Proddy 9d0d5bfbd6
Fix certificate expiry notif markdown
Changed the notification message for certificate expiry to use parenthesis for the link instead of the current square bracket to correctly mask the link in markdown-supported notification agents
2025-01-10 14:27:34 +00:00

1742 lines
70 KiB

const dayjs = require("dayjs");
const axios = require("axios");
const { Prometheus } = require("../prometheus");
SQL_DATETIME_FORMAT, evaluateJsonQuery
} = require("../../src/util");
const { tcping, ping, checkCertificate, checkStatusCode, getTotalClientInRoom, setting, mssqlQuery, postgresQuery, mysqlQuery, setSetting, httpNtlm, radius, grpcQuery,
redisPingAsync, kafkaProducerAsync, getOidcTokenClientCredentials, rootCertificatesFingerprints, axiosAbortSignal
} = require("../util-server");
const { R } = require("redbean-node");
const { BeanModel } = require("redbean-node/dist/bean-model");
const { Notification } = require("../notification");
const { Proxy } = require("../proxy");
const { demoMode } = require("../config");
const version = require("../../package.json").version;
const apicache = require("../modules/apicache");
const { UptimeKumaServer } = require("../uptime-kuma-server");
const { DockerHost } = require("../docker");
const Gamedig = require("gamedig");
const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
const crypto = require("crypto");
const { UptimeCalculator } = require("../uptime-calculator");
const { CookieJar } = require("tough-cookie");
const { HttpsCookieAgent } = require("http-cookie-agent/http");
const https = require("https");
const http = require("http");
const rootCertificates = rootCertificatesFingerprints();
* status:
* 0 = DOWN
* 1 = UP
class Monitor extends BeanModel {
* Return an object that ready to parse to JSON for public Only show
* necessary data to public
* @param {boolean} showTags Include tags in JSON
* @param {boolean} certExpiry Include certificate expiry info in
* @returns {Promise<object>} Object ready to parse
async toPublicJSON(showTags = false, certExpiry = false) {
let obj = {
id: this.id,
name: this.name,
sendUrl: this.sendUrl,
type: this.type,
if (this.sendUrl) {
obj.url = this.url;
if (showTags) {
obj.tags = await this.getTags();
if (certExpiry && (this.type === "http" || this.type === "keyword" || this.type === "json-query") && this.getURLProtocol() === "https:") {
const { certExpiryDaysRemaining, validCert } = await this.getCertExpiry(this.id);
obj.certExpiryDaysRemaining = certExpiryDaysRemaining;
obj.validCert = validCert;
return obj;
* Return an object that ready to parse to JSON
* @param {object} preloadData to prevent n+1 problems, we query the data in a batch outside of this function
* @param {boolean} includeSensitiveData Include sensitive data in
* @returns {object} Object ready to parse
toJSON(preloadData = {}, includeSensitiveData = true) {
let screenshot = null;
if (this.type === "real-browser") {
screenshot = "/screenshots/" + jwt.sign(this.id, UptimeKumaServer.getInstance().jwtSecret) + ".png";
const path = preloadData.paths.get(this.id) || [];
const pathName = path.join(" / ");
let data = {
id: this.id,
name: this.name,
description: this.description,
parent: this.parent,
childrenIDs: preloadData.childrenIDs.get(this.id) || [],
url: this.url,
method: this.method,
hostname: this.hostname,
port: this.port,
maxretries: this.maxretries,
weight: this.weight,
active: preloadData.activeStatus.get(this.id),
forceInactive: preloadData.forceInactive.get(this.id),
type: this.type,
timeout: this.timeout,
interval: this.interval,
retryInterval: this.retryInterval,
resendInterval: this.resendInterval,
keyword: this.keyword,
invertKeyword: this.isInvertKeyword(),
expiryNotification: this.isEnabledExpiryNotification(),
ignoreTls: this.getIgnoreTls(),
upsideDown: this.isUpsideDown(),
packetSize: this.packetSize,
maxredirects: this.maxredirects,
accepted_statuscodes: this.getAcceptedStatuscodes(),
dns_resolve_type: this.dns_resolve_type,
dns_resolve_server: this.dns_resolve_server,
dns_last_result: this.dns_last_result,
docker_container: this.docker_container,
docker_host: this.docker_host,
proxyId: this.proxy_id,
notificationIDList: preloadData.notifications.get(this.id) || {},
tags: preloadData.tags.get(this.id) || [],
maintenance: preloadData.maintenanceStatus.get(this.id),
mqttTopic: this.mqttTopic,
mqttSuccessMessage: this.mqttSuccessMessage,
mqttCheckType: this.mqttCheckType,
databaseQuery: this.databaseQuery,
authMethod: this.authMethod,
grpcUrl: this.grpcUrl,
grpcProtobuf: this.grpcProtobuf,
grpcMethod: this.grpcMethod,
grpcServiceName: this.grpcServiceName,
grpcEnableTls: this.getGrpcEnableTls(),
radiusCalledStationId: this.radiusCalledStationId,
radiusCallingStationId: this.radiusCallingStationId,
game: this.game,
gamedigGivenPortOnly: this.getGameDigGivenPortOnly(),
httpBodyEncoding: this.httpBodyEncoding,
jsonPath: this.jsonPath,
expectedValue: this.expectedValue,
kafkaProducerTopic: this.kafkaProducerTopic,
kafkaProducerBrokers: JSON.parse(this.kafkaProducerBrokers),
kafkaProducerSsl: this.getKafkaProducerSsl(),
kafkaProducerAllowAutoTopicCreation: this.getKafkaProducerAllowAutoTopicCreation(),
kafkaProducerMessage: this.kafkaProducerMessage,
cacheBust: this.getCacheBust(),
remote_browser: this.remote_browser,
snmpOid: this.snmpOid,
jsonPathOperator: this.jsonPathOperator,
snmpVersion: this.snmpVersion,
rabbitmqNodes: JSON.parse(this.rabbitmqNodes),
conditions: JSON.parse(this.conditions),
if (includeSensitiveData) {
data = {
headers: this.headers,
body: this.body,
grpcBody: this.grpcBody,
grpcMetadata: this.grpcMetadata,
basic_auth_user: this.basic_auth_user,
basic_auth_pass: this.basic_auth_pass,
oauth_client_id: this.oauth_client_id,
oauth_client_secret: this.oauth_client_secret,
oauth_token_url: this.oauth_token_url,
oauth_scopes: this.oauth_scopes,
oauth_auth_method: this.oauth_auth_method,
