let url = require("url"); let MemoryCache = require("./memory-cache"); let t = { ms: 1, second: 1000, minute: 60000, hour: 3600000, day: 3600000 * 24, week: 3600000 * 24 * 7, month: 3600000 * 24 * 30, }; let instances = []; /** * Does a === b * @param {any} a * @returns {function(any): boolean} */ let matches = function (a) { return function (b) { return a === b; }; }; /** * Does a!==b * @param {any} a * @returns {function(any): boolean} */ let doesntMatch = function (a) { return function (b) { return !matches(a)(b); }; }; /** * Get log duration * @param {number} d Time in ms * @param {string} prefix Prefix for log * @returns {string} Coloured log string */ let logDuration = function (d, prefix) { let str = d > 1000 ? (d / 1000).toFixed(2) + "sec" : d + "ms"; return "\x1b[33m- " + (prefix ? prefix + " " : "") + str + "\x1b[0m"; }; /** * Get safe headers * @param {Object} res Express response object * @returns {Object} */ function getSafeHeaders(res) { return res.getHeaders ? res.getHeaders() : res._headers; } /** Constructor for ApiCache instance */ function ApiCache() { let memCache = new MemoryCache(); let globalOptions = { debug: false, defaultDuration: 3600000, enabled: true, appendKey: [], jsonp: false, redisClient: false, headerBlacklist: [], statusCodes: { include: [], exclude: [], }, events: { expire: undefined, }, headers: { // 'cache-control': 'no-cache' // example of header overwrite }, trackPerformance: false, respectCacheControl: false, }; let middlewareOptions = []; let instance = this; let index = null; let timers = {}; let performanceArray = []; // for tracking cache hit rate instances.push(this); this.id = instances.length; /** * Logs a message to the console if the `DEBUG` environment variable is set. * @param {string} a The first argument to log. * @param {string} b The second argument to log. * @param {string} c The third argument to log. * @param {string} d The fourth argument to log, and so on... (optional) * * Generated by Trelent */ function debug(a, b, c, d) { let arr = ["\x1b[36m[apicache]\x1b[0m", a, b, c, d].filter(function (arg) { return arg !== undefined; }); let debugEnv = process.env.DEBUG && process.env.DEBUG.split(",").indexOf("apicache") !== -1; return (globalOptions.debug || debugEnv) && console.log.apply(null, arr); } /** * Returns true if the given request and response should be logged. * @param {Object} request The HTTP request object. * @param {Object} response The HTTP response object. * @param {function(Object, Object):boolean} toggle * @returns {boolean} */ function shouldCacheResponse(request, response, toggle) { let opt = globalOptions; let codes = opt.statusCodes; if (!response) { return false; } if (toggle && !toggle(request, response)) { return false; } if (codes.exclude && codes.exclude.length && codes.exclude.indexOf(response.statusCode) !== -1) { return false; } if (codes.include && codes.include.length && codes.include.indexOf(response.statusCode) === -1) { return false; } return true; } /** * Add key to index array * @param {string} key Key to add * @param {Object} req Express request object */ function addIndexEntries(key, req) { let groupName = req.apicacheGroup; if (groupName) { debug("group detected \"" + groupName + "\""); let group = (index.groups[groupName] = index.groups[groupName] || []); group.unshift(key); } index.all.unshift(key); } /** * Returns a new object containing only the whitelisted headers. * @param {Object} headers The original object of header names and * values. * @param {string[]} globalOptions.headerWhitelist An array of * strings representing the whitelisted header names to keep in the * output object. * * Generated by Trelent */ function filterBlacklistedHeaders(headers) { return Object.keys(headers) .filter(function (key) { return globalOptions.headerBlacklist.indexOf(key) === -1; }) .reduce(function (acc, header) { acc[header] = headers[header]; return acc; }, {}); } /** * Create a cache object * @param {Object} headers The response headers to filter. * @returns {Object} A new object containing only the whitelisted * response headers. * * Generated by Trelent */ function createCacheObject(status, headers, data, encoding) { return { status: status, headers: filterBlacklistedHeaders(headers), data: data, encoding: encoding, timestamp: new Date().getTime() / 1000, // seconds since epoch. This is used to properly decrement max-age headers in cached responses. }; } /** * Sets a cache value for the given key. * @param {string} key The cache