const { BeanModel } = require("redbean-node/dist/bean-model");
const { R } = require("redbean-node");
const dayjs = require("dayjs");
const { log } = require("../../src/util");

class MaintenanceTimeslot extends BeanModel {

    async toPublicJSON() {


    async toJSON() {


     * @param {Maintenance} maintenance
     * @param {dayjs} startFrom (For recurring type only) Generate Timeslot from this date, if it is smaller than the current date, it will use the current date instead. As generating a passed timeslot is meaningless.
     * @param {boolean} removeExist Remove existing timeslot before create
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    static async generateTimeslot(maintenance, startFrom = null, removeExist = false) {
        if (!startFrom) {
            startFrom = dayjs();

        if (removeExist) {
            await R.exec("DELETE FROM maintenance_timeslot WHERE maintenance_id = ? ", [

        if (maintenance.strategy === "manual") {
            log.debug("maintenance", "No need to generate timeslot for manual type");
        } else if (maintenance.strategy === "single") {
            let bean = R.dispense("maintenance_timeslot");
            bean.maintenance_id =;
            bean.start_date = maintenance.start_date;
            bean.end_date = maintenance.end_date;
            bean.generated_next = true;
        } else {
            throw new Error("Unknown maintenance strategy");

module.exports = MaintenanceTimeslot;