pushToken: this.pushToken,
databaseConnectionString: this.databaseConnectionString,
radiusUsername: this.radiusUsername,
radiusPassword: this.radiusPassword,
radiusSecret: this.radiusSecret,
mqttUsername: this.mqttUsername,
mqttPassword: this.mqttPassword,
authWorkstation: this.authWorkstation,
authDomain: this.authDomain,
tlsCa: this.tlsCa,
tlsCert: this.tlsCert,
tlsKey: this.tlsKey,
kafkaProducerSaslOptions: JSON.parse(this.kafkaProducerSaslOptions),
rabbitmqUsername: this.rabbitmqUsername,
rabbitmqPassword: this.rabbitmqPassword,
data.includeSensitiveData = includeSensitiveData;
return data;
* Get all tags applied to this monitor
* @returns {Promise<LooseObject<any>[]>} List of tags on the
* monitor
async getTags() {
return await R.getAll("SELECT mt.*, tag.name, tag.color FROM monitor_tag mt JOIN tag ON mt.tag_id = tag.id WHERE mt.monitor_id = ? ORDER BY tag.name", [ this.id ]);
* Gets certificate expiry for this monitor
* @param {number} monitorID ID of monitor to send
* @returns {Promise<LooseObject<any>>} Certificate expiry info for
* monitor
async getCertExpiry(monitorID) {
let tlsInfoBean = await R.findOne("monitor_tls_info", "monitor_id = ?", [
let tlsInfo;
if (tlsInfoBean) {
tlsInfo = JSON.parse(tlsInfoBean?.info_json);
if (tlsInfo?.valid && tlsInfo?.certInfo?.daysRemaining) {
return {
certExpiryDaysRemaining: tlsInfo.certInfo.daysRemaining,
validCert: true
return {
certExpiryDaysRemaining: "",
validCert: false
* Encode user and password to Base64 encoding
* for HTTP "basic" auth, as per RFC-7617
* @param {string|null} user - The username (nullable if not changed by a user)
* @param {string|null} pass - The password (nullable if not changed by a user)
* @returns {string} Encoded Base64 string
encodeBase64(user, pass) {
return Buffer.from(`${user || ""}:${pass || ""}`).toString("base64");
* Is the TLS expiry notification enabled?
* @returns {boolean} Enabled?
isEnabledExpiryNotification() {
return Boolean(this.expiryNotification);
* Parse to boolean
* @returns {boolean} Should TLS errors be ignored?
getIgnoreTls() {
return Boolean(this.ignoreTls);
* Parse to boolean
* @returns {boolean} Is the monitor in upside down mode?
isUpsideDown() {
return Boolean(this.upsideDown);
* Parse to boolean
* @returns {boolean} Invert keyword match?
isInvertKeyword() {
return Boolean(this.invertKeyword);
* Parse to boolean
* @returns {boolean} Enable TLS for gRPC?
getGrpcEnableTls() {
return Boolean(this.grpcEnableTls);
* Parse to boolean
* @returns {boolean} if cachebusting is enabled
getCacheBust() {
return Boolean(this.cacheBust);
* Get accepted status codes
* @returns {object} Accepted status codes
getAcceptedStatuscodes() {
return JSON.parse(this.accepted_statuscodes_json);
* Get if game dig should only use the port which was provided
* @returns {boolean} gamedig should only use the provided port
getGameDigGivenPortOnly() {
return Boolean(this.gamedigGivenPortOnly);
* Parse to boolean
* @returns {boolean} Kafka Producer Ssl enabled?
getKafkaProducerSsl() {
return Boolean(this.kafkaProducerSsl);
* Parse to boolean
* @returns {boolean} Kafka Producer Allow Auto Topic Creation Enabled?
getKafkaProducerAllowAutoTopicCreation() {
return Boolean(this.kafkaProducerAllowAutoTopicCreation);
* Start monitor
* @param {Server} io Socket server instance
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async start(io) {
let previousBeat = null;
let retries = 0;
this.prometheus = new Prometheus(this);
const beat = async () => {
let beatInterval = this.interval;
if (! beatInterval) {
beatInterval = 1;
if (demoMode) {
if (beatInterval < 20) {
console.log("beat interval too low, reset to 20s");
beatInterval = 20;
// Expose here for prometheus update
// undefined if not https
let tlsInfo = undefined;
if (!previousBeat || this.type === "push") {
previousBeat = await R.findOne("heartbeat", " monitor_id = ? ORDER BY time DESC", [
if (previousBeat) {
retries = previousBeat.retries;
const isFirstBeat = !previousBeat;
let bean = R.dispense("heartbeat");
bean.monitor_id = this.id;
bean.time = R.isoDateTimeMillis(dayjs.utc());
bean.status = DOWN;
bean.downCount = previousBeat?.downCount || 0;
if (this.isUpsideDown()) {
bean.status = flipStatus(bean.status);
// Runtime patch timeout if it is 0
// See https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/pull/3961#issuecomment-1804149144
if (!this.timeout || this.timeout <= 0) {
this.timeout = this.interval * 1000 * 0.8;
try {
if (await Monitor.isUnderMaintenance(this.id)) {
bean.msg = "Monitor under maintenance";
bean.status = MAINTENANCE;
} else if (this.type === "group") {
const children = await Monitor.getChildren(this.id);
if (children.length > 0) {
bean.status = UP;
bean.msg = "All children up and running";
for (const child of children) {
if (!child.active) {
// Ignore inactive childs
const lastBeat = await Monitor.getPreviousHeartbeat(child.id);
// Only change state if the monitor is in worse conditions then the ones before
// lastBeat.status could be null
if (!lastBeat) {
bean.status = PENDING;
} else if (bean.status === UP && (lastBeat.status === PENDING || lastBeat.status === DOWN)) {
bean.status = lastBeat.status;
} else if (bean.status === PENDING && lastBeat.status === DOWN) {
bean.status = lastBeat.status;
if (bean.status !== UP) {
bean.msg = "Child inaccessible";
} else {
// Set status pending if group is empty
bean.status = PENDING;
bean.msg = "Group empty";
} else if (this.type === "http" || this.type === "keyword" || this.type === "json-query") {
// Do not do any queries/high loading things before the "bean.ping"
let startTime = dayjs().valueOf();
// HTTP basic auth
let basicAuthHeader = {};
if (this.auth_method === "basic") {
basicAuthHeader = {
"Authorization": "Basic " + this.encodeBase64(this.basic_auth_user, this.basic_auth_pass),
// OIDC: Basic client credential flow.
