const express = require("express"); const https = require("https"); const fs = require("fs"); const http = require("http"); const { Server } = require(""); const { R } = require("redbean-node"); const { log } = require("../src/util"); const Database = require("./database"); const util = require("util"); /** * `module.exports` (alias: `server`) should be inside this class, in order to avoid circular dependency issue. * @type {UptimeKumaServer} */ class UptimeKumaServer { /** * * @type {UptimeKumaServer} */ static instance = null; /** * Main monitor list * @type {{}} */ monitorList = {}; entryPage = "dashboard"; app = undefined; httpServer = undefined; io = undefined; /** * Cache Index HTML * @type {string} */ indexHTML = ""; static getInstance(args) { if (UptimeKumaServer.instance == null) { UptimeKumaServer.instance = new UptimeKumaServer(args); } return UptimeKumaServer.instance; } constructor(args) { // SSL const sslKey = args["ssl-key"] || process.env.UPTIME_KUMA_SSL_KEY || process.env.SSL_KEY || undefined; const sslCert = args["ssl-cert"] || process.env.UPTIME_KUMA_SSL_CERT || process.env.SSL_CERT || undefined; let basePathEnv = process.env.UPTIME_KUMA_BASE_PATH || process.env.BASE_PATH || "/"; if (!basePathEnv.startsWith("/")) { basePathEnv = "/" + basePathEnv; } if (!basePathEnv.endsWith("/")) { basePathEnv = basePathEnv + "/"; } this.basePath = basePathEnv;"server", "Creating express and instance"); = express(); if (sslKey && sslCert) {"server", "Server Type: HTTPS"); this.httpServer = https.createServer({ key: fs.readFileSync(sslKey), cert: fs.readFileSync(sslCert) },; } else {"server", "Server Type: HTTP"); this.httpServer = http.createServer(; } try { this.indexHTML = fs.readFileSync("./dist/index.html").toString(); this.indexHTML = this.indexHTML.replace(//, ``); } catch (e) { // "dist/index.html" is not necessary for development if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "development") { log.error("server", "Error: Cannot find 'dist/index.html', did you install correctly?"); process.exit(1); } } = new Server(this.httpServer, {path: this.basePath + ""}); } async sendMonitorList(socket) { let list = await this.getMonitorJSONList(socket.userID);"monitorList", list); return list; } /** * Get a list of monitors for the given user. * @param {string} userID - The ID of the user to get monitors for. * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to an object with monitor IDs as keys and monitor objects as values. * * Generated by Trelent */ async getMonitorJSONList(userID) { let result = {}; let monitorList = await R.find("monitor", " user_id = ? ORDER BY weight DESC, name", [ userID, ]); for (let monitor of monitorList) { result[] = await monitor.toJSON(); } return result; } /** * Write error to log file * @param {any} error The error to write * @param {boolean} outputToConsole Should the error also be output to console? */ static errorLog(error, outputToConsole = true) { const errorLogStream = fs.createWriteStream(Database.dataDir + "/error.log", { flags: "a" }); errorLogStream.on("error", () => {"", "Cannot write to error.log"); }); if (errorLogStream) { const dateTime = R.isoDateTime(); errorLogStream.write(`[${dateTime}] ` + util.format(error) + "\n"); if (outputToConsole) { console.error(error); } } errorLogStream.end(); } } module.exports = { UptimeKumaServer };