopeReport) {}
func (self *problem) Report(report *AssertionResult) {
if report.Error != nil {
self.errors = append(self.errors, report)
} else if report.Failure != "" {
self.failures = append(self.failures, report)
func (self *problem) Exit() {}
func (self *problem) EndStory() {, redColor), yellowColor)
func (self *problem) show(display func(), color string) {
if !self.silent {
if !self.silent {
func (self *problem) showErrors() {
for i, e := range self.errors {
if i == 0 {
self.out.Println(errorTemplate, e.File, e.Line, e.Error, e.StackTrace)
func (self *problem) showFailures() {
for i, f := range self.failures {
if i == 0 {
self.out.Println(failureTemplate, f.File, f.Line, f.Failure)
func (self *problem) Write(content []byte) (written int, err error) {
return len(content), nil // no-op
func NewProblemReporter(out *Printer) *problem {
self := new(problem)
self.out = out
return self
func NewSilentProblemReporter(out *Printer) *problem {
self := NewProblemReporter(out)
self.silent = true
return self
func (self *problem) prepareForNextStory() {
self.errors = []*AssertionResult{}
self.failures = []*AssertionResult{}

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
package reporting
import "io"
type Reporter interface {
BeginStory(story *StoryReport)
Enter(scope *ScopeReport)
Report(r *AssertionResult)
type reporters struct{ collection []Reporter }
func (self *reporters) BeginStory(s *StoryReport) { self.foreach(func(r Reporter) { r.BeginStory(s) }) }
func (self *reporters) Enter(s *ScopeReport) { self.foreach(func(r Reporter) { r.Enter(s) }) }
func (self *reporters) Report(a *AssertionResult) { self.foreach(func(r Reporter) { r.Report(a) }) }
func (self *reporters) Exit() { self.foreach(func(r Reporter) { r.Exit() }) }
func (self *reporters) EndStory() { self.foreach(func(r Reporter) { r.EndStory() }) }
func (self *reporters) Write(contents []byte) (written int, err error) {
self.foreach(func(r Reporter) {
written, err = r.Write(contents)
return written, err
func (self *reporters) foreach(action func(Reporter)) {
for _, r := range self.collection {
func NewReporters(collection ...Reporter) *reporters {
self := new(reporters)
self.collection = collection
return self

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
package reporting
import (
////////////////// ScopeReport ////////////////////
type ScopeReport struct {
Title string
File string
Line int
func NewScopeReport(title string) *ScopeReport {
file, line, _ := gotest.ResolveExternalCaller()
self := new(ScopeReport)
self.Title = title
self.File = file
self.Line = line
return self
////////////////// ScopeResult ////////////////////
type ScopeResult struct {
Title string
File string
Line int
Depth int
Assertions []*AssertionResult
Output string
func newScopeResult(title string, depth int, file string, line int) *ScopeResult {
self := new(ScopeResult)
self.Title = title
self.Depth = depth
self.File = file
self.Line = line
self.Assertions = []*AssertionResult{}
return self
/////////////////// StoryReport /////////////////////
type StoryReport struct {
Test T
Name string
File string
Line int
func NewStoryReport(test T) *StoryReport {
file, line, name := gotest.ResolveExternalCaller()
name = removePackagePath(name)
self := new(StoryReport)
self.Test = test
self.Name = name
self.File = file
self.Line = line
return self
// name comes in looking like "".
// We only want the stuff after the last '.', which is the name of the test function.
func removePackagePath(name string) string {
parts := strings.Split(name, ".")
return parts[len(parts)-1]
/////////////////// FailureView ////////////////////////
// This struct is also declared in
// The json struct tags should be equal in both declarations.
type FailureView struct {
Message string `json:"Message"`
Expected string `json:"Expected"`
Actual string `json:"Actual"`
////////////////////AssertionResult //////////////////////
type AssertionResult struct {
File string
Line int
Expected string
Actual string
Failure string
Error interface{}
StackTrace string
Skipped bool
func NewFailureReport(failure string) *AssertionResult {
report := new(AssertionResult)
report.File, report.Line = caller()
report.StackTrace = stackTrace()
parseFailure(failure, report)
return report
func parseFailure(failure string, report *AssertionResult) {
view := new(FailureView)
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(failure), view)
if err == nil {
report.Failure = view.Message
report.Expected = view.Expected
report.Actual = view.Actual
} else {
report.Failure = failure
func NewErrorReport(err interface{}) *AssertionResult {
report := new(AssertionResult)
report.File, report.Line = caller()
report.StackTrace = fullStackTrace()
report.Error = fmt.Sprintf("%v", err)
return report
func NewSuccessReport() *AssertionResult {
return new(AssertionResult)
func NewSkipReport() *AssertionResult {
report := new(AssertionResult)
report.File, report.Line = caller()
report.StackTrace = fullStackTrace()
report.Skipped = true
return report
func caller() (file string, line int) {
file, line, _ = gotest.ResolveExternalCaller()
func stackTrace() string {
buffer := make([]byte, 1024*64)
n := runtime.Stack(buffer, false)
return removeInternalEntries(string(buffer[:n]))
func fullStackTrace() string {
buffer := make([]byte, 1024*64)
n := runtime.Stack(buffer, true)
return removeInternalEntries(string(buffer[:n]))
func removeInternalEntries(stack string) string {
lines := strings.Split(stack, newline)
filtered := []string{}
for _, line := range lines {
if !isExternal(line) {
filtered = append(filtered, line)
return strings.Join(filtered, newline)
func isExternal(line string) bool {
for _, p := range internalPackages {
if strings.Contains(line, p) {
return true
return false
// NOTE: any new packages that host goconvey packages will need to be added here!
// An alternative is to scan the goconvey directory and then exclude stuff like
// the examples package but that's nasty too.
var internalPackages = []string{