// Additional grants might be implemented in the future
let oauth2AuthHeader = {};
if (this.auth_method === "oauth2-cc") {
try {
if (this.oauthAccessToken === undefined || new Date(this.oauthAccessToken.expires_at * 1000) <= new Date()) {
this.oauthAccessToken = await this.makeOidcTokenClientCredentialsRequest();
oauth2AuthHeader = {
"Authorization": this.oauthAccessToken.token_type + " " + this.oauthAccessToken.access_token,
} catch (e) {
throw new Error("The oauth config is invalid. " + e.message);
const httpsAgentOptions = {
maxCachedSessions: 0, // Use Custom agent to disable session reuse (https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/3940)
rejectUnauthorized: !this.getIgnoreTls(),
secureOptions: crypto.constants.SSL_OP_LEGACY_SERVER_CONNECT,
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] Prepare Options for axios`);
let contentType = null;
let bodyValue = null;
if (this.body && (typeof this.body === "string" && this.body.trim().length > 0)) {
if (!this.httpBodyEncoding || this.httpBodyEncoding === "json") {
try {
bodyValue = JSON.parse(this.body);
contentType = "application/json";
} catch (e) {
throw new Error("Your JSON body is invalid. " + e.message);
} else if (this.httpBodyEncoding === "form") {
bodyValue = this.body;
contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
} else if (this.httpBodyEncoding === "xml") {
bodyValue = this.body;
contentType = "text/xml; charset=utf-8";
// Axios Options
const options = {
url: this.url,
method: (this.method || "get").toLowerCase(),
timeout: this.timeout * 1000,
headers: {
"Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9",
...(contentType ? { "Content-Type": contentType } : {}),
...(this.headers ? JSON.parse(this.headers) : {})
maxRedirects: this.maxredirects,
validateStatus: (status) => {
return checkStatusCode(status, this.getAcceptedStatuscodes());
signal: axiosAbortSignal((this.timeout + 10) * 1000),
if (bodyValue) {
options.data = bodyValue;
if (this.cacheBust) {
const randomFloatString = Math.random().toString(36);
const cacheBust = randomFloatString.substring(2);
options.params = {
uptime_kuma_cachebuster: cacheBust,
if (this.proxy_id) {
const proxy = await R.load("proxy", this.proxy_id);
if (proxy && proxy.active) {
const { httpAgent, httpsAgent } = Proxy.createAgents(proxy, {
httpsAgentOptions: httpsAgentOptions,
options.proxy = false;
options.httpAgent = httpAgent;
options.httpsAgent = httpsAgent;
if (!options.httpsAgent) {
let jar = new CookieJar();
let httpsCookieAgentOptions = {
cookies: { jar }
options.httpsAgent = new HttpsCookieAgent(httpsCookieAgentOptions);
if (this.auth_method === "mtls") {
if (this.tlsCert !== null && this.tlsCert !== "") {
options.httpsAgent.options.cert = Buffer.from(this.tlsCert);
if (this.tlsCa !== null && this.tlsCa !== "") {
options.httpsAgent.options.ca = Buffer.from(this.tlsCa);
if (this.tlsKey !== null && this.tlsKey !== "") {
options.httpsAgent.options.key = Buffer.from(this.tlsKey);
let tlsInfo = {};
// Store tlsInfo when secureConnect event is emitted
// The keylog event listener is a workaround to access the tlsSocket
options.httpsAgent.once("keylog", async (line, tlsSocket) => {
tlsSocket.once("secureConnect", async () => {
tlsInfo = checkCertificate(tlsSocket);
tlsInfo.valid = tlsSocket.authorized || false;
await this.handleTlsInfo(tlsInfo);
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] Axios Options: ${JSON.stringify(options)}`);
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] Axios Request`);
// Make Request
let res = await this.makeAxiosRequest(options);
bean.msg = `${res.status} - ${res.statusText}`;
bean.ping = dayjs().valueOf() - startTime;
// fallback for if kelog event is not emitted, but we may still have tlsInfo,
// e.g. if the connection is made through a proxy
if (this.getUrl()?.protocol === "https:" && tlsInfo.valid === undefined) {
const tlsSocket = res.request.res.socket;
if (tlsSocket) {
tlsInfo = checkCertificate(tlsSocket);
tlsInfo.valid = tlsSocket.authorized || false;
await this.handleTlsInfo(tlsInfo);
if (process.env.UPTIME_KUMA_LOG_RESPONSE_BODY_MONITOR_ID === this.id) {
log.info("monitor", res.data);
if (this.type === "http") {
bean.status = UP;
} else if (this.type === "keyword") {
let data = res.data;
// Convert to string for object/array
if (typeof data !== "string") {
data = JSON.stringify(data);
let keywordFound = data.includes(this.keyword);
if (keywordFound === !this.isInvertKeyword()) {
bean.msg += ", keyword " + (keywordFound ? "is" : "not") + " found";
bean.status = UP;
} else {
data = data.replace(/<[^>]*>?|[\n\r]|\s+/gm, " ").trim();
if (data.length > 50) {
data = data.substring(0, 47) + "...";
throw new Error(bean.msg + ", but keyword is " +
(keywordFound ? "present" : "not") + " in [" + data + "]");
} else if (this.type === "json-query") {
let data = res.data;
const { status, response } = await evaluateJsonQuery(data, this.jsonPath, this.jsonPathOperator, this.expectedValue);
if (status) {
bean.status = UP;
bean.msg = `JSON query passes (comparing ${response} ${this.jsonPathOperator} ${this.expectedValue})`;
} else {
throw new Error(`JSON query does not pass (comparing ${response} ${this.jsonPathOperator} ${this.expectedValue})`);
} else if (this.type === "port") {
bean.ping = await tcping(this.hostname, this.port);
bean.msg = "";
bean.status = UP;
} else if (this.type === "ping") {
bean.ping = await ping(this.hostname, this.packetSize);
bean.msg = "";
bean.status = UP;
} else if (this.type === "push") { // Type: Push
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] Checking monitor at ${dayjs().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS")}`);
const bufferTime = 1000; // 1s buffer to accommodate clock differences
if (previousBeat) {
const msSinceLastBeat = dayjs.utc().valueOf() - dayjs.utc(previousBeat.time).valueOf();
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] msSinceLastBeat = ${msSinceLastBeat}`);
// If the previous beat was down or pending we use the regular
