
1062 lines
55 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-12-27 18:11:53 +08:00
"languageName": "日本語",
"checkEverySecond": "{0}秒ごとにチェックします",
"retriesDescription": "サービスが完全に停止したと判断し、通知を送信する前に再接続を試みる最大回数",
2022-12-27 18:11:53 +08:00
"ignoreTLSError": "HTTPS ウェブサイトの TLS/SSL エラーを無視する",
"upsideDownModeDescription": "稼働ステータスを反転して扱います。サービスに接続可能な場合は、停止として扱います。",
"maxRedirectDescription": "必要な場合にリダイレクトする最大回数です。リダイレクトを無効にしたい場合は、0に設定してください。",
2022-12-27 18:11:53 +08:00
"acceptedStatusCodesDescription": "成功した応答とみなされるステータスコードを選択する。",
"passwordNotMatchMsg": "繰り返しのパスワードが一致しません。",
"notificationDescription": "監視を機能させるには、監視に通知を割り当ててください。",
"keywordDescription": "プレーンHTMLまたはJSON応答でキーワードを検索し、大文字と小文字を区別します。",
2022-12-27 18:11:53 +08:00
"pauseDashboardHome": "一時停止",
"deleteMonitorMsg": "この監視を削除してよろしいですか?",
"deleteNotificationMsg": "全ての監視のこの通知を削除してよろしいですか?",
"resolverserverDescription": "Cloudflareがデフォルトのサーバーですが、いつでもリゾルバサーバーを変更できます。",
"rrtypeDescription": "監視するRRタイプを選択します",
"pauseMonitorMsg": "一時停止しますか?",
"Settings": "設定",
"Dashboard": "ダッシュボード",
"New Update": "新しいアップデート",
"Language": "言語",
"Appearance": "外観",
"Theme": "テーマ",
"General": "全般",
2022-12-27 18:11:53 +08:00
"Version": "バージョン",
"Check Update On GitHub": "GitHubでアップデートを確認する",
"List": "一覧",
"Add": "追加",
"Add New Monitor": "監視の追加",
"Quick Stats": "統計",
"Up": "正常",
"Down": "停止",
2022-12-27 18:11:53 +08:00
"Pending": "中止",
"Unknown": "不明",
"Pause": "一時停止",
"Name": "名前",
"Status": "ステータス",
"DateTime": "日時",
"Message": "メッセージ",
"No important events": "重要なイベントなし",
"Resume": "再開",
"Edit": "編集",
"Delete": "削除",
"Current": "現在",
"Uptime": "稼働時間",
2022-12-27 18:11:53 +08:00
"Cert Exp.": "証明書有効期限",
"day": "日 | 日間",
"-day": "-日",
"hour": "時間",
"-hour": "時間",
2022-12-27 18:11:53 +08:00
"Response": "レスポンス",
"Ping": "Ping",
"Monitor Type": "監視タイプ",
"Keyword": "キーワード",
"Friendly Name": "分かりやすい名前",
"URL": "URL",
"Hostname": "ホスト名",
"Port": "ポート",
"Heartbeat Interval": "監視間隔",
"Retries": "再試行回数",
"Advanced": "詳細設定",
"Upside Down Mode": "反転モード",
2022-12-27 18:11:53 +08:00
"Max. Redirects": "最大リダイレクト数",
"Accepted Status Codes": "正常なステータスコード",
2022-12-27 18:11:53 +08:00
"Save": "保存",
"Notifications": "通知",
"Not available, please setup.": "利用できません。設定が必要です。",
2022-12-27 18:11:53 +08:00
"Setup Notification": "通知設定",
"Light": "ライト",
"Dark": "ダーク",
"Auto": "自動",
"Theme - Heartbeat Bar": "テーマ - 監視バー",
2022-12-27 18:11:53 +08:00
"Normal": "通常",
"Bottom": "下部",
"None": "なし",
"Timezone": "タイムゾーン",
"Search Engine Visibility": "検索エンジンでの表示",
"Allow indexing": "インデックス作成を許可する",
"Discourage search engines from indexing site": "検索エンジンにインデックスさせないようにする",
"Change Password": "パスワード変更",
"Current Password": "現在のパスワード",
"New Password": "新しいパスワード",
"Repeat New Password": "確認のため新しいパスワードをもう一度",
"Update Password": "パスワードの更新",
"Disable Auth": "認証の無効化",
"Enable Auth": "認証の有効化",
"Logout": "ログアウト",
"Leave": "作業を中止する",
"I understand, please disable": "理解した上で無効化する",
"Confirm": "確認",
"Yes": "はい",
"No": "いいえ",
"Username": "ユーザー名",
"Password": "パスワード",
"Remember me": "ログインしたままにする",
2022-12-27 18:11:53 +08:00
"Login": "ログイン",
"No Monitors, please": "監視がありません",
"add one": "add one",
"Notification Type": "通知タイプ",
"Email": "Eメール",
"Test": "テスト",
"Certificate Info": "証明書情報",
"Resolver Server": "問い合わせ先DNSサーバ",
"Resource Record Type": "DNSレコード設定",
"Last Result": "最終結果",
"Create your admin account": "Adminアカウントの作成",
"Repeat Password": "パスワード確認",
"respTime": "応答時間 (ms)",
"notAvailableShort": "N/A",
"Create": "作成",
"clearEventsMsg": "この監視のすべての記録を削除してもよろしいですか?",
"clearHeartbeatsMsg": "この監視のすべての異常記録を削除してもよろしいですか?",
"confirmClearStatisticsMsg": "すべての統計を削除してもよろしいですか?",
"Clear Data": "データを削除",
"Events": "統計",
"Heartbeats": "異常記録",
"Auto Get": "自動取得",
"enableDefaultNotificationDescription": "監視を作成するごとに、この通知方法はデフォルトで有効になります。監視ごとに通知を無効にすることもできます。",
"Default enabled": "デフォルトで有効にする",
"Also apply to existing monitors": "既存のモニターにも適用する",
"Export": "エクスポート",
"Import": "インポート",
"backupDescription": "すべての監視と通知設定をJSONファイルとしてバックアップすることができます。",
2022-12-27 18:11:53 +08:00
"backupDescription2": "※ 履歴と統計のデータはバックアップされません。",
"backupDescription3": "通知に使用するトークンなどの機密データも含まれています。注意して扱ってください。",
"alertNoFile": "インポートするファイルを選択してください。",
"alertWrongFileType": "JSONファイルを選択してください。",
"twoFAVerifyLabel": "トークンを入力して、2段階認証を有効にします。",
"tokenValidSettingsMsg": "トークンの確認が完了しました! 「保存」をしてください。",
"confirmEnableTwoFAMsg": "2段階認証を「有効」にします。よろしいですか?",
"confirmDisableTwoFAMsg": "2段階認証を「無効」にします。よろしいですか?",
"Apply on all existing monitors": "既存のすべてのモニターに適用する",
"Verify Token": "認証する",
"Setup 2FA": "二要素認証 (2FA) の設定",
2022-12-27 18:11:53 +08:00
"Enable 2FA": "2段階認証を有効にする",
"Disable 2FA": "2段階認証を無効にする",
"2FA Settings": "2段階認証の設定",
"Two Factor Authentication": "2段階認証",
"Clear all statistics": "すべての記録を削除",
"retryCheckEverySecond": "{0} 秒ごとにリトライします",
2022-12-27 18:11:53 +08:00
"importHandleDescription": "同じ名前のすべての監視または通知方法を上書きしない場合は、「既存のをスキップ」を選択します。 「上書きする」は、既存のすべてのモニターと通知を削除します。",
"confirmImportMsg": "バックアップをインポートしてもよろしいですか?希望するオプションを選択してください。",
"Heartbeat Retry Interval": "異常検知後の再試行間隔",
"Import Backup": "バックアップのインポート",
"Export Backup": "バックアップのエクスポート",
"Skip existing": "既存のをスキップする",
"Overwrite": "上書きする",
"Options": "オプション",
"Keep both": "どちらも保持する",
"Tags": "タグ",
"Add New below or Select...": "新規追加または選択…",
2022-12-27 18:11:53 +08:00
"Tag with this name already exist.": "この名前のタグはすでに存在しています。",
"Tag with this value already exist.": "この値のタグはすでに存在しています。",
"color": "色",
"value (optional)": "値 (optional)",
"Search...": "検索…",
2022-12-27 18:11:53 +08:00
"Avg. Ping": "平均Ping時間",
"Avg. Response": "平均応答時間",
"Entry Page": "エントリーページ",
"statusPageNothing": "ここには何もありません。グループまたは監視を追加してください。",
"No Services": "サービス無し",
2022-12-27 18:11:53 +08:00
"All Systems Operational": "すべてのサービスが稼働中",
"Partially Degraded Service": "部分的にサービスが停止中",
"Degraded Service": "サービスが停止中",
"Add Group": "グループの追加",
"Add a monitor": "監視の追加",
"Edit Status Page": "ステータスページ編集",
"Go to Dashboard": "ダッシュボード",
"Status Page": "ステータスページ",
"Status Pages": "ステータスページ",
"Shrink Database": "データベースの縮小",
"Start": "始める",
"Retry": "リトライ",
"Please read": "次のリンクを参考にしてください",
"Orange": "橙",
"Gateway Type": "ゲートウェイの種類",
"Game": "ゲーム",
"Help": "ヘルプ",
"Maintenance": "メンテナンス",
"resendDisabled": "再送信不可",
"Schedule maintenance": "メンテナンスのスケジュール",
"Affected Monitors": "影響を受けるモニター",
"Pick Affected Monitors...": "影響を受けるモニターを選択…",
"Start of maintenance": "メンテナンス開始",
"General Monitor Type": "汎用モニタータイプ",
"resendEveryXTimes": "{0}回ごとに再送信",
"markdownSupported": "マークダウン構文がサポートされています",
"All Status Pages": "すべてのステータス ページ",
"Monitor": "モニター |モニター",
"Resend Notification if Down X times consequently": "ダウンX回連続で通知再送",
"Push URL": "プッシュ URL",
"needPushEvery": "{0} 秒ごとにこの URL を呼び出す必要があります。",
"pushOptionalParams": "オプションのパラメーター: {0}",
"disableauth.message1": "{disableAuth}にしてもよろしいですか?",
"disable authentication": "認証を無効",
"disableauth.message2": "これは、Cloudflare Access、Authelia、またはその他の認証メカニズムなど、Uptime Kuma の前に{intendThirdPartyAuth}。",
"where you intend to implement third-party authentication": "サードパーティ認証を実装するシナリオ向けに設計されています",
"Please use this option carefully!": "このオプションは慎重に使用してください!",
"Primary Base URL": "プライマリ ベース URL",
"statusMaintenance": "メンテナンス",
"Passive Monitor Type": "パッシブモニタータイプ",
"Specific Monitor Type": "特定のモニターの種類",
"Security": "セキュリティ",
"Steam API Key": "Steam API Key",
"Default": "デフォルト",
"Title": "タイトル",
"No status pages": "ステータスページがありません",
"Proxy": "プロキシ",
"Date Created": "作成日",
"Content Type": "コンテンツタイプ",
"webhookAdditionalHeadersTitle": "追加ヘッダー",
"Server URL": "Server URL",
"Priority": "優先順位",
"Read more": "続きを読む",
"Show Tags": "タグを表示",
"Switch to Dark Theme": "ダークテーマに切り替える",
"Token": "Token",