View file

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
package reporting
import (
func (self *statistics) BeginStory(story *StoryReport) {}
func (self *statistics) Enter(scope *ScopeReport) {}
func (self *statistics) Report(report *AssertionResult) {
defer self.Unlock()
if !self.failing && report.Failure != "" {
self.failing = true
if !self.erroring && report.Error != nil {
self.erroring = true
if report.Skipped {
self.skipped += 1
} else {
func (self *statistics) Exit() {}
func (self *statistics) EndStory() {
defer self.Unlock()
if !self.suppressed {
func (self *statistics) Suppress() {
defer self.Unlock()
self.suppressed = true
func (self *statistics) PrintSummary() {
defer self.Unlock()
func (self *statistics) printSummaryLocked() {
func (self *statistics) reportAssertionsLocked() {
self.out.Print("\n%d total %s",, plural("assertion",
func (self *statistics) decideColorLocked() {
if self.failing && !self.erroring {
} else if self.erroring {
} else {
func (self *statistics) reportSkippedSectionsLocked() {
if self.skipped > 0 {
self.out.Print(" (one or more sections skipped)")
func (self *statistics) completeReportLocked() {
func (self *statistics) Write(content []byte) (written int, err error) {
return len(content), nil // no-op
func NewStatisticsReporter(out *Printer) *statistics {
self := statistics{}
self.out = out
return &self
type statistics struct {
out *Printer
total int
failing bool
erroring bool
skipped int
suppressed bool
func plural(word string, count int) string {
if count == 1 {
return word
return word + "s"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
// TODO: in order for this reporter to be completely honest
// we need to retrofit to be more like the json reporter such that:
// 1. it maintains ScopeResult collections, which count assertions
// 2. it reports only after EndStory(), so that all tick marks
// are placed near the appropriate title.
// 3. Under unit test
package reporting
import (
type story struct {
out *Printer
titlesById map[string]string
currentKey []string
func (self *story) BeginStory(story *StoryReport) {}
func (self *story) Enter(scope *ScopeReport) {
self.currentKey = append(self.currentKey, scope.Title)
ID := strings.Join(self.currentKey, "|")
if _, found := self.titlesById[ID]; !found {
self.out.Insert(" ")
self.titlesById[ID] = scope.Title
func (self *story) Report(report *AssertionResult) {
if report.Error != nil {
} else if report.Failure != "" {
} else if report.Skipped {
} else {
func (self *story) Exit() {
self.currentKey = self.currentKey[:len(self.currentKey)-1]
func (self *story) EndStory() {
self.titlesById = make(map[string]string)
func (self *story) Write(content []byte) (written int, err error) {
return len(content), nil // no-op
func NewStoryReporter(out *Printer) *story {
self := new(story)
self.out = out
self.titlesById = make(map[string]string)
return self

View file

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
[![Build Status](]( [![Build Status](](
[![Go Report Card](](
## Description ## Description
@ -108,9 +106,9 @@ that give one-letter shorthands for flags. You can use these by appending
var ip = flag.IntP("flagname", "f", 1234, "help message") var ip = flag.IntP("flagname", "f", 1234, "help message")
var flagvar bool var flagvar bool
func init() { func init() {
flag.BoolVarP(&flagvar, "boolname", "b", true, "help message") flag.BoolVarP("boolname", "b", true, "help message")
} }
flag.VarP(&flagVal, "varname", "v", "help message") flag.VarP(&flagVar, "varname", "v", 1234, "help message")
``` ```
Shorthand letters can be used with single dashes on the command line. Shorthand letters can be used with single dashes on the command line.
@ -246,25 +244,6 @@ It is possible to mark a flag as hidden, meaning it will still function as norma
flags.MarkHidden("secretFlag") flags.MarkHidden("secretFlag")
``` ```
## Supporting Go flags when using pflag
In order to support flags defined using Go's `flag` package, they must be added to the `pflag` flagset. This is usually necessary
to support flags defined by third-party dependencies (e.g. `golang/glog`).
**Example**: You want to add the Go flags to the `CommandLine` flagset
import (
goflag "flag"
flag ""
var ip *int = flag.Int("flagname", 1234, "help message for flagname")
func main() {
## More info ## More info
You can see the full reference documentation of the pflag package You can see the full reference documentation of the pflag package

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
package pflag package pflag
import "strconv" import (
// optional interface to indicate boolean flags that can be // optional interface to indicate boolean flags that can be
// supplied without "=value" text // supplied without "=value" text
@ -27,7 +30,7 @@ func (b *boolValue) Type() string {
return "bool" return "bool"
} }
func (b *boolValue) String() string { return strconv.FormatBool(bool(*b)) } func (b *boolValue) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *b) }
func (b *boolValue) IsBoolFlag() bool { return true } func (b *boolValue) IsBoolFlag() bool { return true }