// beatInterval/retryInterval in the setTimeout further below
if (previousBeat.status !== (this.isUpsideDown() ? DOWN : UP) || msSinceLastBeat > beatInterval * 1000 + bufferTime) {
bean.duration = Math.round(msSinceLastBeat / 1000);
throw new Error("No heartbeat in the time window");
} else {
let timeout = beatInterval * 1000 - msSinceLastBeat;
if (timeout < 0) {
timeout = bufferTime;
} else {
timeout += bufferTime;
// No need to insert successful heartbeat for push type, so end here
retries = 0;
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] timeout = ${timeout}`);
this.heartbeatInterval = setTimeout(safeBeat, timeout);
} else {
bean.duration = beatInterval;
throw new Error("No heartbeat in the time window");
} else if (this.type === "steam") {
const steamApiUrl = "https://api.steampowered.com/IGameServersService/GetServerList/v1/";
const steamAPIKey = await setting("steamAPIKey");
const filter = `addr\\${this.hostname}:${this.port}`;
if (!steamAPIKey) {
throw new Error("Steam API Key not found");
let res = await axios.get(steamApiUrl, {
timeout: this.timeout * 1000,
headers: {
"Accept": "*/*",
httpsAgent: new https.Agent({
maxCachedSessions: 0, // Use Custom agent to disable session reuse (https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/3940)
rejectUnauthorized: !this.getIgnoreTls(),
secureOptions: crypto.constants.SSL_OP_LEGACY_SERVER_CONNECT,
httpAgent: new http.Agent({
maxCachedSessions: 0,
maxRedirects: this.maxredirects,
validateStatus: (status) => {
return checkStatusCode(status, this.getAcceptedStatuscodes());
params: {
filter: filter,
key: steamAPIKey,
if (res.data.response && res.data.response.servers && res.data.response.servers.length > 0) {
bean.status = UP;
bean.msg = res.data.response.servers[0].name;
try {
bean.ping = await ping(this.hostname, this.packetSize);
} catch (_) { }
} else {
throw new Error("Server not found on Steam");
} else if (this.type === "gamedig") {
try {
const state = await Gamedig.query({
type: this.game,
host: this.hostname,
port: this.port,
givenPortOnly: this.getGameDigGivenPortOnly(),
bean.msg = state.name;
bean.status = UP;
bean.ping = state.ping;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(e.message);
} else if (this.type === "docker") {
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] Prepare Options for Axios`);
const options = {
url: `/containers/${this.docker_container}/json`,
timeout: this.interval * 1000 * 0.8,
headers: {
"Accept": "*/*",
httpsAgent: new https.Agent({
maxCachedSessions: 0, // Use Custom agent to disable session reuse (https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/3940)
rejectUnauthorized: !this.getIgnoreTls(),
secureOptions: crypto.constants.SSL_OP_LEGACY_SERVER_CONNECT,
httpAgent: new http.Agent({
maxCachedSessions: 0,
const dockerHost = await R.load("docker_host", this.docker_host);
if (!dockerHost) {
throw new Error("Failed to load docker host config");
if (dockerHost._dockerType === "socket") {
options.socketPath = dockerHost._dockerDaemon;
} else if (dockerHost._dockerType === "tcp") {
options.baseURL = DockerHost.patchDockerURL(dockerHost._dockerDaemon);
options.httpsAgent = new https.Agent(
DockerHost.getHttpsAgentOptions(dockerHost._dockerType, options.baseURL)
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] Axios Request`);
let res = await axios.request(options);
if (res.data.State.Running) {
if (res.data.State.Health && res.data.State.Health.Status !== "healthy") {
bean.status = PENDING;
bean.msg = res.data.State.Health.Status;
} else {
bean.status = UP;
bean.msg = res.data.State.Health ? res.data.State.Health.Status : res.data.State.Status;
} else {
throw Error("Container State is " + res.data.State.Status);
} else if (this.type === "sqlserver") {
let startTime = dayjs().valueOf();
await mssqlQuery(this.databaseConnectionString, this.databaseQuery || "SELECT 1");
bean.msg = "";
bean.status = UP;
bean.ping = dayjs().valueOf() - startTime;
} else if (this.type === "grpc-keyword") {
let startTime = dayjs().valueOf();
const options = {
grpcUrl: this.grpcUrl,
grpcProtobufData: this.grpcProtobuf,
grpcServiceName: this.grpcServiceName,
grpcEnableTls: this.grpcEnableTls,
grpcMethod: this.grpcMethod,
grpcBody: this.grpcBody,
const response = await grpcQuery(options);
bean.ping = dayjs().valueOf() - startTime;
log.debug("monitor:", `gRPC response: ${JSON.stringify(response)}`);
let responseData = response.data;
if (responseData.length > 50) {
responseData = responseData.toString().substring(0, 47) + "...";
if (response.code !== 1) {
bean.status = DOWN;
bean.msg = `Error in send gRPC ${response.code} ${response.errorMessage}`;
} else {
let keywordFound = response.data.toString().includes(this.keyword);
if (keywordFound === !this.isInvertKeyword()) {
bean.status = UP;
bean.msg = `${responseData}, keyword [${this.keyword}] ${keywordFound ? "is" : "not"} found`;
} else {
log.debug("monitor:", `GRPC response [${response.data}] + ", but keyword [${this.keyword}] is ${keywordFound ? "present" : "not"} in [" + ${response.data} + "]"`);
bean.status = DOWN;
bean.msg = `, but keyword [${this.keyword}] is ${keywordFound ? "present" : "not"} in [" + ${responseData} + "]`;
} else if (this.type === "postgres") {
let startTime = dayjs().valueOf();
await postgresQuery(this.databaseConnectionString, this.databaseQuery || "SELECT 1");
bean.msg = "";
bean.status = UP;
bean.ping = dayjs().valueOf() - startTime;
} else if (this.type === "mysql") {
let startTime = dayjs().valueOf();
// Use `radius_password` as `password` field, since there are too many unnecessary fields
// TODO: rename `radius_password` to `password` later for general use
let mysqlPassword = this.radiusPassword;
bean.msg = await mysqlQuery(this.databaseConnectionString, this.databaseQuery || "SELECT 1", mysqlPassword);
bean.status = UP;
bean.ping = dayjs().valueOf() - startTime;
} else if (this.type === "radius") {
let startTime = dayjs().valueOf();
// Handle monitors that were created before the
// update and as such don't have a value for
// this.port.
