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synced 2025-02-25 13:05:55 +00:00
672 lines
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672 lines
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export default {
languageName: "繁體中文 (台灣)",
checkEverySecond: "每 {0} 秒檢查一次",
retryCheckEverySecond: "每 {0} 秒重試一次",
resendEveryXTimes: "每 {0} 次便重新傳送",
resendDisabled: "重新傳送已停用",
retriesDescription: "在服務被標記為離線並傳送通知前的最大重試次數",
ignoreTLSError: "忽略 HTTPS 網站的 TLS/SSL 錯誤",
upsideDownModeDescription: "反轉顯示狀態。若服務可以連線,將顯示離線。",
maxRedirectDescription: "最大重新導向跟隨次數。設為 0 將停用重新導向。",
enableGRPCTls: "允許以 TLS 連線傳送 gRPC 要求",
grpcMethodDescription: "方法名稱將轉換至駝峰式命名,如 sayHello、check 等。",
acceptedStatusCodesDescription: "選擇視為成功回應的狀態碼。",
Maintenance: "維護",
statusMaintenance: "維護",
"Schedule maintenance": "排程維護",
"Affected Monitors": "受影響的監測器",
"Pick Affected Monitors...": "挑選受影響的監測器...",
"Start of maintenance": "維護起始",
"All Status Pages": "所有狀態頁",
"Select status pages...": "選擇狀態頁...",
recurringIntervalMessage: "每日執行 | 每 {0} 天執行",
affectedMonitorsDescription: "選擇受目前維護影響的監測器",
affectedStatusPages: "在已選取的狀態頁中顯示此維護訊息",
atLeastOneMonitor: "至少選擇一個受影響的監測器",
passwordNotMatchMsg: "密碼不相符。",
notificationDescription: "必須將通知指派給監測器才能運作。",
keywordDescription: "HTML 或 JSON 回應的搜尋關鍵字。區分大小寫。",
pauseDashboardHome: "暫停",
deleteMonitorMsg: "您確定要刪除此監測器嗎?",
deleteMaintenanceMsg: "您確定要刪除此維護嗎?",
deleteNotificationMsg: "您確定要為所有監測器刪除此通知嗎?",
dnsPortDescription: "DNS 伺服器連接埠。預設為 53。您可以隨時變更連接埠。",
resolverserverDescription: "Cloudflare 為預設伺服器。您可以隨時更換解析伺服器。",
rrtypeDescription: "選擇您想要監測的資源記錄類型",
pauseMonitorMsg: "您確定要暫停嗎?",
enableDefaultNotificationDescription: "預設情況下,新監測器將啟用此通知。您仍可分別停用各監測器的通知。",
clearEventsMsg: "您確定要刪除此監測器的所有事件嗎?",
clearHeartbeatsMsg: "您確定要刪除此監測器的所有心跳嗎?",
confirmClearStatisticsMsg: "您確定要刪除所有統計資料嗎?",
importHandleDescription: "若您想跳過所有相同名稱的監測器或通知,請選擇 '略過現有'。選擇 '覆寫' 將刪除所有現有的監測器及通知。",
confirmImportMsg: "您確定要匯入備份嗎?請確認是否選擇正確的匯入設定。",
twoFAVerifyLabel: "請輸入權杖以驗證雙步驟驗證:",
tokenValidSettingsMsg: "權杖有效!您可以儲存雙步驟驗證設定了。",
confirmEnableTwoFAMsg: "您確定要啟用雙步驟驗證嗎?",
confirmDisableTwoFAMsg: "您確定要停用雙步驟驗證嗎?",
Settings: "設定",
Dashboard: "儀表板",
"New Update": "新版本",
Language: "語言",
Appearance: "外觀",
Theme: "主題",
General: "一般",
"Primary Base URL": "主要基底網址",
Version: "版本",
"Check Update On GitHub": "在 GitHub 檢查更新",
List: "清單",
Add: "新增",
"Add New Monitor": "新增監測器",
"Quick Stats": "狀態概覽",
Up: "正常",
Down: "離線",
Pending: "等待中",
Unknown: "未知",
Pause: "暫停",
Name: "名稱",
Status: "狀態",
DateTime: "日期時間",
Message: "訊息",
"No important events": "無重要事件",
Resume: "繼續",
Edit: "編輯",
Delete: "刪除",
Current: "目前",
Uptime: "運作率",
"Cert Exp.": "憑證期限",
day: "天",
"-day": "天",
hour: "小時",
"-hour": "小時",
Response: "回應",
Ping: "Ping",
"Monitor Type": "監測器類型",