"Show URI": "URIを表示する",
"Gray": "灰色",
"Red": "赤色",
"Green": "緑色",
"Blue": "青色",
"Indigo": "藍色",
"Purple": "紫色",
"Pink": "ピンク",
"Required": "必須",
"Select status pages...": "ステータスページを選択してください…",
"webhookAdditionalHeadersDesc": "Webhook で送信される追加ヘッダーを設定します。各ヘッダーは JSON の key/value 型で定義されている必要があります。",
"Webhook URL": "Webhook URL",
"Application Token": "Application Token",
"steamApiKeyDescription": "Steam Game Server を監視するためには、Steam Web-API キーが必要です。APIキーの登録はこちらから行えます。 ",
"Monitor History": "監視履歴",
"clearDataOlderThan": "監視履歴データを {0} 日間、保持します。",
"PasswordsDoNotMatch": "パスワードが一致していません。",
"Current User": "現在のユーザー",
"topic": "トピック",
"Info": "Info",
"Create Incident": "インシデントを作成",
"Content": "内容",
"Please input title and content": "タイトルと内容を入力してください",
"Last Updated": "最終アップデート日時",
"Unpin": "ピンを外す",
"Switch to Light Theme": "ライトテーマに切り替える",
"Hide Tags": "タグを隠す",
"Description": "メモ",
"Untitled Group": "名前の無いグループ",
"Services": "サービス",
"Discard": "破棄",
"Cancel": "キャンセル",
"Powered by": "Powered by",
"Customize": "カスタマイズ",
"Custom Footer": "カスタムフッター",
"Custom CSS": "カスタム CSS",
"deleteStatusPageMsg": "本当にこのステータスページを削除しますか?",
"Proxies": "プロキシ",
"default": "デフォルト",
"enabled": "有効",
"setAsDefault": "デフォルトに設定する",
"deleteProxyMsg": "本当にすべてのモニターからこのプロキシを削除しますか?",
"proxyDescription": "プロキシはモニターに割り当てられていないと機能しません。",
"setAsDefaultProxyDescription": "このプロキシは、新しいモニターに対してデフォルトで有効になっています。モニターごとに個別にプロキシを無効にすることができます。",
"Remove Token": "Tokenを削除",
"Stop": "停止",
"Add New Status Page": "新しいステータスページを追加",
"Next": "次へ",
"No Proxy": "プロキシなし",
"Authentication": "認証",
"HTTP Basic Auth": "HTTPベーシック認証",
"New Status Page": "新しいステータスページ",
"Page Not Found": "ページが見つかりません",
"Reverse Proxy": "リバースプロキシ",
"Backup": "バックアップ",
"About": "About",
"cloudflareWebsite": "Cloudflare Website",
"Don't know how to get the token? Please read the guide:": "トークンの取得方法が分かりませんか?ガイドをお読みください。",
"Custom": "カスタム",
"Created": "作成日時",
"Resend Notification if Down X times consecutively": "X回連続でダウンしたら通知を再送する",
"webhookJsonDesc": "{0}はExpress.jsのような最新のHTTPサーバに適しています",
"webhookFormDataDesc": "{multipart}はPHPに適しています。このJSONは{decodeFunction}でデコードする必要があります",
"appriseInstalled": "Appriseはインストール済みです。",
"emojiCheatSheet": "絵文字一覧: {0}",
"Inactive": "無効",
"defaultNotificationName": "{notification} 通知 ({number})",
"Post URL": "Post URL",
"Active": "有効",
"Pick a RR-Type...": "RR-Typeを選択…",
"Pick Accepted Status Codes...": "正常なステータスコードを選択…",
"appriseNotInstalled": "Apprise はインストールされていません。{0}",
"Method": "方式",
"Body": "ボディ",
"Headers": "ヘッダー",
"PushUrl": "Push URL",
"HeadersInvalidFormat": "リクエストヘッダーのJSONが無効です: ",
"BodyInvalidFormat": "リクエストボディのJSONが無効です: ",
"records": "レコード",
"One record": "レコード",
"topicExplanation": "監視するMQTTトピック",
"successMessage": "成功メッセージ",
"successMessageExplanation": "成功したとみなされるMQTTメッセージ",
"recent": "直近",
"Done": "完了",
"HTTP Options": "HTTPオプション",
"Style": "スタイル",
"info": "情報",
"warning": "警告",
"Valid To:": "有効期限:",
"Days Remaining:": "残りの有効日数:",
"Issuer:": "発行者:",
"Fingerprint:": "フィンガープリント:",
"Domain Name Expiry Notification": "ドメイン名有効期限通知",
"Footer Text": "フッター文章",
"Show Powered By": "Powered Byを表示",
"Domain Names": "ドメイン名",
"signedInDisp": "{0}としてログイン中",
"RadiusSecret": "Radius シークレット",
"RadiusSecretDescription": "クライアントとサーバー間の共有シークレット",
"RadiusCalledStationId": "Called-Station-Id",
"RadiusCallingStationId": "Calling-Station-Id",
"Subject:": "サブジェクト:",
"trustProxyDescription": "ヘッダー「X-Forwarded-*」を信頼します。Uptime Kumaがリバースプロキシの中にあり、正しいクライアントIPを取得する場合は、有効化してください。",
"Home Assistant URL": "ホームアシスタントURL",
"Examples": "例",
"telegramMessageThreadID": "(オプション) メッセージスレッドID",
"wayToGetLineNotifyToken": "{0}からアクセストークンを入手できます",
"Packet Size": "パケットサイズ",
"Bot Token": "ボットトークン",
"Chat ID": "チャットID",
"critical": "致命的エラー",
"signedInDispDisabled": "認証が無効化されています。",
"RadiusCalledStationIdDescription": "着信側の識別子",
"telegramProtectContent": "転送や保存を制限",
"YOUR BOT TOKEN HERE": "入手したボットトークン",
"API Key": "APIキー",
"Show update if available": "アップデートがあれば表示する",
"Using a Reverse Proxy?": "リバースプロキシを使用中ですか?",
"Go back to the previous page.": "前のページに戻る",
"Coming Soon": "近日公開予定",
"Workstation": "ワークステーション",
"wayToGetTelegramToken": "{0}からトークンを入手できます。",
"telegramMessageThreadIDDescription": "オプションとしてフォーラムのスレッド(話題)のIDを指定してメッセージを送信することができます。スーパーグループでのみ利用できます。",
"telegramProtectContentDescription": "有効な場合、Telegram上のボットのメッセージの転送や保存が制限されます。",
"danger": "危険",
"error": "エラー",
"primary": "プライマリー",
"light": "ライト",
"dark": "ダーク",
"Post": "Post",
"No monitors available.": "監視対象がありません。",
"Add one": "追加",
"No Monitors": "監視対象なし",
"enableProxyDescription": "このプロキシは有効化されない限り、監視リクエストには影響しません。無効化した場合、一時的にプロキシをすべての監視から無効化することができます。",
"Certificate Chain": "証明書チェーン",
"Valid": "有効",
"Invalid": "無効",
"User": "ユーザー",
"Installed": "インストール済み",
"Not installed": "未インストール",
"Running": "稼働中",
"Not running": "停止中",
"Slug": "スラッグ",
"Accept characters:": "使用可能な文字:",
"startOrEndWithOnly": "{0}のみ最初と最後の文字として使用可能",
"No consecutive dashes": "連続したダッシュ記号は使用不可",
"The slug is already taken. Please choose another slug.": "指定されたスラグは既に使用されています。別のスラグを使用してください。",
"wayToGetCloudflaredURL": "({0}からcloudflaredをダウンロード)",
"Message:": "メッセージ:",
"The current connection may be lost if you are currently connecting via Cloudflare Tunnel. Are you sure want to stop it? Type your current password to confirm it.": "Cloudflare Tunnelを経由した接続が遮断される可能性があります。停止してもよろしいですか? 確認のため、現在のパスワードを入力してください。",
"HTTP Headers": "HTTPヘッダー",
"Trust Proxy": "信頼できるプロキシ",
"Other Software": "その他のソフトウェア",
"For example: nginx, Apache and Traefik.": "例: nginxやApache、Traefikなど",
"RadiusCallingStationIdDescription": "発信側の識別子",
"Certificate Expiry Notification": "証明書有効期限通知",
"API Username": "APIユーザー名",
"Also check beta release": "ベータ版も表示する",
"Check how to config it for WebSocket": "WebSocketの設定方法について",
"Steam Game Server": "Steamゲームサーバー",
"Most likely causes:": "最も考えられる原因:",
"There might be a typing error in the address.": "アドレスの入力ミスの可能性があります。",
"What you can try:": "対応方法:",
"Retype the address.": "アドレスを入力し直してください。",
"The resource is no longer available.": "存在しないページです。",
"Connection String": "接続文字列",
"Query": "クエリ",
"settingsCertificateExpiry": "TLS証明書の有効期限",
"certificationExpiryDescription": "HTTPS監視のTLS証明書が以下の期限を迎えたときに通知を送信します。",
"Setup Docker Host": "Docker ホストを設定",
"Connection Type": "接続タイプ",
"Docker Daemon": "Docker デーモン",
"deleteDockerHostMsg": "すべての監視のDocker ホストを削除してもよろしいですか?",
"socket": "ソケット",
"tcp": "TCP / HTTP",
"Docker Container": "Docker コンテナー",
"Container Name / ID": "コンテナ名 / ID",
"Docker Host": "Docker ホスト",
"Docker Hosts": "Docker ホスト",
"Domain": "ドメイン",
"telegramSendSilently": "通知せずに送信",
"telegramSendSilentlyDescription": "通知せずにメッセージを送信します。通知音がなりません。",
"supportTelegramChatID": "チャットやグループ、チャンネルのチャットIDに対応",
"wayToGetTelegramChatID": "ボットにメッセージを送信し、以下のURLを開くとチャットIDのchat_idを入手できます。",
"chatIDNotFound": "チャットIDが存在しません。最初にメッセージをボットに送信してください",
"disableCloudflaredNoAuthMsg": "認証が無効化されているため、パスワードは必要ありません。",
"API Keys": "APIキー管理",
"Expiry": "期限切れ",
"Expiry date": "有効期限",
"No API Keys": "API Keyがありません",
"deleteAPIKeyMsg": "本当にこのAPIキーを削除しますか",
"Generate": "生成",
"pauseMaintenanceMsg": "本当に一時停止しますか?",
"maintenanceStatus-under-maintenance": "メンテナンス中",
"secureOptionNone": "None / STARTTLS (25, 587)",
"smtp": "Email (SMTP)",
"Bot Display Name": "BOTの表示名",
"Prefix Custom Message": "メッセージの先頭に送信する文章",
"endpoint": "エンドポイント",
"Proxy Protocol": "Proxy Protocol",
"Google Analytics ID": "Google アナリティクス ID",
"Frontend Version do not match backend version!": "フロントエンドとバックエンドのバージョンが一致しません!",
"or": "または",
"Frontend Version": "フロントエンドのバージョン",
"promosmsPassword": "APIパスワード",
"Notification Sound": "通知音",
"Clone Monitor": "監視の複製",