let port;
if (this.port == null) {
port = 1812;
} else {
port = this.port;
const resp = await radius(
this.interval * 1000 * 0.4,
bean.msg = resp.code;
bean.status = UP;
bean.ping = dayjs().valueOf() - startTime;
} else if (this.type === "redis") {
let startTime = dayjs().valueOf();
bean.msg = await redisPingAsync(this.databaseConnectionString, !this.ignoreTls);
bean.status = UP;
bean.ping = dayjs().valueOf() - startTime;
} else if (this.type in UptimeKumaServer.monitorTypeList) {
let startTime = dayjs().valueOf();
const monitorType = UptimeKumaServer.monitorTypeList[this.type];
await monitorType.check(this, bean, UptimeKumaServer.getInstance());
if (!bean.ping) {
bean.ping = dayjs().valueOf() - startTime;
} else if (this.type === "kafka-producer") {
let startTime = dayjs().valueOf();
bean.msg = await kafkaProducerAsync(
allowAutoTopicCreation: this.kafkaProducerAllowAutoTopicCreation,
ssl: this.kafkaProducerSsl,
clientId: `Uptime-Kuma/${version}`,
interval: this.interval,
bean.status = UP;
bean.ping = dayjs().valueOf() - startTime;
} else {
throw new Error("Unknown Monitor Type");
if (this.isUpsideDown()) {
bean.status = flipStatus(bean.status);
if (bean.status === DOWN) {
throw new Error("Flip UP to DOWN");
retries = 0;
} catch (error) {
if (error?.name === "CanceledError") {
bean.msg = `timeout by AbortSignal (${this.timeout}s)`;
} else {
bean.msg = error.message;
// If UP come in here, it must be upside down mode
// Just reset the retries
if (this.isUpsideDown() && bean.status === UP) {
retries = 0;
} else if ((this.maxretries > 0) && (retries < this.maxretries)) {
bean.status = PENDING;
} else {
// Continue counting retries during DOWN
bean.retries = retries;
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] Check isImportant`);
let isImportant = Monitor.isImportantBeat(isFirstBeat, previousBeat?.status, bean.status);
// Mark as important if status changed, ignore pending pings,
// Don't notify if disrupted changes to up
if (isImportant) {
bean.important = true;
if (Monitor.isImportantForNotification(isFirstBeat, previousBeat?.status, bean.status)) {
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] sendNotification`);
await Monitor.sendNotification(isFirstBeat, this, bean);
} else {
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] will not sendNotification because it is (or was) under maintenance`);
// Reset down count
bean.downCount = 0;
// Clear Status Page Cache
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] apicache clear`);
await UptimeKumaServer.getInstance().sendMaintenanceListByUserID(this.user_id);
} else {
bean.important = false;
if (bean.status === DOWN && this.resendInterval > 0) {
if (bean.downCount >= this.resendInterval) {
// Send notification again, because we are still DOWN
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] sendNotification again: Down Count: ${bean.downCount} | Resend Interval: ${this.resendInterval}`);
await Monitor.sendNotification(isFirstBeat, this, bean);
// Reset down count
bean.downCount = 0;
if (bean.status === UP) {
log.debug("monitor", `Monitor #${this.id} '${this.name}': Successful Response: ${bean.ping} ms | Interval: ${beatInterval} seconds | Type: ${this.type}`);
} else if (bean.status === PENDING) {
if (this.retryInterval > 0) {
beatInterval = this.retryInterval;
log.warn("monitor", `Monitor #${this.id} '${this.name}': Pending: ${bean.msg} | Max retries: ${this.maxretries} | Retry: ${retries} | Retry Interval: ${beatInterval} seconds | Type: ${this.type}`);
} else if (bean.status === MAINTENANCE) {
log.warn("monitor", `Monitor #${this.id} '${this.name}': Under Maintenance | Type: ${this.type}`);
} else {
log.warn("monitor", `Monitor #${this.id} '${this.name}': Failing: ${bean.msg} | Interval: ${beatInterval} seconds | Type: ${this.type} | Down Count: ${bean.downCount} | Resend Interval: ${this.resendInterval}`);
// Calculate uptime
let uptimeCalculator = await UptimeCalculator.getUptimeCalculator(this.id);
let endTimeDayjs = await uptimeCalculator.update(bean.status, parseFloat(bean.ping));
bean.end_time = R.isoDateTimeMillis(endTimeDayjs);
// Send to frontend
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] Send to socket`);
io.to(this.user_id).emit("heartbeat", bean.toJSON());
Monitor.sendStats(io, this.id, this.user_id);
// Store to database
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] Store`);
await R.store(bean);
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] prometheus.update`);
this.prometheus?.update(bean, tlsInfo);
previousBeat = bean;
if (! this.isStop) {
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] SetTimeout for next check.`);
let intervalRemainingMs = Math.max(
beatInterval * 1000 - dayjs().diff(dayjs.utc(bean.time))
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] Next heartbeat in: ${intervalRemainingMs}ms`);
this.heartbeatInterval = setTimeout(safeBeat, intervalRemainingMs);
} else {
log.info("monitor", `[${this.name}] isStop = true, no next check.`);
* Get a heartbeat and handle errors7
* @returns {void}
const safeBeat = async () => {
try {
await beat();
} catch (e) {
UptimeKumaServer.errorLog(e, false);
log.error("monitor", "Please report to https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/issues");
if (! this.isStop) {
log.info("monitor", "Try to restart the monitor");
this.heartbeatInterval = setTimeout(safeBeat, this.interval * 1000);
// Delay Push Type
if (this.type === "push") {
setTimeout(() => {
}, this.interval * 1000);
} else {
* Make a request using axios
* @param {object} options Options for Axios
* @param {boolean} finalCall Should this be the final call i.e
* don't retry on failure
* @returns {object} Axios response
async makeAxiosRequest(options, finalCall = false) {
try {
let res;
if (this.auth_method === "ntlm") {
options.httpsAgent.keepAlive = true;
res = await httpNtlm(options, {
username: this.basic_auth_user,
password: this.basic_auth_pass,
domain: this.authDomain,
workstation: this.authWorkstation ? this.authWorkstation : undefined
} else {
res = await axios.request(options);
return res;
} catch (error) {
* Make a single attempt to obtain an new access token in the event that
* the recent api request failed for authentication purposes
if (this.auth_method === "oauth2-cc" && error.response.status === 401 && !finalCall) {
this.oauthAccessToken = await this.makeOidcTokenClientCredentialsRequest();
let oauth2AuthHeader = {
"Authorization": this.oauthAccessToken.token_type + " " + this.oauthAccessToken.access_token,
options.headers = { ...(options.headers),
return this.makeAxiosRequest(options, true);
// Fix #2253
// Read more: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1759956/curl-error-18-transfer-closed-with-outstanding-read-data-remaining
if (!finalCall && typeof error.message === "string" && error.message.includes("maxContentLength size of -1 exceeded")) {
log.debug("monitor", "makeAxiosRequest with gzip");
options.headers["Accept-Encoding"] = "gzip, deflate";
return this.makeAxiosRequest(options, true);
} else {
if (typeof error.message === "string" && error.message.includes("maxContentLength size of -1 exceeded")) {
error.message = "response timeout: incomplete response within a interval";
throw error;
* Stop monitor
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async stop() {
this.isStop = true;
* Get prometheus instance
* @returns {Prometheus|undefined} Current prometheus instance
getPrometheus() {
return this.prometheus;
* Helper Method:
* returns URL object for further usage
* returns null if url is invalid
* @returns {(null|URL)} Monitor URL
getUrl() {
try {
return new URL(this.url);
} catch (_) {
return null;
* Example: http: or https:
* @returns {(null|string)} URL's protocol
getURLProtocol() {
const url = this.getUrl();
if (url) {
return this.getUrl().protocol;
} else {
return null;
* Store TLS info to database
* @param {object} checkCertificateResult Certificate to update
* @returns {Promise<object>} Updated certificate
async updateTlsInfo(checkCertificateResult) {
let tlsInfoBean = await R.findOne("monitor_tls_info", "monitor_id = ?", [
if (tlsInfoBean == null) {
tlsInfoBean = R.dispense("monitor_tls_info");
tlsInfoBean.monitor_id = this.id;
} else {
// Clear sent history if the cert changed.