Keyword: "關鍵字",
"Friendly Name": "易記名稱",
URL: "網址",
Hostname: "主機名稱",
Port: "連接埠",
"Heartbeat Interval": "心跳間隔",
Retries: "重試次數",
"Heartbeat Retry Interval": "心跳重試間隔",
"Resend Notification if Down X times consequently": "若 X 次心跳皆離線,重新傳送通知",
Advanced: "進階",
"Upside Down Mode": "顛倒模式",
"Max. Redirects": "最大重新導向次數",
"Accepted Status Codes": "可接受的狀態碼",
"Push URL": "推送網址",
needPushEvery: "您應每 {0} 秒呼叫此網址。",
pushOptionalParams: "選填參數:{0}",
Save: "儲存",
Notifications: "通知",
"Not available, please setup.": "無法使用,請先設定。",
"Setup Notification": "設定通知",
Light: "亮色",
Dark: "深色",
Auto: "自動",
"Theme - Heartbeat Bar": "主題 - 心跳條",
Normal: "正常",
Bottom: "下方",
None: "無",
Timezone: "時區",
"Search Engine Visibility": "搜尋引擎可見度",
"Allow indexing": "允許索引",
"Discourage search engines from indexing site": "不建議搜尋引擎索引網頁",
"Change Password": "修改密碼",
"Current Password": "目前密碼",
"New Password": "新密碼",
"Repeat New Password": "確認新密碼",
"Update Password": "更新密碼",
"Disable Auth": "停用驗證",
"Enable Auth": "啟用驗證",
"disableauth.message1": ">你是否要<strong>取消登入驗證</strong>?",
"disableauth.message2": "此功能是設計給已有<strong>第三方認證</strong>的使用者,例如 Cloudflare Access。",
"Please use this option carefully!": "請謹慎使用。",
Logout: "登出",
Leave: "離開",
"I understand, please disable": "我了解了,請停用",
Confirm: "確認",
Yes: "是",
No: "否",
Username: "使用者名稱",
Password: "密碼",
"Remember me": "記住我",
Login: "登入",
"No Monitors, please": "沒有監測器,請",
"add one": "新增",
"Notification Type": "通知類型",
Email: "電子郵件",
Test: "測試",
"Certificate Info": "憑證資訊",
"Resolver Server": "解析伺服器",
"Resource Record Type": "資源記錄類型",
"Last Result": "最後結果",
"Create your admin account": "建立您的管理員帳號",
"Repeat Password": "確認密碼",
"Import Backup": "匯入備份",
"Export Backup": "匯出備份",
Export: "匯出",
Import: "匯入",
respTime: "回應時間 (毫秒)",
notAvailableShort: "N/A",
"Default enabled": "啟用預設",
"Apply on all existing monitors": "套用到目前所有的監測器",
Create: "建立",
"Clear Data": "清除資料",
Events: "活動",
Heartbeats: "心跳",
"Auto Get": "自動取得",
backupDescription: "您可以將所有監測器及通知備份成一個 JSON 檔案。",
backupDescription2: "提醒:不包含歷史紀錄及活動紀錄。",
backupDescription3: "如通知權杖等機密資料也會一同匯出。請妥善保存。",
alertNoFile: "請選擇要匯入的檔案。",
alertWrongFileType: "請選擇 JSON 檔案。",
"Clear all statistics": "清除所有統計資料",
"Skip existing": "略過現有",
Overwrite: "覆寫",
Options: "選項",
"Keep both": "保留兩者",
"Verify Token": "認證權杖",
"Setup 2FA": "設置雙步驟驗證",
"Enable 2FA": "啟用雙步驟驗證",
"Disable 2FA": "停用雙步驟驗證",
"2FA Settings": "雙步驟驗證設定",
"Two Factor Authentication": "雙步驟驗證",
Active: "啟用",
Inactive: "停用",
Token: "權杖",
"Show URI": "顯示 URI",
Tags: "標籤",
"Add New below or Select...": "在下方新增或選取...",
"Tag with this name already exist.": "已存在相同名稱的標籤。",
"Tag with this value already exist.": "已存在相同數值的標籤。",
color: "顏色",
"value (optional)": "數值 (選填)",
Gray: "灰色",
Red: "紅色",
Orange: "橘色",