View file

@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
package pflag
import (
// -- boolSlice Value
type boolSliceValue struct {
value *[]bool
changed bool
func newBoolSliceValue(val []bool, p *[]bool) *boolSliceValue {
bsv := new(boolSliceValue)
bsv.value = p
*bsv.value = val
return bsv
// Set converts, and assigns, the comma-separated boolean argument string representation as the []bool value of this flag.
// If Set is called on a flag that already has a []bool assigned, the newly converted values will be appended.
func (s *boolSliceValue) Set(val string) error {
// remove all quote characters
rmQuote := strings.NewReplacer(`"`, "", `'`, "", "`", "")
// read flag arguments with CSV parser
boolStrSlice, err := readAsCSV(rmQuote.Replace(val))
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return err
// parse boolean values into slice
out := make([]bool, 0, len(boolStrSlice))
for _, boolStr := range boolStrSlice {
b, err := strconv.ParseBool(strings.TrimSpace(boolStr))
if err != nil {
return err
out = append(out, b)
if !s.changed {
*s.value = out
} else {
*s.value = append(*s.value, out...)
s.changed = true
return nil
// Type returns a string that uniquely represents this flag's type.
func (s *boolSliceValue) Type() string {
return "boolSlice"
// String defines a "native" format for this boolean slice flag value.
func (s *boolSliceValue) String() string {
boolStrSlice := make([]string, len(*s.value))
for i, b := range *s.value {
boolStrSlice[i] = strconv.FormatBool(b)
out, _ := writeAsCSV(boolStrSlice)
return "[" + out + "]"
func boolSliceConv(val string) (interface{}, error) {
val = strings.Trim(val, "[]")
// Empty string would cause a slice with one (empty) entry
if len(val) == 0 {
return []bool{}, nil
ss := strings.Split(val, ",")
out := make([]bool, len(ss))
for i, t := range ss {
var err error
out[i], err = strconv.ParseBool(t)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
// GetBoolSlice returns the []bool value of a flag with the given name.
func (f *FlagSet) GetBoolSlice(name string) ([]bool, error) {
val, err := f.getFlagType(name, "boolSlice", boolSliceConv)
if err != nil {
return []bool{}, err
return val.([]bool), nil
// BoolSliceVar defines a boolSlice flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
// The argument p points to a []bool variable in which to store the value of the flag.
func (f *FlagSet) BoolSliceVar(p *[]bool, name string, value []bool, usage string) {
f.VarP(newBoolSliceValue(value, p), name, "", usage)
// BoolSliceVarP is like BoolSliceVar, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash.
func (f *FlagSet) BoolSliceVarP(p *[]bool, name, shorthand string, value []bool, usage string) {
f.VarP(newBoolSliceValue(value, p), name, shorthand, usage)
// BoolSliceVar defines a []bool flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
// The argument p points to a []bool variable in which to store the value of the flag.
func BoolSliceVar(p *[]bool, name string, value []bool, usage string) {
CommandLine.VarP(newBoolSliceValue(value, p), name, "", usage)
// BoolSliceVarP is like BoolSliceVar, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash.
func BoolSliceVarP(p *[]bool, name, shorthand string, value []bool, usage string) {
CommandLine.VarP(newBoolSliceValue(value, p), name, shorthand, usage)
// BoolSlice defines a []bool flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
// The return value is the address of a []bool variable that stores the value of the flag.
func (f *FlagSet) BoolSlice(name string, value []bool, usage string) *[]bool {
p := []bool{}
f.BoolSliceVarP(&p, name, "", value, usage)
return &p
// BoolSliceP is like BoolSlice, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash.
func (f *FlagSet) BoolSliceP(name, shorthand string, value []bool, usage string) *[]bool {
p := []bool{}
f.BoolSliceVarP(&p, name, shorthand, value, usage)
return &p
// BoolSlice defines a []bool flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
// The return value is the address of a []bool variable that stores the value of the flag.
func BoolSlice(name string, value []bool, usage string) *[]bool {
return CommandLine.BoolSliceP(name, "", value, usage)
// BoolSliceP is like BoolSlice, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash.
func BoolSliceP(name, shorthand string, value []bool, usage string) *[]bool {
return CommandLine.BoolSliceP(name, shorthand, value, usage)

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
package pflag package pflag
import "strconv" import (
// -- count Value // -- count Value
type countValue int type countValue int
@ -25,7 +28,7 @@ func (i *countValue) Type() string {
return "count" return "count"
} }
func (i *countValue) String() string { return strconv.Itoa(int(*i)) } func (i *countValue) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *i) }
func countConv(sval string) (interface{}, error) { func countConv(sval string) (interface{}, error) {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(sval) i, err := strconv.Atoi(sval)

