import "dotenv/config"; import { MainRouter } from "./routers/main-router"; import * as fs from "node:fs"; import { PackageJson } from "type-fest"; import { Database } from "./database"; import packageJSON from "../package.json"; import { log } from "./log"; import * as socketIO from ""; import express, { Express } from "express"; import { parse } from "ts-command-line-args"; import https from "https"; import http from "http"; import { Router } from "./router"; import { Socket } from ""; import { MainSocketHandler } from "./socket-handlers/main-socket-handler"; import { SocketHandler } from "./socket-handler"; import { Settings } from "./settings"; import checkVersion from "./check-version"; import dayjs from "dayjs"; import { R } from "redbean-node"; import { genSecret, isDev, LooseObject } from "../common/util-common"; import { generatePasswordHash } from "./password-hash"; import { Bean } from "redbean-node/dist/bean"; import { Arguments, Config, DockgeSocket } from "./util-server"; import { DockerSocketHandler } from "./agent-socket-handlers/docker-socket-handler"; import expressStaticGzip from "express-static-gzip"; import path from "path"; import { TerminalSocketHandler } from "./agent-socket-handlers/terminal-socket-handler"; import { Stack } from "./stack"; import { Cron } from "croner"; import gracefulShutdown from "http-graceful-shutdown"; import User from "./models/user"; import childProcessAsync from "promisify-child-process"; import { AgentManager } from "./agent-manager"; import { AgentProxySocketHandler } from "./socket-handlers/agent-proxy-socket-handler"; import { AgentSocketHandler } from "./agent-socket-handler"; import { AgentSocket } from "../common/agent-socket"; import { ManageAgentSocketHandler } from "./socket-handlers/manage-agent-socket-handler"; import { Terminal } from "./terminal"; export class DockgeServer { app : Express; httpServer : http.Server; packageJSON : PackageJson; io : socketIO.Server; config : Config; indexHTML : string = ""; /** * List of express routers */ routerList : Router[] = [ new MainRouter(), ]; /** * List of socket handlers (no agent support) */ socketHandlerList : SocketHandler[] = [ new MainSocketHandler(), new ManageAgentSocketHandler(), ]; agentProxySocketHandler = new AgentProxySocketHandler(); /** * List of socket handlers (support agent) */ agentSocketHandlerList : AgentSocketHandler[] = [ new DockerSocketHandler(), new TerminalSocketHandler(), ]; /** * Show Setup Page */ needSetup = false; jwtSecret : string = ""; stacksDir : string = ""; /** * */ constructor() { // Catch unexpected errors here let unexpectedErrorHandler = (error : unknown) => { console.trace(error); console.error("If you keep encountering errors, please report to"); }; process.addListener("unhandledRejection", unexpectedErrorHandler); process.addListener("uncaughtException", unexpectedErrorHandler); if (!process.env.NODE_ENV) { process.env.NODE_ENV = "production"; } // Log NODE ENV"server", "NODE_ENV: " + process.env.NODE_ENV); // Default stacks directory let defaultStacksDir; if (process.platform === "win32") { defaultStacksDir = "./stacks"; } else { defaultStacksDir = "/opt/stacks"; } // Define all possible arguments let args = parse({ sslKey: { type: String, optional: true, }, sslCert: { type: String, optional: true, }, sslKeyPassphrase: { type: String, optional: true, }, port: { type: Number, optional: true, }, hostname: { type: String, optional: true, }, dataDir: { type: String, optional: true, }, stacksDir: { type: String, optional: true, } }); this.config = args as Config; // Load from environment variables or default values if args are not set this.config.sslKey = args.sslKey || process.env.DOCKGE_SSL_KEY || undefined; this.config.sslCert = args.sslCert || process.env.DOCKGE_SSL_CERT || undefined; this.config.sslKeyPassphrase = args.sslKeyPassphrase || process.env.DOCKGE_SSL_KEY_PASSPHRASE || undefined; this.config.port = args.port || Number(process.env.DOCKGE_PORT) || 5001; this.config.hostname = args.hostname || process.env.DOCKGE_HOSTNAME || undefined; this.config.dataDir = args.dataDir || process.env.DOCKGE_DATA_DIR || "./data/"; this.config.stacksDir = args.stacksDir || process.env.DOCKGE_STACKS_DIR || defaultStacksDir; this.stacksDir = this.config.stacksDir; log.debug("server", this.config); this.packageJSON = packageJSON as PackageJson; try { this.indexHTML = fs.readFileSync("./frontend-dist/index.html").toString(); } catch (e) { // "dist/index.html" is not necessary for development if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "development") { log.error("server", "Error: Cannot find 'frontend-dist/index.html', did you install correctly?"); process.exit(1); } } // Create express = express(); // Create HTTP server if (this.config.sslKey && this.config.sslCert) {"server", "Server Type: HTTPS"); this.httpServer = https.createServer({ key: fs.readFileSync(this.config.sslKey), cert: fs.readFileSync(this.config.sslCert), passphrase: this.config.sslKeyPassphrase, },; } else {"server", "Server Type: HTTP"); this.httpServer = http.createServer(; } // Binding Routers for (const router of this.routerList) {, this)); } // Static files"/", expressStaticGzip("frontend-dist", { enableBrotli: true, })); // Universal Route Handler, must be at the end of all express routes."*", async (_request, response) => { response.send(this.indexHTML); }); // Allow all CORS origins in development let cors = undefined; if (isDev) { cors = { origin: "*", }; } // Create = new socketIO.Server(this.httpServer, { cors, allowRequest: (req, callback) => { let isOriginValid = true; const bypass = isDev || process.env.UPTIME_KUMA_WS_ORIGIN_CHECK === "bypass"; if (!bypass) { let host =; // If this is set, it means the request is from the browser let origin = req.headers.origin; // If this is from the browser, check if the origin is allowed if (origin) { try { let originURL = new URL(origin); if (host !== { isOriginValid = false; log.error("auth", `Origin (${origin}) does not match host (${host}), IP: ${req.socket.remoteAddress}`); } } catch (e) { // Invalid origin url, probably not from browser isOriginValid = false; log.error("auth", `Invalid origin url (${origin}), IP: ${req.socket.remoteAddress}`); } } else {"auth", `Origin is not set, IP: ${req.socket.remoteAddress}`); } } else { log.debug("auth", "Origin check is bypassed"); } callback(null, isOriginValid); } });"connection", async (socket: Socket) => { let dockgeSocket = socket as DockgeSocket; dockgeSocket.instanceManager = new AgentManager(dockgeSocket); dockgeSocket.emitAgent = (event : string, ...args : unknown[]) => { let obj = args[0]; if (typeof(obj) === "object") { let obj2 = obj as LooseObject; obj2.endpoint = dockgeSocket.endpoint; } dockgeSocket.emit("agent", event, ...args); }; if (typeof(socket.request.headers.endpoint) === "string") { dockgeSocket.endpoint = socket.request.headers.endpoint; } else { dockgeSocket.endpoint = ""; } if (dockgeSocket.endpoint) {"server", "Socket connected (agent), as endpoint " + dockgeSocket.endpoint); } else {"server", "Socket connected (direct)"); } this.sendInfo(dockgeSocket, true); if (this.needSetup) {"server", "Redirect to setup page"); dockgeSocket.emit("setup"); } // Create socket handlers (original, no agent support) for (const socketHandler of this.socketHandlerList) { socketHandler.create(dockgeSocket, this); } // Create Agent Socket let agentSocket = new AgentSocket(); // Create agent socket handlers for (const socketHandler of this.agentSocketHandlerList) { socketHandler.create(dockgeSocket, this, agentSocket); } // Create agent proxy socket handlers this.agentProxySocketHandler.create2(dockgeSocket, this, agentSocket); // *************************** // Better do anything after added all socket handlers here // *************************** log.debug("auth", "check auto login"); if (await Settings.get("disableAuth")) {"auth", "Disabled Auth: auto login to admin"); this.afterLogin(dockgeSocket, await R.findOne("user") as User); dockgeSocket.emit("autoLogin"); } else { log.debug("auth", "need auth"); } // Socket disconnect dockgeSocket.on("disconnect", () => {"server", "Socket disconnected!"); dockgeSocket.instanceManager.disconnectAll(); }); });"disconnect", () => { }); if (isDev) { setInterval(() => { log.debug("terminal", "Terminal count: " + Terminal.getTerminalCount()); }, 5000); } } async afterLogin(socket : DockgeSocket, user : User) { socket.userID =; socket.join(; this.sendInfo(socket); try { this.sendStackList(); } catch (e) { log.error("server", e); } socket.instanceManager.sendAgentList(); // Also connect to other dockge instances socket.instanceManager.connectAll(); } /** * */ async serve() { // Create all the necessary directories this.initDataDir(); // Connect to database try { await Database.init(this); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Error) { log.error("server", "Failed to prepare your database: " + e.message); } process.exit(1); } // First time setup if needed let jwtSecretBean = await R.findOne("setting", " `key` = ? ", [ "jwtSecret", ]); if (! jwtSecretBean) {"server", "JWT secret is not found, generate one."); jwtSecretBean = await this.initJWTSecret();"server", "Stored JWT secret into database"); } else { log.debug("server", "Load JWT secret from database."); } this.jwtSecret = jwtSecretBean.value; const userCount = (await R.knex("user").count("id as count").first()).count; log.debug("server", "User count: " + userCount); // If there is no record in user table, it is a new Dockge instance, need to setup if (userCount == 0) {"server", "No user, need setup"); this.needSetup = true; } // Listen this.httpServer.listen(this.config.port, this.config.hostname, () => { if (this.config.hostname) { "server", `Listening on ${this.config.hostname}:${this.config.port}`); } else {"server", `Listening on ${this.config.port}`); } // Run every 10 seconds Cron("*/10 * * * * *", { protect: true, // Enabled over-run protection. }, () => { //log.debug("server", "Cron job running"); this.sendStackList(true); }); checkVersion.startInterval(); }); gracefulShutdown(this.httpServer, { signals: "SIGINT SIGTERM", timeout: 30000, // timeout: 30 secs development: false, // not in dev mode forceExit: true, // triggers process.exit() at the end of shutdown process onShutdown: this.shutdownFunction, // shutdown function (async) - e.g. for cleanup DB, ... finally: this.finalFunction, // finally function (sync) - e.g. for logging }); } /** * Emits the version information to the client. * @param socket socket instance * @param hideVersion Should we hide the version information in the response? * @returns */ async sendInfo(socket : Socket, hideVersion = false) { let versionProperty; let latestVersionProperty; let isContainer; if (!hideVersion) { versionProperty = packageJSON.version; latestVersionProperty = checkVersion.latestVersion; isContainer = (process.env.DOCKGE_IS_CONTAINER === "1"); } socket.emit("info", { version: versionProperty, latestVersion: latestVersionProperty, isContainer, primaryHostname: await Settings.get("primaryHostname"), //serverTimezone: await this.getTimezone(), //serverTimezoneOffset: this.getTimezoneOffset(), }); } /** * Get the IP of the client connected to the socket * @param {Socket} socket Socket to query * @returns IP of client */ async getClientIP(socket : Socket) : Promise { let clientIP = socket.client.conn.remoteAddress; if (clientIP === undefined) { clientIP = ""; } if (await Settings.get("trustProxy")) { const forwardedFor = socket.client.conn.request.headers["x-forwarded-for"]; if (typeof forwardedFor === "string") { return forwardedFor.split(",")[0].trim(); } else if (typeof socket.client.conn.request.headers["x-real-ip"] === "string") { return socket.client.conn.request.headers["x-real-ip"]; } } return clientIP.replace(/^::ffff:/, ""); } /** * Attempt to get the current server timezone * If this fails, fall back to environment variables and then make a * guess. * @returns {Promise} Current timezone */ async getTimezone() { // From process.env.TZ try { if (process.env.TZ) { this.checkTimezone(process.env.TZ); return process.env.TZ; } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Error) { log.warn("timezone", e.message + " in process.env.TZ"); } } const timezone = await Settings.get("serverTimezone"); // From Settings try { log.debug("timezone", "Using timezone from settings: " + timezone); if (timezone) { this.checkTimezone(timezone); return timezone; } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Error) { log.warn("timezone", e.message + " in settings"); } } // Guess try { const guess =; log.debug("timezone", "Guessing timezone: " + guess); if (guess) { this.checkTimezone(guess); return guess; } else { return "UTC"; } } catch (e) { // Guess