Green: "綠色",
Blue: "藍色",
Indigo: "靛色",
Purple: "紫色",
Pink: "粉色",
"Search...": "搜尋...",
"Avg. Ping": "平均 Ping",
"Avg. Response": "平均回應",
"Entry Page": "入口頁面",
statusPageNothing: "空空如也,請新增群組或監測器。",
"No Services": "無服務",
"All Systems Operational": "所有系統正常運作",
"Partially Degraded Service": "部分服務效能降低",
"Degraded Service": "服務效能降低",
"Add Group": "新增群組",
"Add a monitor": "加入監測器",
"Edit Status Page": "編輯狀態頁",
"Go to Dashboard": "前往儀表板",
"Status Page": "狀態頁",
"Status Pages": "狀態頁",
defaultNotificationName: "我的 {notification} 通知 ({number})",
here: "此處",
Required: "必填",
telegram: "Telegram",
"Bot Token": "機器人權杖",
wayToGetTelegramToken: "您可以從 {0} 取得權杖。",
"Chat ID": "聊天 ID",
supportTelegramChatID: "支援 對話/群組/頻道的聊天 ID",
wayToGetTelegramChatID: "傳送訊息給機器人,並前往以下網址以取得您的 chat ID:",
"YOUR BOT TOKEN HERE": "在此填入您的機器人權杖",
chatIDNotFound: "找不到 Chat ID;請先傳送訊息給機器人",
webhook: "Webhook",
"Post URL": "Post 網址",
"Content Type": "內容類型",
webhookJsonDesc: "{0} 適合任何現代的 HTTP 伺服器,如 Express.js",
webhookFormDataDesc: "{multipart} 適合 PHP。 JSON 必須先經由 {decodeFunction} 剖析。",
webhookAdditionalHeadersTitle: "額外標頭",
webhookAdditionalHeadersDesc: "設定與 webhook 一同傳送的額外標頭。",
smtp: "Email (SMTP)",
secureOptionNone: "無 / STARTTLS (25, 587)",
secureOptionTLS: "TLS (465)",
"Ignore TLS Error": "忽略 TLS 錯誤",
"From Email": "寄件人",
emailCustomSubject: "自訂主旨",
"To Email": "收件者",
smtpCC: "CC",
smtpBCC: "BCC",
discord: "Discord",
"Discord Webhook URL": "Discord Webhook 網址",
wayToGetDiscordURL: "您可以前往伺服器設定 -> 整合 -> Webhook -> 新 Webhook 以取得",
"Bot Display Name": "機器人顯示名稱",
"Prefix Custom Message": "前綴自訂訊息",
"Hello @everyone is...": "Hello {'@'}everyone is...",
teams: "Microsoft Teams",
"Webhook URL": "Webhook 網址",
wayToGetTeamsURL: "您可以前往此頁面以了解如何建立 Webhook 網址 {0}。",
signal: "Signal",
Number: "號碼",
Recipients: "收件者",
needSignalAPI: "您需要有 REST API 的 Signal 客戶端。",
wayToCheckSignalURL: "您可以前往下列網址以了解如何設定:",
signalImportant: "注意: 不得混合收件者的群組和號碼!",
gotify: "Gotify",
"Application Token": "應用程式權杖",
"Server URL": "伺服器網址",
Priority: "優先度",
slack: "Slack",
"Icon Emoji": "Emoji 圖示",
"Channel Name": "頻道名稱",
"Uptime Kuma URL": "Uptime Kuma 網址",
aboutWebhooks: "更多關於 Webhook 的資訊: {0}",
aboutChannelName: "如果您不想使用 Webhook 頻道,請在 {0} 頻道名稱欄位填入您想使用的頻道。例如: #其他頻道",
aboutKumaURL: "如果您未填入 Uptime Kuma 網址。將預設使用專案 Github 頁面。",
emojiCheatSheet: "Emoji 一覽表: {0}",
"rocket.chat": "Rocket.Chat",
pushover: "Pushover",
pushy: "Pushy",
PushByTechulus: "Push by Techulus",
octopush: "Octopush",
promosms: "PromoSMS",
clicksendsms: "ClickSend SMS",
lunasea: "LunaSea",
apprise: "Apprise (支援 50 種以上的通知服務)",
GoogleChat: "Google Chat (僅限 Google Workspace)",
pushbullet: "Pushbullet",
line: "Line Messenger",
mattermost: "Mattermost",
"User Key": "使用者金鑰",
Device: "裝置",
