mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 20:34:46 +00:00
Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 61.9% (652 of 1053 strings) Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 59.1% (623 of 1053 strings) Co-authored-by: Unai Tolosa Pontesta <utolosa002@gmail.com> Translate-URL: https://weblate.kuma.pet/projects/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/eu/ Translation: Uptime Kuma/Uptime Kuma
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 93 additions and 2 deletions
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
"smtpBCC": "BCC",
"smtpBCC": "BCC",
"discord": "Discord",
"discord": "Discord",
"Discord Webhook URL": "Discord Webhook URL",
"Discord Webhook URL": "Discord Webhook URL",
"wayToGetDiscordURL": "You can get this by going to Server Settings -> Integrations -> Create Webhook",
"wayToGetDiscordURL": "Hona joanda lortu dezakezu: Server Settings -> Integrations -> View Webhooks -> New Webhook",
"Bot Display Name": "Bot Display Name",
"Bot Display Name": "Bot Display Name",
"Prefix Custom Message": "Prefix Custom Message",
"Prefix Custom Message": "Prefix Custom Message",
"Hello @everyone is...": "Kaixo {'@'}edonor da…",
"Hello @everyone is...": "Kaixo {'@'}edonor da…",
@ -587,5 +587,96 @@
"statusPageRefreshIn": "{0} barru freskatuko da.",
"statusPageRefreshIn": "{0} barru freskatuko da.",
"now": "orain",
"now": "orain",
"time ago": "duela {0}",
"time ago": "duela {0}",
"-year": "-urte"
"-year": "-urte",
"styleElapsedTimeShowNoLine": "Erakutsi (Lerrorik ez)",
"styleElapsedTimeShowWithLine": "Erakutsi (Lerroarekin)",
"Select": "Hautatu",
"Docker Container": "Docker edukiontzia",
"Container Name / ID": "Edukiontzi izena / ID",
"Packet Size": "Pakete tamaina",
"telegramSendSilently": "Bidali isilik",
"Examples": "Adibideak",
"default: notify all devices": "Defektuz: jakinarazi gailu guztiak",
"Event type:": "Ekintza mota:",
"Event data:": "Ekintza mota:",
"Optional": "Hautazkoa",
"and": "eta",
"sameAsServerTimezone": "Zerbitzariaren ordu-zona bera",
"endDateTime": "Bukaera data/ordua",
"cronExpression": "Cron espresioa",
"cronSchedule": "Programatu: ",
"invalidCronExpression": "Cron espresio baliogabea: {0}",
"recurringInterval": "Tartea",
"No Maintenance": "Mantenurik ez",
"maintenanceStatus-under-maintenance": "Mantenuan",
"maintenanceStatus-inactive": "Aktibatu gabe",
"maintenanceStatus-scheduled": "Programatuta",
"Display Timezone": "Erakutsi ordu zona",
"statusPageMaintenanceEndDate": "Bukatu",
"IconUrl": "Ikono URLa",
"chromeExecutableAutoDetect": "Auto detektatu",
"Schedule Maintenance": "Programatu mantenua",
"Edit Maintenance": "Editatu mantenua",
"Date and Time": "Data eta ordua",
"plugin": "Plugin | Pluginak",
"installing": "Instalatzen",
"uninstalling": "Desinstalatzen",
"confirmUninstallPlugin": "Ziur zaude plugin hau desinstalatu nahi duzula?",
"Clone": "Klonatu",
"cloneOf": "{0}-(a)ren klona",
"emailTemplateStatus": "Egoera",
"emailTemplateMsg": "jakinarazpenaren mezua",
"Select message type": "Hautatu mezu mota",
"Send to channel": "Bidali kanalera",
"Enable TLS": "Gaitu TLS",
"webhookAdditionalHeadersTitle": "Goiburu gehigarriak",
"Reset Token": "Berrezarri tokena",
"selectedMonitorCount": "Hautatuta: {0}",
"HTTP Headers": "HTTP goiburuak",
"Refresh Interval": "Eguneratze tartea",
"tcp": "TCP / HTTP",
"Notification Service": "Jakinarazpen zerbitzua",
"or": "edo",
"startDateTime": "Hasiera data/ordua",
"pauseMaintenanceMsg": "Ziur zaude gelditu nahi duzula?",
"install": "Instalatu",
"uninstall": "Desinstalatu",
"emailTemplateServiceName": "Zerbitzu izena",
"Your User ID": "Zure erabiltzaile IDa",
"Connection Type": "Konexio mota",
"pushOthers": "Besteak",
"programmingLanguages": "Programatze lengoaiak",
"dbName": "Datubase izena",
"resendEveryXTimes": "Berbidali {0} aldiz",
"Reconnecting...": "Birkonektatzen...",
"setupDatabaseChooseDatabase": "Zein datubase erabili nahi duzu?",
"Recurring": "Errepikakorra",
"Mentioning": "Aipatzen",
"Condition": "Baldintza",
"RabbitMQ Username": "RabbitMQ erabiltzailea",
"Expiry": "Iraungitzea",
"pagertreeSilent": "Isildu",
"Group": "Taldea",
"Saved.": "Gordeta.",
"Conditions": "Baldintzak",
"smseagleTo": "Telefono zenbakia(k)",
"Enable Kafka SSL": "Gaitu Kafka SSL",
"Continue": "Jarraitu",
"apiKey-active": "Aktibo",
"apiKey-expired": "Iraungita",
"apiKey-inactive": "Ez-aktibo",
"Expires": "Iraungitzen da",
"Generate": "Sortu",
"pagertreeUrgency": "Larritasuna",
"pagertreeLow": "Baxua",
"pagertreeHigh": "Altua",
"pagertreeCritical": "Larria",
"Destination": "Helburua",
"conditionValuePlaceholder": "Balioa",
"RabbitMQ Password": "RabbitMQ pasahitza",
"Correct": "Zuzena",
"Fail": "Akatsa",
"Elevator": "Igogailua",
"Guitar": "Gitarra",
"pagertreeMedium": "Ertaina"
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