import { DockgeServer } from "./dockge-server";
import fs from "fs";
import { log } from "./log";
import yaml from "yaml";
import { DockgeSocket, ValidationError } from "./util-server";
import path from "path";
import {
    EXITED, getCombinedTerminalName,
    getComposeTerminalName, getContainerExecTerminalName,
} from "./util-common";
import { InteractiveTerminal, Terminal } from "./terminal";
import childProcess from "child_process";

export class Stack {

    name: string;
    protected _status: number = UNKNOWN;
    protected _composeYAML?: string;
    protected _configFilePath?: string;
    protected _composeFileName: string = "compose.yaml";
    protected server: DockgeServer;

    protected combinedTerminal? : Terminal;

    protected static managedStackList: Map<string, Stack> = new Map();

    constructor(server : DockgeServer, name : string, composeYAML? : string, skipFSOperations = false) { = name;
        this.server = server;
        this._composeYAML = composeYAML;

        if (!skipFSOperations) {
            // Check if compose file name is different from compose.yaml
            const supportedFileNames = [ "compose.yaml", "compose.yml", "docker-compose.yml", "docker-compose.yaml" ];
            for (const filename of supportedFileNames) {
                if (fs.existsSync(path.join(this.path, filename))) {
                    this._composeFileName = filename;

    toJSON() : object {
        let obj = this.toSimpleJSON();
        return {
            composeYAML: this.composeYAML,

    toSimpleJSON() : object {
        return {
            status: this._status,
            tags: [],
            isManagedByDockge: this.isManagedByDockge,
            composeFileName: this._composeFileName,

     * Get the status of the stack from `docker compose ps --format json`
    ps() : object {
        let res = childProcess.execSync("docker compose ps --format json", {
            cwd: this.path
        return JSON.parse(res.toString());

    get isManagedByDockge() : boolean {
        return fs.existsSync(this.path) && fs.statSync(this.path).isDirectory();

    get status() : number {
        return this._status;

    validate() {
        // Check name, allows [a-z][0-9] _ - only
        if (!^[a-z0-9_-]+$/)) {
            throw new ValidationError("Stack name can only contain [a-z][0-9] _ - only");

        // Check YAML format

    get composeYAML() : string {
        if (this._composeYAML === undefined) {
            try {
                this._composeYAML = fs.readFileSync(path.join(this.path, this._composeFileName), "utf-8");
            } catch (e) {
                this._composeYAML = "";
        return this._composeYAML;

    get path() : string {
        return path.join(this.server.stacksDir,;

    get fullPath() : string {
        let dir = this.path;

        // Compose up via node-pty
        let fullPathDir;

        // if dir is relative, make it absolute
        if (!path.isAbsolute(dir)) {
            fullPathDir = path.join(process.cwd(), dir);
        } else {
            fullPathDir = dir;
        return fullPathDir;

     * Save the stack to the disk
     * @param isAdd
    save(isAdd : boolean) {

        let dir = this.path;

        // Check if the name is used if isAdd
        if (isAdd) {
            if (fs.existsSync(dir)) {
                throw new ValidationError("Stack name already exists");

            // Create the stack folder
        } else {
            if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
                throw new ValidationError("Stack not found");

        // Write or overwrite the compose.yaml
        fs.writeFileSync(path.join(dir, this._composeFileName), this.composeYAML);

    async deploy(socket? : DockgeSocket) : Promise<number> {
        const terminalName = getComposeTerminalName(;
        let exitCode = await Terminal.exec(this.server, socket, terminalName, "docker", [ "compose", "up", "-d", "--remove-orphans" ], this.path);
        if (exitCode !== 0) {
            throw new Error("Failed to deploy, please check the terminal output for more information.");
        return exitCode;

    async delete(socket?: DockgeSocket) : Promise<number> {
        const terminalName = getComposeTerminalName(;
        let exitCode = await Terminal.exec(this.server, socket, terminalName, "docker", [ "compose", "down", "--remove-orphans" ], this.path);
        if (exitCode !== 0) {
            throw new Error("Failed to delete, please check the terminal output for more information.");

        // Remove the stack folder
        fs.rmSync(this.path, {
            recursive: true,
            force: true

        return exitCode;

    updateStatus() {
        let statusList = Stack.getStatusList();
        let status = statusList.get(;

        if (status) {
            this._status = status;
        } else {
            this._status = UNKNOWN;

    static getStackList(server : DockgeServer, useCacheForManaged = false) : Map<string, Stack> {
        let stacksDir = server.stacksDir;
        let stackList : Map<string, Stack>;

        if (useCacheForManaged && this.managedStackList.size > 0) {
            stackList = this.managedStackList;
        } else {
            stackList = new Map<string, Stack>();

            // Scan the stacks directory, and get the stack list
            let filenameList = fs.readdirSync(stacksDir);

            for (let filename of filenameList) {
                try {
                    // Check if it is a directory
                    let stat = fs.statSync(path.join(stacksDir, filename));
                    if (!stat.isDirectory()) {
                    let stack = this.getStack(server, filename);
                    stack._status = CREATED_FILE;
                    stackList.set(filename, stack);
                } catch (e) {
                    if (e instanceof Error) {
                        log.warn("getStackList", `Failed to get stack ${filename}, error: ${e.message}`);

            // Cache by copying
            this.managedStackList = new Map(stackList);

        // Also get the list from `docker compose ls --all --format json`
        let res = childProcess.execSync("docker compose ls --all --format json");
        let composeList = JSON.parse(res.toString());

        for (let composeStack of composeList) {

            // Skip the dockge stack
            // TODO: Could be self managed?
            if (composeStack.Name === "dockge") {

            let stack = stackList.get(composeStack.Name);

