const NotificationProvider = require("./notification-provider"); const axios = require("axios"); const FormData = require("form-data"); const { Liquid } = require("liquidjs"); class Webhook extends NotificationProvider { name = "webhook"; /** * @inheritdoc */ async send(notification, msg, monitorJSON = null, heartbeatJSON = null) { const okMsg = "Sent Successfully."; try { let data = { heartbeat: heartbeatJSON, monitor: monitorJSON, msg, }; let config = { headers: {} }; let url = notification.webhookURL; if (notification.webhookContentType === "form-data") { const formData = new FormData(); formData.append("data", JSON.stringify(data)); config.headers = formData.getHeaders(); data = formData; } else if (notification.webhookContentType === "custom") { console.log(msg); // Initialize LiquidJS and parse the custom Body Template const engine = new Liquid(); const tpl = engine.parse(notification.webhookCustomBody); // Insert templated values into Body data = await engine.render(tpl, { msg, heartbeatJSON, monitorJSON }); } else if (notification.webhookContentType === "CompletlyCustom") { if (msg.includes("Down")) { const tpl = JSON.parse(notification.webhookCustomBodyDown); // Insert templated values into Body data = tpl; url = notification.webhookURLDown; if (notification.webhookAdditionalHeaders) { try { config.headers = { ...config.headers, ...JSON.parse(notification.webhookAdditionalHeadersDown) }; } catch (err) { throw "Additional Headers is not a valid JSON"; } } } else { const tpl = JSON.parse(notification.webhookCustomBodyUp); // Insert templated values into Body data = tpl; url = notification.webhookURLUp; if (notification.webhookAdditionalHeaders) { try { config.headers = { ...config.headers, ...JSON.parse(notification.webhookAdditionalHeadersUp) }; } catch (err) { throw "Additional Headers is not a valid JSON"; } } } } if (notification.webhookAdditionalHeaders && notification.webhookContentType !== "CompletlyCustom") { try { config.headers = { ...config.headers, ...JSON.parse(notification.webhookAdditionalHeaders) }; } catch (err) { throw "Additional Headers is not a valid JSON"; } } await, data, config); return okMsg; } catch (error) { this.throwGeneralAxiosError(error); } } } module.exports = Webhook;