"Message Title": "訊息標題",
"Notification Sound": "通知音效",
"More info on:": "更多資訊: {0}",
pushoverDesc1: "緊急優先度 (2) 的重試間隔為 30 秒並且會在 1 小時後過期。",
pushoverDesc2: "如果您想要傳送通知到不同裝置,請填寫裝置欄位。",
"SMS Type": "簡訊類型",
octopushTypePremium: "Premium (快速 - 建議用於警報)",
octopushTypeLowCost: "Low Cost (緩慢 - 有時會被營運商阻擋)",
checkPrice: "查看 {0} 價格:",
apiCredentials: "API 認證",
octopushLegacyHint: "您使用的是舊版的 Octopush (2011-2020) 還是新版?",
"Check octopush prices": "查看 octopush 價格 {0}。",
octopushPhoneNumber: "電話號碼 (intl 格式,例如:+33612345678) ",
octopushSMSSender: "簡訊寄件人名稱:3-11位英數字元及空白 (a-zA-Z0-9)",
"LunaSea Device ID": "LunaSea 裝置 ID",
"Apprise URL": "Apprise 網址",
"Example:": "範例:{0}",
"Read more:": "深入瞭解:{0}",
"Status:": "狀態:{0}",
"Read more": "深入瞭解",
appriseInstalled: "已安裝 Apprise。",
appriseNotInstalled: "尚未安裝 Apprise。{0}",
"Access Token": "存取權杖",
"Channel access token": "頻道存取權杖",
"Line Developers Console": "Line 開發者控制台",
lineDevConsoleTo: "Line 開發者控制台 - {0}",
"Basic Settings": "基本設定",
"User ID": "使用者 ID",
"Messaging API": "Messaging API",
wayToGetLineChannelToken: "首先,前往 {0},建立 provider 和 channel (Messaging API)。接著您就可以從上面提到的選單項目中取得頻道存取權杖及使用者 ID。",
"Icon URL": "圖示網址",
aboutIconURL: "您可以在 \"圖示網址\" 中提供圖片網址以覆蓋預設個人檔案圖片。若已設定 Emoji 圖示,將忽略此設定。",
aboutMattermostChannelName: "您可以在 \"頻道名稱\" 欄位中填寫頻道名稱以覆蓋 Webhook 的預設頻道。必須在 Mattermost 的 Webhook 設定中啟用。例如:#其他頻道",
matrix: "Matrix",
promosmsTypeEco: "SMS ECO - 便宜,但是很慢且經常過載。僅限位於波蘭的收件者。",
promosmsTypeFlash: "SMS FLASH - 訊息會自動在收件者的裝置上顯示。僅限位於波蘭的收件者。",
promosmsTypeFull: "SMS FULL - 高級版,您可以使用您的寄件人名稱 (必須先註冊名稱。對於警報來說十分可靠。",
promosmsTypeSpeed: "SMS SPEED - 系統中的最高優先度。快速、可靠,但昂貴 (約 SMS FULL 的兩倍價格)。",
promosmsPhoneNumber: "電話號碼 (若收件者位於波蘭則無需輸入區域代碼)",
promosmsSMSSender: "簡訊寄件人名稱:預先註冊的名稱或以下的預設名稱:InfoSMS、SMS Info、MaxSMS、INFO、SMS",
"Feishu WebHookUrl": "飛書 WebHook 網址",
matrixHomeserverURL: "Homeserver 網址 (開頭為 http(s)://,結尾可能帶連接埠)",
"Internal Room Id": "Internal Room ID",
matrixDesc1: "您可以在 Matrix 客戶端的房間設定中的進階選項找到 internal room ID。應該看起來像 !QMdRCpUIfLwsfjxye6:home.server。",
matrixDesc2: "使用您自己的 Matrix 使用者存取權杖將賦予存取您的帳號和您加入的房間的完整權限。建議建立新使用者,並邀請至您想要接收通知的房間中。您可以執行 {0} 以取得存取權杖",
Method: "方法",
Body: "主體",
Headers: "標頭",
PushUrl: "Push 網址",
HeadersInvalidFormat: "要求標頭不是有效的 JSON:",
BodyInvalidFormat: "要求主體不是有效的 JSON:",
"Monitor History": "監測器歷史紀錄",
clearDataOlderThan: "保留 {0} 天內的監測器歷史紀錄。",
PasswordsDoNotMatch: "密碼不相符。",
records: "記錄",
"One record": "一項記錄",
steamApiKeyDescription: "若要監測 Steam 遊戲伺服器,您將需要 Steam Web-API 金鑰。您可以在此註冊您的 API 金鑰:",
"Current User": "目前使用者",
topic: "Topic",
topicExplanation: "要監測的 MQTT Topic",
successMessage: "成功訊息",
successMessageExplanation: "視為成功的 MQTT 訊息",
recent: "最近",
Done: "完成",
Info: "資訊",
Security: "安全性",
"Steam API Key": "Steam API 金鑰",
"Shrink Database": "壓縮資料庫",