"Clone": "複製",
"cloneOf": "{0} の複製",
"Hello @everyone is...": "Hello {'@'}everyone is…",
"Icon URL": "アイコンURL",
"affectedStatusPages": "メンテナンスメッセージを選択したステータスページに表示する",
"GoogleChat": "Google Chat (Google Workspace 限定)",
"pushyToken": "デバイストークン",
"SMS Type": "SMSタイプ",
"Proxy Server": "Proxy Server",
"smtpDkimDomain": "ドメイン名",
"Uptime Kuma URL": "Uptime Kuma URL",
"Channel Name": "チャンネル名",
"smtpDkimSettings": "DKIM設定",
"Server Address": "サーバーアドレス",
"strategyManual": "手動で有効/無効を切り替える",
"warningTimezone": "サーバーのタイムゾーンを使用します",
"weekdayShortMon": "月",
"weekdayShortTue": "火",
"weekdayShortWed": "水",
"weekdayShortFri": "金",
"weekdayShortSat": "土",
"weekdayShortSun": "日",
"dayOfWeek": "曜日ごと",
"dayOfMonth": "日にちごと",
"maintenanceStatus-inactive": "無効",
"maintenanceStatus-scheduled": "スケジュール済み",
"maintenanceStatus-ended": "終了済み",
"maintenanceStatus-unknown": "不明",
"Server Timezone": "サーバータイムゾーン",
"IconUrl": "アイコンURL",
"Enable DNS Cache": "(非推奨) HTTP(s)の監視に対しDNSキャッシュを有効にする",
"Enable": "有効",
"Disable": "無効",
"Schedule Maintenance": "スケジュールメンテナンス",
"loadingError": "データを取得できません。後でもう一度試してください。",
"uninstall": "アンインストール",
"installing": "インストール中",
"Ignore TLS Error": "TLS エラーを無視",
"smtpCC": "CC",
"secureOptionTLS": "TLS (465)",
"smtpBCC": "BCC",
"Discord Webhook URL": "Discord ウェブフック URL",
"wayToCheckSignalURL": "こちらから設定方法を確認できます:",
"Number": "Number",
"Line Developers Console": "Line Developers Console",
"Access Token": "アクセストークン",
"Channel access token": "チャンネルアクセストークン",
"enableGRPCTls": "TLS接続でgRPCリクエストを送信できるようにする",
"Messaging API": "Messaging API",
"dnsPortDescription": "DNSサーバーポートのデフォルトは53です。ポートはいつでも変更可能です。",
"Device": "デバイス",
"Event type:": "イベントタイプ:",
"here": "こちら",
"weekdayShortThu": "木",
"plugin": "プラグイン",
"No Maintenance": "メンテナンスはありません",
"dnsCacheDescription": "一部のIPv6環境では動作しない場合があります。問題が発生した場合は無効にしてください。",
"uninstalling": "アンインストール中",
"confirmUninstallPlugin": "本当にこのプラグインをアンインストールしていいですか?",
"wayToGetDiscordURL": "サーバー設定 -> 連携サービス -> ウェブフックを確認 -> 新しいウェブフック から新たに取得できます",
"wayToGetTeamsURL": "ウェブフックの作成方法は {0}",
"wayToGetZohoCliqURL": "ウェブフックの作成方法は {0}",
"confirmDeleteTagMsg": "このタグを本当に削除してよろしいですか?このタグが付けられたモニターは削除されません。",
"deleteMaintenanceMsg": "このメンテナンスを本当に削除していいですか?",
"promosmsLogin": "APIログイン名",
"pushyAPIKey": "シークレットAPI Key",
"Message Title": "メッセージタイトル",
"Setup Proxy": "プロキシを設定する",
"Proxy server has authentication": "プロキシサーバーは認証が必要",
"Edit Tag": "タグを編集",
"Add API Key": "API Keyを追加",
"Expires": "有効期限",
"disableAPIKeyMsg": "本当にこのAPIキーを無効化しますか",
"install": "インストール",
"affectedMonitorsDescription": "メンテナンスによって影響を受けるモニターを選択してください",
"default: notify all devices": "デフォルト:すべてのデバイスに通知する",
"Trigger type:": "トリガータイプ:",
"Event data:": "イベントデータ:",
"backupOutdatedWarning": "非推奨: 多くの機能に変更があり、バックアップ機能の開発が一部滞っているため、完全なバックアップの作成や復元ができません。",
"backupRecommend": "代わりにボリュームまたはデータフォルダ(./data/)を直接バックアップしてください。",
"recurringInterval": "インターバル",
"Recurring": "繰り返し",
"lineDevConsoleTo": "Line Developers Console - {0}",
"Basic Settings": "基本設定",
"User ID": "User ID",
"Huawei": "Huawei",
"Device Token": "デバイストークン",
"recurringIntervalMessage": "毎日1回実行する{0} 日に1回実行する",
"Add New Tag": "新しいタグを追加",
"statusPageMaintenanceEndDate": "終了日",
"Body Encoding": "ボディエンコード",
"Learn More": "さらに詳しく",
"infiniteRetention": "保持期間を無制限にしたい場合は、0に設定してください。",
Translations Update from Weblate (#3318) * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (762 of 762 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (754 of 754 strings) Co-authored-by: MrEddX <mreddx@chatrix.one> Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/bg/ Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 78.1% (589 of 754 strings) Co-authored-by: Bruno Guerreiro <brunogcarvalho@gmail.com> Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/pt_BR/ Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (762 of 762 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (754 of 754 strings) Co-authored-by: AnnAngela <naganjue@vip.qq.com> Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/zh_Hans/ Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.8% (761 of 762 strings) Co-authored-by: Michal <black23@gmail.com> Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/cs/ Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.3% (757 of 762 strings) Co-authored-by: Dim <DimitriDR@users.noreply.weblate.kuma.pet> Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/fr/ Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (757 of 757 strings) Co-authored-by: stanol <stanol777@gmail.com> Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/uk/ Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (757 of 757 strings) Co-authored-by: Ömer Faruk Genç <omer@farukgenc.com> Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/tr/ Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (757 of 757 strings) Translated using Weblate (German (Switzerland)) Currently translated at 100.0% (757 of 757 strings) Co-authored-by: Marco <marco@nanoweb.ch> Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/de/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/de_CH/ Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 77.9% (590 of 757 strings) Co-authored-by: Paulo <git@pauloo27.dev> Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/pt_BR/ Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 100.0% (757 of 757 strings) Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 99.7% (755 of 757 strings) Co-authored-by: ITQ <itq.dev@ya.ru> Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/ru/ Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 85.3% (646 of 757 strings) Co-authored-by: Yoswaris Lawpaiboon <konglha19@outlook.co.th> Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/th/ Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma * Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.4% (753 of 757 strings) Co-authored-by: Tomasz Ad <djtms84@gmail.com> Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/pl/ Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma * Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese) Currently translated at 61.6% (467 of 757 strings) Co-authored-by: Bond <xuantan97@gmail.com> Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/vi/ Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma * Translated using Weblate (Urdu) Currently translated at 60.7% (460 of 757 strings) Co-authored-by: DevMirza <pzhafeez@gmail.com> Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/ur/ Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (757 of 757 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/cs/ * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 95.3% (722 of 757 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/zh_Hant/ * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 95.3% (722 of 757 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/zh_Hant/ * Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese) Currently translated at 62.7% (475 of 757 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/vi/ * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (759 of 759 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/bg/ * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (759 of 759 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/fr/ * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (759 of 759 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/tr/ * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (759 of 759 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/de/ * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (759 of 759 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/uk/ * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (759 of 759 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/zh_Hans/ * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/fr/ * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 99.8% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/zh_Hans/ * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 99.8% (762 of 763 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/bg/ * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/cs/ * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 81.3% (621 of 763 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/id/ * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 99.2% (757 of 763 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/ru/ * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/tr/ * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/zh_Hans/ * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/cs/ * Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 73.6% (562 of 763 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/da/ * Translated using Weblate (German (Switzerland)) Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/de_CH/ * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/de/ * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 71.2% (544 of 763 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/hr/ * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/id/ * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 57.0% (435 of 763 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/pt_PT/ * Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 84.5% (645 of 763 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/th/ * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/uk/ * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/bg/ * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/id/ * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (767 of 767 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/fr/ * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (767 of 767 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/tr/ * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (767 of 767 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/zh_Hans/ * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (767 of 767 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/bg/ * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.6% (764 of 767 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/cs/ * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.8% (766 of 767 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/cs/ * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (768 of 768 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/bg/ * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (768 of 768 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/fr/ * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (768 of 768 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/tr/ * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (768 of 768 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/uk/ * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (770 of 770 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/bg/ * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (770 of 770 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/fr/ * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (770 of 770 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/tr/ * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.8% (769 of 770 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/cs/ * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.8% (769 of 770 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/cs/ * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 99.7% (768 of 770 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/zh_Hans/ * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 99.7% (768 of 770 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/zh_Hans/ * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (770 of 770 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/uk/ * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 99.7% (768 of 770 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/zh_Hans/ * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (772 of 772 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/fr/ * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (772 of 772 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/tr/ * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (772 of 772 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/bg/ * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.8% (771 of 772 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/cs/ * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (772 of 772 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/fr/ * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (772 of 772 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/nl/ * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (772 of 772 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/uk/ * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 99.7% (770 of 772 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/zh_Hans/ * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 98.9% (778 of 786 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/cs/ * Translated using Weblate (German (Switzerland)) Currently translated at 100.0% (786 of 786 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/de_CH/ * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (786 of 786 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/de/ * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (786 of 786 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/fr/ * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 99.7% (784 of 786 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/zh_Hans/ * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 89.3% (702 of 786 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/zh_Hant_HK/ * Added translation using Weblate (Burmese) * Translated using Weblate (Burmese) Currently translated at 4.5% (36 of 786 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/my/ * Translated using Weblate (German (Switzerland)) Currently translated at 100.0% (786 of 786 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/de_CH/ * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (786 of 786 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/de/ * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 100.0% (786 of 786 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/ru/ * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (786 of 786 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/tr/ * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (786 of 786 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/uk/ * Translated using Weblate (Burmese) Currently translated at 11.4% (90 of 786 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/my/ * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/fr/ * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/tr/ * Translated using Weblate (German (Switzerland)) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/de_CH/ * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/de/ * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/ru/ * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/uk/ * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 99.7% (785 