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synced 2024-11-24 23:34:03 +00:00
Missing webhook json description Ajust Telegram context-based sentence, (also changed translated language files) Missing primary base url label Wrong PromoSMS i18n Missing Octopush legacy hint Missing Matrix i18n Missing push url i18n
295 lines
14 KiB
295 lines
14 KiB
export default {
languageName: "English",
checkEverySecond: "Check every {0} seconds.",
retryCheckEverySecond: "Retry every {0} seconds.",
retriesDescription: "Maximum retries before the service is marked as down and a notification is sent",
ignoreTLSError: "Ignore TLS/SSL error for HTTPS websites",
upsideDownModeDescription: "Flip the status upside down. If the service is reachable, it is DOWN.",
maxRedirectDescription: "Maximum number of redirects to follow. Set to 0 to disable redirects.",
acceptedStatusCodesDescription: "Select status codes which are considered as a successful response.",
passwordNotMatchMsg: "The repeat password does not match.",
notificationDescription: "Please assign a notification to monitor(s) to get it to work.",
keywordDescription: "Search keyword in plain html or JSON response and it is case-sensitive",
pauseDashboardHome: "Pause",
deleteMonitorMsg: "Are you sure want to delete this monitor?",
deleteNotificationMsg: "Are you sure want to delete this notification for all monitors?",
resoverserverDescription: "Cloudflare is the default server, you can change the resolver server anytime.",
rrtypeDescription: "Select the RR-Type you want to monitor",
pauseMonitorMsg: "Are you sure want to pause?",
enableDefaultNotificationDescription: "For every new monitor this notification will be enabled by default. You can still disable the notification separately for each monitor.",
clearEventsMsg: "Are you sure want to delete all events for this monitor?",
clearHeartbeatsMsg: "Are you sure want to delete all heartbeats for this monitor?",
confirmClearStatisticsMsg: "Are you sure want to delete ALL statistics?",
importHandleDescription: "Choose 'Skip existing' if you want to skip every monitor or notification with the same name. 'Overwrite' will delete every existing monitor and notification.",
confirmImportMsg: "Are you sure to import the backup? Please make sure you've selected the right import option.",
twoFAVerifyLabel: "Please type in your token to verify that 2FA is working",
tokenValidSettingsMsg: "Token is valid! You can now save the 2FA settings.",
confirmEnableTwoFAMsg: "Are you sure you want to enable 2FA?",
confirmDisableTwoFAMsg: "Are you sure you want to disable 2FA?",
Settings: "Settings",
Dashboard: "Dashboard",
"New Update": "New Update",
Language: "Language",
Appearance: "Appearance",
Theme: "Theme",
General: "General",
"Primary Base URL": "Primary Base URL",
Version: "Version",
"Check Update On GitHub": "Check Update On GitHub",
List: "List",
Add: "Add",
"Add New Monitor": "Add New Monitor",
"Quick Stats": "Quick Stats",
Up: "Up",
Down: "Down",
Pending: "Pending",
Unknown: "Unknown",
Pause: "Pause",
Name: "Name",
Status: "Status",
DateTime: "DateTime",
Message: "Message",
"No important events": "No important events",
Resume: "Resume",
Edit: "Edit",
Delete: "Delete",
Current: "Current",
Uptime: "Uptime",
"Cert Exp.": "Cert Exp.",
days: "days",
day: "day",
"-day": "-day",
hour: "hour",
"-hour": "-hour",
Response: "Response",
Ping: "Ping",
"Monitor Type": "Monitor Type",
Keyword: "Keyword",
"Friendly Name": "Friendly Name",
Hostname: "Hostname",
Port: "Port",
"Heartbeat Interval": "Heartbeat Interval",
Retries: "Retries",
"Heartbeat Retry Interval": "Heartbeat Retry Interval",
Advanced: "Advanced",
"Upside Down Mode": "Upside Down Mode",
"Max. Redirects": "Max. Redirects",
"Accepted Status Codes": "Accepted Status Codes",
"Push URL": "Push URL",
needPushEvery: "You should call this url every {0} seconds.",
pushOptionalParams: "Optional parameters: {'msg'}, {'ping'}",
Save: "Save",
Notifications: "Notifications",
"Not available, please setup.": "Not available, please setup.",
"Setup Notification": "Setup Notification",
Light: "Light",
Dark: "Dark",
Auto: "Auto",
"Theme - Heartbeat Bar": "Theme - Heartbeat Bar",
Normal: "Normal",
Bottom: "Bottom",
None: "None",
Timezone: "Timezone",
"Search Engine Visibility": "Search Engine Visibility",
"Allow indexing": "Allow indexing",
"Discourage search engines from indexing site": "Discourage search engines from indexing site",
"Change Password": "Change Password",
"Current Password": "Current Password",