"Pick a RR-Type...": "選擇資源記錄類型...",
"Pick Accepted Status Codes...": "選擇可接受的狀態碼...",
Default: "預設",
"HTTP Options": "HTTP 選項",
"Create Incident": "建立事件",
Title: "標題",
Content: "內容",
Style: "樣式",
info: "資訊",
warning: "警告",
danger: "危險",
error: "錯誤",
critical: "嚴重",
primary: "主要",
light: "淺色",
dark: "暗色",
Post: "發佈",
"Please input title and content": "請輸入標題及內容",
Created: "建立",
"Last Updated": "最後更新",
Unpin: "取消釘選",
"Switch to Light Theme": "切換至淺色佈景主題",
"Switch to Dark Theme": "切換至深色佈景主題",
"Show Tags": "顯示標籤",
"Hide Tags": "隱藏標籤",
Description: "說明",
"No monitors available.": "沒有可用的監測器。",
"Add one": "新增一個",
"No Monitors": "無監測器",
"Untitled Group": "未命名群組",
Services: "服務",
Discard: "捨棄",
Cancel: "取消",
"Powered by": "技術支援",
shrinkDatabaseDescription: "觸發 SQLite 的資料庫清理 (VACUUM)。如果您的資料庫是在 1.10.0 版本後建立,AUTO_VACUUM 已自動啟用,則無需此操作。",
serwersms: "SerwerSMS.pl",
serwersmsAPIUser: "API 使用者名稱 (包括 webapi_ 前綴)",
serwersmsAPIPassword: "API 密碼",
serwersmsPhoneNumber: "電話號碼",
serwersmsSenderName: "SMS 寄件人名稱 (由客戶入口網站註冊)",
smseagle: "SMSEagle",
smseagleTo: "電話號碼",
smseagleGroup: "電話簿群組名稱",
smseagleContact: "電話簿聯絡人名稱",
smseagleRecipientType: "收件者類型",
smseagleRecipient: "收件者 (用逗號分隔)",
smseagleToken: "API 存取權杖",
smseagleUrl: "您的 SMSEagle 裝置網址",
smseagleEncoding: "以 Unicode 傳送",
smseaglePriority: "訊息優先度 (0-9,預設 = 0)",
stackfield: "Stackfield",
Customize: "自訂",
"Custom Footer": "自訂頁尾",
"Custom CSS": "自訂 CSS",
smtpDkimSettings: "DKIM 設定",
smtpDkimDesc: "請參考 Nodemailer DKIM {0} 使用方式。",
documentation: "文件",
smtpDkimDomain: "網域名稱",
smtpDkimKeySelector: "DKIM 選取器",
smtpDkimPrivateKey: "私密金鑰",
smtpDkimHashAlgo: "雜湊演算法 (選填)",
smtpDkimheaderFieldNames: "要簽署的郵件標頭 (選填)",
smtpDkimskipFields: "不簽署的郵件標頭 (選填)",
wayToGetPagerDutyKey: "您可以前往服務 -> 服務目錄 -> (選取服務) -> 整合 -> 新增整合以取得。您可以搜尋 \"Events API V2\"。詳細資訊 {0}",
"Integration Key": "整合金鑰",
"Integration URL": "整合網址",
"Auto resolve or acknowledged": "自動解決或認可",
"do nothing": "不進行任何操作",
"auto acknowledged": "自動認可",
"auto resolve": "自動解決",
gorush: "Gorush",
alerta: "Alerta",
alertaApiEndpoint: "API 端點",
alertaEnvironment: "環境",
alertaApiKey: "API 金鑰",
alertaAlertState: "警示狀態",
alertaRecoverState: "恢復狀態",
deleteStatusPageMsg: "您確定要刪除此狀態頁嗎?",
Proxies: "代理伺服器",
default: "預設",
enabled: "啟用",
setAsDefault: "設為預設",
deleteProxyMsg: "您確定要為所有監測器刪除此代理伺服器嗎?",
proxyDescription: "必須將代理伺服器指派給監測器才能運作。",
enableProxyDescription: "此代理伺服器在啟用前不會在監測器上生效,您可以藉由控制啟用狀態來暫時對所有的監測器停用代理伺服器。",
setAsDefaultProxyDescription: "預設情況下,新監測器將啟用此代理伺服器。您仍可分別停用各監測器的代理伺服器。",
"Certificate Chain": "憑證鏈結",
Valid: "有效",
Invalid: "無效",
AccessKeyId: "AccessKey ID",
SecretAccessKey: "AccessKey 密碼",
PhoneNumbers: "PhoneNumbers",
TemplateCode: "TemplateCode",
SignName: "SignName",
"Sms template must contain parameters: ": "Sms 範本必須包含參數:",