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/zh_Hans/ * Added translation using Weblate (Bengali) * Translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/en/ * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/bg/ * Translated using Weblate (German (Switzerland)) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/de_CH/ * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/de/ * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/de/ * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/fr/ * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/tr/ * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/uk/ * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 99.7% (785 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/zh_Hans/ * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 69.5% (547 of 786 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/ja/ * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 69.5% (547 of 786 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/ja/ * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/bg/ * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/cs/ * Translated using Weblate (German (Switzerland)) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/de_CH/ * Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/de/ * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/fr/ * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 69.7% (549 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/ja/ * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/tr/ * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/uk/ * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 100.0% (787 of 787 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/zh_Hans/ * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 100.0% (790 of 790 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/cs/ * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (790 of 790 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/fr/ * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 99.8% (789 of 790 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/zh_Hans/ * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 99.8% (796 of 797 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/zh_Hans/ * Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 99.7% (797 of 799 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/cs/ * Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (799 of 799 strings) Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/fr/ --------- Co-authored-by: zappityzap <128872140+zappityzap@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Frank Elsinga <frank@elsinga.de> Co-authored-by: Louis Lam <louislam@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: MrEddX <mreddx@chatrix.one> Co-authored-by: Bruno Guerreiro <brunogcarvalho@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: AnnAngela <naganjue@vip.qq.com> Co-authored-by: Michal <black23@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Dim <DimitriDR@users.noreply.weblate.kuma.pet> Co-authored-by: stanol <stanol777@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Ömer Faruk Genç <omer@farukgenc.com> Co-authored-by: Marco <marco@nanoweb.ch> Co-authored-by: Paulo <git@pauloo27.dev> Co-authored-by: ITQ <itq.dev@ya.ru> Co-authored-by: Yoswaris Lawpaiboon <konglha19@outlook.co.th> Co-authored-by: Tomasz Ad <djtms84@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Bond <xuantan97@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: DevMirza <pzhafeez@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Weblate <noreply@weblate.org> Co-authored-by: Tomy Hsieh <git@tomy.me> Co-authored-by: melt-tscci <beta_hz@163.com> Co-authored-by: AyanoKiru <tn0562260@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Cyril59310 <archas.cyril@hotmail.fr> Co-authored-by: jonas <jonasriedel@pm.me> Co-authored-by: Dikky Hardian <dikkyhardian@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Buchtič <martin.buchta@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: deluxghost <deluxghost@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Justin Kruit <justinkruitnl@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Marco Li <macaty@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: naing-htoo <nainghtoo@tnitech.net> Co-authored-by: drshounak <contact@drshounak.com> Co-authored-by: Simon Thiel <simon.thiel2+github@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Donker_Jumala <weareh0711@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: mottcha <yuki627f@gmail.com>
2023-08-01 15:41:50 +08:00
"Display Timezone": "表示タイムゾーン",
"startDateTime": "開始日時",
"User Key": "ユーザーキー",
"SecretKey": "シークレットキー",
"Home": "ホーム",
"webhookBodyCustomOption": "カスタムbody",
"octopushPhoneNumber": "電話番号 (初期フォーマット, 例: +33612345678) ",
"Topic": "トピック",
"pushoverMessageTtl": "メッセージTTL(秒)",
"apiCredentials": "API認証情報",
"Economy": "エコノミー",
"statusPageRefreshIn": "{0}後に再読み込みします",
"filterActivePaused": "停止中",
"filterActive": "有効",
"Example:": "例: {0}",
"Read more:": "さらに: {0}",
"Status:": "ステータス: {0}",
"Enable TLS": "TLS 有効",
"AccessKeyId": "アクセスキーID",
"SecretAccessKey": "アクセスキーシークレット",
"PhoneNumbers": "携帯電話番号",
"Date and Time": "日時",
"chromeExecutableAutoDetect": "自動検出",
"More info on:": "詳細はこちら: {0}",
"Cannot connect to the socket server": "ソケットサーバーに接続できません",
"Reconnecting...": "再接続中...",
"endDateTime": "終了日時",
"cronSchedule": "スケジュール ",
"Edit Maintenance": "メンテナンスの編集",
"WebHookUrl": "ウェブフックUrl",
"Notification Service": "通知サービス",
"atLeastOneMonitor": "最低一つは影響を受けるモニターを選択してください",
"Json Query": "Jsonクエリ",
"octopushSMSSender": "SMS送信者名311文字の英数字とスペースazAz09",
"Lowcost": "低コスト",
"A list of Notification Services can be found in Home Assistant under \"Developer Tools > Services\" search for \"notification\" to find your device/phone name.": "通知サービスの一覧からデバイス名を見つけるには、Home Assistantの「開発者ツール > サービス」から通知で検索してください。",
"Notify Channel": "通知チャンネル",
"Icon Emoji": "絵文字アイコン",
"setupDatabaseChooseDatabase": "どのデータベースを使いたいですか?",
"setupDatabaseEmbeddedMariaDB": "何も設定する必要はありません。この Docker イメージは設定済みの MariaDB が組み込まれています。Uptime Kuma はこのデータベースに unix ソケットを通じて接続します。",
"setupDatabaseSQLite": "小規模な開発のために推奨される小さなデータベースファイルです。v2.0.0 以前は、Uptime Kuma は SQLite を標準のデータベースとして使用していました。",
"tailscalePingWarning": "Tailscale Ping モニターを使用するためには、Uptime Kuma を Docker を利用せずインストールし、そのうえで Tailscale Client をサーバーにインストールしてください。",
"invertKeywordDescription": "キーワードが含まれているものではなく、含まれないものを探します。",
"setupDatabaseMariaDB": "外部の MariaDB データベースに接続するためには、データベースの接続情報を設定する必要があります。",
"dbName": "データベース名",
"Request Timeout": "リクエストタイムアウト",
"timeoutAfter": "{0} 秒後にタイムアウト",
"selectedMonitorCount": "選択済み: {0}",
"Long-Lived Access Token": "長期アクセストークン",
"Invert Keyword": "「含まない」キーワード",
"Expected Value": "期待値",
"dataRetentionTimeError": "保持期間は 0 か、それ以上である必要があります",
"settingUpDatabaseMSG": "データベースをセットアップしています。しばらくお待ちください。",
"Check/Uncheck": "選択あり/なし",
"Alphanumeric (recommended)": "半角英数字(推奨)",
"GrafanaOncallUrl": "Grafana オンコール URL",
"Command": "コマンド",
"Browser Screenshot": "ブラウザ・スクリーンショット",
"mongodbCommandDescription": "データベースに対して MongoDB コマンドを実行します。使用できるコマンドについては {documentation} を参照ください",
"2faDisabled": "二要素認証 (2FA) を無効にしました。",
"Telephone number": "電話番号",
"remoteBrowsersDescription": "リモートブラウザは Chromium を実行するための代替手段です。ローカルで実行する代わりに、browserless.io のようなサービスや、独自のサービスに接続します",
"max 15 digits": "最大15桁",
"What is a Remote Browser?": "リモート・ブラウザとは何ですか?",
"Remote Browsers": "リモート・ブラウザ",
"Remote Browser": "リモート・ブラウザ",
"wayToGetSevenIOApiKey": "app.seven.io > developer > api key > 緑色の追加ボタンの下にあるダッシュボードをご覧ください",
