"retriesDescription":"Zerbitzua erorita markatu eta jakinarazpena bidali aurretik egindako saiakera kopuru maximoa",
"ignoreTLSError":"Ezikusiarena egin TLS/SSL erroreei HTTPS webguneetan",
"upsideDownModeDescription":"Alderantzizkatu erortze egoera. Zerbitzua martxan badago, ERORITA markatuko du.",
"maxRedirectDescription":"Jarraitu beharreko berbideratze kopuru maximoa. Jarri 0 berbideratzeak desgaitzeko.",
"acceptedStatusCodesDescription":"Hautatu erantzun ona kontsideratzen diren egoera kodeak.",
"passwordNotMatchMsg":"Errepikatutako pasahitza ez dator bat.",
"notificationDescription":"Jakinarazpenak monitorizazio funtzio bati asignatu behar zaizkio.",
"keywordDescription":"Bilatu gako-hitza HTML edo JSON erantzunean. Bilaketan maiuskulak kontuan hartzen dira.",
"deleteMonitorMsg":"Ziur zaude monitorizazio hau ezabatu nahi duzula?",
"deleteNotificationMsg":"Ziur zaude jakinarazpen hau monitorizazio guztientzat ezabatu nahi duzula?",
"dnsPortDescription":"DNS zerbitzari portua. Defektuz 53. Nahi duzunean aldatu dezakezu portua.",
"resolverserverDescription":"Cloudflare zerbitzari lehenetsia da. Edozein unetan alda dezakezu ebazteko zerbitzaria.",
"rrtypeDescription":"Hautatu kontrolatu nahi duzun RR mota",
"enableDefaultNotificationDescription":"Jakinarazpen hau monitore berrientzat gaituko da defektuz. Baina monitorizazio bakoitzarentzat jakinarazpena desgaitu dezakezu.",
"pauseMonitorMsg":"Ziur zaude gelditu egin nahi duzula?",
"clearEventsMsg":"Ziur zaude monitorizazio honen gertaera guztiak ezabatu nahi dituzula?",
"clearHeartbeatsMsg":"Ziur zaude monitorizazio honen pultsu guztiak ezabatu nahi dituzula?",
"confirmClearStatisticsMsg":"Ziur zaude estatistika GUZTIAK ezabatu nahi dituzula?",
"importHandleDescription":"Aukeratu 'existitzen bada', izen bereko monitore edo jakinarazpen bakoitza saltatu nahi baduzu. Lehendik dauden kontrol eta jakinarazpen guztiak ezabatuko ditu 'Gainidatzi' aukerak.",
"confirmImportMsg":"Ziur zaude segurtasun-kopia inportatu nahi duzula? Egiaztatu inportatzeko aukera zuzena hautatu duzula.",
"disableauth.message2":"Egoera jakin batzuetarako diseinatuta dago, Uptime Kumaren {intendThirdPartyAuth} (Cloudflare Access, Authelia edo beste autentifikazio-mekanismo batzuk).",
"where you intend to implement third-party authentication":"aurrean hirugarrengo autentifikazio batzuek jartzeko",
"No Monitors, please":"Monitorizaziorik ez, mesedez",
"add one":"gehitu bat",
"Notification Type":"Jakinarazpen mota",
"Certificate Info":"Ziurtagiri informazioa",
"Resolver Server":"Ebazpen-zerbitzaria",
"Resource Record Type":"Baliabideen erregistro mota",
"Last Result":"Azken emaitza",
"Create your admin account":"Sortu zure admin kontua",
"Repeat Password":"Errepikatu pasahitza",
"Import Backup":"segurtasun-kopia inportatu",
"Export Backup":"segurtasun-kopia esportatu",
"respTime":"Erantz. denbora (ms)",
"Default enabled":"Lehenetsia gaituta",
"Apply on all existing monitors":"Aplikatu existitzen diren monitorizazio guztietan",
"Clear Data":"Garbitu datuak",
"Auto Get":"Auto Get",
"backupDescription":"Monitore eta jakinarazpen guztien segurtasun-kopiak egin ditzakezu JSON fitxategi batean.",
"backupDescription2":"Oharra: ez dira historia eta gertaeren datuak sartzen.",
