diff --git a/Reverse-Proxy-with-Cloudflare-Tunnel.md b/Reverse-Proxy-with-Cloudflare-Tunnel.md
index a87993b..20d5538 100644
--- a/Reverse-Proxy-with-Cloudflare-Tunnel.md
+++ b/Reverse-Proxy-with-Cloudflare-Tunnel.md
@@ -39,9 +39,44 @@ Cons:
3. Map to http://localhost:3001.
3. Profit.
-## Details
+## Step by step
+The step is actually very simple. However, since the concept is pretty new to anyone, it may be good to write it in detail.
+But trust me, once you learnt, you will remember how to config without this guide again! While for nginx, Traefik, I never could remember how to config without googling it.
1. Go to [Cloudflare Zero Trust](https://dash.teams.cloudflare.com/).
+2. `Access` > `Tunnels` > `Create Tunnel`
+3. Type a `Tunnel name` such as `uptime-kuma` and save tunnel.
+4. Click the token to copy it.
+5. Go to your Uptime Kuma instance.
+6. `Settings` > `Reverse Proxy`
+7. Paste the token into the `Cloudflare Tunnel Token` field.
+8. Click `Start cloudflared`
+## How to Stop
+Option 1. You can remove the map on Cloudflare.
+Option 2. You can click `Stop cloudflared` and `Remove Token` in your Uptime Kuma.
+## Environment Variable
+Alternatively, you can set the token via a environment variable. cloudflared will be started automatically.
+With this approach, you don't even need to expose your container port to host machine.