var mailhogApp = angular.module('mailhogApp', []); function guid() { function s4() { return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) .toString(16) .substring(1); } return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4(); } mailhogApp.controller('MailCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $sce, $timeout) { $scope.cache = {}; $scope.previewAllHeaders = false; $scope.eventsPending = {}; $scope.eventCount = 0; $scope.eventDone = 0; $scope.eventFailed = 0; $scope.hasEventSource = false; $scope.source = null; $(function() { $scope.openStream(); }); $scope.toggleStream = function() { $scope.source == null ? $scope.openStream() : $scope.closeStream(); } $scope.openStream = function() { $scope.source = new EventSource('/api/v1/events'); $scope.source.addEventListener('message', function(e) { $scope.$apply(function() { $scope.messages.push(JSON.parse(; }); }, false); $scope.source.addEventListener('open', function(e) { $scope.$apply(function() { $scope.hasEventSource = true; }); }, false); $scope.source.addEventListener('error', function(e) { //if(e.readyState == EventSource.CLOSED) { $scope.$apply(function() { $scope.hasEventSource = false; }); //} }, false); } $scope.closeStream = function() { $scope.source.close(); $scope.source = null; $scope.hasEventSource = false; } $scope.tryDecodeMime = function(str) { return unescapeFromMime(str) } $scope.startEvent = function(name, args, glyphicon) { var eID = guid(); //console.log("Starting event '" + name + "' with id '" + eID + "'") var e = { id: eID, name: name, started: new Date(), complete: false, failed: false, args: args, glyphicon: glyphicon, getClass: function() { // FIXME bit nasty if(this.failed) { return "bg-danger" } if(this.complete) { return "bg-success" } return "bg-warning"; // pending }, done: function() { //delete $scope.eventsPending[eID] var e = this; e.complete = true; $scope.eventDone++; if(this.failed) { // console.log("Failed event '" + + "' with id '" + eID + "'") } else { // console.log("Completed event '" + + "' with id '" + eID + "'") $timeout(function() { e.remove(); }, 10000); } }, fail: function() { $scope.eventFailed++; this.failed = true; this.done(); }, remove: function() { // console.log("Deleted event '" + + "' with id '" + eID + "'") if(e.failed) { $scope.eventFailed--; } delete $scope.eventsPending[eID]; $scope.eventDone--; $scope.eventCount--; return false; } }; $scope.eventsPending[eID] = e; $scope.eventCount++; return e; } $scope.messagesDisplayed = function() { return $('#messages-container table tbody tr').length } $scope.refresh = function() { var e = $scope.startEvent("Loading messages", null, "glyphicon-download"); $http.get('/api/v1/messages').success(function(data) { $scope.messages = data; e.done(); }); } $scope.refresh(); $scope.selectMessage = function(message) { if($scope.cache[message.Id]) { $scope.preview = $scope.cache[message.Id]; reflow(); } else { $scope.preview = message; var e = $scope.startEvent("Loading message", message.Id, "glyphicon-download-alt"); $http.get('/api/v1/messages/' + message.Id).success(function(data) { $scope.cache[message.Id] = data; data.previewHTML = $sce.trustAsHtml($scope.getMessageHTML(data)); $scope.preview = data; preview = $scope.cache[message.Id]; reflow(); e.done(); }); } } $scope.toggleHeaders = function(val) { $scope.previewAllHeaders = val; var t = window.setInterval(function() { if(val) { if($('#hide-headers').length) { window.clearInterval(t); reflow(); } } else { if($('#show-headers').length) { window.clearInterval(t); reflow(); } } }, 10); } $scope.getMessagePlain = function(message) { var l = $scope.findMatchingMIME(message, "text/plain"); if(l != null && l !== "undefined") { return l.Body; } return message.Content.Body; } $scope.findMatchingMIME = function(part, mime) { // TODO cache results if(part.MIME) { for(var p in part.MIME.Parts) { if("Content-Type" in part.MIME.Parts[p].Headers) { if(part.MIME.Parts[p].Headers["Content-Type"].length > 0) { if(part.MIME.Parts[p].Headers["Content-Type"][0].match(mime + ";?.*")) { return part.MIME.Parts[p]; } else if (part.MIME.Parts[p].Headers["Content-Type"][0].match(/multipart\/.*/)) { var f = $scope.findMatchingMIME(part.MIME.Parts[p], mime); if(f != null) { return f; } } } } } } return null; } $scope.hasHTML = function(message) { // TODO cache this var l = $scope.findMatchingMIME(message, "text/html"); if(l != null && l !== "undefined") { return true } return false; } $scope.getMessageHTML = function(message) { var l = $scope.findMatchingMIME(message, "text/html"); if(l != null && l !== "undefined") { return l.Body; } return "<HTML not found>"; } $ = function(timestamp) { return (new Date(timestamp)).toString(); }; $scope.deleteAll = function() { $('#confirm-delete-all').modal('show'); } $scope.releaseOne = function(message) { $scope.releasing = message; $('#release-one').modal('show'); } $scope.confirmReleaseMessage = function() { $('#release-one').modal('hide'); var message = $scope.releasing; $scope.releasing = null; var e = $scope.startEvent("Releasing message", message.Id, "glyphicon-share"); $'/api/v1/messages/' + message.Id + '/release', { email: $('#release-message-email').val(), host: $('#release-message-smtp-host').val(), port: $('#release-message-smtp-port').val(), }).success(function() { e.done(); }).error(function(err) {; e.error = err; }); } $scope.getSource = function(message) { var source = ""; $.each(message.Content.Headers, function(k, v) { source += k + ": " + v + "\n"; }); source += "\n"; source += message.Content.Body; return source; } $scope.deleteAllConfirm = function() { $('#confirm-delete-all').modal('hide'); var e = $scope.startEvent("Deleting all messages", null, "glyphicon-remove-circle"); $http.delete('/api/v1/messages').success(function() { $scope.refresh(); $scope.preview = null; e.done() }); } $scope.deleteOne = function(message) { var e = $scope.startEvent("Deleting message", message.Id, "glyphicon-remove"); $http.delete('/api/v1/messages/' + message.Id).success(function() { if($scope.preview._id == message._id) $scope.preview = null; $scope.refresh(); e.done(); }); } });