"senderSevenIO": "番号もしくは名前を送信しています",
"receiverSevenIO": "番号を受信しています",
"Search monitored sites": "監視対象サイトの検索",
"liquidIntroduction": "Templatability は Liquid テンプレート言語を利用します。使い方は {0} をご覧ください。以下は利用可能な変数です:",
"templateMsg": "通知の内容",
"templateHeartbeatJSON": "死活監視 (heartbeat) を記述している JSON オブジェクト",
"templateMonitorJSON": "監視対象を記述している JSON オブジェクト",
"Remove the expiry notification": "有効期限の通知日を削除する",
"authInvalidToken": "無効なトークンです。",
"authIncorrectCreds": "無効なユーザー名かパスワードです。",
"self-hosted container": "セルフ・ホストのコンテナ",
"useRemoteBrowser": "リモート・ブラウザを使う",
"Add a Remote Browser": "リモート・ブラウザを追加する",
"remoteBrowserToggle": "デフォルトでは、Chromium は Uptime Kuma コンテナ内で実行されます。このスイッチを切り替えることで、リモート・ブラウザを使用できます。",
"Remote Browser not found!": "リモート・ブラウザがありません!",
"Select message type": "メッセージ・タイプを選択してください",
"Send to channel": "チャンネルに送信",
"Create new forum post": "新規フォーラムに投稿",
"needSignalAPI": "REST API に対応したシグナリング用のクライアントが必要です。",
"aboutIconURL": "「アイコン URL」に画像へのリンクを指定することで、デフォルトのプロフィール画像を上書きすることができます。「アイコン絵文字」が指定されている場合は使用されません。",
"octopushAPIKey": "コントロールパネルの HTTP API 認証情報にある「API キー」",
"2faEnabled": "二要素認証 (2FA) を有効にしました。",
"successAdded": "正常に追加されました。",
"successResumed": "正常に再開しました。",
"2faAlreadyEnabled": "二要素認証 (2FA) は、すでに有効になっています。",
"successDeleted": "正常に削除しました。",
"successPaused": "正常に一時停止しました。",
"successAuthChangePassword": "正常にパスワードを更新しました。",
"successEdited": "正常に編集できました。",
"successBackupRestored": "正常にバックアップから復元しました。",
"successEnabled": "正常に有効化しました。",
"tagNotFound": "タグが見つかりませんでした。",
"foundChromiumVersion": "Chromium/Chrome を見つけました。 Version: {0}",
"Select": "選択",
"Add a new expiry notification day": "有効期限の通知日を追加する",
"emailCustomSubject": "カスタム・トピック",
"emailTemplateMsg": "通知の内容",
"To Email": "Email へ",
"emailTemplateLimitedToUpDownNotification": "UP/DOWN 死活監視 (heartbeat) の場合のみ有効",
"deleteRemoteBrowserMessage": "本当にこのリモートブラウザをすべての監視から削除しますか?",
"Refresh Interval": "更新間隔",
"Refresh Interval Description": "ステータスページは{0}秒ごとに全面更新されます",
"wayToGetLineChannelToken": "まず {0} にアクセスし、プロバイダーとチャネルMessaging APIを作成します。次に、上記のメニューからアクセストークンとチャネルのユーザー ID を取得します。",
"aboutMattermostChannelName": "「チャンネル名」フィールドにチャンネル名を入力することで、Webhook から送信されるデフォルトのチャンネル名を上書きできます。これは Mattermost の Webhook 設定で有効にしておく必要があります。例 #other-channel",
"Saved.": "保存しました。",
"Either enter the hostname of the server you want to connect to or localhost if you intend to use a locally configured mail transfer agent": "接続するサーバーのホスト名を入力するか、{local_mta} を使用する場合は {localhost} を入力します",
"e.g. {discordThreadID}": "例 {discordThreadID}",
"postToExistingThread": "既存のスレッド/フォーラムに投稿",
"forumPostName": "投稿先のフォーラム名",
"threadForumPostID": "投稿先のスレッド/フォーラム ID",
"whatHappensAtForumPost": "新規フォーラム投稿。既存の投稿がある場合は投稿しません。既存の投稿の中に投稿を作成するには「{option}」を使用してください",
"emailTemplateHeartbeatJSON": "死活監視 (heartbeat) を記述している JSON オブジェクト",
"leave blank for default subject": "空の場合はデフォルトの件名を使用します",
"cellsyntSplitLongMessages": "長文メッセージは最大 6 つに分割してください。153 x 6 = 918文字です。",
"Allow Long SMS": "ロングコード SMS を許可する",
"cellsyntDestination": "受信者の電話番号。00 に続けて国番号を付ける国際形式である必要があります。たとえば、英国の番号 07920 110 000 の場合は 00447920110000合計17桁までになります。HTTP リクエストごとに指定できる受信者数は、カンマ区切りで最大 25,000 件です。",
"emailTemplateMonitorJSON": "監視対象を記述している JSON オブジェクト",
"successDisabled": "正常に無効化しました。",
"Long-Lived Access Token can be created by clicking on your profile name (bottom left) and scrolling to the bottom then click Create Token. ": "長期アクセストークンは、プロフィール名(左下)をクリックし、下にスクロールして「トークンを作成」をクリックすると作成できます。 ",
"Effective Date Range": "有効範囲(オプション)",
"DateTime Range": "日付範囲",
"Maintenance Time Window of a Day": "今日のメンテナンス時間のウィンドウ",
"octopushLogin": "コントロールパネルの HTTP API 認証情報にある「ログイン」",
"notificationRegional": "特殊地域",
"pushOthers": "その他",
"Host URL": "ホストURL",
"enableNSCD": "NSCD (Name Service Cache Daemon) を有効にして、すべての DNS クエリをキャッシュする",
"successKeywordExplanation": "成功としてカウントされる MQTT のキーワード",
"DockerHostRequired": "この監視の Docker ホストを設定してください。",
"noDockerHostMsg": "利用できません。Docker ホストを先にセットアップしてください。",
"styleElapsedTime": "経過時間を監視バーの下に表示",
"styleElapsedTimeShowNoLine": "表示(改行なし)",
"styleElapsedTimeShowWithLine": "表示(改行あり)",
"lastDay": "最終日",
"lastDay1": "月末",
"lastDay2": "月末の 2 日前",
"lastDay3": "月末の 3 日前",
"lastDay4": "月末の 4 日前",
"chromeExecutable": "Chrome/Chromium の実行ファイル",
"chromeExecutableDescription": "Docker を使用しており、Chromium がインストールされていない場合、インストールしてからテスト結果の表示するのに数分かかることがあります。1 GB の容量を必要とします。",
"jsonQueryDescription": "応答に対して json クエリを実行し、値が期待されたものであるか確認します(戻り値は比較の際文字列に変換されます)。 クエリ言語のドキュメントについては、{0}を参照してください。{1}にプレイグラウンドがあります。",
"leave blank for default body": "デフォルトの本文を使用するには空のままにしてください",
"apprise": "Apprise (50以上の通知サービスをサポートしています)",
"Apprise URL": "AppriseのURL",
"emailTemplateHostnameOrURL": "ホスト名またはURL",
"emailCustomisableContent": "カスタマイズ可能なコンテンツ",
"emailCustomBody": "カスタム本文",
"emailTemplateServiceName": "サービス名",
"smtpLiquidIntroduction": "次の 2 つのテンプレート・フィールドは Liquid テンプレート言語で記述できます。これらの使い方は {0} にあります。以下は利用可能な変数です:",
"emailTemplateStatus": "ステータス",
"now": "現在",
"time ago": "{0}前",
"-year": "年",
"Json Query Expression": "Jsonクエリ表現",
"ignoredTLSError": "TLS/SSLエラーは無視されました",
"locally configured mail transfer agent": "独自設定されたメール転送エージェント",
"ignoreTLSErrorGeneral": "接続時のTLS/SSLエラーを無視する",
"successKeyword": "成功時のキーワード",
"pushViewCode": "Push モニターの使い方(コードを見る)",
"Reset Token": "トークンのリセット",
"templateLimitedToUpDownCertNotifications": "監視対象の UP/DOWN と証明書の有効期限通知でのみ利用可能",
"templateLimitedToUpDownNotifications": "監視対象の UP/DOWN の通知でのみ利用可能",
"webhookBodyPresetOption": "プリセット - {0}",
"Optional": "オプション",
"and": "かつ",
"From Email": "Emailより",
"CurlDebugInfoProxiesUnsupported": "上記コマンド {curl} のProxyサポートは現在、実装されていません。",
"Your User ID": "あなたのユーザーID",
"programmingLanguages": "プログラミング言語",
"Debug": "デバッグ",
"Copy": "コピー",
"CopyToClipboardError": "クリップボードにコピーできません: {error}",
"CopyToClipboardSuccess": "コピーしました!",
"firewalls": "ファイアウォール",
"dns resolvers": "DNSリゾルバ",
"docker networks": "Dockerネットワーク",
"sameAsServerTimezone": "サーバータイムゾーンと同じ",
"cronExpression": "Cron表記",
"invalidCronExpression": "不正なCron表記です: {0}",
"Single Maintenance Window": "シングルメンテナンスウィンドウ",
"pushoversounds updown": "",
"SIGNL4": "",
"smspartnerApiurl": "",
"Add Another": "",
"lunaseaTarget": "",
"pagertreeDoNothing": "",
"onebotHttpAddress": "",
"gtxMessagingApiKeyHint": "",
"From Phone Number / Transmission Path Originating Address (TPOA)": "",
"Proto Content": "",
"Platform": "",
"matrixDesc1": "",
"smtpDkimheaderFieldNames": "",
"wayToGetPagerDutyKey": "",
"smseagleRecipient": "",
"Badge Down Days": "",
"Monitor Group": "",
"Authorization Identity": "",
"AccessKey Id": "",
"Session Token": "",
"FlashDuty Severity": "",
"nostrRelays": "",
"nostrRelaysHelp": "",
"cacheBusterParam": "",
"High": "",
"gtxMessagingFromHint": "",
"To Phone Number": "",
"Originator": "",
"alertaApiKey": "",
"snmpOIDHelptext": "",
"SNMP Version": "",
"threemaBasicModeInfo": "",
"Host Onesender": "",
"Token Onesender": "",
"Group ID": "",
"wayToGetOnesenderUrlandToken": "",
"Add Remote Browser": "",
"OAuth2: Client Credentials": "",
"Authorization Header": "",
"Form Data Body": "",
"Optional: Space separated list of scopes": "",
"signl4Docs": "",
"conditionAdd": "",
"conditionValuePlaceholder": "",
"equals": "",
"not equals": "",
"contains": "",
"not contains": "",
"starts with": "",
"not ends with": "",
"threemaRecipient": "",
"threemaRecipientTypeIdentity": "",
"threemaRecipientTypeIdentityFormat": "",
"threemaRecipientTypePhone": "",
"threemaRecipientTypeEmail": "",
"threemaSenderIdentity": "",
"threemaApiAuthenticationSecret": "",
"Originator type": "",
"auto acknowledged": "",
"Server URL should not contain the nfty topic": "",
"onebotGroupMessage": "",
"Key Added": "",
"Badge Generator": "",