try {
let oldCertInfo = JSON.parse(tlsInfoBean.info_json);
let isValidObjects = oldCertInfo && oldCertInfo.certInfo && checkCertificateResult && checkCertificateResult.certInfo;
if (isValidObjects) {
if (oldCertInfo.certInfo.fingerprint256 !== checkCertificateResult.certInfo.fingerprint256) {
log.debug("monitor", "Resetting sent_history");
await R.exec("DELETE FROM notification_sent_history WHERE type = 'certificate' AND monitor_id = ?", [
} else {
log.debug("monitor", "No need to reset sent_history");
log.debug("monitor", oldCertInfo.certInfo.fingerprint256);
log.debug("monitor", checkCertificateResult.certInfo.fingerprint256);
} else {
log.debug("monitor", "Not valid object");
} catch (e) { }
tlsInfoBean.info_json = JSON.stringify(checkCertificateResult);
await R.store(tlsInfoBean);
return checkCertificateResult;
* Checks if the monitor is active based on itself and its parents
* @param {number} monitorID ID of monitor to send
* @param {boolean} active is active
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} Is the monitor active?
static async isActive(monitorID, active) {
const parentActive = await Monitor.isParentActive(monitorID);
return (active === 1) && parentActive;
* Send statistics to clients
* @param {Server} io Socket server instance
* @param {number} monitorID ID of monitor to send
* @param {number} userID ID of user to send to
* @returns {void}
static async sendStats(io, monitorID, userID) {
const hasClients = getTotalClientInRoom(io, userID) > 0;
let uptimeCalculator = await UptimeCalculator.getUptimeCalculator(monitorID);
if (hasClients) {
// Send 24 hour average ping
let data24h = await uptimeCalculator.get24Hour();
io.to(userID).emit("avgPing", monitorID, (data24h.avgPing) ? Number(data24h.avgPing.toFixed(2)) : null);
// Send 24 hour uptime
io.to(userID).emit("uptime", monitorID, 24, data24h.uptime);
// Send 30 day uptime
let data30d = await uptimeCalculator.get30Day();
io.to(userID).emit("uptime", monitorID, 720, data30d.uptime);
// Send 1-year uptime
let data1y = await uptimeCalculator.get1Year();
io.to(userID).emit("uptime", monitorID, "1y", data1y.uptime);
// Send Cert Info
await Monitor.sendCertInfo(io, monitorID, userID);
} else {
log.debug("monitor", "No clients in the room, no need to send stats");
* Send certificate information to client
* @param {Server} io Socket server instance
* @param {number} monitorID ID of monitor to send
* @param {number} userID ID of user to send to
* @returns {void}
static async sendCertInfo(io, monitorID, userID) {
let tlsInfo = await R.findOne("monitor_tls_info", "monitor_id = ?", [
if (tlsInfo != null) {
io.to(userID).emit("certInfo", monitorID, tlsInfo.info_json);
* Has status of monitor changed since last beat?
* @param {boolean} isFirstBeat Is this the first beat of this monitor?
* @param {const} previousBeatStatus Status of the previous beat
* @param {const} currentBeatStatus Status of the current beat
* @returns {boolean} True if is an important beat else false
static isImportantBeat(isFirstBeat, previousBeatStatus, currentBeatStatus) {
// * ? -> ANY STATUS = important [isFirstBeat]
// UP -> PENDING = not important
// * UP -> DOWN = important
// UP -> UP = not important
// PENDING -> PENDING = not important
// * PENDING -> DOWN = important
// PENDING -> UP = not important
// DOWN -> PENDING = this case not exists
// DOWN -> DOWN = not important
// * DOWN -> UP = important
// MAINTENANCE -> MAINTENANCE = not important
// * MAINTENANCE -> UP = important
// * MAINTENANCE -> DOWN = important
// * DOWN -> MAINTENANCE = important
// * UP -> MAINTENANCE = important
return isFirstBeat ||
(previousBeatStatus === DOWN && currentBeatStatus === MAINTENANCE) ||
(previousBeatStatus === UP && currentBeatStatus === MAINTENANCE) ||
(previousBeatStatus === MAINTENANCE && currentBeatStatus === DOWN) ||
(previousBeatStatus === MAINTENANCE && currentBeatStatus === UP) ||
(previousBeatStatus === UP && currentBeatStatus === DOWN) ||
(previousBeatStatus === DOWN && currentBeatStatus === UP) ||
(previousBeatStatus === PENDING && currentBeatStatus === DOWN);
* Is this beat important for notifications?
* @param {boolean} isFirstBeat Is this the first beat of this monitor?
* @param {const} previousBeatStatus Status of the previous beat
* @param {const} currentBeatStatus Status of the current beat
* @returns {boolean} True if is an important beat else false
static isImportantForNotification(isFirstBeat, previousBeatStatus, currentBeatStatus) {
// * ? -> ANY STATUS = important [isFirstBeat]
// UP -> PENDING = not important
// * UP -> DOWN = important
// UP -> UP = not important
// PENDING -> PENDING = not important
// * PENDING -> DOWN = important
// PENDING -> UP = not important
// DOWN -> PENDING = this case not exists
// DOWN -> DOWN = not important
// * DOWN -> UP = important
// MAINTENANCE -> MAINTENANCE = not important
// MAINTENANCE -> UP = not important
// * MAINTENANCE -> DOWN = important
// DOWN -> MAINTENANCE = not important
// UP -> MAINTENANCE = not important
return isFirstBeat ||
(previousBeatStatus === MAINTENANCE && currentBeatStatus === DOWN) ||
(previousBeatStatus === UP && currentBeatStatus === DOWN) ||
(previousBeatStatus === DOWN && currentBeatStatus === UP) ||
(previousBeatStatus === PENDING && currentBeatStatus === DOWN);
* Send a notification about a monitor
* @param {boolean} isFirstBeat Is this beat the first of this monitor?
