import { library } from "@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core"; import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome"; // Add Free Font Awesome Icons // // In order to add an icon, you have to: // 1) add the icon name in the import statement below; // 2) add the icon name to the library.add() statement below. import { faArrowAltCircleUp, faCog, faEdit, faEye, faEyeSlash, faList, faPause, faPlay, faPlus, faSearch, faTachometerAlt, faTag, faTimes, faTimesCircle, faTrash, faCheckCircle, faStream, faSave, faExclamationCircle, faBullhorn, faArrowsAltV, faUnlink, faQuestionCircle, faImages, faUpload, faCopy, faCheck, faFile, faAward, faLink, faChevronDown, faSignOutAlt, faPen, faExternalLinkSquareAlt, faSpinner, faUndo, faPlusCircle, faAngleDown, faWrench, faHeartbeat, faFilter, faInfoCircle, faClone, faCertificate, } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; library.add( faArrowAltCircleUp, faCog, faEdit, faEye, faEyeSlash, faList, faPause, faPlay, faPlus, faSearch, faTachometerAlt, faTag, faTimes, faTimesCircle, faTrash, faCheckCircle, faStream, faSave, faExclamationCircle, faBullhorn, faArrowsAltV, faUnlink, faQuestionCircle, faImages, faUpload, faCopy, faCheck, faFile, faAward, faLink, faChevronDown, faSignOutAlt, faPen, faExternalLinkSquareAlt, faSpinner, faUndo, faPlusCircle, faAngleDown, faLink, faWrench, faHeartbeat, faFilter, faInfoCircle, faClone, faCertificate, ); export { FontAwesomeIcon };