key to set. * @param {any} value The cache value to set. * @param {number} duration How long in milliseconds the cached * response should be valid for (defaults to 1 hour). * * Generated by Trelent */ function cacheResponse(key, value, duration) { let redis = globalOptions.redisClient; let expireCallback = globalOptions.events.expire; if (redis && redis.connected) { try { redis.hset(key, "response", JSON.stringify(value)); redis.hset(key, "duration", duration); redis.expire(key, duration / 1000, expireCallback || function () {}); } catch (err) { debug("[apicache] error in redis.hset()"); } } else { memCache.add(key, value, duration, expireCallback); } // add automatic cache clearing from duration, includes max limit on setTimeout timers[key] = setTimeout(function () { instance.clear(key, true); }, Math.min(duration, 2147483647)); } /** * Appends content to the response. * @param {Object} res Express response object * @param {(string|Buffer)} content The content to append. * * Generated by Trelent */ function accumulateContent(res, content) { if (content) { if (typeof content == "string") { res._apicache.content = (res._apicache.content || "") + content; } else if (Buffer.isBuffer(content)) { let oldContent = res._apicache.content; if (typeof oldContent === "string") { oldContent = !Buffer.from ? new Buffer(oldContent) : Buffer.from(oldContent); } if (!oldContent) { oldContent = !Buffer.alloc ? new Buffer(0) : Buffer.alloc(0); } res._apicache.content = Buffer.concat( [oldContent, content], oldContent.length + content.length ); } else { res._apicache.content = content; } } } /** * Monkeypatches the response object to add cache control headers * and create a cache object. * @param {Object} req Express request object * @param {Object} res Express response object * @param {function} next Function to call next * @param {string} key Key to add response as * @param {number} duration Time to cache response for * @param {string} strDuration Duration in string form * @param {function(Object, Object):boolean} toggle */ function makeResponseCacheable(req, res, next, key, duration, strDuration, toggle) { // monkeypatch res.end to create cache object res._apicache = { write: res.write, writeHead: res.writeHead, end: res.end, cacheable: true, content: undefined, }; // append header overwrites if applicable Object.keys(globalOptions.headers).forEach(function (name) { res.setHeader(name, globalOptions.headers[name]); }); res.writeHead = function () { // add cache control headers if (!globalOptions.headers["cache-control"]) { if (shouldCacheResponse(req, res, toggle)) { res.setHeader("cache-control", "max-age=" + (duration / 1000).toFixed(0)); } else { res.setHeader("cache-control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); } } res._apicache.headers = Object.assign({}, getSafeHeaders(res)); return res._apicache.writeHead.apply(this, arguments); }; // patch res.write res.write = function (content) { accumulateContent(res, content); return res._apicache.write.apply(this, arguments); }; // patch res.end res.end = function (content, encoding) { if (shouldCacheResponse(req, res, toggle)) { accumulateContent(res, content); if (res._apicache.cacheable && res._apicache.content) { addIndexEntries(key, req); let headers = res._apicache.headers || getSafeHeaders(res); let cacheObject = createCacheObject( res.statusCode, headers, res._apicache.content, encoding ); cacheResponse(key, cacheObject, duration); // display log entry let elapsed = new Date() - req.apicacheTimer; debug("adding cache entry for \"" + key + "\" @ " + strDuration, logDuration(elapsed)); debug("_apicache.headers: ", res._apicache.headers); debug("res.getHeaders(): ", getSafeHeaders(res)); debug("cacheObject: ", cacheObject); } } return res._apicache.end.apply(this, arguments); }; next(); } /** * Send a cached response to client * @param {Request} request Express request object * @param {Response} response Express response object * @param {object} cacheObject Cache object to send * @param {function(Object, Object):boolean} toggle * @param {function} next Function to call next * @param {number} duration Not used * @returns {boolean|undefined} true if the request should be * cached, false otherwise. If undefined, defaults to true. */ function sendCachedResponse(request, response, cacheObject, toggle, next, duration) { if (toggle && !toggle(request, response)) { return next(); } let headers = getSafeHeaders(response); // Modified by @louislam, removed Cache-control, since