vendor/ generated vendored
View file

@ -416,28 +416,13 @@ func Set(name, value string) error {
// otherwise, the default values of all defined flags in the set. // otherwise, the default values of all defined flags in the set.
func (f *FlagSet) PrintDefaults() { func (f *FlagSet) PrintDefaults() {
usages := f.FlagUsages() usages := f.FlagUsages()
fmt.Fprint(f.out(), usages) fmt.Fprintf(f.out(), "%s", usages)
} }
// defaultIsZeroValue returns true if the default value for this flag represents // isZeroValue guesses whether the string represents the zero
// a zero value. // value for a flag. It is not accurate but in practice works OK.
func (f *Flag) defaultIsZeroValue() bool { func isZeroValue(value string) bool {
switch f.Value.(type) { switch value {
case boolFlag:
return f.DefValue == "false"
case *durationValue:
// Beginning in Go 1.7, duration zero values are "0s"
return f.DefValue == "0" || f.DefValue == "0s"
case *intValue, *int8Value, *int32Value, *int64Value, *uintValue, *uint8Value, *uint16Value, *uint32Value, *uint64Value, *countValue, *float32Value, *float64Value:
return f.DefValue == "0"
case *stringValue:
return f.DefValue == ""
case *ipValue, *ipMaskValue, *ipNetValue:
return f.DefValue == "<nil>"
case *intSliceValue, *stringSliceValue, *stringArrayValue:
return f.DefValue == "[]"
switch f.Value.String() {
case "false": case "false":
return true return true
case "<nil>": case "<nil>":
@ -449,7 +434,6 @@ func (f *Flag) defaultIsZeroValue() bool {
} }
return false return false
} }
// UnquoteUsage extracts a back-quoted name from the usage // UnquoteUsage extracts a back-quoted name from the usage
// string for a flag and returns it and the un-quoted usage. // string for a flag and returns it and the un-quoted usage.
@ -471,92 +455,28 @@ func UnquoteUsage(flag *Flag) (name string, usage string) {
break // Only one back quote; use type name. break // Only one back quote; use type name.
} }
} }
// No explicit name, so use type if we can find one.
name = flag.Value.Type() name = "value"
switch name { switch flag.Value.(type) {
case "bool": case boolFlag:
name = "" name = ""
case "float64": case *durationValue:
name = "duration"
case *float64Value:
name = "float" name = "float"
case "int64": case *intValue, *int64Value:
name = "int" name = "int"
case "uint64": case *stringValue:
name = "string"
case *uintValue, *uint64Value:
name = "uint" name = "uint"
} }
return return
} }
// Splits the string `s` on whitespace into an initial substring up to // FlagUsages Returns a string containing the usage information for all flags in
// `i` runes in length and the remainder. Will go `slop` over `i` if // the FlagSet
// that encompasses the entire string (which allows the caller to func (f *FlagSet) FlagUsages() string {
// avoid short orphan words on the final line).
func wrapN(i, slop int, s string) (string, string) {
if i+slop > len(s) {
return s, ""
w := strings.LastIndexAny(s[:i], " \t")
if w <= 0 {
return s, ""
return s[:w], s[w+1:]
// Wraps the string `s` to a maximum width `w` with leading indent
// `i`. The first line is not indented (this is assumed to be done by
// caller). Pass `w` == 0 to do no wrapping
func wrap(i, w int, s string) string {
if w == 0 {
return s
// space between indent i and end of line width w into which
// we should wrap the text.
wrap := w - i
var r, l string
// Not enough space for sensible wrapping. Wrap as a block on
// the next line instead.
if wrap < 24 {
i = 16
wrap = w - i
r += "\n" + strings.Repeat(" ", i)
// If still not enough space then don't even try to wrap.
if wrap < 24 {
return s
// Try to avoid short orphan words on the final line, by
// allowing wrapN to go a bit over if that would fit in the
// remainder of the line.
slop := 5
wrap = wrap - slop
// Handle first line, which is indented by the caller (or the
// special case above)
l, s = wrapN(wrap, slop, s)
r = r + l
// Now wrap the rest
for s != "" {
var t string
t, s = wrapN(wrap, slop, s)
r = r + "\n" + strings.Repeat(" ", i) + t
return r
// FlagUsagesWrapped returns a string containing the usage information
// for all flags in the FlagSet. Wrapped to `cols` columns (0 for no
// wrapping)
func (f *FlagSet) FlagUsagesWrapped(cols int) string {
x := new(bytes.Buffer) x := new(bytes.Buffer)
lines := make([]string, 0, len(f.formal)) lines := make([]string, 0, len(f.formal))
@ -581,7 +501,7 @@ func (f *FlagSet) FlagUsagesWrapped(cols int) string {
if len(flag.NoOptDefVal) > 0 { if len(flag.NoOptDefVal) > 0 {
switch flag.Value.Type() { switch flag.Value.Type() {
case "string": case "string":
line += fmt.Sprintf("[=\"%s\"]", flag.NoOptDefVal) line += fmt.Sprintf("[=%q]", flag.NoOptDefVal)
case "bool": case "bool":
if flag.NoOptDefVal != "true" { if flag.NoOptDefVal != "true" {
line += fmt.Sprintf("[=%s]", flag.NoOptDefVal) line += fmt.Sprintf("[=%s]", flag.NoOptDefVal)
@ -599,9 +519,9 @@ func (f *FlagSet) FlagUsagesWrapped(cols int) string {
} }
line += usage line += usage
if !flag.defaultIsZeroValue() { if !isZeroValue(flag.DefValue) {
if flag.Value.Type() == "string" { if flag.Value.Type() == "string" {
line += fmt.Sprintf(" (default \"%s\")", flag.DefValue) line += fmt.Sprintf(" (default %q)", flag.DefValue)
} else { } else {
line += fmt.Sprintf(" (default %s)", flag.DefValue) line += fmt.Sprintf(" (default %s)", flag.DefValue)
} }
@ -613,19 +533,12 @@ func (f *FlagSet) FlagUsagesWrapped(cols int) string {
for _, line := range lines { for _, line := range lines {
sidx := strings.Index(line, "\x00") sidx := strings.Index(line, "\x00")
spacing := strings.Repeat(" ", maxlen-sidx) spacing := strings.Repeat(" ", maxlen-sidx)
// maxlen + 2 comes from + 1 for the \x00 and + 1 for the (deliberate) off-by-one in maxlen-sidx fmt.Fprintln(x, line[:sidx], spacing, line[sidx+1:])
fmt.Fprintln(x, line[:sidx], spacing, wrap(maxlen+2, cols, line[sidx+1:]))
} }
return x.String() return x.String()
} }
// FlagUsages returns a string containing the usage information for all flags in
