Configuring MailHog

You can configure MailHog using command line options or environment variables:

| Environment         | Command line    | Default         | Description
| ------------------- | --------------- | --------------- | -----------
| MH_CORS_ORIGIN      | -cors-origin    |                 | If set, a Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is returned for API endpoints
| MH_HOSTNAME         | -hostname       | mailhog.example | Hostname to use for EHLO/HELO and message IDs
| MH_API_BIND_ADDR    | -api-bind-addr  |    | Interface and port for HTTP UI server to bind to
| MH_UI_BIND_ADDR     | -ui-bind-addr   |    | Interface and port for HTTP API server to bind to
| MH_MONGO_COLLECTION | -mongo-coll     | messages        | MongoDB collection name for message storage
| MH_MONGO_DB         | -mongo-db       | mailhog         | MongoDB database name for message storage
| MH_MONGO_URI        | -mongo-uri      | | MongoDB host and port
| MH_SMTP_BIND_ADDR   | -smtp-bind-addr |    | Interface and port for SMTP server to bind to
| MH_STORAGE          | -storage        | memory          | Set message storage: memory / mongodb

#### Note on HTTP bind addresses

If `api-bind-addr` and `ui-bind-addr` are identical, a single listener will
be used allowing both to co-exist on one port.

The values must match in a string comparison. Resolving to the same host and
port combination isn't enough.