"New Password": "New Password",
"Repeat New Password": "Repeat New Password",
"Update Password": "Update Password",
"Disable Auth": "Disable Auth",
"Enable Auth": "Enable Auth",
Logout: "Logout",
Leave: "Leave",
"I understand, please disable": "I understand, please disable",
Confirm: "Confirm",
Yes: "Yes",
No: "No",
Username: "Username",
Password: "Password",
"Remember me": "Remember me",
Login: "Login",
"No Monitors, please": "No Monitors, please",
"add one": "add one",
"Notification Type": "Notification Type",
Email: "Email",
Test: "Test",
"Certificate Info": "Certificate Info",
"Resolver Server": "Resolver Server",
"Resource Record Type": "Resource Record Type",
"Last Result": "Last Result",
"Create your admin account": "Create your admin account",
"Repeat Password": "Repeat Password",
"Import Backup": "Import Backup",
"Export Backup": "Export Backup",
Export: "Export",
Import: "Import",
respTime: "Resp. Time (ms)",
notAvailableShort: "N/A",
"Default enabled": "Default enabled",
"Apply on all existing monitors": "Apply on all existing monitors",
Create: "Create",
"Clear Data": "Clear Data",
Events: "Events",
Heartbeats: "Heartbeats",
"Auto Get": "Auto Get",
backupDescription: "You can backup all monitors and all notifications into a JSON file.",
backupDescription2: "PS: History and event data is not included.",
backupDescription3: "Sensitive data such as notification tokens is included in the export file, please keep it carefully.",
alertNoFile: "Please select a file to import.",
alertWrongFileType: "Please select a JSON file.",
"Clear all statistics": "Clear all Statistics",
"Skip existing": "Skip existing",
Overwrite: "Overwrite",
Options: "Options",
"Keep both": "Keep both",
"Verify Token": "Verify Token",
"Setup 2FA": "Setup 2FA",
"Enable 2FA": "Enable 2FA",
"Disable 2FA": "Disable 2FA",
"2FA Settings": "2FA Settings",
"Two Factor Authentication": "Two Factor Authentication",
Active: "Active",
Inactive: "Inactive",
Token: "Token",
"Show URI": "Show URI",
Tags: "Tags",
"Add New below or Select...": "Add New below or Select...",
"Tag with this name already exist.": "Tag with this name already exist.",
"Tag with this value already exist.": "Tag with this value already exist.",
color: "color",
"value (optional)": "value (optional)",
Gray: "Gray",
Red: "Red",
Orange: "Orange",
Green: "Green",
Blue: "Blue",
Indigo: "Indigo",
Purple: "Purple",
Pink: "Pink",
"Search...": "Search...",
"Avg. Ping": "Avg. Ping",
"Avg. Response": "Avg. Response",
"Entry Page": "Entry Page",
statusPageNothing: "Nothing here, please add a group or a monitor.",
"No Services": "No Services",
"All Systems Operational": "All Systems Operational",
"Partially Degraded Service": "Partially Degraded Service",
"Degraded Service": "Degraded Service",
"Add Group": "Add Group",
"Add a monitor": "Add a monitor",
"Edit Status Page": "Edit Status Page",
"Go to Dashboard": "Go to Dashboard",
"Status Page": "Status Page",
// Start notification form
defaultNotificationName: "My {notification} Alert ({number})",
here: "here",
"Required": "Required",
"telegram": "Telegram",
"Bot Token": "Bot Token",
wayToGetTelegramToken: "You can get a token from {0}.",
"Chat ID": "Chat ID",
supportTelegramChatID: "Support Direct Chat / Group / Channel's Chat ID",
wayToGetTelegramChatID: "You can get your chat id by sending message to the bot and go to this url to view the chat_id:",
chatIDNotFound: "Chat ID is not found, please send a message to this bot first",
"webhook": "Webhook",
"Post URL": "Post URL",
"Content Type": "Content Type",
webhookJsonDesc: "{0} is good for any modern http servers such as express.js",
webhookFormDataDesc: "{multipart} is good for PHP, you just need to parse the json by {decodeFunction}",
"smtp": "Email (SMTP)",
secureOptionNone: "None / STARTTLS (25, 587)",
secureOptionTLS: "TLS (465)",
"Ignore TLS Error": "Ignore TLS Error",
"From Email": "From Email",
"To Email": "To Email",
smtpCC: "CC",
smtpBCC: "BCC",
"discord": "Discord",
"Discord Webhook URL": "Discord Webhook URL",
wayToGetDiscordURL: "You can get this by going to Server Settings -> Integrations -> Create Webhook",
"Bot Display Name": "Bot Display Name",
"Prefix Custom Message": "Prefix Custom Message",
"Hello @everyone is...": "Hello {'@'}everyone is...",
"teams": "Microsoft Teams",
"Webhook URL": "Webhook URL",
wayToGetTeamsURL: "You can learn how to create a webhook url {0}.",
"signal": "Signal",
"Number": "Number",
"Recipients": "Recipients",
