// Console colors // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9781218/how-to-change-node-jss-console-font-color import { intHash, isDev } from "./util-common"; import dayjs from "dayjs"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_Reset = "\x1b[0m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_Bright = "\x1b[1m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_Dim = "\x1b[2m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_Underscore = "\x1b[4m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_Blink = "\x1b[5m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_Reverse = "\x1b[7m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_Hidden = "\x1b[8m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_FgBlack = "\x1b[30m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_FgRed = "\x1b[31m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_FgGreen = "\x1b[32m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_FgYellow = "\x1b[33m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_FgBlue = "\x1b[34m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_FgMagenta = "\x1b[35m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_FgCyan = "\x1b[36m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_FgWhite = "\x1b[37m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_FgGray = "\x1b[90m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_FgOrange = "\x1b[38;5;208m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_FgLightGreen = "\x1b[38;5;119m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_FgLightBlue = "\x1b[38;5;117m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_FgViolet = "\x1b[38;5;141m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_FgBrown = "\x1b[38;5;130m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_FgPink = "\x1b[38;5;219m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_BgBlack = "\x1b[40m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_BgRed = "\x1b[41m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_BgGreen = "\x1b[42m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_BgYellow = "\x1b[43m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_BgBlue = "\x1b[44m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_BgMagenta = "\x1b[45m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_BgCyan = "\x1b[46m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_BgWhite = "\x1b[47m"; export const CONSOLE_STYLE_BgGray = "\x1b[100m"; const consoleModuleColors = [ CONSOLE_STYLE_FgCyan, CONSOLE_STYLE_FgGreen, CONSOLE_STYLE_FgLightGreen, CONSOLE_STYLE_FgBlue, CONSOLE_STYLE_FgLightBlue, CONSOLE_STYLE_FgMagenta, CONSOLE_STYLE_FgOrange, CONSOLE_STYLE_FgViolet, CONSOLE_STYLE_FgBrown, CONSOLE_STYLE_FgPink, ]; const consoleLevelColors : Record<string, string> = { "INFO": CONSOLE_STYLE_FgCyan, "WARN": CONSOLE_STYLE_FgYellow, "ERROR": CONSOLE_STYLE_FgRed, "DEBUG": CONSOLE_STYLE_FgGray, }; class Logger { /** * DOCKGE_HIDE_LOG=debug_monitor,info_monitor * * Example: * [ * "debug_monitor", // Hide all logs that level is debug and the module is monitor * "info_monitor", * ] */ hideLog : Record<string, string[]> = { info: [], warn: [], error: [], debug: [], }; /** * */ constructor() { if (typeof process !== "undefined" && process.env.DOCKGE_HIDE_LOG) { const list = process.env.DOCKGE_HIDE_LOG.split(",").map(v => v.toLowerCase()); for (const pair of list) { // split first "_" only const values = pair.split(/_(.*)/s); if (values.length >= 2) { this.hideLog[values[0]].push(values[1]); } } this.debug("server", "DOCKGE_HIDE_LOG is set"); this.debug("server", this.hideLog); } } /** * Write a message to the log * @param module The module the log comes from * @param msg Message to write * @param level Log level. One of INFO, WARN, ERROR, DEBUG or can be customized. */ log(module: string, msg: unknown, level: string) { if (this.hideLog[level] && this.hideLog[level].includes(module.toLowerCase())) { return; } module = module.toUpperCase(); level = level.toUpperCase(); let now; if (dayjs.tz) { now = dayjs.tz(new Date()).format(); } else { now = dayjs().format(); } const levelColor = consoleLevelColors[level]; const moduleColor = consoleModuleColors[intHash(module, consoleModuleColors.length)]; let timePart = CONSOLE_STYLE_FgCyan + now + CONSOLE_STYLE_Reset; const modulePart = "[" + moduleColor + module + CONSOLE_STYLE_Reset + "]"; const levelPart = levelColor + `${level}:` + CONSOLE_STYLE_Reset; if (level === "INFO") { console.info(timePart, modulePart, levelPart, msg); } else if (level === "WARN") { console.warn(timePart, modulePart, levelPart, msg); } else if (level === "ERROR") { let msgPart : unknown; if (typeof msg === "string") { msgPart = CONSOLE_STYLE_FgRed + msg + CONSOLE_STYLE_Reset; } else { msgPart = msg; } console.error(timePart, modulePart, levelPart, msgPart); } else if (level === "DEBUG") { if (isDev) { timePart = CONSOLE_STYLE_FgGray + now + CONSOLE_STYLE_Reset; let msgPart : unknown; if (typeof msg === "string") { msgPart = CONSOLE_STYLE_FgGray + msg + CONSOLE_STYLE_Reset; } else { msgPart = msg; } console.debug(timePart, modulePart, levelPart, msgPart); } } else { console.log(timePart, modulePart, msg); } } /** * Log an INFO message * @param module Module log comes from * @param msg Message to write */ info(module: string, msg: unknown) { this.log(module, msg, "info"); } /** * Log a WARN message * @param module Module log comes from * @param msg Message to write */ warn(module: string, msg: unknown) { this.log(module, msg, "warn"); } /** * Log an ERROR message * @param module Module log comes from * @param msg Message to write */ error(module: string, msg: unknown) { this.log(module, msg, "error"); } /** * Log a DEBUG message * @param module Module log comes from * @param msg Message to write */ debug(module: string, msg: unknown) { this.log(module, msg, "debug"); } /** * Log an exception as an ERROR * @param module Module log comes from * @param exception The exception to include * @param msg The message to write */ exception(module: string, exception: unknown, msg: unknown) { let finalMessage = exception; if (msg) { finalMessage = `${msg}: ${exception}`; } this.log(module, finalMessage, "error"); } } export const log = new Logger();