// the FlagSet
func (f *FlagSet) FlagUsages() string {
return f.FlagUsagesWrapped(0)
// PrintDefaults prints to standard error the default values of all defined command-line flags. // PrintDefaults prints to standard error the default values of all defined command-line flags.
func PrintDefaults() { func PrintDefaults() {
CommandLine.PrintDefaults() CommandLine.PrintDefaults()
@ -709,7 +622,7 @@ func (f *FlagSet) VarPF(value Value, name, shorthand, usage string) *Flag {
// VarP is like Var, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash. // VarP is like Var, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash.
func (f *FlagSet) VarP(value Value, name, shorthand, usage string) { func (f *FlagSet) VarP(value Value, name, shorthand, usage string) {
f.VarPF(value, name, shorthand, usage) _ = f.VarPF(value, name, shorthand, usage)
} }
// AddFlag will add the flag to the FlagSet // AddFlag will add the flag to the FlagSet
@ -826,7 +739,7 @@ func containsShorthand(arg, shorthand string) bool {
return strings.Contains(arg, shorthand) return strings.Contains(arg, shorthand)
} }
func (f *FlagSet) parseLongArg(s string, args []string, fn parseFunc) (a []string, err error) { func (f *FlagSet) parseLongArg(s string, args []string) (a []string, err error) {
a = args a = args
name := s[2:] name := s[2:]
if len(name) == 0 || name[0] == '-' || name[0] == '=' { if len(name) == 0 || name[0] == '-' || name[0] == '=' {
@ -860,11 +773,11 @@ func (f *FlagSet) parseLongArg(s string, args []string, fn parseFunc) (a []strin
err = f.failf("flag needs an argument: %s", s) err = f.failf("flag needs an argument: %s", s)
return return
} }
err = fn(flag, value, s) err = f.setFlag(flag, value, s)
return return
} }
func (f *FlagSet) parseSingleShortArg(shorthands string, args []string, fn parseFunc) (outShorts string, outArgs []string, err error) { func (f *FlagSet) parseSingleShortArg(shorthands string, args []string) (outShorts string, outArgs []string, err error) {
if strings.HasPrefix(shorthands, "test.") { if strings.HasPrefix(shorthands, "test.") {
return return
} }
@ -899,16 +812,16 @@ func (f *FlagSet) parseSingleShortArg(shorthands string, args []string, fn parse
err = f.failf("flag needs an argument: %q in -%s", c, shorthands) err = f.failf("flag needs an argument: %q in -%s", c, shorthands)
return return
} }
err = fn(flag, value, shorthands) err = f.setFlag(flag, value, shorthands)
return return
} }
func (f *FlagSet) parseShortArg(s string, args []string, fn parseFunc) (a []string, err error) { func (f *FlagSet) parseShortArg(s string, args []string) (a []string, err error) {
a = args a = args
shorthands := s[1:] shorthands := s[1:]
for len(shorthands) > 0 { for len(shorthands) > 0 {
shorthands, a, err = f.parseSingleShortArg(shorthands, args, fn) shorthands, a, err = f.parseSingleShortArg(shorthands, args)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return return
} }
@ -917,7 +830,7 @@ func (f *FlagSet) parseShortArg(s string, args []string, fn parseFunc) (a []stri
return return
} }
func (f *FlagSet) parseArgs(args []string, fn parseFunc) (err error) { func (f *FlagSet) parseArgs(args []string) (err error) {
for len(args) > 0 { for len(args) > 0 {
s := args[0] s := args[0]
args = args[1:] args = args[1:]
@ -937,9 +850,9 @@ func (f *FlagSet) parseArgs(args []string, fn parseFunc) (err error) {
f.args = append(f.args, args...) f.args = append(f.args, args...)
break break
} }
args, err = f.parseLongArg(s, args, fn) args, err = f.parseLongArg(s, args)
} else { } else {
args, err = f.parseShortArg(s, args, fn) args, err = f.parseShortArg(s, args)
} }
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return return
@ -955,41 +868,7 @@ func (f *FlagSet) parseArgs(args []string, fn parseFunc) (err error) {
func (f *FlagSet) Parse(arguments []string) error { func (f *FlagSet) Parse(arguments []string) error {
f.parsed = true f.parsed = true
f.args = make([]string, 0, len(arguments)) f.args = make([]string, 0, len(arguments))
err := f.parseArgs(arguments)
assign := func(flag *Flag, value, origArg string) error {
return f.setFlag(flag, value, origArg)
err := f.parseArgs(arguments, assign)
if err != nil {
switch f.errorHandling {
case ContinueOnError:
return err
case ExitOnError:
case PanicOnError:
return nil
type parseFunc func(flag *Flag, value, origArg string) error
// ParseAll parses flag definitions from the argument list, which should not
// include the command name. The arguments for fn are flag and value. Must be
// called after all flags in the FlagSet are defined and before flags are
// accessed by the program. The return value will be ErrHelp if -help was set
// but not defined.
func (f *FlagSet) ParseAll(arguments []string, fn func(flag *Flag, value string) error) error {
f.parsed = true
f.args = make([]string, 0, len(arguments))
assign := func(flag *Flag, value, origArg string) error {
return fn(flag, value)
err := f.parseArgs(arguments, assign)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
switch f.errorHandling { switch f.errorHandling {
case ContinueOnError: case ContinueOnError:
@ -1015,14 +894,6 @@ func Parse() {
CommandLine.Parse(os.Args[1:]) CommandLine.Parse(os.Args[1:])
} }
// ParseAll parses the command-line flags from os.Args[1:] and called fn for each.
// The arguments for fn are flag and value. Must be called after all flags are
// defined and before flags are accessed by the program.
func ParseAll(fn func(flag *Flag, value string) error) {
// Ignore errors; CommandLine is set for ExitOnError.
CommandLine.ParseAll(os.Args[1:], fn)
// SetInterspersed sets whether to support interspersed option/non-option arguments. // SetInterspersed sets whether to support interspersed option/non-option arguments.
func SetInterspersed(interspersed bool) { func SetInterspersed(interspersed bool) {
CommandLine.SetInterspersed(interspersed) CommandLine.SetInterspersed(interspersed)