needSignalAPI: "You need to have a signal client with REST API.",
wayToCheckSignalURL: "You can check this url to view how to setup one:",
signalImportant: "IMPORTANT: You cannot mix groups and numbers in recipients!",
"gotify": "Gotify",
"Application Token": "Application Token",
"Server URL": "Server URL",
"Priority": "Priority",
"slack": "Slack",
"Icon Emoji": "Icon Emoji",
"Channel Name": "Channel Name",
"Uptime Kuma URL": "Uptime Kuma URL",
aboutWebhooks: "More info about webhooks on: {0}",
aboutChannelName: "Enter the channel name on {0} Channel Name field if you want to bypass the webhook channel. Ex: #other-channel",
aboutKumaURL: "If you leave the Uptime Kuma URL field blank, it will default to the Project Github page.",
emojiCheatSheet: "Emoji cheat sheet: {0}",
"rocket.chat": "Rocket.chat",
pushover: "Pushover",
pushy: "Pushy",
octopush: "Octopush",
promosms: "PromoSMS",
lunasea: "LunaSea",
apprise: "Apprise (Support 50+ Notification services)",
pushbullet: "Pushbullet",
line: "Line Messenger",
mattermost: "Mattermost",
"User Key": "User Key",
"Device": "Device",
"Message Title": "Message Title",
"Notification Sound": "Notification Sound",
"More info on:": "More info on: {0}",
pushoverDesc1: "Emergency priority (2) has default 30 second timeout between retries and will expire after 1 hour.",
pushoverDesc2: "If you want to send notifications to different devices, fill out Device field.",
"SMS Type": "SMS Type",
octopushTypePremium: "Premium (Fast - recommended for alerting)",
octopushTypeLowCost: "Low Cost (Slow, sometimes blocked by operator)",
checkPrice: "Check {0} prices:",
octopushLegacyHint: "Do you use the legacy version of Octopush (2011-2020) or the new version?",
"Check octopush prices": "Check octopush prices {0}.",
octopushPhoneNumber: "Phone number (intl format, eg : +33612345678) ",
octopushSMSSender: "SMS Sender Name : 3-11 alphanumeric characters and space (a-zA-Z0-9)",
"LunaSea Device ID": "LunaSea Device ID",
"Apprise URL": "Apprise URL",
"Example:": "Example: {0}",
"Read more:": "Read more: {0}",
"Status:": "Status: {0}",
"Read more": "Read more",
appriseInstalled: "Apprise is installed.",
appriseNotInstalled: "Apprise is not installed. {0}",
"Access Token": "Access Token",
"Channel access token": "Channel access token",
"Line Developers Console": "Line Developers Console",
lineDevConsoleTo: "Line Developers Console - {0}",
"Basic Settings": "Basic Settings",
"User ID": "User ID",
"Messaging API": "Messaging API",
wayToGetLineChannelToken: "First access the {0}, create a provider and channel (Messaging API), then you can get the channel access token and user id from the above mentioned menu items.",
"Icon URL": "Icon URL",
aboutIconURL: "You can provide a link to a picture in \"Icon URL\" to override the default profile picture. Will not be used if Icon Emoji is set.",
aboutMattermostChannelName: "You can override the default channel that webhook posts to by entering the channel name into \"Channel Name\" field. This needs to be enabled in Mattermost webhook settings. Ex: #other-channel",
"matrix": "Matrix",
promosmsTypeEco: "SMS ECO - cheap but slow and often overloaded. Limited only to Polish recipients.",
promosmsTypeFlash: "SMS FLASH - Message will automatically show on recipient device. Limited only to Polish recipients.",
promosmsTypeFull: "SMS FULL - Premium tier of SMS, You can use Your Sender Name (You need to register name first). Reliable for alerts.",
promosmsTypeSpeed: "SMS SPEED - Highest priority in system. Very quick and reliable but costly (about twice of SMS FULL price).",
promosmsPhoneNumber: "Phone number (for Polish recipient You can skip area codes)",
promosmsSMSSender: "SMS Sender Name : Pre-registred name or one of defaults: InfoSMS, SMS Info, MaxSMS, INFO, SMS",
"Feishu WebHookUrl": "Feishu WebHookUrl",
matrixHomeserverURL: "Homeserver URL (with http(s):// and optionally port)",
"Internal Room Id": "Internal Room Id",
matrixDesc1: "You can find the internal room ID by looking in the advanced section of the room settings in your Matrix client. It should look like !QMdRCpUIfLwsfjxye6:home.server.",
matrixDesc2: "It is highly recommended you create a new user and do not use your own Matrix user's access token as it will allow full access to your account and all the rooms you joined. Instead, create a new user and only invite it to the room that you want to receive the notification in. You can get the access token by running {0}",
// End notification form