mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:05:56 +00:00
# Conflicts: # server/database.js # server/model/monitor.js # server/routers/api-router.js # server/server.js # src/components/HeartbeatBar.vue # src/components/MonitorList.vue # src/icon.js # src/layouts/Layout.vue # src/mixins/datetime.js # src/mixins/socket.js # src/router.js # src/util.js
284 lines
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284 lines
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let express = require("express");
const { allowDevAllOrigin, allowAllOrigin, percentageToColor, filterAndJoin, send403 } = require("../util-server");
const { R } = require("redbean-node");
const apicache = require("../modules/apicache");
const Monitor = require("../model/monitor");
const dayjs = require("dayjs");
const { UP, MAINTENANCE, DOWN, flipStatus, log } = require("../../src/util");
const StatusPage = require("../model/status_page");
const { UptimeKumaServer } = require("../uptime-kuma-server");
const { makeBadge } = require("badge-maker");
const { badgeConstants } = require("../config");
let router = express.Router();
let cache = apicache.middleware;
const server = UptimeKumaServer.getInstance();
let io = server.io;
router.get("/api/entry-page", async (request, response) => {
let result = { };
if (request.hostname in StatusPage.domainMappingList) {
result.type = "statusPageMatchedDomain";
result.statusPageSlug = StatusPage.domainMappingList[request.hostname];
} else {
result.type = "entryPage";
result.entryPage = server.entryPage;
router.get("/api/push/:pushToken", async (request, response) => {
try {
let pushToken = request.params.pushToken;
let msg = request.query.msg || "OK";
let ping = request.query.ping || null;
let statusString = request.query.status || "up";
let status = (statusString === "up") ? UP : DOWN;
let monitor = await R.findOne("monitor", " push_token = ? AND active = 1 ", [
if (! monitor) {
throw new Error("Monitor not found or not active.");
const previousHeartbeat = await Monitor.getPreviousHeartbeat(monitor.id);
if (monitor.isUpsideDown()) {
status = flipStatus(status);
let isFirstBeat = true;
let previousStatus = status;
let duration = 0;
let bean = R.dispense("heartbeat");
bean.time = R.isoDateTimeMillis(dayjs.utc());
if (previousHeartbeat) {
isFirstBeat = false;
previousStatus = previousHeartbeat.status;
duration = dayjs(bean.time).diff(dayjs(previousHeartbeat.time), "second");
if (await Monitor.isUnderMaintenance(monitor.id)) {
msg = "Monitor under maintenance";
log.debug("router", `/api/push/ called at ${dayjs().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS")}`);
log.debug("router", "PreviousStatus: " + previousStatus);
log.debug("router", "Current Status: " + status);
bean.important = Monitor.isImportantBeat(isFirstBeat, previousStatus, status);
bean.monitor_id = monitor.id;
bean.status = status;
bean.msg = msg;
bean.ping = ping;
bean.duration = duration;
await R.store(bean);
io.to(monitor.user_id).emit("heartbeat", bean.toJSON());
Monitor.sendStats(io, monitor.id, monitor.user_id);
ok: true,
if (Monitor.isImportantForNotification(isFirstBeat, previousStatus, status)) {
await Monitor.sendNotification(isFirstBeat, monitor, bean);
} catch (e) {
ok: false,
msg: e.message
router.get("/api/badge/:id/status", cache("5 minutes"), async (request, response) => {
const {
upLabel = "Up",
downLabel = "Down",
upColor = badgeConstants.defaultUpColor,
downColor = badgeConstants.defaultDownColor,
style = badgeConstants.defaultStyle,
value, // for demo purpose only
} = request.query;
try {
const requestedMonitorId = parseInt(request.params.id, 10);
const overrideValue = value !== undefined ? parseInt(value) : undefined;
let publicMonitor = await R.getRow(`
SELECT monitor_group.monitor_id FROM monitor_group, \`group\`
WHERE monitor_group.group_id = \`group\`.id
AND monitor_group.monitor_id = ?