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
package pflag package pflag
import "strconv" import (
// -- float32 Value // -- float32 Value
type float32Value float32 type float32Value float32
@ -20,7 +23,7 @@ func (f *float32Value) Type() string {
return "float32" return "float32"
} }
func (f *float32Value) String() string { return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(*f), 'g', -1, 32) } func (f *float32Value) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *f) }
func float32Conv(sval string) (interface{}, error) { func float32Conv(sval string) (interface{}, error) {
v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(sval, 32) v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(sval, 32)

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
package pflag package pflag
import "strconv" import (
// -- float64 Value // -- float64 Value
type float64Value float64 type float64Value float64
@ -20,7 +23,7 @@ func (f *float64Value) Type() string {
return "float64" return "float64"
} }
func (f *float64Value) String() string { return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(*f), 'g', -1, 64) } func (f *float64Value) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *f) }
func float64Conv(sval string) (interface{}, error) { func float64Conv(sval string) (interface{}, error) {
return strconv.ParseFloat(sval, 64) return strconv.ParseFloat(sval, 64)

View file

@ -6,10 +6,13 @@ package pflag
import ( import (
goflag "flag" goflag "flag"
"reflect" "reflect"
"strings" "strings"
) )
var _ = fmt.Print
// flagValueWrapper implements pflag.Value around a flag.Value. The main // flagValueWrapper implements pflag.Value around a flag.Value. The main
// difference here is the addition of the Type method that returns a string // difference here is the addition of the Type method that returns a string
// name of the type. As this is generally unknown, we approximate that with // name of the type. As this is generally unknown, we approximate that with

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
package pflag package pflag
import "strconv" import (
// -- int Value // -- int Value
type intValue int type intValue int
@ -20,7 +23,7 @@ func (i *intValue) Type() string {
return "int" return "int"
} }
func (i *intValue) String() string { return strconv.Itoa(int(*i)) } func (i *intValue) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *i) }
func intConv(sval string) (interface{}, error) { func intConv(sval string) (interface{}, error) {
return strconv.Atoi(sval) return strconv.Atoi(sval)

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
package pflag package pflag
import "strconv" import (
// -- int32 Value // -- int32 Value
type int32Value int32 type int32Value int32
@ -20,7 +23,7 @@ func (i *int32Value) Type() string {
return "int32" return "int32"
} }
func (i *int32Value) String() string { return strconv.FormatInt(int64(*i), 10) } func (i *int32Value) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *i) }
func int32Conv(sval string) (interface{}, error) { func int32Conv(sval string) (interface{}, error) {
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(sval, 0, 32) v, err := strconv.ParseInt(sval, 0, 32)

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
package pflag package pflag
import "strconv" import (
// -- int64 Value // -- int64 Value
type int64Value int64 type int64Value int64
@ -20,7 +23,7 @@ func (i *int64Value) Type() string {
return "int64" return "int64"
} }
func (i *int64Value) String() string { return strconv.FormatInt(int64(*i), 10) } func (i *int64Value) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *i) }
func int64Conv(sval string) (interface{}, error) { func int64Conv(sval string) (interface{}, error) {
return strconv.ParseInt(sval, 0, 64) return strconv.ParseInt(sval, 0, 64)

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
package pflag package pflag
import "strconv" import (
// -- int8 Value // -- int8 Value
type int8Value int8 type int8Value int8
@ -20,7 +23,7 @@ func (i *int8Value) Type() string {
return "int8" return "int8"
} }
func (i *int8Value) String() string { return strconv.FormatInt(int64(*i), 10) } func (i *int8Value) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *i) }
func int8Conv(sval string) (interface{}, error) { func int8Conv(sval string) (interface{}, error) {
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(sval, 0, 8) v, err := strconv.ParseInt(sval, 0, 8)

View file

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import (
"strings" "strings"
) )
var _ = strings.TrimSpace
// -- net.IP value // -- net.IP value
type ipValue net.IP type ipValue net.IP

View file

@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
package pflag
import (
// -- ipSlice Value
type ipSliceValue struct {
value *[]net.IP
changed bool
func newIPSliceValue(val []net.IP, p *[]net.IP) *ipSliceValue {
ipsv := new(ipSliceValue)
ipsv.value = p
*ipsv.value = val
return ipsv
// Set converts, and assigns, the comma-separated IP argument string representation as the []net.IP value of this flag.
// If Set is called on a flag that already has a []net.IP assigned, the newly converted values will be appended.
func (s *ipSliceValue) Set(val string) error {
// remove all quote characters
rmQuote := strings.NewReplacer(`"`, "", `'`, "", "`", "")
// read flag arguments with CSV parser
ipStrSlice, err := readAsCSV(rmQuote.Replace(val))
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return err
// parse ip values into slice
out := make([]net.IP, 0, len(ipStrSlice))
for _, ipStr := range ipStrSlice {
ip := net.ParseIP(strings.TrimSpace(ipStr))
if ip == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid string being converted to IP address: %s", ipStr)
out = append(out, ip)
if !s.changed {
*s.value = out
} else {
*s.value = append(*s.value, out...)
s.changed = true
return nil
// Type returns a string that uniquely represents this flag's type.
func (s *ipSliceValue) Type() string {
return "ipSlice"
// String defines a "native" format for this net.IP slice flag value.
func (s *ipSliceValue) String() string {
ipStrSlice := make([]string, len(*s.value))
for i, ip := range *s.value {
ipStrSlice[i] = ip.String()
out, _ := writeAsCSV(ipStrSlice)
return "[" + out + "]"
func ipSliceConv(val string) (interface{}, error) {
val = strings.Trim(val, "[]")
// Emtpy string would cause a slice with one (empty) entry
if len(val) == 0 {
return []net.IP{}, nil
ss := strings.Split(val, ",")
out := make([]net.IP, len(ss))
for i, sval := range ss {
ip := net.ParseIP(strings.TrimSpace(sval))
if ip == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid string being converted to IP address: %s", sval)
out[i] = ip
return out, nil
// GetIPSlice returns the []net.IP value of a flag with the given name
func (f *FlagSet) GetIPSlice(name string) ([]net.IP, error) {
val, err := f.getFlagType(name, "ipSlice", ipSliceConv)
if err != nil {
return []net.IP{}, err
return val.([]net.IP), nil
// IPSliceVar defines a ipSlice flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
// The argument p points to a []net.IP variable in which to store the value of the flag.
func (f *FlagSet) IPSliceVar(p *[]net.IP, name string, value []net.IP, usage string) {
f.VarP(newIPSliceValue(value, p), name, "", usage)
// IPSliceVarP is like IPSliceVar, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash.
func (f *FlagSet) IPSliceVarP(p *[]net.IP, name, shorthand string, value []net.IP, usage string) {
f.VarP(newIPSliceValue(value, p), name, shorthand, usage)
// IPSliceVar defines a []net.IP flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
// The argument p points to a []net.IP variable in which to store the value of the flag.
func IPSliceVar(p *[]net.IP, name string, value []net.IP, usage string) {
CommandLine.VarP(newIPSliceValue(value, p), name, "", usage)
// IPSliceVarP is like IPSliceVar, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash.
func IPSliceVarP(p *[]net.IP, name, shorthand string, value []net.IP, usage string) {
CommandLine.VarP(newIPSliceValue(value, p), name, shorthand, usage)
// IPSlice defines a []net.IP flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
// The return value is the address of a []net.IP variable that stores the value of that flag.
func (f *FlagSet) IPSlice(name string, value []net.IP, usage string) *[]net.IP {
p := []net.IP{}
f.IPSliceVarP(&p, name, "", value, usage)
return &p
// IPSliceP is like IPSlice, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash.
func (f *FlagSet) IPSliceP(name, shorthand string, value []net.IP, usage string) *[]net.IP {
p := []net.IP{}
f.IPSliceVarP(&p, name, shorthand, value, usage)
return &p
// IPSlice defines a []net.IP flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
// The return value is the address of a []net.IP variable that stores the value of the flag.
func IPSlice(name string, value []net.IP, usage string) *[]net.IP {
return CommandLine.IPSliceP(name, "", value, usage)
// IPSliceP is like IPSlice, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash.
func IPSliceP(name, shorthand string, value []net.IP, usage string) *[]net.IP {
return CommandLine.IPSliceP(name, shorthand, value, usage)