failed, fall back to UTC log.debug("timezone", "Guessed an invalid timezone. Use UTC as fallback"); return "UTC"; } } /** * Get the current offset * @returns {string} Time offset */ getTimezoneOffset() { return dayjs().format("Z"); } /** * Throw an error if the timezone is invalid * @param {string} timezone Timezone to test * @returns {void} * @throws The timezone is invalid */ checkTimezone(timezone : string) { try { dayjs.utc("2013-11-18 11:55").tz(timezone).format(); } catch (e) { throw new Error("Invalid timezone:" + timezone); } } /** * Initialize the data directory */ initDataDir() { if (! fs.existsSync(this.config.dataDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(this.config.dataDir, { recursive: true }); } // Check if a directory if (!fs.lstatSync(this.config.dataDir).isDirectory()) { throw new Error(`Fatal error: ${this.config.dataDir} is not a directory`); } // Create data/stacks directory if (!fs.existsSync(this.stacksDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(this.stacksDir, { recursive: true }); }"server", `Data Dir: ${this.config.dataDir}`); } /** * Init or reset JWT secret * @returns JWT secret */ async initJWTSecret() : Promise { let jwtSecretBean = await R.findOne("setting", " `key` = ? ", [ "jwtSecret", ]); if (!jwtSecretBean) { jwtSecretBean = R.dispense("setting"); jwtSecretBean.key = "jwtSecret"; } jwtSecretBean.value = generatePasswordHash(genSecret()); await; return jwtSecretBean; } /** * Send stack list to all connected sockets * @param useCache */ async sendStackList(useCache = false) { let socketList =; let stackList; for (let socket of socketList) { let dockgeSocket = socket as DockgeSocket; // Check if the room is a number (user id) if (dockgeSocket.userID) { // Get the list only if there is a logged in user if (!stackList) { stackList = await Stack.getStackList(this, useCache); } let map : Map = new Map(); for (let [ stackName, stack ] of stackList) { map.set(stackName, stack.toSimpleJSON(dockgeSocket.endpoint)); } log.debug("server", "Send stack list to user: " + + " (" + dockgeSocket.endpoint + ")"); dockgeSocket.emitAgent("stackList", { ok: true, stackList: Object.fromEntries(map), }); } } } async getDockerNetworkList() : Promise { let res = await childProcessAsync.spawn("docker", [ "network", "ls", "--format", "{{.Name}}" ], { encoding: "utf-8", }); if (!res.stdout) { return []; } let list = res.stdout.toString().split("\n"); // Remove empty string item list = list.filter((item) => { return item !== ""; }).sort((a, b) => { return a.localeCompare(b); }); return list; } async getDockerStats() : Promise> { let stats = new Map(); try { let res = await childProcessAsync.spawn("docker", [ "stats", "--format", "json", "--no-stream" ], { encoding: "utf-8", }); if (!res.stdout) { return stats; } let lines = res.stdout?.toString().split("\n"); for (let line of lines) { try { let obj = JSON.parse(line); stats.set(obj.Name, obj); } catch (e) { } } return stats; } catch (e) { log.error("getDockerStats", e); return stats; } } get stackDirFullPath() { return path.resolve(this.stacksDir); } /** * Shutdown the application * Stops all monitors and closes the database connection. * @param signal The signal that triggered this function to be called. */ async shutdownFunction(signal : string | undefined) {"server", "Shutdown requested");"server", "Called signal: " + signal); // TODO: Close all terminals? await Database.close(); Settings.stopCacheCleaner(); } /** * Final function called before application exits */ finalFunction() {"server", "Graceful shutdown successful!"); } /** * Force connected sockets of a user to refresh and disconnect. * Used for resetting password. * @param {string} userID * @param {string?} currentSocketID */ disconnectAllSocketClients(userID: number | undefined, currentSocketID? : string) { for (const rawSocket of { let socket = rawSocket as DockgeSocket; if ((!userID || socket.userID === userID) && !== currentSocketID) { try { socket.emit("refresh"); socket.disconnect(); } catch (e) { } } } } isSSL() { return this.config.sslKey && this.config.sslCert; } getLocalWebSocketURL() { const protocol = this.isSSL() ? "wss" : "ws"; const host = this.config.hostname || "localhost"; return `${protocol}://${host}:${this.config.port}`; } }