2014-12-24 18:18:13 +00:00

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Configuring MailHog

You can configure MailHog using command line options or environment variables:

Environment Command line Default Description
MH_CORS_ORIGIN -cors-origin If set, a Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is returned for API endpoints
MH_HOSTNAME -hostname mailhog.example Hostname to use for EHLO/HELO and message IDs
MH_HTTP_BIND_ADDR -httpbindaddr Interface and port for HTTP server to bind to
MH_MONGO_COLLECTION -mongocoll messages MongoDB collection name for message storage
MH_MONGO_DB -mongodb mailhog MongoDB database name for message storage
MH_MONGO_URI -mongouri MongoDB host and port
MH_SMTP_BIND_ADDR -smtpbindaddr Interface and port for SMTP server to bind to
MH_STORAGE -storage memory Set message storage: memory / mongodb