View file

@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ func (*ipNetValue) Type() string {
return "ipNet" return "ipNet"
} }
var _ = strings.TrimSpace
func newIPNetValue(val net.IPNet, p *net.IPNet) *ipNetValue { func newIPNetValue(val net.IPNet, p *net.IPNet) *ipNetValue {
*p = val *p = val
return (*ipNetValue)(p) return (*ipNetValue)(p)

View file

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package pflag package pflag
import "fmt"
// -- string Value // -- string Value
type stringValue string type stringValue string
@ -16,7 +18,7 @@ func (s *stringValue) Type() string {
return "string" return "string"
} }
func (s *stringValue) String() string { return string(*s) } func (s *stringValue) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s", *s) }
func stringConv(sval string) (interface{}, error) { func stringConv(sval string) (interface{}, error) {
return sval, nil return sval, nil

View file

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
package pflag
// -- stringArray Value
type stringArrayValue struct {
value *[]string
changed bool
func newStringArrayValue(val []string, p *[]string) *stringArrayValue {
ssv := new(stringArrayValue)
ssv.value = p
*ssv.value = val
return ssv
func (s *stringArrayValue) Set(val string) error {
if !s.changed {
*s.value = []string{val}
s.changed = true
} else {
*s.value = append(*s.value, val)
return nil
func (s *stringArrayValue) Type() string {
return "stringArray"
func (s *stringArrayValue) String() string {
str, _ := writeAsCSV(*s.value)
return "[" + str + "]"
func stringArrayConv(sval string) (interface{}, error) {
sval = sval[1 : len(sval)-1]
// An empty string would cause a array with one (empty) string
if len(sval) == 0 {
return []string{}, nil
return readAsCSV(sval)
// GetStringArray return the []string value of a flag with the given name
func (f *FlagSet) GetStringArray(name string) ([]string, error) {
val, err := f.getFlagType(name, "stringArray", stringArrayConv)
if err != nil {
return []string{}, err
return val.([]string), nil
// StringArrayVar defines a string flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
// The argument p points to a []string variable in which to store the values of the multiple flags.
// The value of each argument will not try to be separated by comma
func (f *FlagSet) StringArrayVar(p *[]string, name string, value []string, usage string) {
f.VarP(newStringArrayValue(value, p), name, "", usage)
// StringArrayVarP is like StringArrayVar, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash.
func (f *FlagSet) StringArrayVarP(p *[]string, name, shorthand string, value []string, usage string) {
f.VarP(newStringArrayValue(value, p), name, shorthand, usage)
// StringArrayVar defines a string flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
// The argument p points to a []string variable in which to store the value of the flag.
// The value of each argument will not try to be separated by comma
func StringArrayVar(p *[]string, name string, value []string, usage string) {
CommandLine.VarP(newStringArrayValue(value, p), name, "", usage)
// StringArrayVarP is like StringArrayVar, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash.
func StringArrayVarP(p *[]string, name, shorthand string, value []string, usage string) {
CommandLine.VarP(newStringArrayValue(value, p), name, shorthand, usage)
// StringArray defines a string flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
// The return value is the address of a []string variable that stores the value of the flag.
// The value of each argument will not try to be separated by comma
func (f *FlagSet) StringArray(name string, value []string, usage string) *[]string {
p := []string{}
f.StringArrayVarP(&p, name, "", value, usage)
return &p
// StringArrayP is like StringArray, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash.
func (f *FlagSet) StringArrayP(name, shorthand string, value []string, usage string) *[]string {
p := []string{}
f.StringArrayVarP(&p, name, shorthand, value, usage)
return &p
// StringArray defines a string flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
// The return value is the address of a []string variable that stores the value of the flag.
// The value of each argument will not try to be separated by comma
func StringArray(name string, value []string, usage string) *[]string {
return CommandLine.StringArrayP(name, "", value, usage)
// StringArrayP is like StringArray, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash.
func StringArrayP(name, shorthand string, value []string, usage string) *[]string {
return CommandLine.StringArrayP(name, shorthand, value, usage)

