Welcome to lab 2. You are going to find the code here very similar to lab 1, and thats by design, we'll build upon our experience and learn how to add variables and use environment files, so that you can reuse the code in say a deployment for dev, stage and prod. This is the power of IaC and prevents you having to rebuild everything from scratch.
Now I'll assume you have your AWS account and CloudShell setup already. If not please reffer to the lab 1 [README.md](../1-getting-started/README.md).
In this example we are going to do the same and deploy a VPC with subnets and an instance with a security group attached. What's different is that this time we'll use the ```user_data``` feature of EC2 to run apache and show you a running web server. In the ```main.tf``` file it differs in the ```aws_resource``` block of code to include the command to start apache.