"Badge Label": "",
"Badge Label Prefix": "",
"Badge Preview": "",
"Badge Up Color": "",
"Kafka Brokers": "",
"Close": "",
"nostrSender": "",
"nostrRecipients": "",
"nostrRecipientsHelp": "",
"gamedigGuessPortDescription": "",
"wayToGetBitrix24Webhook": "",
"Mechanism": "",
"shrinkDatabaseDescriptionSqlite": "",
"cellsyntOriginatortypeAlphanumeric": "",
"apiKeysDisabledMsg": "",
"pushoversounds classical": "",
"pushoversounds cosmic": "",
"pushoversounds falling": "",
"pushoversounds vibrate": "",
"Check octopush prices": "",
"alertaRecoverState": "",
"serwersmsAPIUser": "",
"toastErrorTimeout": "",
"toastSuccessTimeout": "",
"Press Enter to add broker": "",
"Kafka Topic Name": "",
"Kafka Producer Message": "",
"Enable Kafka Producer Auto Topic Creation": "",
"Recipients": "",
"setup a new monitor group": "",
"openModalTo": "",
"do nothing": "",
"wayToGetDiscordThreadId": "",
"pushoversounds none": "",
"Add a domain": "",
"Remove domain": "",
"smtpDkimKeySelector": "",
"serwersmsPhoneNumber": "",
"smseagleTo": "",
"smseagleGroup": "",
"wayToGetClickSendSMSToken": "",
"twilioAuthToken": "",
"Open Badge Generator": "",
"Show Clickable Link": "",
"Show Clickable Link Description": "",
"pushoversounds tugboat": "",
"pushoverDesc2": "",
"octopushTypeLowCost": "",
"LunaSea Device ID": "",
"Strategy": "",
"Free Mobile User Identifier": "",
"Mention group": "",
"promosmsTypeFlash": "",
"Feishu WebHookUrl": "",
"matrixHomeserverURL": "",
"smtpDkimPrivateKey": "",
"apiKeyAddedMsg": "",
"cellsyntOriginator": "",
"SMSManager API Docs": "",
"You can divide numbers with": "",
"Bark Group": "",
"pushoversounds intermission": "",
"pushoversounds magic": "",
"pushoversounds spacealarm": "",
"smseaglePriority": "",
"CurlDebugInfo": "",
"CurlDebugInfoOAuth2CCUnsupported": "",
"pushoversounds alien": "",
"octopushTypePremium": "",
"Free Mobile API Key": "",
"SignName": "",
"promosmsTypeFull": "",
"promosmsTypeSpeed": "",
"matrixDesc2": "",
"smseagleUrl": "",
"pushDeerServerDescription": "",
"Don't expire": "",
"apiKey-active": "",
"twilioToNumber": "",
"Badge Pending Color": "",
"Recipient Type": "",
"Private Number": "",
"OAuth Token URL": "",
"Client ID": "",
"conditionDeleteGroup": "",
"Notification Channel": "",
"Sound": "",
"Arcade": "",
"Fail": "",
"Harp": "",
"Reveal": "",
"Bubble": "",
"Money": "",
"Clear": "",
"Pop": "",
"Custom sound to override default notification sound": "",
"From": "",
"The phone number of the recipient in E.164 format.": "",
"Automations can optionally be triggered in Home Assistant:": "",
"Then choose an action, for example switch the scene to where an RGB light is red.": "",
"pushoversounds pushover": "",
"goAlertInfo": "",
"goAlertIntegrationKeyInfo": "",
"pagertreeIntegrationUrl": "",
"pagertreeUrgency": "",
"pagertreeHigh": "",
"wayToGetHeiiOnCallDetails": "",
"statusPageSpecialSlugDesc": "",
"pushoversounds climb": "",
"Proto Method": "",
"SendKey": "",
"promosmsPhoneNumber": "",
"promosmsSMSSender": "",
"promosmsAllowLongSMS": "",
"aboutNotifyChannel": "",
"aboutKumaURL": "",
"smtpDkimHashAlgo": "",
"smtpDkimskipFields": "",
"smseagleContact": "",
"smseagleRecipientType": "",
"PushDeer Key": "",
"Badge Type": "",
"Badge Duration (in hours)": "",
"Badge Warn Color": "",
"Badge Warn Days": "",
"monitorToastMessagesLabel": "",
"Secret AccessKey": "",
"cacheBusterParamDescription": "",
"alertaEnvironment": "",
"alertaAlertState": "",
"Community String": "",
"Condition": "",
"Please enter a valid OID.": "",
"groupOnesenderDesc": "",
"New Group": "",
"Group Name": "",
"Authentication Method": "",
"Client Secret": "",
"OAuth Scope": "",
"Go back to home page.": "",
"No tags found.": "",
"Lost connection to the socket server.": "",
"Cannot connect to the socket server.": "",
"SIGNL4 Webhook URL": "",
"Conditions": "",
"conditionDelete": "",
"not starts with": "",
"less than": "",
"greater than": "",
"less than or equal to": "",
"wayToGetThreemaGateway": "",
"threemaRecipientType": "",
"threemaRecipientTypePhoneFormat": "",
"threemaSenderIdentityFormat": "",
"smspartnerPhoneNumber": "",
"smspartnerPhoneNumberHelptext": "",
"smspartnerSenderName": "",
"smspartnerSenderNameInfo": "",
"Leave blank to use a shared sender number.": "",
"Recipient Number": "",
"From Name/Number": "",
"Octopush API Version": "",
"Legacy Octopush-DM": "",
"onebotMessageType": "",
"onebotPrivateMessage": "",
"Continue": "",
"apiKey-inactive": "",
"wayToGetPagerTreeIntegrationURL": "",
"Badge Suffix": "",
"Badge Label Color": "",
"Badge Color": "",
"Badge Down Color": "",
"noGroupMonitorMsg": "",
"Request Body": "",
"wayToGetFlashDutyKey": "",
"showCertificateExpiry": "",
"authUserInactiveOrDeleted": "",
"wayToGetWhapiUrlAndToken": "",
"Mentioning": "",
"ntfy Topic": "",
"Custom Monitor Type": "",
"Bitrix24 Webhook URL": "",
"bitrix24SupportUserID": "",
"lunaseaDeviceID": "",
"ntfyAuthenticationMethod": "",
"lunaseaUserID": "",
"twilioAccountSID": "",
"gtxMessagingToHint": "",
"wayToWriteWhapiRecipient": "",
"Guild ID": "",
"pushoversounds echo": "",
"Badge Label Suffix": "",
"receiverInfoSevenIO": "",
"apiKeySevenIO": "",
"callMeBotGet": "",
"cellsyntOriginatortypeNumeric": "",
"pushoversounds gamelan": "",
"octopushLegacyHint": "",
"checkPrice": "",
"auto resolve": "",
"alertaApiEndpoint": "",
"Badge Style": "",
"Badge value (For Testing only.)": "",
"Group": "",
"monitorToastMessagesDescription": "",
"Enter the list of brokers": "",
"Enable Kafka SSL": "",
"Kafka SASL Options": "",
"Channel access token (Long-lived)": "",
"wayToGetKookBotToken": "",
"pushoverDesc1": "",
"Auto resolve or acknowledged": "",
"serwersmsAPIPassword": "",
"pagertreeSilent": "",
"pagertreeResolve": "",
"ntfyUsernameAndPassword": "",
"gamedigGuessPort": "",
"whapiRecipient": "",
"API URL": "",
"documentationOf": "",
"wayToGetKookGuildID": "",
"signalImportant": "",
"aboutWebhooks": "",
"smtpDkimDesc": "",
"serwersmsSenderName": "",
"smseagleToken": "",
"smseagleEncoding": "",
"twilioApiKey": "",
"noOrBadCertificate": "",
"Sms template must contain parameters: ": "",
"Bark API Version": "",
"Don't mention people": "",
"WeCom Bot Key": "",
"promosmsTypeEco": "",
"Internal Room Id": "",
"documentation": "",
"apiKey-expired": "",
"max 11 alphanumeric characters": "",
"pushoversounds persistent": "",
"For safety, must use secret key": "",
"Bark Endpoint": "",
"Bark Sound": "",
"Badge URL": "",
"pushoversounds incoming": "",
"pushoversounds mechanical": "",
"pushoversounds pianobar": "",
"pushoversounds siren": "",
"Badge Prefix": "",
"Proto Service Name": "",
"aboutChannelName": "",
"Integration Key": "",
"Integration URL": "",
"onebotUserOrGroupId": "",
"onebotSafetyTips": "",
"PushDeer Server": "",
"twilioFromNumber": "",
"Monitor Setting": "",
"Badge Maintenance Color": "",
"Message format": "",
"Send rich messages": "",
"Destination": "",
"snmpCommunityStringHelptext": "",
"OID (Object Identifier)": "",
"privateOnesenderDesc": "",
"conditionAddGroup": "",
"ends with": "",
"greater than or equal to": "",
"record": "",
"Alphanumerical string and hyphens only": "",
"Correct": "",
"Doorbell": "",
"Flute": "",
"Scifi": "",
"Elevator": "",
"Guitar": "",
"Time Sensitive (iOS Only)": "",
"Time sensitive notifications will be delivered immediately, even if the device is in do not disturb mode.": "",
"Can be found on:": "",
"Either a text sender ID or a phone number in E.164 format if you want to be able to receive replies.": "",
"pushoversounds bike": "",
"pushoversounds bugle": "",
"pushoversounds cashregister": "",
"Base URL": "",
"TemplateCode": "",
"pagertreeLow": "",