"Bark Endpoint": "Bark 端點",
"Bark Group": "Bark 群組",
"Bark Sound": "Bark 鈴聲",
WebHookUrl: "WebHookUrl",
SecretKey: "SecretKey",
"For safety, must use secret key": "為了安全起見,必須使用秘密金鑰",
"Device Token": "裝置權杖",
Platform: "平台",
iOS: "iOS",
Android: "Android",
Huawei: "華為",
High: "高",
Retry: "重試",
Topic: "Topic",
"WeCom Bot Key": "WeCom 機器人金鑰",
"Setup Proxy": "設置 Proxy",
"Proxy Protocol": "Proxy 通訊協定",
"Proxy Server": "Proxy 伺服器",
"Proxy server has authentication": "Proxy 伺服器啟用了驗證功能",
User: "使用者",
Installed: "已安裝",
"Not installed": "未安裝",
Running: "執行中",
"Not running": "未執行",
"Remove Token": "移除權杖",
Start: "開始",
Stop: "停止",
"Uptime Kuma": "Uptime Kuma",
"Add New Status Page": "新增狀態頁",
Slug: "Slug",
"Accept characters:": "可用字元:",
startOrEndWithOnly: "僅能使用 {0} 開頭或結尾",
"No consecutive dashes": "不得連續使用破折號",
Next: "下一步",
"The slug is already taken. Please choose another slug.": "此 slug 已被使用。請選擇其他 slug。",
"No Proxy": "無 Proxy",
Authentication: "驗證",
"HTTP Basic Auth": "HTTP 基本驗證",
"New Status Page": "新狀態頁",
"Page Not Found": "找不到頁面",
"Reverse Proxy": "反向代理",
Backup: "備份",
About: "關於",
wayToGetCloudflaredURL: "(從 {0} 下載 cloudflared)",
cloudflareWebsite: "Cloudflare 網站",
"Message:": "訊息:",
"Don't know how to get the token? Please read the guide:": "不知道如何取得權杖嗎?請閱讀指南:",
"The current connection may be lost if you are currently connecting via Cloudflare Tunnel. Are you sure want to stop it? Type your current password to confirm it.": "如果您目前正透過 Cloudflare Tunnel 連線,可能會導致連線中斷。您確定要停止嗎?請輸入密碼以確認。",
"HTTP Headers": "HTTP 標頭",
"Trust Proxy": "信任的 Proxy",
"Other Software": "其他軟體",
"For example: nginx, Apache and Traefik.": "例如 nginx、Apache 和 Traefik。",
"Please read": "請閱覽",
"Subject:": "簽發給:",
"Valid To:": "有效期限:",
"Days Remaining:": "剩餘天數:",
"Issuer:": "簽發者:",
"Fingerprint:": "指紋:",
"No status pages": "無狀態頁",
"Domain Name Expiry Notification": "網域名稱到期通知",
Proxy: "Proxy",
"Date Created": "建立日期",
HomeAssistant: "Home Assistant",
onebotHttpAddress: "OneBot HTTP 位址",
onebotMessageType: "OneBot 訊息類型",
onebotGroupMessage: "群組",
onebotPrivateMessage: "私人",
onebotUserOrGroupId: "群組/使用者 ID",
onebotSafetyTips: "為了安全起見,必須設置存取權杖",
"PushDeer Key": "PushDeer 金鑰",
"Footer Text": "頁尾文字",
"Show Powered By": "顯示技術支援文字",
"Domain Names": "網域名稱",
signedInDisp: "以 {0} 身分登入",
signedInDispDisabled: "驗證已停用。",
RadiusSecret: "Radius Secret",
RadiusSecretDescription: "客戶端與伺服器端的共享機密",
RadiusCalledStationId: "被叫站 Id",
RadiusCalledStationIdDescription: "被呼叫裝置的識別碼",
RadiusCallingStationId: "呼叫站 Id",
RadiusCallingStationIdDescription: "呼叫裝置的識別碼",
"Certificate Expiry Notification": "憑證到期通知",
"API Username": "API 使用者名稱",
"API Key": "API 金鑰",
"Recipient Number": "收件者號碼",
"From Name/Number": "來自名字/號碼",