* @param {Monitor} monitor The monitor to send a notificaton about
* @param {Bean} bean Status information about monitor
* @returns {void}
static async sendNotification(isFirstBeat, monitor, bean) {
if (!isFirstBeat || bean.status === DOWN) {
const notificationList = await Monitor.getNotificationList(monitor);
let text;
if (bean.status === UP) {
text = "✅ Up";
} else {
text = "🔴 Down";
let msg = `[${monitor.name}] [${text}] ${bean.msg}`;
for (let notification of notificationList) {
try {
const heartbeatJSON = bean.toJSON();
const monitorData = [{ id: monitor.id,
active: monitor.active
const preloadData = await Monitor.preparePreloadData(monitorData);
// Prevent if the msg is undefined, notifications such as Discord cannot send out.
if (!heartbeatJSON["msg"]) {
heartbeatJSON["msg"] = "N/A";
// Also provide the time in server timezone
heartbeatJSON["timezone"] = await UptimeKumaServer.getInstance().getTimezone();
heartbeatJSON["timezoneOffset"] = UptimeKumaServer.getInstance().getTimezoneOffset();
heartbeatJSON["localDateTime"] = dayjs.utc(heartbeatJSON["time"]).tz(heartbeatJSON["timezone"]).format(SQL_DATETIME_FORMAT);
await Notification.send(JSON.parse(notification.config), msg, monitor.toJSON(preloadData, false), heartbeatJSON);
} catch (e) {
log.error("monitor", "Cannot send notification to " + notification.name);
log.error("monitor", e);
* Get list of notification providers for a given monitor
* @param {Monitor} monitor Monitor to get notification providers for
* @returns {Promise<LooseObject<any>[]>} List of notifications
static async getNotificationList(monitor) {
let notificationList = await R.getAll("SELECT notification.* FROM notification, monitor_notification WHERE monitor_id = ? AND monitor_notification.notification_id = notification.id ", [
return notificationList;
* checks certificate chain for expiring certificates
* @param {object} tlsInfoObject Information about certificate
* @returns {void}
async checkCertExpiryNotifications(tlsInfoObject) {
if (tlsInfoObject && tlsInfoObject.certInfo && tlsInfoObject.certInfo.daysRemaining) {
const notificationList = await Monitor.getNotificationList(this);
if (! notificationList.length > 0) {
// fail fast. If no notification is set, all the following checks can be skipped.
log.debug("monitor", "No notification, no need to send cert notification");
let notifyDays = await setting("tlsExpiryNotifyDays");
if (notifyDays == null || !Array.isArray(notifyDays)) {
// Reset Default
await setSetting("tlsExpiryNotifyDays", [ 7, 14, 21 ], "general");
notifyDays = [ 7, 14, 21 ];
if (Array.isArray(notifyDays)) {
for (const targetDays of notifyDays) {
let certInfo = tlsInfoObject.certInfo;
while (certInfo) {
let subjectCN = certInfo.subject["CN"];
if (rootCertificates.has(certInfo.fingerprint256)) {
log.debug("monitor", `Known root cert: ${certInfo.certType} certificate "${subjectCN}" (${certInfo.daysRemaining} days valid) on ${targetDays} deadline.`);
} else if (certInfo.daysRemaining > targetDays) {
log.debug("monitor", `No need to send cert notification for ${certInfo.certType} certificate "${subjectCN}" (${certInfo.daysRemaining} days valid) on ${targetDays} deadline.`);
} else {
log.debug("monitor", `call sendCertNotificationByTargetDays for ${targetDays} deadline on certificate ${subjectCN}.`);
await this.sendCertNotificationByTargetDays(subjectCN, certInfo.certType, certInfo.daysRemaining, targetDays, notificationList);
certInfo = certInfo.issuerCertificate;
* Send a certificate notification when certificate expires in less
* than target days
* @param {string} certCN Common Name attribute from the certificate subject
* @param {string} certType certificate type
* @param {number} daysRemaining Number of days remaining on certificate
* @param {number} targetDays Number of days to alert after
* @param {LooseObject<any>[]} notificationList List of notification providers
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async sendCertNotificationByTargetDays(certCN, certType, daysRemaining, targetDays, notificationList) {
let row = await R.getRow("SELECT * FROM notification_sent_history WHERE type = ? AND monitor_id = ? AND days <= ?", [
// Sent already, no need to send again
if (row) {
log.debug("monitor", "Sent already, no need to send again");
let sent = false;
log.debug("monitor", "Send certificate notification");
for (let notification of notificationList) {
try {
log.debug("monitor", "Sending to " + notification.name);
await Notification.send(JSON.parse(notification.config), `[${this.name}](${this.url}) ${certType} certificate ${certCN} will be expired in ${daysRemaining} days`);
sent = true;
} catch (e) {
log.error("monitor", "Cannot send cert notification to " + notification.name);
log.error("monitor", e);
if (sent) {
await R.exec("INSERT INTO notification_sent_history (type, monitor_id, days) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", [
* Get the status of the previous heartbeat
* @param {number} monitorID ID of monitor to check
* @returns {Promise<LooseObject<any>>} Previous heartbeat
static async getPreviousHeartbeat(monitorID) {
return await R.findOne("heartbeat", " id = (select MAX(id) from heartbeat where monitor_id = ?)", [
* Check if monitor is under maintenance
* @param {number} monitorID ID of monitor to check
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} Is the monitor under maintenance
static async isUnderMaintenance(monitorID) {
const maintenanceIDList = await R.getCol(`
SELECT maintenance_id FROM monitor_maintenance
WHERE monitor_id = ?