"backupDescription3":"Datu sentikorrak, hala nola jakinarazpen tokenak, esportazio-fitxategian sartzen dira; mesedez, gorde esportazioa modu seguruan.",
"alertNoFile":"Mesedez hautatu inportatzeko fitxategia.",
"alertWrongFileType":"Mesedez hautatu JSON fitxategia.",
"Clear all statistics":"Garbitu estatistika guztiak",
"wayToGetLineChannelToken":"First access the {0}, create a provider and channel (Messaging API), then you can get the channel access token and user ID from the above mentioned menu items.",
"Icon URL":"Ikono URL",
"aboutIconURL":"You can provide a link to a picture in \"Icon URL\" to override the default profile picture. Will not be used if Icon Emoji is set.",
"aboutMattermostChannelName":"You can override the default channel that the Webhook posts to by entering the channel name into \"Channel Name\" field. This needs to be enabled in the Mattermost Webhook settings. Ex: #other-channel",
"promosmsTypeEco":"SMS ECO - cheap but slow and often overloaded. Limited only to Polish recipients.",
"promosmsTypeFlash":"SMS FLASH - Message will automatically show on recipient device. Limited only to Polish recipients.",
"promosmsTypeFull":"SMS FULL - Premium tier of SMS, You can use your Sender Name (You need to register name first). Reliable for alerts.",
"promosmsTypeSpeed":"SMS SPEED - Highest priority in system. Very quick and reliable but costly (about twice of SMS FULL price).",
"promosmsPhoneNumber":"Phone number (for Polish recipient You can skip area codes)",
"promosmsSMSSender":"SMS Sender Name : Pre-registred name or one of defaults: InfoSMS, SMS Info, MaxSMS, INFO, SMS",
"Feishu WebHookUrl":"Feishu WebHookURL",
"matrixHomeserverURL":"Hasiera zerbitzari URL (with http(s):// and optionally port)",
"Internal Room Id":"Internal Room ID",
"matrixDesc1":"You can find the internal room ID by looking in the advanced section of the room settings in your Matrix client. It should look like !QMdRCpUIfLwsfjxye6:home.server.",
"matrixDesc2":"It is highly recommended you create a new user and do not use your own Matrix user's access token as it will allow full access to your account and all the rooms you joined. Instead, create a new user and only invite it to the room that you want to receive the notification in. You can get the access token by running {0}",
"PushUrl":"Push URL",
"HeadersInvalidFormat":"The request headers are not valid JSON: ",
"BodyInvalidFormat":"The request body is not valid JSON: ",
"Monitor History":"Monitorizazio Historia",
"clearDataOlderThan":"Keep monitor history data for {0} days.",
"PasswordsDoNotMatch":"Pasahitzak ez datoz bat.",
"One record":"One record",
"steamApiKeyDescription":"For monitoring a Steam Game Server you need a Steam Web-API key. You can register your API key here: ",
"serwersmsSenderName":"SMS bidaltzaile izena (registered via customer portal)",
"Custom Footer":"Oin pertsonalizatua",
"Custom CSS":"CSS pertsonalizatua",
"smtpDkimSettings":"DKIM ezarpenak",
"smtpDkimDesc":"Please refer to the Nodemailer DKIM {0} for usage.",
"smtpDkimDomain":"Domeinu izena",
"smtpDkimKeySelector":"Gako hautatzailea",
"smtpDkimPrivateKey":"Gako pribatua",
"smtpDkimHashAlgo":"Hash algoritmoa (hautazkoa)",
"smtpDkimheaderFieldNames":"Header Keys to sign (Optional)",
"smtpDkimskipFields":"Header Keys not to sign (Optional)",