AND public = 1
[ requestedMonitorId ]
const badgeValues = { style };
if (!publicMonitor) {
// return a "N/A" badge in naColor (grey), if monitor is not public / not available / non exsitant
badgeValues.message = "N/A";
badgeValues.color = badgeConstants.naColor;
} else {
const heartbeat = await Monitor.getPreviousHeartbeat(requestedMonitorId);
const state = overrideValue !== undefined ? overrideValue : heartbeat.status === 1;
badgeValues.label = label ? label : "";
badgeValues.color = state ? upColor : downColor;
badgeValues.message = label ?? state ? upLabel : downLabel;
// build the svg based on given values
const svg = makeBadge(badgeValues);
} catch (error) {
send403(response, error.message);
router.get("/api/badge/:id/uptime/:duration?", cache("5 minutes"), async (request, response) => {
const {
labelSuffix = badgeConstants.defaultUptimeLabelSuffix,
suffix = badgeConstants.defaultUptimeValueSuffix,
style = badgeConstants.defaultStyle,
value, // for demo purpose only
} = request.query;
try {
const requestedMonitorId = parseInt(request.params.id, 10);
// if no duration is given, set value to 24 (h)
const requestedDuration = request.params.duration !== undefined ? parseInt(request.params.duration, 10) : 24;
const overrideValue = value && parseFloat(value);
let publicMonitor = await R.getRow(`
SELECT monitor_group.monitor_id FROM monitor_group, \`group\`
WHERE monitor_group.group_id = \`group\`.id
AND monitor_group.monitor_id = ?
AND public = 1
[ requestedMonitorId ]
const badgeValues = { style };
if (!publicMonitor) {
// return a "N/A" badge in naColor (grey), if monitor is not public / not available / non exsitant
badgeValues.message = "N/A";
badgeValues.color = badgeConstants.naColor;
} else {
const uptime = overrideValue ?? await Monitor.calcUptime(
// limit the displayed uptime percentage to four (two, when displayed as percent) decimal digits
const cleanUptime = parseFloat(uptime.toPrecision(4));
// use a given, custom color or calculate one based on the uptime value
badgeValues.color = color ?? percentageToColor(uptime);
// use a given, custom labelColor or use the default badge label color (defined by badge-maker)
badgeValues.labelColor = labelColor ?? "";
// build a lable string. If a custom label is given, override the default one (requestedDuration)
badgeValues.label = filterAndJoin([ labelPrefix, label ?? requestedDuration, labelSuffix ]);
badgeValues.message = filterAndJoin([ prefix, `${cleanUptime * 100}`, suffix ]);
// build the SVG based on given values
const svg = makeBadge(badgeValues);
} catch (error) {
send403(response, error.message);
router.get("/api/badge/:id/ping/:duration?", cache("5 minutes"), async (request, response) => {
const {
labelSuffix = badgeConstants.defaultPingLabelSuffix,
suffix = badgeConstants.defaultPingValueSuffix,
color = badgeConstants.defaultPingColor,
style = badgeConstants.defaultStyle,
value, // for demo purpose only
} = request.query;
try {
const requestedMonitorId = parseInt(request.params.id, 10);
// Default duration is 24 (h) if not defined in queryParam, limited to 720h (30d)
const requestedDuration = Math.min(request.params.duration ? parseInt(request.params.duration, 10) : 24, 720);
const overrideValue = value && parseFloat(value);
const publicAvgPing = parseInt(await R.getCell(`
SELECT AVG(ping) FROM monitor_group, \`group\`, heartbeat
WHERE monitor_group.group_id = \`group\`.id
AND heartbeat.time > DATETIME('now', ? || ' hours')
AND heartbeat.ping IS NOT NULL
AND public = 1
AND heartbeat.monitor_id = ?
[ -requestedDuration, requestedMonitorId ]
const badgeValues = { style };
if (!publicAvgPing) {
// return a "N/A" badge in naColor (grey), if monitor is not public / not available / non exsitant
badgeValues.message = "N/A";
badgeValues.color = badgeConstants.naColor;
} else {
const avgPing = parseInt(overrideValue ?? publicAvgPing);
badgeValues.color = color;
// use a given, custom labelColor or use the default badge label color (defined by badge-maker)
badgeValues.labelColor = labelColor ?? "";
// build a lable string. If a custom label is given, override the default one (requestedDuration)
badgeValues.label = filterAndJoin([ labelPrefix, label ?? requestedDuration, labelSuffix ]);
badgeValues.message = filterAndJoin([ prefix, avgPing, suffix ]);
// build the SVG based on given values
const svg = makeBadge(badgeValues);
} catch (error) {
send403(response, error.message);
module.exports = router;