I don't need client side cache! // Original Source: https://github.com/kwhitley/apicache/blob/0d5686cc21fad353c6dddee646288c2fca3e4f50/src/apicache.js#L254 Object.assign(headers, filterBlacklistedHeaders(cacheObject.headers || {})); // only embed apicache headers when not in production environment if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { Object.assign(headers, { "apicache-store": globalOptions.redisClient ? "redis" : "memory", "apicache-version": "1.6.2-modified", }); } // unstringify buffers let data = cacheObject.data; if (data && data.type === "Buffer") { data = typeof data.data === "number" ? new Buffer.alloc(data.data) : new Buffer.from(data.data); } // test Etag against If-None-Match for 304 let cachedEtag = cacheObject.headers.etag; let requestEtag = request.headers["if-none-match"]; if (requestEtag && cachedEtag === requestEtag) { response.writeHead(304, headers); return response.end(); } response.writeHead(cacheObject.status || 200, headers); return response.end(data, cacheObject.encoding); } /** Sync caching options */ function syncOptions() { for (let i in middlewareOptions) { Object.assign(middlewareOptions[i].options, globalOptions, middlewareOptions[i].localOptions); } } /** * Clear key from cache * @param {string} target Key to clear * @param {boolean} isAutomatic Is the key being cleared automatically * @returns {number} */ this.clear = function (target, isAutomatic) { let group = index.groups[target]; let redis = globalOptions.redisClient; if (group) { debug("clearing group \"" + target + "\""); group.forEach(function (key) { debug("clearing cached entry for \"" + key + "\""); clearTimeout(timers[key]); delete timers[key]; if (!globalOptions.redisClient) { memCache.delete(key); } else { try { redis.del(key); } catch (err) { console.log("[apicache] error in redis.del(\"" + key + "\")"); } } index.all = index.all.filter(doesntMatch(key)); }); delete index.groups[target]; } else if (target) { debug("clearing " + (isAutomatic ? "expired" : "cached") + " entry for \"" + target + "\""); clearTimeout(timers[target]); delete timers[target]; // clear actual cached entry if (!redis) { memCache.delete(target); } else { try { redis.del(target); } catch (err) { console.log("[apicache] error in redis.del(\"" + target + "\")"); } } // remove from global index index.all = index.all.filter(doesntMatch(target)); // remove target from each group that it may exist in Object.keys(index.groups).forEach(function (groupName) { index.groups[groupName] = index.groups[groupName].filter(doesntMatch(target)); // delete group if now empty if (!index.groups[groupName].length) { delete index.groups[groupName]; } }); } else { debug("clearing entire index"); if (!redis) { memCache.clear(); } else { // clear redis keys one by one from internal index to prevent clearing non-apicache entries index.all.forEach(function (key) { clearTimeout(timers[key]); delete timers[key]; try { redis.del(key); } catch (err) { console.log("[apicache] error in redis.del(\"" + key + "\")"); } }); } this.resetIndex(); } return this.getIndex(); }; /** * Converts a duration string to an integer number of milliseconds. * @param {(string|number)} duration The string to convert. * @param {number} defaultDuration The default duration to return if * can't parse duration * @returns {number} The converted value in milliseconds, or the * defaultDuration if it can't be parsed. */ function parseDuration(duration, defaultDuration) { if (typeof duration === "number") { return duration; } if (typeof duration === "string") { let split = duration.match(/^([\d\.,]+)\s?(\w+)$/); if (split.length === 3) { let len = parseFloat(split[1]); let unit = split[2].replace(/s$/i, "").toLowerCase(); if (unit === "m") { unit = "ms"; } return (len || 1) * (t[unit] || 0); } } return defaultDuration; } /** * Parse duration * @param {(number|string)} duration * @returns {number} Duration parsed to a number */ this.getDuration = function (duration) { return parseDuration(duration, globalOptions.defaultDuration); }; /** * Return cache performance statistics (hit rate). Suitable for * putting into a route: * * app.get('./api/cache/performance', (req, res) => { * res.json(apicache.getPerformance()) * }) * * @returns {any[]} */ this.getPerformance = function () { return performanceArray.map(function (p) { return p.report(); }); }; /** * Get index of a group * @param {string} group * @returns {number} */ this.getIndex = function (group) { if (group) { return index.groups[group]; } else { return index; } }; /** * Express middleware * @param {(string|number)} strDuration Duration to cache responses * for. * @param {function(Object, Object):boolean} middlewareToggle * @param {Object} localOptions Options for APICache * @returns */ this.middleware = function cache(strDuration, middlewareToggle, localOptions) { let duration = instance.getDuration(strDuration); let opt = {}; middlewareOptions.push({ options: opt, }); let options = function (localOptions) { if (localOptions) { middlewareOptions.find(function (middleware) { return middleware.options === opt; }).localOptions = localOptions; } syncOptions(); return opt; }; options(localOptions); /** * A Function for non tracking performance */ function NOOPCachePerformance() { this.report = this.hit = this.miss = function () {}; // noop; } /** * A function for tracking and reporting hit rate. These * statistics are returned by the getPerformance() call above. */ function CachePerformance() { /** * Tracks the hit rate for the last 100 requests. If there * have been fewer than 100 requests, the hit rate just * considers the requests that have happened. */ this.hitsLast100 = new Uint8Array(100 / 4); // each hit is 2 bits /** * Tracks the hit rate for the last 1000 requests. If there * have been fewer than 1000 requests, the hit rate just * considers the requests that have happened. */ this.hitsLast1000 = new Uint8Array(1000 / 4); // each hit is 2 bits /** * Tracks the hit rate for the last 10000 requests. If there * have been fewer than 10000 requests, the hit rate just * considers the requests that have happened. */ this.hitsLast10000 = new Uint8Array(10000 / 4); // each hit is 2 bits /** * Tracks the hit rate for the last 100000 requests. If * there have been fewer than 100000 requests, the hit rate * just considers the requests that have happened. */ this.hitsLast100000 = new Uint8Array(100000 / 4); // each hit is 2 bits /** * The number of calls that have passed through the * middleware since the server started. */ this.callCount = 0; /** * The total number of hits since the server started */ this.hitCount = 0; /** * The key from the last cache hit. This is useful in * identifying which route these statistics apply to. */ this.lastCacheHit = null; /** * The key from the last cache miss. This is useful in * identifying which route these statistics apply to. */ this.lastCacheMiss = null; /** * Return performance statistics * @returns {Object} */ this.report = function () { return { lastCacheHit: this.lastCacheHit, lastCacheMiss: this.lastCacheMiss, callCount: this.callCount, hitCount: this.hitCount, missCount: this.callCount - this.hitCount, hitRate: this.callCount == 0 ? null : this.hitCount / this.callCount, hitRateLast100: this.hitRate(this.hitsLast100), hitRateLast1000: this.hitRate(this.hitsLast1000), hitRateLast10000: this.hitRate(this.hitsLast10000), hitRateLast100000: this.hitRate(this.hitsLast100000), }; }; /** * Computes a cache hit rate from an array of hits and * misses. * @param {Uint8Array} array An array representing hits and * misses. * @returns {?number} a number between 0 and 1, or null if * the array has no hits or misses */ this.hitRate = function (array) { let hits = 0; let misses = 0; for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { let n8 = array[i]; for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) { switch (n8 & 3) { case 1: hits++; break; case 2: misses++; break; } n8 >>= 2; } } let total = hits + misses; if (total == 0) { return null; } return hits / total; }; /** * Record a hit or miss in the given array. It will be * recorded at a position determined by the current value of * the callCount variable. * @param {Uint8Array} array An array representing hits and * misses. * @param {boolean} hit true for a hit, false for a miss * Each element in the array is 8 bits, and encodes 4 * hit/miss records. Each hit or miss is encoded as to bits * as follows: 00 means no hit or miss has been recorded in * these bits 01 encodes a hit 10 encodes a miss */ this.recordHitInArray = function (array, hit) { let arrayIndex = ~~(this.callCount / 4) % array.length; let bitOffset = (this.callCount % 4) * 2; // 2 bits per record, 4 records per uint8 array element let clearMask = ~(3 << bitOffset); let record = (hit ? 