`, [ monitorID ]);
for (const maintenanceID of maintenanceIDList) {
const maintenance = await UptimeKumaServer.getInstance().getMaintenance(maintenanceID);
if (maintenance && await maintenance.isUnderMaintenance()) {
return true;
const parent = await Monitor.getParent(monitorID);
if (parent != null) {
return await Monitor.isUnderMaintenance(parent.id);
return false;
* Make sure monitor interval is between bounds
* @returns {void}
* @throws Interval is outside of range
validate() {
if (this.interval > MAX_INTERVAL_SECOND) {
throw new Error(`Interval cannot be more than ${MAX_INTERVAL_SECOND} seconds`);
if (this.interval < MIN_INTERVAL_SECOND) {
throw new Error(`Interval cannot be less than ${MIN_INTERVAL_SECOND} seconds`);
* Gets monitor notification of multiple monitor
* @param {Array} monitorIDs IDs of monitor to get
* @returns {Promise<LooseObject<any>>} object
static async getMonitorNotification(monitorIDs) {
return await R.getAll(`
SELECT monitor_notification.monitor_id, monitor_notification.notification_id
FROM monitor_notification
WHERE monitor_notification.monitor_id IN (${monitorIDs.map((_) => "?").join(",")})
`, monitorIDs);
* Gets monitor tags of multiple monitor
* @param {Array} monitorIDs IDs of monitor to get
* @returns {Promise<LooseObject<any>>} object
static async getMonitorTag(monitorIDs) {
return await R.getAll(`
SELECT monitor_tag.monitor_id, monitor_tag.tag_id, monitor_tag.value, tag.name, tag.color
FROM monitor_tag
JOIN tag ON monitor_tag.tag_id = tag.id
WHERE monitor_tag.monitor_id IN (${monitorIDs.map((_) => "?").join(",")})
`, monitorIDs);
* prepare preloaded data for efficient access
* @param {Array} monitorData IDs & active field of monitor to get
* @returns {Promise<LooseObject<any>>} object
static async preparePreloadData(monitorData) {
const notificationsMap = new Map();
const tagsMap = new Map();
const maintenanceStatusMap = new Map();
const childrenIDsMap = new Map();
const activeStatusMap = new Map();
const forceInactiveMap = new Map();
const pathsMap = new Map();
if (monitorData.length > 0) {
const monitorIDs = monitorData.map(monitor => monitor.id);
const notifications = await Monitor.getMonitorNotification(monitorIDs);
const tags = await Monitor.getMonitorTag(monitorIDs);
const maintenanceStatuses = await Promise.all(monitorData.map(monitor => Monitor.isUnderMaintenance(monitor.id)));
const childrenIDs = await Promise.all(monitorData.map(monitor => Monitor.getAllChildrenIDs(monitor.id)));
const activeStatuses = await Promise.all(monitorData.map(monitor => Monitor.isActive(monitor.id, monitor.active)));
const forceInactiveStatuses = await Promise.all(monitorData.map(monitor => Monitor.isParentActive(monitor.id)));
const paths = await Promise.all(monitorData.map(monitor => Monitor.getAllPath(monitor.id, monitor.name)));
notifications.forEach(row => {
if (!notificationsMap.has(row.monitor_id)) {
notificationsMap.set(row.monitor_id, {});
notificationsMap.get(row.monitor_id)[row.notification_id] = true;
tags.forEach(row => {
if (!tagsMap.has(row.monitor_id)) {
tagsMap.set(row.monitor_id, []);
tag_id: row.tag_id,
monitor_id: row.monitor_id,
value: row.value,
name: row.name,
color: row.color
monitorData.forEach((monitor, index) => {
maintenanceStatusMap.set(monitor.id, maintenanceStatuses[index]);
monitorData.forEach((monitor, index) => {
childrenIDsMap.set(monitor.id, childrenIDs[index]);
monitorData.forEach((monitor, index) => {
activeStatusMap.set(monitor.id, activeStatuses[index]);
monitorData.forEach((monitor, index) => {
forceInactiveMap.set(monitor.id, !forceInactiveStatuses[index]);
monitorData.forEach((monitor, index) => {
pathsMap.set(monitor.id, paths[index]);
return {
notifications: notificationsMap,
tags: tagsMap,
maintenanceStatus: maintenanceStatusMap,
childrenIDs: childrenIDsMap,
activeStatus: activeStatusMap,
forceInactive: forceInactiveMap,
paths: pathsMap,
* Gets Parent of the monitor
* @param {number} monitorID ID of monitor to get
* @returns {Promise<LooseObject<any>>} Parent
static async getParent(monitorID) {
return await R.getRow(`
SELECT parent.* FROM monitor parent
LEFT JOIN monitor child
ON child.parent = parent.id
WHERE child.id = ?
`, [
* Gets all Children of the monitor
* @param {number} monitorID ID of monitor to get
* @returns {Promise<LooseObject<any>>} Children
static async getChildren(monitorID) {
return await R.getAll(`
SELECT * FROM monitor
WHERE parent = ?
`, [
* Gets the full path
* @param {number} monitorID ID of the monitor to get
* @param {string} name of the monitor to get
* @returns {Promise<string[]>} Full path (includes groups and the name) of the monitor
static async getAllPath(monitorID, name) {
const path = [ name ];
if (this.parent === null) {
return path;
let parent = await Monitor.getParent(monitorID);
while (parent !== null) {
parent = await Monitor.getParent(parent.id);
return path;
* Gets recursive all child ids
* @param {number} monitorID ID of the monitor to get
* @returns {Promise<Array>} IDs of all children
static async getAllChildrenIDs(monitorID) {
const childs = await Monitor.getChildren(monitorID);
if (childs === null) {
return [];
let childrenIDs = [];
for (const child of childs) {
childrenIDs = childrenIDs.concat(await Monitor.getAllChildrenIDs(child.id));
return childrenIDs;
* Unlinks all children of the group monitor
* @param {number} groupID ID of group to remove children of
* @returns {Promise<void>}
static async unlinkAllChildren(groupID) {
return await R.exec("UPDATE `monitor` SET parent = ? WHERE parent = ? ", [
null, groupID
* Checks recursive if parent (ancestors) are active
* @param {number} monitorID ID of the monitor to get
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} Is the parent monitor active?
static async isParentActive(monitorID) {
const parent = await Monitor.getParent(monitorID);
if (parent === null) {
return true;
const parentActive = await Monitor.isParentActive(parent.id);
return parent.active && parentActive;
* Obtains a new Oidc Token
* @returns {Promise<object>} OAuthProvider client
async makeOidcTokenClientCredentialsRequest() {
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] The oauth access-token undefined or expired. Requesting a new token`);
const oAuthAccessToken = await getOidcTokenClientCredentials(this.oauth_token_url, this.oauth_client_id, this.oauth_client_secret, this.oauth_scopes, this.oauth_auth_method);
if (this.oauthAccessToken?.expires_at) {
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] Obtained oauth access-token. Expires at ${new Date(this.oauthAccessToken?.expires_at * 1000)}`);
} else {
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] Obtained oauth access-token. Time until expiry was not provided`);
return oAuthAccessToken;
* Store TLS certificate information and check for expiry
* @param {object} tlsInfo Information about the TLS connection
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async handleTlsInfo(tlsInfo) {
await this.updateTlsInfo(tlsInfo);
this.prometheus?.update(null, tlsInfo);
if (!this.getIgnoreTls() && this.isEnabledExpiryNotification()) {
log.debug("monitor", `[${this.name}] call checkCertExpiryNotifications`);
await this.checkCertExpiryNotifications(tlsInfo);
module.exports = Monitor;