            // This stack probably is not managed by Dockge, but we still want to show it
            if (!stack) {
                stack = new Stack(server, composeStack.Name);
                stackList.set(composeStack.Name, stack);

            stack._status = this.statusConvert(composeStack.Status);
            stack._configFilePath = composeStack.ConfigFiles;

        return stackList;

     * Get the status list, it will be used to update the status of the stacks
     * Not all status will be returned, only the stack that is deployed or created to `docker compose` will be returned
    static getStatusList() : Map<string, number> {
        let statusList = new Map<string, number>();

        let res = childProcess.execSync("docker compose ls --all --format json");
        let composeList = JSON.parse(res.toString());

        for (let composeStack of composeList) {
            statusList.set(composeStack.Name, this.statusConvert(composeStack.Status));

        return statusList;

     * Convert the status string from `docker compose ls` to the status number
     * Input Example: "exited(1), running(1)"
     * @param status
    static statusConvert(status : string) : number {
        if (status.startsWith("created")) {
            return CREATED_STACK;
        } else if (status.includes("exited")) {
            // If one of the service is exited, we consider the stack is exited
            return EXITED;
        } else if (status.startsWith("running")) {
            // If there is no exited services, there should be only running services
            return RUNNING;
        } else {
            return UNKNOWN;

    static getStack(server: DockgeServer, stackName: string, skipFSOperations = false) : Stack {
        let dir = path.join(server.stacksDir, stackName);

        if (!skipFSOperations) {
            if (!fs.existsSync(dir) || !fs.statSync(dir).isDirectory()) {
                // Maybe it is a stack managed by docker compose directly
                let stackList = this.getStackList(server, true);
                let stack = stackList.get(stackName);

                if (stack) {
                    return stack;
                } else {
                    // Really not found
                    throw new ValidationError("Stack not found");
        } else {
            log.debug("getStack", "Skip FS operations");

        let stack : Stack;

        if (!skipFSOperations) {
            stack = new Stack(server, stackName);
        } else {
            stack = new Stack(server, stackName, undefined, true);

        stack._status = UNKNOWN;
        stack._configFilePath = path.resolve(dir);
        return stack;

    async start(socket: DockgeSocket) {
        const terminalName = getComposeTerminalName(;
        let exitCode = await Terminal.exec(this.server, socket, terminalName, "docker", [ "compose", "up", "-d", "--remove-orphans" ], this.path);
        if (exitCode !== 0) {
            throw new Error("Failed to start, please check the terminal output for more information.");
        return exitCode;

    async stop(socket: DockgeSocket) : Promise<number> {
        const terminalName = getComposeTerminalName(;
        let exitCode = await Terminal.exec(this.server, socket, terminalName, "docker", [ "compose", "stop" ], this.path);
        if (exitCode !== 0) {
            throw new Error("Failed to stop, please check the terminal output for more information.");
        return exitCode;

    async restart(socket: DockgeSocket) : Promise<number> {
        const terminalName = getComposeTerminalName(;
        let exitCode = await Terminal.exec(this.server, socket, terminalName, "docker", [ "compose", "restart" ], this.path);
        if (exitCode !== 0) {
            throw new Error("Failed to restart, please check the terminal output for more information.");
        return exitCode;

    async down(socket: DockgeSocket) : Promise<number> {
        const terminalName = getComposeTerminalName(;
        let exitCode = await Terminal.exec(this.server, socket, terminalName, "docker", [ "compose", "down" ], this.path);
        if (exitCode !== 0) {
            throw new Error("Failed to down, please check the terminal output for more information.");
        return exitCode;

    async update(socket: DockgeSocket) {
        const terminalName = getComposeTerminalName(;
        let exitCode = await Terminal.exec(this.server, socket, terminalName, "docker", [ "compose", "pull" ], this.path);
        if (exitCode !== 0) {
            throw new Error("Failed to pull, please check the terminal output for more information.");

        // If the stack is not running, we don't need to restart it
        log.debug("update", "Status: " + this.status);
        if (this.status !== RUNNING) {
            return exitCode;

        exitCode = await Terminal.exec(this.server, socket, terminalName, "docker", [ "compose", "up", "-d", "--remove-orphans" ], this.path);
        if (exitCode !== 0) {
            throw new Error("Failed to restart, please check the terminal output for more information.");
        return exitCode;

    async joinCombinedTerminal(socket: DockgeSocket) {
        const terminalName = getCombinedTerminalName(;
        const terminal = Terminal.getOrCreateTerminal(this.server, terminalName, "docker", [ "compose", "logs", "-f", "--tail", "100" ], this.path);
        terminal.rows = COMBINED_TERMINAL_ROWS;
        terminal.cols = COMBINED_TERMINAL_COLS;

    async joinContainerTerminal(socket: DockgeSocket, serviceName: string, shell : string = "sh", index: number = 0) {
        const terminalName = getContainerExecTerminalName(, serviceName, index);
        let terminal = Terminal.getTerminal(terminalName);

        if (!terminal) {
            terminal = new InteractiveTerminal(this.server, terminalName, "docker", [ "compose", "exec", serviceName, shell ], this.path);
            terminal.rows = TERMINAL_ROWS;
            log.debug("joinContainerTerminal", "Terminal created");


    async getServiceStatusList() {
        let statusList = new Map<string, number>();

        let res = childProcess.spawnSync("docker", [ "compose", "ps", "--format", "json" ], {
            cwd: this.path,

        let lines = res.stdout.toString().split("\n");

        for (let line of lines) {
            try {
                let obj = JSON.parse(line);
                if (obj.Health === "") {
                    statusList.set(obj.Service, obj.State);
                } else {
                    statusList.set(obj.Service, obj.Health);
            } catch (e) {

        return statusList;