"Leave blank to use a shared sender number.": "留空以使用共享寄件人號碼。",
"Octopush API Version": "Octopush API 版本",
"Legacy Octopush-DM": "舊版 Octopush-DM",
"endpoint": "端",
octopushAPIKey: "在控制台的 HTTP API 憑證取得的 \"API 金鑰\"",
octopushLogin: "在控制台的 HTTP API 憑證取得的 \"Login\"",
promosmsLogin: "API 登入名稱",
promosmsPassword: "API 密碼",
"pushoversounds pushover": "Pushover (預設)",
"pushoversounds bike": "車鈴",
"pushoversounds bugle": "號角",
"pushoversounds cashregister": "收銀機",
"pushoversounds classical": "古典",
"pushoversounds cosmic": "宇宙",
"pushoversounds falling": "下落",
"pushoversounds gamelan": "甘美朗",
"pushoversounds incoming": "來電",
"pushoversounds intermission": "中場休息",
"pushoversounds magic": "魔法",
"pushoversounds mechanical": "機械",
"pushoversounds pianobar": "鋼琴酒吧",
"pushoversounds siren": "警鈴",
"pushoversounds spacealarm": "太空鬧鐘",
"pushoversounds tugboat": "汽笛",
"pushoversounds alien": "外星鬧鐘 (長)",
"pushoversounds climb": "爬升 (長)",
"pushoversounds persistent": "持續 (長)",
"pushoversounds echo": "Pushover 回音 (長)",
"pushoversounds updown": "上下 (長)",
"pushoversounds vibrate": "僅震動",
"pushoversounds none": "無 (靜音)",
pushyAPIKey: "API 密鑰",
pushyToken: "裝置權杖",
"Show update if available": "顯示可用更新",
"Also check beta release": "檢查 Beta 版",
"Using a Reverse Proxy?": "正在使用反向代理?",
"Check how to config it for WebSocket": "查看如何為 WebSocket 設定",
"Steam Game Server": "Steam 遊戲伺服器",
"Most likely causes:": "可能原因:",
"The resource is no longer available.": "資源已不可用。",
"There might be a typing error in the address.": "網址可能有誤。",
"What you can try:": "您可以嘗試:",
"Retype the address.": "重新輸入網址。",
"Go back to the previous page.": "返回上一頁。",
"Coming Soon": "即將推出",
wayToGetClickSendSMSToken: "您可以從 {0} 取得 API 使用者名稱和金鑰。",
"Connection String": "連線字串",
Query: "查詢",
settingsCertificateExpiry: "TLS 憑證到期",
certificationExpiryDescription: "TLS 將於 X 天後到期時觸發 HTTPS 監測器通知:",
"Setup Docker Host": "設定 Docker 主機",
"Connection Type": "連線類型",
"Docker Daemon": "Docker 精靈",
deleteDockerHostMsg: "您確定要為所有監測器刪除此 Docker 主機嗎?",
socket: "通訊端",
tcp: "TCP / HTTP",
"Docker Container": "Docker 容器",
"Container Name / ID": "容器名稱 / ID",
"Docker Host": "Docker 主機",
"Docker Hosts": "Docker 主機",
"ntfy Topic": "ntfy 主題",
Domain: "網域",
Workstation: "工作站",
disableCloudflaredNoAuthMsg: "您處於無驗證模式。無須輸入密碼。",
trustProxyDescription: "信任 'X-Forwarded-*' 標頭。如果您想要取得正確的客戶端 IP,且您的 Uptime Kuma 架設於 Nginx 或 Apache 後方,您應啟用此選項。",
wayToGetLineNotifyToken: "您可以從 {0} 取得存取權杖",
Examples: "範例",
"Home Assistant URL": "Home Assistant 網址",
"Long-Lived Access Token": "長期有效存取權杖",
"Long-Lived Access Token can be created by clicking on your profile name (bottom left) and scrolling to the bottom then click Create Token. ": "若要建立長期有效存取權杖,請點擊您的個人檔案名稱 (左下角),捲動至最下方,然後點擊建立權杖。",
"Notification Service": "通知服務",