"pagertreeMedium": "",
"pagertreeCritical": "",
"ntfyPriorityHelptextAllEvents": "",
"Pick a SASL Mechanism...": "",
"high": "",
"grpcMethodDescription": "",
"ntfyPriorityHelptextAllExceptDown": ""
Translations update from Uptime Kuma Weblate (#2670) * Update translation files Updated by "Squash Git commits" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (Estonian) Currently translated at 29.9% (205 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 29.7% (204 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 84.6% (580 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 94.1% (645 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 94.2% (645 of 684 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 94.2% (645 of 684 strings) Translated using Weblate (German (Switzerland)) Currently translated at 92.2% (632 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (German (Switzerland)) Currently translated at 92.3% (632 of 684 strings) Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 50.6% (347 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 50.7% (347 of 684 strings) Translated using Weblate (Czech) Currently translated at 98.8% (677 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Arabic (ar_SY)) Currently translated at 96.3% (660 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (685 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings) Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 29.7% (204 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 77.9% (534 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 42.0% (288 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 42.1% (288 of 684 strings) Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 99.8% (684 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 100.0% (684 of 684 strings) Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 76.3% (523 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 76.4% (523 of 684 strings) Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 76.4% (524 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 28.6% (196 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 52.5% (360 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 52.6% (360 of 684 strings) Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 84.3% (578 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 53.8% (369 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 98.8% (677 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 98.8% (677 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 40.8% (280 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 40.9% (280 of 684 strings) Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 83.5% (572 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Hebrew (Israel)) Currently translated at 96.7% (663 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Yue) Currently translated at 57.9% (397 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Yue) Currently translated at 57.9% (397 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Yue) Currently translated at 9.4% (65 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Yue) Currently translated at 9.4% (65 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Yue) Currently translated at 2.0% (14 of 684 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 96.9% (664 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 57.9% (397 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese) Currently translated at 67.4% (462 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese) Currently translated at 67.5% (462 of 684 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 74.8% (513 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 98.6% (676 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 83.5% (572 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 15.7% (108 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Serbian) Currently translated at 29.0% (199 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 29.0% (199 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 29.0% (199 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 51.0% (350 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 85.1% (583 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 29.0% (199 of 685 strings) Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 98.9% (678 of 685 strings) Co-authored-by: 401Unauthorized <yehowahliu@4o1.to> Co-authored-by: Adam Stachowicz <saibamenppl@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Anonymous <noreply@weblate.org> Co-authored-by: Cyril59310 <contact@cyril59310.fr> Co-authored-by: Louis Lam <louislam@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: MrEddX <mreddx@chatrix.one> Co-authored-by: Victor Monteiro <victor@bbhost.com.br> Co-authored-by: Weblate <noreply@weblate.org> Co-authored-by: cetteup <cetteup@dasemail.de> Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/ar_SY/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/bg/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/cs/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/da/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/de/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/de_CH/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/el/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/es/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/et/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/eu/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/fa/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/fr/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/he_IL/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/hr/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/hu/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/id/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/it/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/ja/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/ko/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/nb_NO/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/nl/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/pl/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/pt_BR/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/pt_PT/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/ru/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/sl/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/sr/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/sr_Latn/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/sv/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/th/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/tr/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/uk/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/vi/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/yue/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/zh_Hans/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/zh_Hant/ Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/zh_Hant_HK/ Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma * Revert autofill mistake Co-authored-by: Weblate <noreply@weblate.org> Co-authored-by: 401Unauthorized <yehowahliu@4o1.to> Co-authored-by: Adam Stachowicz <saibamenppl@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Cyril59310 <contact@cyril59310.fr> Co-authored-by: Louis Lam <louislam@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: MrEddX <mreddx@chatrix.one> Co-authored-by: Victor Monteiro <victor@bbhost.com.br> Co-authored-by: cetteup <cetteup@dasemail.de>
2023-01-26 00:55:59 +08:00