"wayToGetPagerDutyKey":"You can get this by going to Service -> Service Directory -> (Select a service) -> Integrations -> Add integration. Here you can search for \"Events API V2\". More info {0}",
"Integration Key":"Integration Key",
"Integration URL":"Integrazio URLa",
"Auto resolve or acknowledged":"Auto resolve or acknowledged",
"do nothing":"ez egin ezer",
"auto acknowledged":"auto acknowledged",
"auto resolve":"auto resolve",
"alertaApiEndpoint":"API Endpoint",
"alertaApiKey":"API Key",
"alertaAlertState":"Alerta egoera",
"alertaRecoverState":"Berreskuratze egoera",
"deleteStatusPageMsg":"Ziur zaude egoera orri hau ezabatu nahi duzula?",
"setAsDefault":"Ezarri lehenetsitzat",
"deleteProxyMsg":"Are you sure want to delete this proxy for all monitors?",
"proxyDescription":"Proxies must be assigned to a monitor to function.",
"enableProxyDescription":"This proxy will not effect on monitor requests until it is activated. You can control temporarily disable the proxy from all monitors by activation status.",
"setAsDefaultProxyDescription":"This proxy will be enabled by default for new monitors. You can still disable the proxy separately for each monitor.",
"Sms template must contain parameters: ":"Sms txantiloiak parametroak eduki behar ditu: ",
"Bark Endpoint":"Bark Endpoint",
"For safety, must use secret key":"For safety, must use secret key",
"Device Token":"Gailu tokena",
"WeCom Bot Key":"WeCom Bot Key",
"Setup Proxy":"Ezarri Proxya",
"Proxy Protocol":"Proxy protokoloa",
"Proxy Server":"Proxy zerbitzaria",
"Proxy server has authentication":"Proxy zerbitzariak autentifikazioa dauka",
"Not installed":"Instalatu gabe",
"Not running":"Ez martxan",
"Remove Token":"Ezabatu Tokena",
"Uptime Kuma":"Uptime Kuma",
"Add New Status Page":"Gehitu egoera orri berria",
"Accept characters:":"Onartu karaktereak:",
"startOrEndWithOnly":"Start or end with {0} only",
"No consecutive dashes":"No consecutive dashes",
"The slug is already taken. Please choose another slug.":"Sluga dagoeneko hartuta dago. Mesedez beste bat hautatu.",
"No Proxy":"Proxyrik ez",
"HTTP Basic Auth":"HTTP oinarrizko Auth",
"New Status Page":"Egoera orri berria",
"Page Not Found":"Orria ez da aurkitu",
"Reverse Proxy":"Alderantzizkako Proxya",
"About":"Honi buruz",
"wayToGetCloudflaredURL":"(Download cloudflared from {0})",
"cloudflareWebsite":"Cloudflare webgunea",
"Don't know how to get the token? Please read the guide:":"Don't know how to get the token? Please read the guide:",
"The current connection may be lost if you are currently connecting via Cloudflare Tunnel. Are you sure want to stop it? Type your current password to confirm it.":"The current connection may be lost if you are currently connecting via Cloudflare Tunnel. Are you sure want to stop it? Type your current password to confirm it.",
"Other Software":"Beste softwarea",
"For example: nginx, Apache and Traefik.":"Adibidez: nginx, Apache and Traefik.",
"Please read":"Mesedez irakurri",
"Valid To:":"Balio-epea:",
"Days Remaining:":"Egun faltan:",
"No status pages":"Egoera orririk ez",
"Domain Name Expiry Notification":"Domeinu izen iraungitze jakinarazpena",
"Date Created":"Data sortuta",
"onebotHttpAddress":"OneBot HTTP helbidea",
"onebotMessageType":"OneBot mezu mota",
"onebotUserOrGroupId":"Talde/Erabiltzaile IDa",
"onebotSafetyTips":"For safety, must set access token",