"default: notify all devices": "預設:通知所有服務",
"A list of Notification Services can be found in Home Assistant under \"Developer Tools > Services\" search for \"notification\" to find your device/phone name.": "您可以在 Home Assistant 中查看通知服務的列表,在\"開發者工具 > 服務\"下搜尋\"通知\"來找到您的裝置/手機的名稱。",
"Automations can optionally be triggered in Home Assistant:": "可以選擇在 Home Assistant 中觸發自動化程序:",
"Trigger type:": "觸發器類型:",
"Event type:": "事件類型:",
"Event data:": "事件資料:",
"Then choose an action, for example switch the scene to where an RGB light is red.": "然後選擇動作,例如切換至 RGB 燈為紅色的場景。",
"Frontend Version": "前端版本",
"Frontend Version do not match backend version!": "前端版本與後端版本不符!",
"Base URL": "基底網址",
goAlertInfo: "GoAlert 是用於待命排程、升級自動化,以及通知 (如簡訊或語音通話) 的開源應用程式。自動在正確的時間、用洽當的方法、聯絡合適的人! {0}",
goAlertIntegrationKeyInfo: "取得服務的通用 API 整合金鑰,格式為 \"aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee\"。通常是已複製的網址的權杖參數值。",
goAlert: "GoAlert",
backupOutdatedWarning: "過時:由於新功能的增加,且未妥善維護,故此備份功能無法產生或復原完整備份。",
backupRecommend: "請直接備份磁碟區或 ./data/ 資料夾。",
"Optional": "選填",
squadcast: "Squadcast",
SendKey: "SendKey",
"SMSManager API Docs": "SMSManager API 文件 ",
"Gateway Type": "閘道類型",
SMSManager: "SMSManager",
"You can divide numbers with": "若要除數,您可以使用",
"or": "或是",
recurringInterval: "間隔",
"Recurring": "週期性",
strategyManual: "手動切換使用中/非使用中",
warningTimezone: "正在使用伺服器的時區",
weekdayShortMon: "一",
weekdayShortTue: "二",
weekdayShortWed: "三",
weekdayShortThu: "四",
weekdayShortFri: "五",
weekdayShortSat: "六",
weekdayShortSun: "日",
dayOfWeek: "每周特定一天",
dayOfMonth: "每月特定一天",
lastDay: "最後一天",
lastDay1: "每月的最後一天",
lastDay2: "每月的倒數第二天",
lastDay3: "每月的倒數第三天",
lastDay4: "每月的倒數第四天",
"No Maintenance": "無維護",
pauseMaintenanceMsg: "您確定要暫停嗎?",
"maintenanceStatus-under-maintenance": "維護中",
"maintenanceStatus-inactive": "非使用中",
"maintenanceStatus-scheduled": "已排程",
"maintenanceStatus-ended": "已結束",
"maintenanceStatus-unknown": "未知",
"Display Timezone": "顯示時區",
"Server Timezone": "伺服器時區",
statusPageMaintenanceEndDate: "結束",
IconUrl: "圖示網址",
"Enable DNS Cache": "啟用 DNS 快取",
Enable: "啟用",
Disable: "停用",
dnsCacheDescription: "在某些 IPv6 環境可能會無法運作,如果您遇到任何問題,請停用。",
"Single Maintenance Window": "單一維護時段",
"Maintenance Time Window of a Day": "每日的維護時段",
"Effective Date Range": "有效的日期範圍",
"Schedule Maintenance": "排程維護",
"Date and Time": "時間和日期",
"DateTime Range": "DateTime 範圍",
Strategy: "策略",
"Free Mobile User Identifier": "Free Mobile User Identifier",
"Free Mobile API Key": "Free Mobile API 金鑰",
"Enable TLS": "啟用 TLS",
"Proto Service Name": "Proto 服務名稱",
"Proto Method": "Proto 方式",
"Proto Content": "Proto 內容",
Economy: "節約",
Lowcost: "低費率",
high: "高",
"General Monitor Type": "一般監測器類型",
"Passive Monitor Type": "被動監測器類型",
"Specific Monitor Type": "指定監測器類型",