View file

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
package pflag package pflag
import ( import (
"encoding/csv" "encoding/csv"
"strings" "strings"
) )
var _ = fmt.Fprint
// -- stringSlice Value // -- stringSlice Value
type stringSliceValue struct { type stringSliceValue struct {
value *[]string value *[]string
@ -19,28 +21,10 @@ func newStringSliceValue(val []string, p *[]string) *stringSliceValue {
return ssv return ssv
} }
func readAsCSV(val string) ([]string, error) { func (s *stringSliceValue) Set(val string) error {
if val == "" {
return []string{}, nil
stringReader := strings.NewReader(val) stringReader := strings.NewReader(val)
csvReader := csv.NewReader(stringReader) csvReader := csv.NewReader(stringReader)
return csvReader.Read() v, err := csvReader.Read()
func writeAsCSV(vals []string) (string, error) {
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
w := csv.NewWriter(b)
err := w.Write(vals)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return strings.TrimSuffix(b.String(), "\n"), nil
func (s *stringSliceValue) Set(val string) error {
v, err := readAsCSV(val)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -57,18 +41,16 @@ func (s *stringSliceValue) Type() string {
return "stringSlice" return "stringSlice"
} }
func (s *stringSliceValue) String() string { func (s *stringSliceValue) String() string { return "[" + strings.Join(*s.value, ",") + "]" }
str, _ := writeAsCSV(*s.value)
return "[" + str + "]"
func stringSliceConv(sval string) (interface{}, error) { func stringSliceConv(sval string) (interface{}, error) {
sval = sval[1 : len(sval)-1] sval = strings.Trim(sval, "[]")
// An empty string would cause a slice with one (empty) string // An empty string would cause a slice with one (empty) string
if len(sval) == 0 { if len(sval) == 0 {
return []string{}, nil return []string{}, nil
} }
return readAsCSV(sval) v := strings.Split(sval, ",")
return v, nil
} }
// GetStringSlice return the []string value of a flag with the given name // GetStringSlice return the []string value of a flag with the given name

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
package pflag package pflag
import "strconv" import (
// -- uint Value // -- uint Value
type uintValue uint type uintValue uint
@ -20,7 +23,7 @@ func (i *uintValue) Type() string {
return "uint" return "uint"
} }
func (i *uintValue) String() string { return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(*i), 10) } func (i *uintValue) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *i) }
func uintConv(sval string) (interface{}, error) { func uintConv(sval string) (interface{}, error) {
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(sval, 0, 0) v, err := strconv.ParseUint(sval, 0, 0)

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
package pflag package pflag
import "strconv" import (
// -- uint16 value // -- uint16 value
type uint16Value uint16 type uint16Value uint16
@ -9,7 +12,7 @@ func newUint16Value(val uint16, p *uint16) *uint16Value {
*p = val *p = val
return (*uint16Value)(p) return (*uint16Value)(p)
} }
func (i *uint16Value) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%d", *i) }
func (i *uint16Value) Set(s string) error { func (i *uint16Value) Set(s string) error {
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 0, 16) v, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 0, 16)
*i = uint16Value(v) *i = uint16Value(v)
@ -20,8 +23,6 @@ func (i *uint16Value) Type() string {
return "uint16" return "uint16"
} }
func (i *uint16Value) String() string { return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(*i), 10) }
func uint16Conv(sval string) (interface{}, error) { func uint16Conv(sval string) (interface{}, error) {
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(sval, 0, 16) v, err := strconv.ParseUint(sval, 0, 16)
if err != nil { if err != nil {

View file

@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
package pflag package pflag
import "strconv" import (
// -- uint32 value // -- uint16 value
type uint32Value uint32 type uint32Value uint32
func newUint32Value(val uint32, p *uint32) *uint32Value { func newUint32Value(val uint32, p *uint32) *uint32Value {
*p = val *p = val
return (*uint32Value)(p) return (*uint32Value)(p)
} }
func (i *uint32Value) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%d", *i) }
func (i *uint32Value) Set(s string) error { func (i *uint32Value) Set(s string) error {
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 0, 32) v, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 0, 32)
*i = uint32Value(v) *i = uint32Value(v)
@ -20,8 +23,6 @@ func (i *uint32Value) Type() string {
return "uint32" return "uint32"
} }
func (i *uint32Value) String() string { return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(*i), 10) }
func uint32Conv(sval string) (interface{}, error) { func uint32Conv(sval string) (interface{}, error) {
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(sval, 0, 32) v, err := strconv.ParseUint(sval, 0, 32)
if err != nil { if err != nil {

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
package pflag package pflag
import "strconv" import (
// -- uint64 Value // -- uint64 Value
type uint64Value uint64 type uint64Value uint64
@ -20,7 +23,7 @@ func (i *uint64Value) Type() string {
return "uint64" return "uint64"
} }
func (i *uint64Value) String() string { return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(*i), 10) } func (i *uint64Value) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *i) }
func uint64Conv(sval string) (interface{}, error) { func uint64Conv(sval string) (interface{}, error) {
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(sval, 0, 64) v, err := strconv.ParseUint(sval, 0, 64)

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
package pflag package pflag
import "strconv" import (
// -- uint8 Value // -- uint8 Value
type uint8Value uint8 type uint8Value uint8
@ -20,7 +23,7 @@ func (i *uint8Value) Type() string {
return "uint8" return "uint8"
} }
func (i *uint8Value) String() string { return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(*i), 10) } func (i *uint8Value) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *i) }
func uint8Conv(sval string) (interface{}, error) { func uint8Conv(sval string) (interface{}, error) {
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(sval, 0, 8) v, err := strconv.ParseUint(sval, 0, 8)

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more