1 : 2) << bitOffset; array[arrayIndex] = (array[arrayIndex] & clearMask) | record; }; /** * Records the hit or miss in the tracking arrays and * increments the call count. * @param {boolean} hit true records a hit, false records a * miss */ this.recordHit = function (hit) { this.recordHitInArray(this.hitsLast100, hit); this.recordHitInArray(this.hitsLast1000, hit); this.recordHitInArray(this.hitsLast10000, hit); this.recordHitInArray(this.hitsLast100000, hit); if (hit) { this.hitCount++; } this.callCount++; }; /** * Records a hit event, setting lastCacheMiss to the given key * @param {string} key The key that had the cache hit */ this.hit = function (key) { this.recordHit(true); this.lastCacheHit = key; }; /** * Records a miss event, setting lastCacheMiss to the given key * @param {string} key The key that had the cache miss */ this.miss = function (key) { this.recordHit(false); this.lastCacheMiss = key; }; } let perf = globalOptions.trackPerformance ? new CachePerformance() : new NOOPCachePerformance(); performanceArray.push(perf); /** * Cache a request * @param {Object} req Express request object * @param {Object} res Express response object * @param {function} next Function to call next * @returns {any} */ let cache = function (req, res, next) { function bypass() { debug("bypass detected, skipping cache."); return next(); } // initial bypass chances if (!opt.enabled) { return bypass(); } if ( req.headers["x-apicache-bypass"] || req.headers["x-apicache-force-fetch"] || (opt.respectCacheControl && req.headers["cache-control"] == "no-cache") ) { return bypass(); } // REMOVED IN 0.11.1 TO CORRECT MIDDLEWARE TOGGLE EXECUTE ORDER // if (typeof middlewareToggle === 'function') { // if (!middlewareToggle(req, res)) return bypass() // } else if (middlewareToggle !== undefined && !middlewareToggle) { // return bypass() // } // embed timer req.apicacheTimer = new Date(); // In Express 4.x the url is ambigious based on where a router is mounted. originalUrl will give the full Url let key = req.originalUrl || req.url; // Remove querystring from key if jsonp option is enabled if (opt.jsonp) { key = url.parse(key).pathname; } // add appendKey (either custom function or response path) if (typeof opt.appendKey === "function") { key += "$$appendKey=" + opt.appendKey(req, res); } else if (opt.appendKey.length > 0) { let appendKey = req; for (let i = 0; i < opt.appendKey.length; i++) { appendKey = appendKey[opt.appendKey[i]]; } key += "$$appendKey=" + appendKey; } // attempt cache hit let redis = opt.redisClient; let cached = !redis ? memCache.getValue(key) : null; // send if cache hit from memory-cache if (cached) { let elapsed = new Date() - req.apicacheTimer; debug("sending cached (memory-cache) version of", key, logDuration(elapsed)); perf.hit(key); return sendCachedResponse(req, res, cached, middlewareToggle, next, duration); } // send if cache hit from redis if (redis && redis.connected) { try { redis.hgetall(key, function (err, obj) { if (!err && obj && obj.response) { let elapsed = new Date() - req.apicacheTimer; debug("sending cached (redis) version of", key, logDuration(elapsed)); perf.hit(key); return sendCachedResponse( req, res, JSON.parse(obj.response), middlewareToggle, next, duration ); } else { perf.miss(key); return makeResponseCacheable( req, res, next, key, duration, strDuration, middlewareToggle ); } }); } catch (err) { // bypass redis on error perf.miss(key); return makeResponseCacheable(req, res, next, key, duration, strDuration, middlewareToggle); } } else { perf.miss(key); return makeResponseCacheable(req, res, next, key, duration, strDuration, middlewareToggle); } }; cache.options = options; return cache; }; /** * Process options * @param {Object} options * @returns {Object} */ this.options = function (options) { if (options) { Object.assign(globalOptions, options); syncOptions(); if ("defaultDuration" in options) { // Convert the default duration to a number in milliseconds (if needed) globalOptions.defaultDuration = parseDuration(globalOptions.defaultDuration, 3600000); } if (globalOptions.trackPerformance) { debug("WARNING: using trackPerformance flag can cause high memory usage!"); } return this; } else { return globalOptions; } }; /** Reset the index */ this.resetIndex = function () { index = { all: [], groups: {}, }; }; /** * Create a new instance of ApiCache * @param {Object} config Config to pass * @returns {ApiCache} */ this.newInstance = function (config) { let instance = new ApiCache(); if (config) { instance.options(config); } return instance; }; /** Clone this instance */ this.clone = function () { return this.newInstance(this.options()); }; // initialize index this.resetIndex(); } module.exports = new ApiCache();