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192 lines
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* From: https://github.com/tcollinsworth/axios-cached-dns-resolve/blob/master/__tests__/test.js
* But it converted to CommonJS
const ava = require("ava");
const delay = require("delay");
const LRUCache = require("lru-cache");
const axios = require("axios");
const axiosCachingDns = require("esm")(module)("axios-cached-dns-resolve");
const test = ava.serial
let axiosClient
test.beforeEach(() => {
axiosCachingDns.config.dnsTtlMs = 1000
axiosCachingDns.config.dnsIdleTtlMs = 5000
axiosCachingDns.config.cacheGraceExpireMultiplier = 2
axiosCachingDns.config.backgroundScanMs = 100
axiosCachingDns.cacheConfig.ttl = (axiosCachingDns.config.dnsTtlMs * axiosCachingDns.config.cacheGraceExpireMultiplier)
axiosCachingDns.config.cache = new LRUCache(axiosCachingDns.cacheConfig)
axiosClient = axios.create({
timeout: 5000,
// maxRedirects: 0,
test.after.always(() => {
test('query google with baseURL and relative url', async (t) => {
const { data } = await axios.get('/finance', {
baseURL: 'http://www.google.com',
// headers: { Authorization: `Basic ${basicauth}` },
t.is(1, axiosCachingDns.getStats().dnsEntries)
t.is(1, axiosCachingDns.getStats().misses)
test('query google caches and after idle delay uncached', async (t) => {
const resp = await axiosClient.get('http://amazon.com')
await delay(6000)
const expectedStats = {
dnsEntries: 0,
// refreshed: 4, variable
hits: 0,
misses: 2,
idleExpired: 1,
errors: 0,
lastError: 0,
lastErrorTs: 0,
const stats = axiosCachingDns.getStats()
delete stats.refreshed
t.deepEqual(expectedStats, stats)
test('query google caches and refreshes', async (t) => {
await axiosClient.get('http://amazon.com')
const { updatedTs } = axiosCachingDns.config.cache.get('amazon.com')
const timeoutTime = Date.now() + 5000
// eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while (true) {
const dnsEntry = axiosCachingDns.config.cache.get('amazon.com')
if (!dnsEntry) t.fail('dnsEntry missing or expired')
// console.log(dnsEntry)
if (updatedTs !== dnsEntry.updatedTs) break
if (Date.now() > timeoutTime) t.fail()
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
await delay(10)
const expectedStats = {
dnsEntries: 1,
// refreshed: 5, variable
hits: 0,
misses: 3,
idleExpired: 1,
errors: 0,
lastError: 0,
lastErrorTs: 0,
const stats = axiosCachingDns.getStats()
delete stats.refreshed
t.deepEqual(expectedStats, stats)
test('query two services, caches and after one idle delay uncached', async (t) => {
await axiosClient.get('http://amazon.com')
await axiosClient.get('http://microsoft.com')
const { lastUsedTs } = axiosCachingDns.config.cache.get('microsoft.com')
t.is(1, axiosCachingDns.config.cache.get('microsoft.com').nextIdx)
await axiosClient.get('http://microsoft.com')
t.is(2, axiosCachingDns.config.cache.get('microsoft.com').nextIdx)
t.truthy(lastUsedTs < axiosCachingDns.config.cache.get('microsoft.com').lastUsedTs)
t.is(2, axiosCachingDns.config.cache.size)
await axiosClient.get('http://microsoft.com')
t.is(3, axiosCachingDns.config.cache.get('microsoft.com').nextIdx)
t.falsy(lastUsedTs === axiosCachingDns.config.cache.get('microsoft.com').lastUsedTs)
t.is(2, axiosCachingDns.config.cache.size)
await delay(4000)
t.is(1, axiosCachingDns.config.cache.size)
await delay(2000)
t.is(0, axiosCachingDns.config.cache.size)
const expectedStats = {
dnsEntries: 0,
// refreshed: 17, variable
hits: 2,
misses: 5,
idleExpired: 3,
errors: 0,
lastError: 0,
lastErrorTs: 0,
const stats = axiosCachingDns.getStats()
delete stats.refreshed
t.deepEqual(expectedStats, stats)
test('validate axios config not altered', async (t) => {
const baseURL = 'http://microsoft.com'
const axiosConfig = { baseURL }
const custAxiosClient = axios.create(axiosConfig)
await custAxiosClient.get('/')
t.is(baseURL, axiosConfig.baseURL)
await custAxiosClient.get('/')
t.is(baseURL, axiosConfig.baseURL)
test('validate axios get config not altered', async (t) => {
const url = 'http://microsoft.com'
const custAxiosClient = axios.create()
const reqConfig = {
method: 'get',
await custAxiosClient.get(url, reqConfig)
t.is(url, reqConfig.url)
await custAxiosClient.get(url, reqConfig)
t.is(url, reqConfig.url)
test('validate axios request config not altered', async (t) => {
const url = 'http://microsoft.com'
const custAxiosClient = axios.create()
const reqConfig = {
method: 'get',
await custAxiosClient.request(reqConfig)
t.is(url, reqConfig.url)
await custAxiosClient.request(reqConfig)
t.is(url, reqConfig.url)