2014-12-21 07:57:22 +00:00

29 lines
1,008 B

Bulding MailHog
MailHog is built using `make`, and using [this Makefile](Makefile).
If you aren't making any code changes, you can install MailHog using
`go get`, since [assets.go](MailHog-UI/assets/assets.go)
is already pre-compiled and committed to this repository.
### Why do I need a Makefile?
MailHog has HTML, CSS and Javascript assets which need to be converted
to a go source file using [go-bindata](
This must happen before running `go build` or `go install` to avoid compilation
errors (e.g., `no buildable Go source files in MailHog-UI/assets`).
### go generate
The build should be updated to use `go generate` (added in Go 1.4) to
preprocess static assets into go source files.
However, this will break backwards compatibility with Go 1.2/1.3.
### Building a release
Releases are built using [gox](
Run `make release` to cross-compile for all available platforms.